9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 3 - November 2014

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  • November
  • Toronto
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Christian Festival

Christian Festival Concert 2014. LiselotteRokyta, panflute; Andre Knevel, organ; OCMAVocal Quartet; Leendert Kooij, conductorand musical director. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Paradoxical by Nature. Blend ofmusical and theatrical performances withhumour and pathos. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.● ● 8:00: Alliance Française de Toronto.Reconnect: 20th-Century European ComposersDiscover African-American Music. DianeRoblin, composer/piano; Jeff King, saxophone;Russ Boswell, bass; Roger Travassos,drums; Howard Spring, guitar. 24 Spadina Rd.416-537-4191. –$20.● ● 8:00: Art of Time Ensemble. The Poem/The Song. Music inspired by the poem andpoetry in musical settings. Works by Liszt/Petrarch, T.S.Eliot/Lloyd Webber; Whitman/Crumb,Cohen and others. Reader:A. Concerts in the GTAMargaret Atwood; singers: Thom Allison,Gregory Hoskins, Carla Huhtanen; musicians:Andrew Burashko, piano; Barry Shiffman,violin; Andrew Downing, bass; John Johnson,saxophone; Rachel Mercer, cello; RobPiltch, guitar. Harbourfront Centre Theatre,235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. -.Also November 8.● ● 8:00: Aurora Cultural Centre. Leisa Wayin Rhinestone Cowgirl: A Tribute to Dolly Parton.22 Church St., Aurora. 905-713-1818./(adv).● ● 8:00: Etobicoke Community ConcertBand. “Swingin’ to the Future” Tribute to theBig Band Era. Guests: Toronto All-Star BigBand; John Edward Liddle, conductor. EtobicokeCollegiate Auditorium, 86 MontgomeryRd., Etobicoke. 416-410-1570. ; (st);free(child).● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. The Art of the Piano:Mark Pierre Toth. rEVOLUTION fromPathetique to Hammerklavier - Ludwig! Whathave you done? 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. $20; /(st).● ● 8:00: Group of 27. World to World. Stravinsky:Dumbarton Oaks; Downing: Nottawasaga;Copland: Appalachian Spring. EricPaetkau, conductor. Church of the Holy Trinity,10 Trinity Sq. 416-735-3662. PWYC.● ● 8:00: Music Gallery/Toronto CreativeImprovisers Festival. Rub Out The Word:A William S. Burroughs Centennial Event.Extended multi-media work, featuring anactor, 11-piece orchestra, electroacousticsound and visual projections. Glen Hall, saxophones,flute, Kyma X, electroacoustic sound.Music Gallery, 197 John St. 416-204-1080.$20/(adv); (member).● ● 8:00: Musideum. Emily Coulston,singer/songwriter. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20;(sr/st).● ● 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Music Mix: AnEvening with Bruce Cockburn. Blend of folk,blues, jazz, and rock. Koerner Hall, 273 BloorSt. W. 416-408-0208. -.● ● 8:00: Toronto Consort. Paris Confidential.Music, words and images of 16th-centuryParis. Music by Jannequin, Sermisy, Chardavoineand LeJeune. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre,~E TO|oNTOCºNSO|tNovember 7 & 8Trinity-St. Paul’s CentreCall 416-964-6337TorontoConsort.org427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. -. AlsoNovember 8.Saturday November 8● ● 2:00: Kira Braun/Peter Krochak. RecitalKira Braun, Soprano &Peter Krochak, PianoCalvin Presbyterian ChurchSat. Nov 8, 2pmkirabraunsoprano.instantencore.comand CD Release. Rachmaninoff: 5 Romances(in Russian); Ravel: 5 Greek Folksongs(in Greek); Schubert: 5 Lieder; Chopin:2 Ballades. Kira Braun, soprano; Peter Krochak,piano. Calvin Presbyterian Church,26 Delisle Ave. 416-786-3109. $20.● ● 7:00: Counterpoint Community Orchestra.Celebrating the Life of Paul Willis. Massenet:Méditation from the Life of Thaïs.Emma Vachon-Tweney, violin. St. Luke’sUnited Church, 353 Sherbourne St. Free.416-902-7532.● ● 7:00: Mississauga Big Band Jazz Ensemble.Music to Remember. Music from the 30s,40s, 50s and 60s. Little Peter and the Elegants.Shore Grill and Grotto, 71 LakeshoreAve. E., Port Credit. 905-274-6131./$20(adv).● ● 7:00: Monsoon-Music. Sixth AnnualIndo-Jazz Fest: Indian Classical Raga. MonsoonTrio; Steve Gorn, bansuri. Guest: RaviNaimpally, tabla. Small World Music Centre,Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw St. 416-530-2787. $20; (st). Nov 15: Monsoon CDRelease, Glenn Gould Studio.● ● 7:00: Vesnivka Choir. Remembrance.Music and poetry of WWI; Lawryshyn: newwork. Guests: Toronto Ukrainian Male ChamberChoir; Serhiy Danko and Alex Tyssiak,baritones; Ukrainian Youth Ensembles.Runnymede United Church, 432 RunnymedeRd. 416-246-9880 or 416-763-2197. ;$20(sr/st).