9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 3 - November 2014

  • Text
  • November
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Bloor
  • Orchestra
  • Choir

“Songs for a

“Songs for a Winter’sEve,” an eclectic programincluding selectionsfrom Vaughan Williams’Dona Nobis Pacem,early baroque composerCaccini’s setting of the AveMaria text and folk legendGordon Lightfoot’s tenderSong for a Winter’s Night.For those interested infurther Canadian content– and yes, that should beevery single one of us, atany time of the year – theExultate Chamber Singersperform “A CanadianClaudioMonteverdiNoël” on December 5. The concert sounds fun and folksy – works byCanadian composers, Christmas stories from singers in the ensembleand an audience carol sing-along.On November 29 and 30 Orangeville’s Achill Choral Societyperforms “The Glory of Christmas.” This concert provides a rareopportunity to hear the work of opera composer Giacomo Puccini inanother setting. Puccini’s setting of the Mass text, commonly knownas the Messa di Gloria, was written early in his career. It was unpublishedduring his lifetime but has since been revived and has beenrecorded and performed many times.The Jubilate Deo (glory to God) text, originally the HebrewPsalm 100, is another poem that has inspired composers from manyeras and locales. On November 29 the Jubilate Singers use their ownname as inspiration for “World Jubilate,” performing settings of thispsalm and other seasonal songs.On November 30 the Healey Willan Singers perform “A Garlandof Carols.” The afternoon will feature Britten’s popular A Ceremonyof Carols, a work thatdemonstrates perfectlyBritten’s Mozartian abilityto wed formal coherence toa series of great tunes.J.S. Bach’sWeihnachtsoratorium,or Christmas Oratorio, isanother masterwork thatwas likely never performedin one sitting (cf. the1610 Vespers discussionabove) during thecomposer’s lifetime. Bachcomposed six cantatas tobe performed at differentchurch services duringthe Christmas season, retrofitting new lyrics to pre-existing musicthat he had composed for other cantatas. With many composers, thiswould be a recipe for chaos, but not for Bach, who could create orderin a bowl of rice krispies. The Weihnachtsoratorium is a beautifullyconceived work, gentle and celebratory by turns, with an unparalleledunity of text, melody and form. On November 22 and 23 theMasterworks of Oakville Chorus and Orchestra perform parts 1 to 3 ofthe Christmas Oratorio.Also, on November 28 the Bach Consort will perform the work inits entirety, in their concert titled “Giving Bach to the Community.”Players from the Toronto Symphony and Canadian Opera Companyorchestras will join Mississauga Festival Chamber Choir; proceedsfrom the event will be shared among various downtown charities.Benjamin Stein is a Toronto tenor and lutenist. Hecan be contacted at Visit his website at CarolsDEC 10, 2014 | 7:30 PMYORKMINSTER PARK BAPTIST CHURCH1585 YONGE ST.Join us for a concert of music and storiesfor the Christmas season – this year with theacclaimed Canadian Staff Band.Noel Edison conductorCaron Daley associate conductorMichael Bloss organCanadian Staff Band,John Lam bandmasterTICKETS – VOX TIX$20FOR 30AND UNDERTMC BOX OFFICE416-598-0422 | November 1 - December 7, 2014

HANNAFORD STREETSILVER BANDWelcome Christmas IIDecember 16, 2014 7:30 p.m.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St.Back by popular demand! Orpheus and the incomparableHannaford Street Silver Band join forces once more fora sparkling and festive Christmas celebration – a seasonalgift of big brass and song!Tickets: ; senior; Ontario government agencyBMO Financial Groupun organisme du gouvernement de l’OntarioFinancial GroupBMOFinancial GroupThe Vern and Frieda Heinrichs FoundationThe Jackman FoundationFinancial November 1 - December 7, 2014 | 27

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