9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 3 - November 2014

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  • November
  • Toronto
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  • Orchestra
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singer-songwriter and

singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Angus Sinclair, Organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.● ● 6:00: St. James Cathedral. Cantatas inthe Cathedral. Bach: “Nur jedem das Seine”BWV163. Kirsten Fielding, soprano; ScottBelluz, counter-tenor; Rob Kinar, tenor; DavidRoth, baritone. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865.PWYC.Glionna MansellPresentsA. Concerts in the GTA14A Music Series unlike any otherApril 2014 through to November 2014Nosetti Memorial Concert●●7:30: Organix Concerts. Season FinaleMemorial Concert Honouring MassimoNosetti. Maxine Thévenot, Eugenio Fagiani,Omar Caputi and Toronto Ecumenical Chorale(Gordon Mansell, conductor). St. Paul’s BloorStreet, 227 Bloor St. E. 416-769-3893. ;(sr); $20(st/RCCO, RSCM and AGO (AmericanGuild of Organist) members); free(18and under).● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Chamber Choir with Lisette Canton,conductor. Works by Josquin; Monteverdi;Bach; Saint-Saëns; Goodyear. Guests:Floydd Ricketts, conductor; Ted Mulroney,piano. Tribute Communities Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888.; (st).● ● 8:00: Acting Up Stage Company. UnCovered:Billy Joel & Elton John. Annual rockand musical theatre hybrid concert. FeaturingBrent Carver, Jake Epstein, Sara Farb,Kelly Holiff, Chilina Kennedy, Jeigh Madjus,Jackie Richardson, Jeffery Straker; RezaJacobs, music direction, vocal arrangements& orchestrations; Jamie Drake, JustinGray, Reza Jacobs, Natalie Wong, musicians.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.-0. Also Nov 13.● ● 8:00: The Oratory. Oratorium Saeculare.Responsories from the Office for the Dead.Works by Victoria, Lassus, Palestrina andGregorian Chant. Richard Whittall, countertenor;Paul Ziade, tenor; Jamie Tuttle, tenor;Sean Nix, bass; The Oratory Chant Schola.The Oratory, Holy Family Church, 1372 King St.W. 416-532-2879. Free.● ● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks: Beethoven & The Inextinguishable.Mozart: Marriage of Figaro (Overture)K.492; Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4; Nielsen:Symphony No.4 “The Inextinguishable.”Jan Lisiecki, piano; Thomas Dausgaard, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. –5. Intermission Chats inthe Lobby. Also Nov 13(mat).● ● 8:30: Village Concert Series. Isabel andthe Uncommons. Hearts and Arrows CDrelease. Hugh’s Room, 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604. $20/(adv). 6:00: Doors open.Dinner reservations guarantee seating.Thursday November 13● ● 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon at Met:Andrew Adair, organ. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26.Free.● ● 1:30: Women’s Musical Club of Toronto.Dover Quartet. Works by Haydn, Saariaho,and Beethoven. Joel Link and Bryan Lee,violins; Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt, viola;Camden Shaw, cello. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-923-7052. .● ● 2:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. MatineeMasterworks: Beethoven & The Inextinguishable.Mozart: Marriage of Figaro(Overture) K.492; Beethoven: Piano ConcertoNo.4; Nielsen: Symphony No.4 “TheInextinguishable.” Jan Lisiecki, piano; ThomasDausgaard, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. –. IntermissionChats in the Lobby. Also Nov 12(eve).● ● 5:30: Canadian Music Centre. CMC onthe 13th: La séduction de l’incertitude. Newmusic from Québec: works by Giguère, Lizeée,Darmoo and others. Brian Harman, curator.20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201.$20/(adv).● ● 7:00: Aprile Millo. Vetere Studio: OperaSpectacular! Works by Verdi, Strauss, Mozart,Puccini and others. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre,Jeanne Lamon Hall, 427 Bloor St. W.289-213-5636. -; (VIP).● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Concert Series: Al HendersonQuintet. Original works and new arrangements.Tribute Communities Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888.; (st).