BLUE PAGES 2014/15Lawrence Quartet – and the Gryphon Trio.Featured pianists are the masterful Janina Fialkowska,the superstar Simon Trpčeski, and twoEuropean debuts: Hungarian Dénes Várjon andAustrian Till Fellner. New Music Concerts joins usto invite Barbara Pritchard, Halifax contemporarymusic specialist.Our Discovery Series (tickets just .50) featuresyounger Canadian artists: Trio D’Argentowith Odawa composer and performer BarbaraCroall; the Bertoli-Marleyn cello-piano duo; andbaritone Elliot Madore.Join the best audience in the city to hear thesewonderful artists up close and personal in a perfectsmall concert theatre.Serious music – but we’re not solemn about it.416-366-7723admin@music-toronto.commusic-toronto.comTickets:●●Nathaniel Dett ChoraleThe Nathaniel Dett Chorale is an SATB professionalchoir of more than 20 voices based inToronto and dedicated to performing Afrocentricmusic of all genres, including classical, spiritual,gospel, jazz, folk and blues. Founded by artisticdirector Dr. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor in 1998 andnamed after internationally renowned African-Canadian composer R. Nathaniel Dett, the choraleis Canada’s premier performer of Afrocentriccomposers and a touchstone for the educationof audiences and communities regarding the fullspectrum of Afrocentric choral music. The missionof the chorale is to build bridges of understanding,appreciation and acceptance betweencommunities of people through the medium ofmusic. The chorale has a three-concert subscriptionseries, tours extensively each season and hasreleased several CDs and DVDs. Membership isby audition.Karen Scovell,●●New Music ConcertsNew Music Concerts’ 44th season openson November 16 with “Generation 2014,” asL’Ensemble contemporain de Montréal showcasesa cross section of young Canadians. Itcontinues December 11 when composer MarcoStroppa and trombonist Benny Sluchin are featuredin a concert with electronics that alsohonours Elliott Carter on his 106th birthday.On January 20 Pianist Barbara Pritchard presentsa concert of Atlantic composers’ variationson Bach’s Goldberg Aria. “East and West”is a colourful evening of premieres by Chineseand Canadian composers on February 14. “AnEvening with Paul Griffiths” on March 1 is a uniquefundraising event with the famed British criticand author. March 14 features virtuoso workswritten for the unusual duo of Zsigmond Szathmäry,organ and Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion.On April 4 we celebrate the depths of our rich culturalheritage in “The Ukrainian/Canadian Connection”and on May 17 Quebec composer MichelGonneville curates “The Belgian Connection,” aconcert of music by his mentor Henri Pousseurand other influential Belgians.Robert Aitken, artistic directorDavid Olds, general●●newchoirToronto’s first rock choir, newchoir, under the artisticdirection of Scott Pietrangelo, thrills audienceswith a repertoire of unexpected SATBchoral renditions of classic rock and pop songsfrom the 70s onward. From Pink Floyd to Walk offthe Earth, Prince to Rihanna, Queen to Train andmany things in between, our 160 voices appealto audiences of all ages. Currently in our tenthyear, we are looking forward to our concert onJanuary 31, “newchoir unplugged” at St. Michael’sCollege School Centre for the Arts with Cadence;our trip to Carnegie Hall for a performance onMarch 29 and then back to Toronto’s Koerner Hallon May 30! We are a flash mob for hire, bringingexcitement to corporate meetings and openair venues, and we give back to our community,raising funds for St. Jamestown “Reaching outThrough Music” and the Regent Park School ofMusic programs. Everyone has an inner rock star.Come and unleash yours!Margaret●●Nine Sparrows Arts FoundationNine Sparrows Arts Foundation marks its 21stanniversary this season under the leadership ofartistic director Eric Robertson. Since the inauguralperformance of “Hasten to Come BeforeWinter,” Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation has presenteda rich variety of concerts for Toronto audiences.In addition to its popular weekly recitalseries, Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation has presentedinternational groups such as King’s CollegeCambridge Choir, Clare College Singers andSt. John’s College Choir, and has featured Canadianartists including John Neville, Erica Goodman,Colin Fox, the True North Brass, the GryphonTrio, Christine Duncan’s Element Choir and percussionensemble NEXUS. It is also involved inthe City Carol Sing, an annual charity event thatraises money for food banks across Canada.Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation is a not-forprofitorganization dedicated to bringing the bestin inspirational arts programming. It is governedby an elected volunteer board of directors andoperates with the assistance of advisors from avariety of backgrounds, including event management,promotions, finance and business.Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation, in co-operationwith Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,will begin its 2014/15 season on Tuesday,September 16 with the first recital in its weeklyLunchtime Chamber Music series.E. Burns,●●Nocturnes in the CityNocturnes in the City is starting its 14th season.It started as a mini-series for Czech communitycentre at Masaryktown’s Prague restaurant.Initially, it presented only Czech musicians livingabroad or back in the Czech Republic, who werevisiting the United States or Canada.After five years of existence, Nocturnes movedthe classical concerts from the restaurantenvironment to St. Wenceslaus church in downtownToronto (Bloor and Dufferin subway station).Jazz concerts are presented still in Prague Restaurant,under the Masaryk Memorial Institutein Scarborough.Nocturnes has presented many top Czech artistsover the past 13 years in Toronto – Panocha,Zemlinsky, Kocian, Prazak quartets, Eva Urbanova,Antonin Kubalek, Jan Novotny, Gustav Belacek,Zdenek Plech and Radim Zenkl, to name just a few.This upcoming season is bringing again topperformers mainly from Prague – pianist BorisKrajny, violinist Ivan Zenaty with Martin Kasik,piano, Toronto singers John Holland and DanielleDudycha, who will present an all-Dvořák recital,and a long-awaited Toronto debut in Novemberby the Janáček Quartet from Brno. In Prague restaurant,there will be a jazz evening with GeorgeGrosman and his quartet and one evening ofaudio/video presentations from Czech operasof Dvořák, Janáček and Martinu, by Iain Scott.Subscription for six events is the best bargainfor classical music in Toronto; refreshments arealways superb and surprising.M.●●Oakville Children’s ChoirThe internationally renowned Oakville Children’sChoir consists of six choirs ranging fromthe “Little Notes” Preparatory Choir Program toour Chamber Choir program to the “A Few GoodMen” ensemble for boys and young men. The OCCprovides a comprehensive music education programfor over 175 choristers ranging from agefour to university students. In addition to communityperformances, the OCC participates invocal festivals, choral retreats, choral competitionsand workshops. The OCC is a high-profilecommunity ambassador and is proud to performB16 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES
at many public functions and special events inthe Oakville area. Educational programs emphasizedeveloping individual musicianship includingsight singing, music theory and choral movement.The OCC Education Outreach program connectschoristers with a variety of community and socialorganizations. We strive to develop leadershipskills through choral singing, through programsfor choristers such as our Young Leader mentorshipprogram. The OCC has released severalCDs and has won numerous awards includingour recent Gold Medal win at the 2014 WorldChoir Games in Riga, Latvia. The OCC featuresa strong artistic team led by artistic directorSarah Morrison.Jackie●●Off Centre Music SalonWelcome to Off Centre Music Salon’s 20th AnniversarySeason – a year of transformations,reflecting the best of our “youth” and lookingtowards the future. What better way to celebratethan to begin with our 20th Annual Schubertiad?From there, we experience the magic ofSt. Petersburg and its music throughout the city’sfascinating (and many) revolutions. Matters of theheart reign in our next program of music inspiredby the most tempestuous relationships. Thenwe’re off to Eternal Vienna, another city that haswitnessed its share of transformations: it is hardto believe that the same city was home to Mozartand, centuries later, to Arnold