9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 2 - October 2014

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • November
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
Includes the 2014 Blue Pages Member Directory


BLUE PAGES 2014/●●SINE NOMINE Ensemblefor Medieval MusicThe talented, versatile singers and instrumentalistsof SINE NOMINE are passionate about themusic of the Middle Ages and about bringing it tolife for modern audiences. Based in Toronto since1991, the group has also performed in variousother Ontario centres, as well as Alberta, Quebec,the Maritimes, the eastern USA and England.SINE NOMINE continues its third decade ofinventive programming, blending vocal andinstrumental music from medieval courts andchurches with readings, drama and liturgicalaction to provide insight into the fascinating artisticand intellectual culture of the Middle Ages.Concerts take place on Fridays: December 19(“Transeamus: A medieval Christmas pilgrimage”),February 27 (“Ad mortem festinamus:Reflections on mortality”), and April 24 (“Novellare,sonare e cantare: Tales from the Decameron”),all at Saint Thomas’s Church, 383 HuronSt., at 8pm.The ensemble’s recordings include anindependent cassette, the CD-ROM The Art ofthe Chant (PBS/Jasmine) and the CD A GoldenTreasury of Mediaeval Music (Saydisc/AmonRa).SINE NOMINE is ensemble-in-residence at thePontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.Andrea Budgey416-978-8849/ ticket sales)416-638-9445 (informationand subscriptions)●●Sinfonia TorontoAcclaimed as “a world-class ensemble,” SinfoniaToronto is one of Canada’s finest chamberorchestras. Its repertoire includes major worksfor string orchestra from baroque to contemporary,and it has premiered many new works.It presents concerts at the CBC’s Glenn GouldStudio and in the George Weston Recital Hall inNorth York. The orchestra has recorded for itsown label, Marquis Classics EMI, Cambria andAnalekta on iTunes.Sinfonia Toronto consists of 13 virtuoso strings.They perform standing, blending each musician’ssoloistic energy and passion into a brilliantensemble style under Nurhan Arman’s inspireddirection. The orchestra has toured in Europetwice, travels regularly to other Ontario citiesand performs outreach concerts.During the 2014/15 season Sinfonia Toronto willperform four Masterpiece Series concerts at theGlenn Gould Studio (250 Front St. W.) and threeconcerts at the Toronto Centre for the Arts (5040Yonge St.). The orchestra performs in otherOntario centres, broadcasts on CBC and performscommunity outreach concerts. Since 2009,Sinfonia Toronto has been the orchestra-in-residenceof Barrie’s Colours of Music Festival.Guest soloists for 2014/15 include pianists IlyaPoletaev and Anastasia Rizikov, violinists IrminaTrynkos and Elisso Gogibedashwili, cellist JeremyFindlay and many more.Nurhan Arman, musicdirector and conductorMargaret Chasins, directorof operationssinfoniatoronto@gmail.com416-499-0403General:●●Soulpepper Theatre CompanyLocated in its multi-venue home, the Young Centrefor the Performing Arts in Toronto’s DistilleryHistoric District, Soulpepper is Toronto’s largesttheatre. Founded and guided by artists, underthe leadership of artistic director Albert Schultzand executive director Leslie Lester, Soulpepperhas an integrated mission that includes: industryleadingyouth outreach initiatives; the SoulpepperAcademy, Canada’s only multi-year paid professionaltraining program for theatre artists of alldisciplines; and a year-round diverse repertoryseason that is grounded in the classics and committedto the creation of new works, new formsand innovative practices.Current and upcoming productions in Soulpepper’s2014 season include: Tartuffe, Glenn, ATender Thing, The Crucible, Spoon River (a worldpremieremusical by Slaight Family Director ofMusic Mike Ross and Albert Schultz), A Brimfulof Asha, The Four Horsemen Project, Kim’s Convenience,A Christmas Carol and The Conjuror.The Global Cabaret Festival, sponsored byGlobal Toronto, animates the entire Young Centrewith dozens of concerts from October 24 to26, 2014. Over 30 of Canada’s best artists will performoriginal work in an intimate yet social setting,including