● ● 8:00: Acting Up Stage Company. UnCovered:Billy Joel & Elton John. Annual rockand musical theatre hybrid concert. FeaturingBrent Carver, Jake Epstein, Sara Farb,Kelly Holiff, Chilina Kennedy, Jeigh Madjus,Jackie Richardson, Jeffery Straker; RezaJacobs, music direction, vocal arrangements& orchestrations; Jamie Drake, JustinGray, Reza Jacobs, Natalie Wong, musicians.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.-0. See Nov 12.● ● 8:00: Miles Nadal Jewish CommunityCentre. Stand by Me: The Music of theBrill Building. Micah Barnes, Billy Newton-Davis, Tyrone Gabriel and Gavin Hope. AlGreen Theatre, 750 Spadina Ave. 416-978-8849. (reserved). Proceeds to benefit theMNjcc Music Scholarship Fund.● ● 8:00: Tapestry Opera. Tapestry Briefs:Booster Shots. Works by Billon, Panych, St.Bernard, Yee, Barbotin and others. CatherineAffleck; Kristzina Szabò; Keith Klassen; AlexanderDobson; and others. Ernest BalmerStudio, 55 Mill St. 416-537-6066. . AlsoNov 14, 15 and 16.●●8:00: Aurora Cultural Centre. Great Artist42 | November 1 - December 7, 2014

AngelaHewitt,pianoThursday, Nov. 13,8 pmauroraculturalcentre.ca905 713-1818Piano Series: Angela Hewitt. 22 Church St.,Aurora. 905-713-1818. ; (sr/st).Friday November 14● ● 12:10: Music At St. Andrew’s. NoontimeRecital. Leslie Bickle, soprano. St. Andrew’sChurch, 73 Simcoe St. 416-593-5600x231.Free.● ● 12:10: Toronto Reference Library. TheShoeless. Traditional folk songs and originalmaterial. Frank Evans, banjo, Eli Bender, cello;Emilyn Stam, fiddle. 789 Yonge St. 416-393-7131. Free.● ● 1:10: Gordon Murray Presents. Piano Potpourri.Classics, opera, operetta, musicals,ragtime, pop, international and other genres.Gordon Murray, piano. Trinity-St. Paul’sUnited Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-631-4300. PWYC. Also Nov 7, Nov 21, Nov 28.● ● 7:30: St. James Cathedral. Called to Serve.Ager: “The Unknown Soldier”. St.JamesCathedral Choir; Chamber Orchestra; DavidJohn Pike, baritone. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. .● ● 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra. Tchaikovsky:Marche Slave; Symphony No.4;Fauré: Pelléas et Mélisande. Shalom Bard,conductor. George Weston Recital Hall,5040 Yonge St. 416-593-4828. -.● ● 8:00: Arraymusic. Gerald Barry Returns.Barry: Humiliated and Insulted (premiere);Le Vieux Sourd; Sextet; Low; Steibler: Trio.Stephen Clarke, piano; Array Ensemble.Gallery 345, 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-532-3019. /(adv); $20(sr/st/artsworkers)/(adv). 7:00: Pre-concert talk.● ● 8:00: Fridays @ 8 / RCCO Toronto. IsabelleDemers, Organ. Mendelssohn: A MidsummerNight’s Dream (Scherzo & Nocturne); andworks by Bach, Macmillan and Laurin. LawrencePark Community Church, 2180 BayviewAve. 416-489-1551. ; (st/RCCO members).Free parking; wheelchair accessible.● ● 8:00: Kindred Spirits Orchestra. HeavenlyHarps. Williams: “On Willows and Birches” forHarp and Orchestra (Canadian premiere);Campbell: Concerto for Harp and Orchestra(world premiere); Richard Strauss: SymphonyNo.2. Teresa Suen and Ann HobsonPilot, harps; Kristian Alexander, conductor;Boris Brott, host. Flato Markham Theatre,171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. -.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Mike Gennaro Presents.Experimental. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.● ● 8:00: Royal Conservatory. String Concerts:Leonidas Kavakos and Yuja Wang.Brahms: Violin Sonata No.2; Schumann: ViolinSonata No.2; Stravinsky: Suite Italienne;Respighi: Violin Sonata in b. Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -0.● ● 8:00: Sinfonia Toronto. Gems Old andNew. Haydn: Piano Concerto in D; Waghalter:Sinfonia Op.3a (North American premiere);Ichmouratov: Chamber Symphony No.3.Antonio Di Cristofano, piano; Nurhan Arman,conductor. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St.W. 1-866-943-8849. ; (sr); (st).● ● 8:00: Tapestry Opera. Tapestry Briefs:Booster Shots. See Nov 13; Also Nov 15 and 16.Saturday November 15● ● 4:30: Royal Conservatory. Discovery Series:Taylor Academy Showcase Concerts.Young artists of the Phil and Eli Taylor PerformanceAcademy. Mazzoleni Concert Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. Free, ticketrequired.