● ● 7:30: Bloordale United Church. GreatAmerican Songbook. Michael Downie, baritone;Sandi Maxwell, jazz vocals; jazz trioaccompaniment. 4258 Bloor St. W., Etobicoke.416-620-5377 or 416-621-1710. .6:45: Doors open. Refreshments. Free parking,handicapped accessible.Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation& Yorkminster Park Baptist ChurchPresentwithJohn McDermottSaturdayNovember 8th, 20147:30 pmYorkminster Park Baptist Church1585 Yonge Street at Heath StreetAdmission FreeDonations Welcome● ● 7:30: Nine Sparrows/Yorkminster ParkBaptist Church. A Concert of Remembrancewith John McDermott. Yorkminster ParkBaptist Church, 1585 Yonge St. 416-241-1298.Free. Donations welcome.● ● 7:30: Opera York. Lucia di Lammermoor.See Nov 6.● ● 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. WhatMakes It Great?® Series: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.Vivaldi: Four Seasons (“Autumn” &“Winter”). Chee-Yun, violin; Rob Kapilow, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.40 | November 1 - December 7, 2014

416-593-4828. –.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Path to Paradise. Bryars: “Jesus’ BloodNever Failed Me;” Allegri: “Miserere;” Earle:dance; and works by Palestrina, Taverner andothers. Choir of Schola Cantorum and Theatreof Early Music; Daniel Taylor, conductor.Guests: Coleman, Lemieux & Company, dancers.Trinity College Chapel, 6 Hoskin Ave.416-408-0208. ; $20(sr); (st).● ● 8:00: Aga Khan Museum. Nazar-i Turkwaz.Traditional music from the Middle East,Turkey, Greece and the Balkans. Brenna Mac-Crimmon, Maryem Tollar, Sophia Grigoriadisand Jayne Brown. Aga Khan Museum Auditorium,77 Wynford Drive. 416-646-4677.-.● ● 8:00: Art of Time Ensemble. The Poem/The Song. See Nov 7.● ● 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra.Subscription Concert #1. Beethoven: TripleConcerto in C Op.56; Symphony No.7 in AOp.92. Guest: TrioEstonia (Arvo Leibur, violin;Aare Tammesalu, cello; Norman Reintamm,piano). P.C. Ho Theatre, Chinese Cultural Centreof Greater Toronto, 5183 Sheppard Ave. E.,Scarborough. 416-879-5566. -; -(sr/st); free(under 12).● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. Mike Downes, bass andTed Quinlan, guitar: Mastery. Originals andarrangments of standards. 345 SoraurenAve. 416-822-9781. $20; /(st).● ● 8:00: Musideum. Dorothy Stone and OriDagan. Classical and jazz. Suite 133 (mainfloor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323.$20.● ● 8:00: Philip Fournier, Harpsichord. InConcert. Bull: Walsingham; Bach: Partita 4in D Major; Couperin: Suite 21 in e. Yoga Village,240 Roncesvalles Ave. 416-907-8084.$20 or PWYC.● ● 8:00: Royal Conservatory/Batuki Music/Small World Music. World Music: AngéliqueKidjo and special guest H’sao. Featuring Afropop,Afrobeat, reggae, gospel, soul, jazz andworld fusion. Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W.416-408-0208. -.● ● 8:00: Toronto Consort. Paris Confidential.See Nov 7.● ● 8:30: Soulpepper. Weekly Cabaret Series:Five Friends. Featuring Paul Hoffert, TonyQuarrington, Julie Michels, Don Francks.Young Centre for the Performing Arts, DistilleryDistrict, 50 Tank House Ln. 416-866-8666. $20,(st).● ● 9:30: GUH. GUH with Dale Morningstar.An eclectic mix of jazz/rock/pop/latin/march/polka/bop/chant/mayhem/what-was-that?The Sister, 1554 Queen Street West. 416-532-2570. PWYC.Sunday November 9● ● 1:00: Royal Conservatory. MazzoleniMasters: Frank Morelli and Friends. Worksby Schumann, Villa-Lobos, Coulthard, vonWeber, Corrette and Beethoven. SusanHoeppner, flute; Sarah Jeffrey, oboe; JoaquinValdepeñas, clarinet; Frank Morelli, bassoon;Gabriel Radford, horn; James Anagnoson,piano; Jeanie Chung, piano. Mazzoleni ConcertHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. .● ● 2:00: The Sound Post. Fall Salon Concert.Matt Haimovitz, cello. 93 Grenville St. 416-971-6990 x244. Free. Limited seating, call toreserve. Reception to follow.● ● 2:30: Recitals at Rosedale. A Walk on theDark Side: Myths, Legends and Fairy Tales.Works by Mahler, Debussy, Szymanowski,Weill, Gershwin and others. Leslie Ann Bradley,soprano; Allyson McHardy, mezzo; GeoffSirett, baritone; Robert Kortgaard and RachelAndrist, piano; Rachel Andrist, artistic director;Monica Whicher, artistic advisor. RosedalePresbyterian Church, 129 Mt. PleasantRd. 416-921-1931. ; $20(st).● ● 3:00: Musideum. Don Naduriak: Jambanda.Latin jazz. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20. AlsoNov 23 and 30.● ● 3:00: Royal Conservatory. InvescoPiano Concerts: Jeremy Denk. Janáček:On the Overgrown Path; Schubert: Ländler;Moments musicaux; Grazer Galopp; Mozart:Rondo in a; Schumann: Carnaval. KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -.● ● 3:00: Uxbridge Chamber Choir. Grant UsPeace: Songs of Remembrance. Vaughan Williams:Dona Nobis Pacem; In Flanders Fields(arr. Daley/Baker); Barber: Agnus Dei. TrinityUnited Church (Uxbridge), 20 First Ave.,Uxbridge, On. 905-852-2676. ; (sr/st).● ● 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Organ Recitals. Andrew Ager, organ;Emma Culpeper and Emily Wall, sopranos.65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free; donationswelcomed.● ● 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers: Make Love Songs Not War. DianaPanton Trio with Reg Schwager & DonThompson. 25 St. Phillips Rd., Etobicoke. 416-247-5181. Freewill offering.● ● 4:00: Vic Chorus. Fall Concert. Purcell:Come, Ye Sons Of Art; Bach: Coffee Cantata.Victoria College Chapel, 91 Charles St. W.Free. 416-585-4521.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Coronation of King George II, VivatRex. Works by Gibbons, Purcell, Tallis andHandel; trumpet fanfares and drum marches.Choir of Schola Cantorum and Theatre ofEarly Music; Cristina Zacharias, violin; DanielTaylor, conductor. Trinity College Chapel,6 Hoskin Ave. 416-408-0208. ; $20(sr);(st).● ● 8:00: Musideum. Michael Greilsammer,electric violin/singer-songwriter. Suite 133(main floor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.● ● 8:00: That Choir. That Choir Remembers.Eleanor Daley: Requiem; works byWhitacre, Mealor, Clausen, Gorecki, andRunestad. Craig Pike, conductor. MetropolitanUnited Church, 56 Queen St. E. 416 4601783. (adult); (arts workers & seniors);(students).● ● 8:30: Music Gallery. If VolcanoesCould Sing. Bae Il-Dong, voice; Kim Dong-Won, drums. 197 John St. 416-204-1080./$20(adv); (st). 7:00: Pre-showscreening of Intangible Asset No.82.Monday November 10● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Classical InstrumentalRecital. Student Soloists. TributeCommunities Hall, Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free.● ● 7:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Monday Evening Concerts: CeciliaString Quartet. Beethoven: String QuartetOp.18 No.1; Webern: Langsamer Satz; Shostakovich:Piano Quintet in g Op.57. Lydia Wong,piano. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. ;(sr); (st).Tuesday November 11● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: Voice of the Violoncello.Solo cello music from the 17th and 18thcenturies. Works by Dall’Abaco, Supriani,Vitali, Gabrielli, Ruvo, Colombi and Galli. ElinorFrey, cello. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:00 noon: Nine Sparrows/YorkminsterPark Baptist Church. Lunchtime ChamberMusic. David Boutin-Bourque, clarinet. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St.416-241-1298. Free. Donations welcome.● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: York UniversityChamber Strings. Jacques Israelievitch, conductor.Tribute Communities Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701.Free.● ● 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Organ Recitals. Andrew Ager, organ.65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free; donationswelcomed.● ● 7:00: Dmitri Levkovich. Piano Recital.DMITRILEVKOVICHin recitalRachmaninov, Mozart,Stravinsky, Bach, ChopinNovember 11, 7pmWalter Hall,Edward Johnson Buildingdmitrilevkovich.comRachmaninov: Sonata No.2 Op.36; Mozart:Sonata in D K576; Stravinsky: Trois Mouvementsde Petrouchka; Bach: Italian Concerto;Chopin: 12 Etudes Op.10. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-929-6939. ; $20(st). Cash only at the door.The Endof InnocenceNovember 11, 20147:30 p.m.Grace Church on-the-Hill300 Lonsdale Roadorpheuschoirtoronto.com416 530 4428● ● 7:30: Orpheus Choir of Toronto. TheEnd of Innocence. Readings, music andimages in commemoration of the centenary‎of the Great War. Bethany Jillard andMike Shara, narrators. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-420-9660. ;(sr); (st).● ● 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Lu Jia conductsthe China NCPA Orchestra with Xiaoyu Liu.Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5; Qigang Chen:Wu Xing (Five Elements); Ravel: Piano Concertoin g. Xiaoyu Liu, piano. Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -.Wednesday November 12● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.World Music Series: Sub Urban Gypsy. SouthernItalian repertoire infused with multiculturalflavours of Toronto. Highlights fromComfortably Mine album. Dominic Mancuso, November 1 - December 7, 2014 | 41

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