Jackie Richardson, Sophie Milman,Denzal Sinclaire and John Alcorn (●●SoundstreamsLed by artistic director Lawrence Cherney andexecutive director Susan Worthington, Soundstreamsis a Toronto-based music presenter thatcommissions, develops and showcases the workof contemporary Canadian composers and theirinternational counterparts.These innovative collaborations are performedby the finest artists from Canada and around theworld, and are presented in an annual concertseries, in national and international tours andthrough a variety of education and outreachactivities. To mark our 30th anniversary seasonin 2012/13, Soundstreams also launched Sound-Makers, an innovative website and iPad app thatinvites music lovers to explore and create withSoundstreams’ commissioned works.In 2014/15, Canada’s finest composers and performerscollaborate in provocative ways withtheir global counterparts. We reinvent masterpieceslike Monteverdi’s Vespers and Vivaldi’sFour Seasons, reflecting them anew throughworks by Gilles Tremblay and Max Richter. Formsare reinvented too – not only the oratorio buttango, bossa-nova and more. And the Canadianpremiere of David Lang’s mesmerizing The WhisperOpera will make you listen like never before.Lawrence Cherney, artistic directorSusan Worthington, executive directorBox Office: 416-408-0208Admin Office:●●Southern Ontario Chapterof the Hymn SocietySouthern Ontario Chapter of the Hymn Society(SOCHS) is a non-denominational organizationsupporting congregational song and offeringthree events each season in the Barrie, Kitchener-Waterlooand Pickering triangle. Anyoneinterested in hymns and congregational songmay join us or participate in our activities. JohnL. Bell and James Abbington have brought excitingsongs to our gatherings. Internationally recognizedhymn writers Mary Louise Bringle, CarlDaw, Michael Hawn and Brian Wren have alsobeen guests.On the afternoon of Sunday, September 21 wehold our fall social at St. Andrew’s UC, Torontowith the theme “There Will be Song”: some hardtalk about where we have been and where weare going as we look ahead to our 17th season. OnNovember 8 we co-sponsor with Emmanuel College“Footsteps in the Snow: Tracking Faith andSong in the High Arctic” with Lori-Anne Dolloff.On Sunday, February 22, 2015, we gather at EastminsterUC to enjoy “Songs of Love.” On April 19we will look at “Worship in the City” as seen inour prayers, songs and hymns. Nancy Hardy willguide the discussion. Venue TBA.Donald●●St. Andrew’s ChurchSt. Andrew’s Church is a dynamic historic congregationlocated at 73 Simcoe St., opposite RoyThomson Hall. Founded in 1830, this Presbyterianchurch has a rich history of musical innovationand excellence. A professional eight-voice choirperforms most Sundays at 10:30am, accompaniedon a Karl Wilhelm tracker organ. TheB20 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES

magnificent Bösendorfer Imperial grand pianofurther enhances worship services, along withthe congregational choir. The piano also benefitsthe wider downtown community, inspiring thelaunch of “Music at St. Andrew’s,” which offersexceptional musical performances for minimalor no cost. Performers have included pianistJamie Parker, Canadian opera stars RussellBraun and Monica Whicher, Canadian jazz pianistOliver Jones and roots-music icon Ken Whiteley,who returns February 13, 2015 for another joyousMardi Gras sing-along concert. Watch alsofor free Friday Noontime Recitals: October 17 toNovember 28; winter-spring: March 6 to May 29.Recitals feature University of Toronto music studentsand other performers. Its superb acoustics,downtown location and large capacity seatingmake St. Andrew’s the perfect setting for a varietyof musical events.416-593-5600●●St. Anne’s Anglican ChurchContinuing its long tradition of musical excellence,St. Anne’s presents a season of innovativeperformances that befits our stunning sacredspace boasting religious artwork by the Groupof Seven. Throughout the year, the Choir of St.Anne’s will join other professional and pre-professionalmusicians from across Toronto. Throughour newly-instituted organ and choral scholarships,emerging artists will have the opportunityto gain practical