BLUE PAGES 2014/●Tafelmusik ●Baroque Orchestraand Chamber ChoirMusic of the 17th and 18th centuries, performed onperiod instruments with Tafelmusik’s renowned“passion and refinement.” (The Globe and Mail)Join Tafelmusik in 2014/15 for a season thatcelebrates the future, as we continue to makeimprovements to the beautifully revitalized Trinity-St.Paul’s Centre, Jeanne Lamon Hall, whilecontinuing our popular series at Koerner Hall andGeorge Weston Recital Hall.Celebrated guest artists join Tafelmusik to leadthe orchestra in diverse programs sure to delight allaudiences, including Kent Nagano (Orchestre symphoniquede Montreal) directing Beethoven’s SymphonyNo. 5. Newly appointed chief artistic advisorJeanne Lamon returns to direct two Alison Mackayprojects (“House of Dreams” and “J.S. Bach: Circleof Creation”), as well as lead the orchestra on internationaltours to the US, Australia and New Zealand.Choral highlights include the always-popularMessiah and Sing-Along Messiah and Bach’s St.John Passion, led by choir director Ivars Taurins.We wrap up the season with Vivaldi’s Gloria andHandel’s Coronation Anthems in May.Alex Skoczylas, interimmanaging directorBox Office: 416-964-6337Administrative Office:●Talisker ● PlayersTalisker Players is a unique ensemble of instrumentalistsdedicated to working with singers.Led by a core string quartet, the ensemble presentsone of the most innovative concert seriesin Toronto and performs throughout southernOntario and across the country.The roots of the group are in the choral tradition,and it maintains a busy schedule of engagementswith choirs of all sizes in music ranging from baroqueto contemporary, sacred and secular.The ensemble’s concert series at Trinity St.Paul’s Centre takes its collaborative skills intothe intimate realm of chamber music. Membersof the group are joined by leading vocal soloistsand actors, exploring the interaction of wordsand music in four adventurous programs.“Songs of Travel” (October 28 and 29, 2014)reflects on departures, arrivals and wanderlust.“Puttin’ on the Ritz” (January 11 and 13, 2015) samplesthe best of the Irving Berlin songbook. “Ona Darkling Plain” (March 10 and 11, 2015) offersmusic from some of the greatest poets and composersof our time. “Heroes, Gods & Mortals”(May 12 and 13, 2015) presents Olympian gods inoften surprising guises.“Good for the ears, and good for the soul” –Toronto StarMary McGeer, artistic directorElizabeth Shannon,administrative●Tallis ● ChoirThe Tallis Choir is a chamber ensemble of 36voices that has earned a reputation for innovativeprogramming and polished performancesacross Southern Ontario. Works from GregorianChant to contemporary choral music arerepresented, but the choir is best known as oneof the few Canadian ensembles specializing in themusic of the renaissance, particularly 16th-centuryItaly and England. The choir consists primarilyof auditioned amateur singers, built around asmall core of professional musicians.Founded in 1977, the choir presents an annualfour-concert subscription series, including acappella programs, small chamber ensembles,organ works and, on several occasions, largerscale productions featuring choir, professionalsoloists and chamber orchestra. The Tallis Choirhas earned particular acclaim from audiences forits presentation of themed concert programs andhistorical recreations, placing both well-knownand rarely heard choral masterpieces in theirbroader historical context.The Tallis Choir can also be engaged for specialperformances outside their regular concertseries. Customized programs featuring both currentrepertoire and new music can be developedto suit individual needs and●Tapestry ● OperaTapestry is unique as the only major companyin Canada to be a commissioner, developer andproducer of Canadian operatic works every yearsince the turn of the millennium. Our companyembraces its size and dynamic position, performingin a range of venues from The DistilleryFermenting Cellar to The Elgin, building newopera audiences based on the currency of ourcontent. We are passionate about mentoringthe next generation of opera creators and artists,nurturing new opera audiences and takingopera into a new era.Derek●That ● ChoirNow in its seventh season, That Choir is oneof Toronto’s most exciting a cappella ensembles,combining high-calibre performance withstorytelling through choral music. Founded in2008 by artistic director Craig Pike, That Choirnow draws together 24 auditioned singers withdiverse backgrounds in work and study.That Choir’s 2014/15 season features four selfpresentedconcerts: “That Choir Remembers,”featuring Eleanor Daley’s Requiem – November 9,2014; “That Choir Carols,” with special guestsCawthra Park Chamber Choir – December 14,2014; “That Choir Unplugged” featuring worksby Pentatonix, Rajaton and Eric Whitacre, withchoral interpretations of Beyonce, Imogen Heapand Mumford and Sons – March 15, 2015; and“That Choir Canadiana,” a celebration of Canadianchoral composers – May 24, 2015.It is That Choir’s goal to share our passion forchoral music with the arts community and toinspire audiences both young and young at heart.We look forward to sharing our music with you inour 2014/15 season in Toronto, and on our springtour to London, Guelph and Niagara-on-the-Lake.Barb Kaill, general●Toronto ● Centre for the ArtsThe Toronto Centre for the Arts is a vibrant andexciting destination where Toronto comes tocelebrate the art and culture of this great anddiverse city, and where artists of all backgroundsfind an exquisite platform for their artistic expression.With classical and popular concerts, plays,musicals, comedy, spoken word and danceevents filling out the calendar in our GeorgeWeston Recital Hall and Studio Theatre, there isalways something for everyone and we hope tohave you back again and again. The Main Stageis currently under construction – paving the wayfor two smaller stages to serve you better. Welcometo Your Centre!Amanda●Toronto ● Chamber ChoirFor over four decades, the Toronto ChamberChoir’s mission has been to present creative programsof renaissance and baroque repertoire,performed in a historically-informed style and toa high musical standard. The choir also performsmusic from later periods that complements orilluminates our core repertoire.Notable performances in recent seasons haveincluded Francesco Cavalli’s Requiem, ThomasTallis’s 40-part Spem in Alium, John Sheppard’sMedia Vita, and works by Canadian composerssuch as Tawnie Olsen and Andrew Donaldson.416-763-1695torontochamberchoir.caB22 | theWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES
●Toronto ● Children’s ChorusThe Toronto Children’s Chorus, now markingits 37th season and its eighth year under internationallyrenowned conductor Elise Bradley, hasgiven thousands of children exceptional opportunitiesto perform, record, tour nationally andinternationally and make lifelong friends. Auditionsare held in May and early September formembership in one of five choral levels. NonauditionedKinderNotes classes for children agedthree to six are also offered.This season, “Sounds of Splendour,” featuresperformances by all TCC choristers, aged sixto 16. Concerts in St. Anne’s Anglican Church(October 25 and February 28), Calvin PresbyterianChurch (November 2 and June 14), Roy ThomsonHall (December 20), Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre(April 18) and the Toronto Centre for the Arts(May 3) will delight audiences of all ages. Guestappearances include the Royal Conservatory ofMusic Family Concert Series in The Nutcrackerwith pianist Stewart Goodyear (December 6),Soundstreams in Song for Athene (April 16), theToronto Symphony Orchestra under Sir AndrewDavis in The Planets and a new commission byEdward Davis (May 29), and the Roy Thomson HallNoon Hour Choir and Organ Concert Series withorganist Christopher Dawes (June 8).Stan Klebanoff, interimmanaging director416-932-8666●Toronto ● Choral SocietyThe Toronto Choral Society was founded in 1845to present concerts and foster the developmentof the local musical community. Today, under theleadership of artistic director Geoffrey Butler, the150-voice TCS choir presents great works of thechoral repertoire, produces innovative concertscelebrating our city’s rich history and diversityand participates in special community events.The 2014/15 season will include Ariel Ramírez’s MisaCriolla and Navidad Nuestra on December 17; Rossini’sStabat Mater, a co-production with the ScarboroughPhilharmonic Orchestra, on March 28;and Carmina Burana (Orff) on May 13.The Toronto Choral Society includes threesmaller choirs in addition to the main TCS choir.Street Haven Women’s Choir, drawn from clientsof Street Haven at the Crossroads, performs atconcerts and community events in downtownToronto. North 44˚ Ensemble, an auditionedchamber choir, performs by request on specialoccasions. We also feature the Toronto ChoralSociety Children’s Choir.Please call or visit our website for informationabout membership in TCS.Erin Smith416-410-3509info@torontochoralsociety.orgtorontochoralsociety.orgTORONTO MASQUE THEATRE●●Toronto City OperaOur opera company is affiliated with the TorontoDistrict School Board to offer the opera coursethrough the continuing education program.Professional or amateur singers register in ourcourse with the hope of upgrading their singingand acting skills or simply for the sake of havingfun! We open our performances to the public at avery reasonable ticket price so the legend and artof opera appreciation is carried on. Our companyis over 45 years old and consists of a board whowork for the opera company on a voluntary basis.Chris●Toronto ● Classical SingersWelcome to our 23rd season. Once again theToronto Classical Singers will be bringing you thefinest music from the choral/orchestral repertoire,entertaining you with dramatic music thatplayed a role in the great Hollywood epics, a funoratorio sure to make you chuckle, and music fromtwo great rivals. We hope you’ll join us. Since itsinception in 1992, the TCS has flourished under thecapable and sensitive guidance of co-founder andartistic director Jurgen Petrenko. Since then, TCShas grown to become a well-respected Torontomusical institution, producing three concertseach season. Our lineup for this year: Vaughan Williams’Hodie on Sunday, December 14; Antonio Salieri’sMass No.1 in D major and Mozart’s Requiemon Sunday, March 1, 2015; and Haydn’s The Creationon Sunday, May 31, 2015. Concerts are heldat 4pm in the relaxed and informal setting of ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St., at Heath St.W. (wheelchair accessible). Season tickets are/; Single tickets are /.Shirley●Toronto ● ConsortThe Toronto Consort is Canada’s leading ensemblespecializing in the music of the middle ages,renaissance and early baroque. Founded in 1972,the Consort presents an annual subscription seriesat the newly revitalized Trinity-St. Paul’s Centrein Toronto. The Consort has toured extensivelyand has recorded 13 CDs as well as music for filmand television, including the hit television seriesThe Tudors and The Borgias.Artistic director David Fallis has programmeda unique series of concerts for the 2014/15season: “Paris Confidential” by Alison Mackay(November 7 and 8); “The Little Barley-Corne”with David Greenberg (December 12, 13 and 14);“Splendours of the Emperor’s Chapel” with LucasHarris (February 6 and 7); “Dowland in Dublin”with Michael Slattery and La Nef (March 27 and28); and a fully staged production of The Play ofDaniel (May 22, 23 and 24).For tickets and information, visit our websiteand follow us on Facebook for updates. ticketsare available for ages 30 and under throughour Club Consort program.David Fallis, artistic directorTerry Raininger, managing directorAdmin: 416-966-1045Box Office:●Toronto ● InternationalPiano CompetitionToronto International Piano Competition, hostedby the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto,is a quadrennial Canadian “Music Olympics” tobring Toronto and Canada onto the world stage.The purpose of the Competition is to provide atheWholeNote 2014/15 PRESENTER PROFILES | B23
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