Schoenberg.Of course, you’re all invited to our big birthdaybash – a Gala scintillating with Canadian treasures.We’re also launching a two-concert miniseriesat the Music Gallery called dérangé - as thename suggests, we will be stepping “out of line” alittle bit with a healthy dose of cross-genre programming.Stay tuned!Please visit our website for details and information.All concerts take place Sundays at 2pmat the Glenn Gould Studio. Subscriptions: 5(Adults); 5 (Seniors). Prices include●●Ontario PhilharmonicThe Ontario Philharmonic has become a notableplayer in the landscape of classical music inOntario. It has evolved as one of the most excitingorchestras in the Toronto/GTA areas and hasearned its place among the leading performingarts organizations of the province. The orchestracomprises players from amongst the finestprofessional musicians in the GTA and it is led byone of Canada’s most distinguished conductorson the international scene, Marco Parisotto.Highlights in the 2014/15 season include soloistsEtsuko Kimura (OP Concertmaster), JacquesPAX CHRISTI CHORALEIsraelievitch (violinist) and Sheng Cai (pianist), aswe celebrate the inspiring music of Beethoven.The JUNO-nominated Sultans of String will alsojoin us for an evening of exciting musical fusion.Hayley Preziosi, Durham Region contact905-579-6711contact@ontariophil.caBonnie Booth, Toronto contact416-443-9737bbooth@ontariophil.caBox Office: 905-721-3399●●Opera AtelierOpera Atelier is Canada’s premier baroque opera/ballet company, specializing in producing opera,ballet and drama from the 17th and 18th centuries.While drawing upon the aesthetics and idealsof the period, Opera Atelier goes beyond “reconstruction”and infuses each production with aninventive theatricality that resonates with modernaudiences. Over the past 29 years, led byfounding artistic directors Marshall Pynkoski andJeannette Lajeunesse Zingg, Opera Atelier hasgarnered acclaim for its performances at homeas well as in the United States, Europe and Asia.Based in Toronto, Opera Atelier performs atthe historic Elgin Theatre in the heart of downtown.Opera Atelier’s 2014/15 season features twostunning productions: the Canadian premiereof a fully staged period production of Handel’sAlcina (October 23 to November 1, 2014), as wellas Berlioz’s version of Gluck’s Orpheus and Eurydice(April 9 to April 18, 2015).Both productions feature a spectacular arrayof Canadian and international singers, the TafelmusikBaroque Orchestra and the artists of AtelierBallet.1-855-622-ARTS(2787)●●Opera YorkIn our 18th season and continuing our residencyas the professional opera company at the RichmondHill Centre for the Arts, Opera York offerstwo exciting productions for our main stage withthe Opera York Chorus and Orchestra. Our seasonopens with the great Canadian bass GaryRelyea singing the role of Raimondo Bidebentin Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor under artisticdirector Sabatino Vacca and stage directorGuiseppe Macina. Opera York’s second halfof the season is led by artistic director GeoffreyButler, in the full production of Mozart’s classicThe Magic Flute. Stage director Renee Salweskireturns with Frank Pasian, production designerto complete the presentation.Opera York continues to provide affordableand accessible lectures, operatic concerts forseniors and educational programming.November 6 and 8, 2014: Donizetti’s Lucia diLammermoor, Richmond Hill Centre for the Arts.March 5 and 7 2015: Mozart’s The Magic Flute,Richmond Hill Centre for the Arts.Philip Trow905-763-7853Box Office: 905-787-8811;●●Orchestra TorontoOrchestra Toronto, Toronto’s premier communitysymphony orchestra, offers vibrant programmingin five Sunday afternoon concerts. This 2014/15season will be our 61st and our first full seasonwith maestro Kevin Mallon as our music director.We will perform eclectic and powerful masterpiecesas well as new works and a light classicsconcert. Each concert is preceded by a pre-concerttalk and takes place at George Weston RecitalHall at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. We alsohave an exciting roster of soloists: Francine Kay,EMILY DINGtheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B17
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The WholeNote listings are arranged