experience.We are thrilled to welcome The Junction Trioas St. Anne’s ensemble-in-residence! Over thepast five seasons, The Junction Trio has presentedcolourful chamber music, ingeniouslyincorporating meditative improvisation and awide range of guest artists. Their programmingpushes the boundaries of classical music andperformance art.Each year, the St. Anne’s Music and DramaSociety (MADS) presents one of the operettas ofGilbert & Sullivan. Founded in 1964, MADS has afall season of rehearsals leading up to Januaryand February performances. This season, MADSpresents the beloved The Mikado.For more information or to participate in ourmusic program, please contact us!Matthew Otto, director of●●St. Michael’s Choir SchoolFounded in 1937 by Monsignor J. E. Ronan, St.Michael’s Choir School has provided liturgicalmusic at St. Michael’s Cathedral in the heart ofdowntown Toronto for more than 75 years. Inaddition to singing at the 5pm Mass on Saturdaysand 10am and noon Masses on Sundays duringthe school year, the Choir School also presents aSOUNDSTREAMSseries of annual concerts. To mark the 75th anniversaryof this remarkable institution, a commemorativebook of history, images and storieswas published in 2013, along with a documentaryDVD, both available for sale along with a catalogueof recordings from the School’s website.The Choir School invites you to come andhear our 275 boys sing in any concert throughoutthe year. For more information please seeour website.Stephen●●St. Olave’s Anglican ChurchSt. Olave’s, Swansea, is an Anglican church in thePrayer Book tradition, with Communion or MorningPrayer services (sung Sundays at 10:30am),Evensong (for festivals) and extras at Christmasand Easter. It’s noted for a fine organ and excellentacoustics, making it home for performinggroups like the Windermere String Quartet.Choral Evensongs (on certain Sundays at 4pm)are followed by afternoon tea and a music event,as listed in The WholeNote: visiting choirs leadingthe service, illustrated music talks or recitalsby guest singers, solo musicians, instrumentalensembles or our Arts Guild. Sung Evensongs(various weekdays at 6pm) are followed by supperand talks on travel, history, applied religion, etc.We’ve recently hired a new director of music,John Stephenson, who is continuing our campaignto expand our choir. Anglican servicesinclude much singing (hymns, canticles, psalms,anthems), so we need a strong choir to lead thecongregation. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:30pmto 9pm, with a warm-up Sundays at 10am. Call toask about paid positions, or come to a rehearsalto see what it’s all about. Singers are also welcometo join us at sung Evensongs.Judy Beal, church●●St. Philip’s Anglican ChurchFor nearly two centuries St. Philip’s AnglicanChurch has offered spirit-filled celebrations andcompassionate ministry to the Etobicoke-Westoncommunity. Now our beautiful and historicchurch welcomes you to enjoy Jazz Vespers onSunday afternoons with the best jazz musiciansin the city.Rev. Allan●●Syrinx Sunday SalonsSyrinx Sunday Salons will present five concertsduring the 2014/15 season. Each concert will featurea work by a Canadian composer, integratedwithin a more familiar repertoire. Our performersinclude well-established award-winning artistsas well as up-and-coming young musicianswho have won prestigious prizes. In supportingand encouraging our Canadian musicians wehope to offer a substantial venue for new worksto be heard and appreciated.Our concerts are held in an intimate chambermusic setting and all concerts are recorded forarchives and the benefit of the artists. After eachconcert there is a reception so that both the audienceand artists may meet socially.This year is a splendid season featuring wellknownand appreciated Canadian artists. We alsoare very pleased to present Anastasia Rizikov, ayoung and brilliant pianist who has already woninternational prizes and Sofya Gulyak, an internationallyacclaimed pianist, winner of manyprestigious international competitions includingthe Leeds Competition.Dorothy GlickCYLLA VON TIEDEMANNtheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B21

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