● ● 7:00: Monsoon-Music. Sixth Annual Indo-Jazz Fest: Monsoon CD Release. Releaseof debut CD Mandala. Monsoon (JonathanKay, bansuri, saxophones and woodwinds;Andrew Kay, saxophone, woodwinds, Tibetansinging bowls and percussion; Justin Gray,basses; Ravi Naimpally, tabla and udu; AdamTeixeira, drums and percussion; and others).Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-530-2787. / w CD; (st)/ w CD.Nov 8: Indian Classical Raga, Small WorldMusic Centre.● ● 7:30: Aprile Millo. In Recital. Works byDonaudy, Strauss, Wolf, Verdi, Bellini andothers. Linda Ippolito, piano. Guests: Mary-Lou Vetere, soprano; Giacomo Folinazzo,tenor; Gustavo Ahaulli, baritone; MeryndaAdams, harp. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, JeanneLamon Hall, 427 Bloor St. W. 289-213-5636.-; (VIP).● ● 7:30: Saint Basil’s Catholic Parish.Bach and the Romantics. Music by Bach,Beethoven, Chopin, and Rachmaninov. AdamŻukiewicz, piano. 50 St. Joseph St. 416-926-7110. Freewill donation. Proceeds to SaintBasil’s Catholic Parish music program.● ● 7:30: Thornhill United Church. NovemberDelights. Choirs and instrumental musiciansof Thornhill United Church. 25 Elgin St.,Thornhill. 905-889-2131. Freewill offering.Refreshments to follow.● ● 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. CasualConcerts: Beethoven & The Four Temperaments.Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.3;Nielsen: Symphony No.2 “The Four Temperaments.”Jan Lisiecki, piano; ThomasDausgaard, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. –5. Nointermission. After-concert party in the lobby.● ● 8:00: Academy Concert Series. CelebratingMusical Triumphs from the First WorldWar. MacMillan: String Quartet (1917); Richards:New WWI-themed String Quartet;Debussy: Cello Sonata (1915); Elgar: PianoQuintet (1918). Bethany Bergman and ElizabethLoewen Andrews, violin; Emily Eng, viola;Kerri McGonigle, cello; Leanne Regehr, piano.Eastminster United Church, 310 DanforthAve. 416-629-3716. $20; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Acoustic Harvest. David Ross Mac-Donald, Acoustic Guitar. St. Nicholas AnglicanChurch, 1512 Kingston Rd. 416-264-2235./(adv). Desserts; wheelchair accessible;free parking.● ● 8:00: Aga Khan Museum. Autorickshaw.Aga Khan Museum Auditorium, 77 WynfordDrive. 416-646-4677. -.● ● 8:00: Baroque Music Beside the Grange/ Acción Cultural Española. ¡Fandango,Sonata, Bolero! Works by Rodriguez deLedesma, Blas de Laserna, Moretti, Sor, Scarlattiand others. Alison Melville, traverso;Luisa Morales, harpsichord; Cristobal Salvador,dance. Bloor Street United Church,300 Bloor St. W. 416-588-4301. ; (sr/st); (child).● ● 8:00: Canadian Music Centre. Down toEarth. Lachenmann: Salut für Caudwell; Doell:new work for solo guitar (premiere). RobMacDonald and Marc-Olivier Lamontagne,guitars. 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201.$20; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Chamber Music Society of Mississauga.A Birthday Gift for a Teacher. Mendelssohn:Octet in E-flat Op.20; Haydn: StringQuartet Op.76 No.1; three works by Bolt-Martin.Factory Arts String Quartet; MississaugaSymphony String Quartet. Great Hall, UnitarianCongregation of Mississauga, 84 SouthService Rd., Mississauga. 905-848-0015.(family); ; (sr); (st).● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. The Art of the Piano:Niklas Sivelov. Bach: Partita No.2; Beethoven:Sonata No.30; Scriabin: Sonata-FantasyNo.2; Deux Morceaux; Sivelov: 8 Preludes.345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (st).● ● 8:00: Music Gallery/Pinwheel Music.Elizabeth Shepherd. Record release for TheSignal. Music Gallery, 197 John St. 416-204-1080. , $20(member/st).● ● 8:00: Musicians in Ordinary. New, VeryElegant Songs and Dances. Solo lute musicfrom 16th-century France. Works by DesPrez, Lassus, Sermisy and others. JohnEdwards, lute. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonBaroque MusicBeside the Grangepresents¡FANDANGO, SONATA, BOLERO!NOVEMBER 15 @ 8pmLuisa Morales, harpsichord - Alison Melville, traversoCristóbal Salvador, dancer/castanetsSee our listing for more details! November 1 - December 7, 2014 | 43

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