TOpmMusic TORONTOSIMONvTRPCESKIPianistNovember 25 at 8 pm●●8:00: Music Toronto. Simon Trpčeski, pianist.Schubert: 16 German Dances, Op.33,D.783; Brahms: Variations and Fugue on aTheme by Handel, Op.24; Ravel: Valses Nobleset sentimentales; Poulenc: Trois novelettes;Poulenc: 15 Improvisations for piano (5 selections);Poulenc: Toccata from Trois Pièces,FP48. Simon Trpčeski. Jane Mallett Theatre,St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 Front St.E. 416-366-7723. ; ; Student tickets;Age 18 to 35 pay your age.A. Concerts in the GTAWednesday November 26● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Mists. Janáček: Inthe Mists; On an Overgrown Path; Chopin:Sonata No.2 in b-flat. Jean-Sélim Abdemoula,piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Men’s Choir with Lisette Canton,conductor. Works by Fauré, Haydn, Rutter,Thompson, Whalum and others. Ted Moroney,piano. Tribute Communities Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free.● ● 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Daniel Norman, organ and Lorelle Angelo,soprano. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.● ● 4:00: Canadian Music Centre. NonclassicalGlobal. Transcontinental live-streamedevent in celebration of Gabriel Prokofiev’s altclassicallabel Nonclassical. 20 St. Joseph St.416-961-6601 x201. Free(before 6)/(after6). Over 18 event.● ● 7:30: Moston Concerts. Liona Boyd: A WinterFantasy. Holiday classics and other songs.Liona Boyd, guitar; Michael Savona, guitarand vocals. Church of St. Aidan’s in the Beach,70 Silver Birch Ave. 1-888-222-6608. ;(st/12 and under).● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Student Chamber Ensembles Concert:Woodwind. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.Free.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Bill Wood and TheWoodies. Roots Rock. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.STRAVINSKYPETROUCHKANOV 26 & 27 | TSO.CA● ● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks: Stravinsky’s Petrouchka. Stravinsky:Pulcinella Suite; Petrouchka (1947);Haydn: Piano Concerto in D Hob.XVIII/11; Britten:Soirées musicales (after Rossini). IngridFliter, piano; Andrey Boreyko, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.–5. Also Nov 27.Massey Hall presentsKevin Foxwith special guestAnna AtkinsonWed, Nov 26, 9pmThe Rivoli● ● 9:00: Massey Hall. Kevin Fox at the Rivoli.Kevin Fox, cello/singer-songwriter; guest:Anna Atkinson, singer/multi-instrumentalist.The Rivoli, 334 Queen St. W. 416-872-4255.$20 (general admission, standing).Thursday November 27● ● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon: Erika Raum, violinand Lydia Wong, piano. Mozart: Sonata forViolin and Piano in E-flat K.481; Ravel: Sonatain G. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.● ● 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon atMet: Thomas Fitches, organ. MetropolitanUnited Church, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331x26. Free.● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Spotlight Series. JacquesIsraelievitch, violin; Christina PetrowskaQuilico, piano. Tribute Communities Hall,Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free. Also Nov 6.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Gilbert and Sullivan: HMS Pinafore.Michael Patrick Albano, director; Fred Perruzzaand Lisa Magill, designers; SandraHorst, conductor. MacMillan Theatre, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. ; (sr); (st). Surtitles. AlsoNov 28, 29, 30(mat).● ● 8:00: Aga Khan Museum/Rock PaperScissors. DakhaBrakha. Ukrainian folkmusic fusion. Aga Khan Museum Auditorium,77 Wynford Drive. 416-646-4677. -.Also Nov 28.● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. Duality: One Violist, TwoCountries. Solo and amplified viola works ofcomposers from Canada and the U.S. Worksby Barone, Healey, Jaeger, Olson; Báthory-Kitsz, Martin, Erik Nielsen, and Ross-Gunn.Elizabeth Reid, viola. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. $20.internationaldivas iiiIIThursday November 27, 8pmELIANA CUEVAS • FERN LINDZONNATHALIE • SAMIDHA JOGLEKARCHLOE CHARLES • KATHRYN ROSETRINITY-ST. PAUL’S CENTREt I cketbreak.comI nternatI onaldI● ● 8:00: George Koller. International DivasII. All acoustic: world, folk, roots, jazz, classics,singer/songwriter. Eliana Cuevas, Nathalie,Fern Lindzon, Chloe Charles, SamidhaJoglekar, Kathryn Rose with their accompanists.Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St. W.866-943-8849. ; (sr/st). Portion ofticket sales to YWCA.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Lazersuzan. Jazz. Suite133 (main floor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.● ● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks: Stravinsky’s Petrouchka. Stravinsky:Pulcinella Suite; Petrouchka (1947);Haydn: Piano Concerto in D Hob.XVIII/11; Britten:Soirées musicales (after Rossini). IngridFliter, piano; Andrey Boreyko, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.–5. Also Nov 26.Friday November 28● ● 12:10: Music At St. Andrew’s. NoontimeRecital. Asher Armstrong, piano. St.Andrew’s Church, 73 Simcoe St. 416-593-5600x231. Free.● ● 12:10: Toronto Reference Library. TostQuartet. Works by Mozart, Haydn, Schubert,Rachmaninoff and Mendelssohn. 789 Yonge48 | November 1 - December 7, 2014
St. 416-393-7131. Free.● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Brass Ensemble.James Macdonald, conductor. TributeCommunities Hall, Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free.● ● 1:10: Gordon Murray Presents. Piano Potpourri.Classics, opera, operetta, musicals,ragtime, pop, international and other genres.Gordon Murray, piano. Trinity-St. Paul’sUnited Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-631-4300. PWYC. Also Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21.J.S. BACH’SCHRISTMASOR ATORIOCONDUCTORJohannes DebusMusic Director,Canadian Opera CompanyFri. Nov. 28, 2014, 7pmRunnymede United Church416-593-7769● ● 7:00: Bach Consort. Giving Bach to theCommunity. J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio(Weihnachtsoratorium) BWV248. MonicaWhicher, soprano; Allyson McHardy, mezzo;Lawrence Wiliford, tenor; Colin Ainsworth,tenor; Russell Braun, baritone; musicians ofthe Toronto Symphony and Canadian OperaCompany orchestras; Mississauga FestivalChamber Choir; Johannes Debus, conductor.Runnymede United Church, 432 RunnymedeRd. 416-593-7769 x358. /(adv);(st). Proceeds shared between TorontoSymphony Volunteer Committee EducationProgram and Open Table Community Meals atRunnymede United Church.● ● 7:00: Village Concert Series. Giving Bachto the Community. J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio,Weihnachtsoratorium BWV248. RunnymedeUnited Church, 432 Runnymede Rd.416-767-6729. /(adv); (st). Proceedsshared between Toronto SymphonyVolunteer Committee Education Programand Open Table Community Meal at RunnymedeUnited Church.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Gilbert and Sullivan: HMS Pinafore.See Nov 27; Also Nov 29, 30(mat).● ● 8:00: Aga Khan Museum. DakhaBrakha.See Nov 27.● ● 8:00: Ontario Philharmonic. Sultans ofString and Ontario Philharmonic. MarcoParisotto, conductor. Regent Theatre (Oshawa),50 King St. E., Oshawa. 905-721-3399x2. –. Also Nov 29 (Flato Theatre,Markham).● ● 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Leon Fleisherconducts the Royal Conservatory Orchestra.Mozart: Symphony No.39; Walton: Partita forOrchestra; Brahms: Symphony No.3. KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -.Prelude Recital: 6:45.● ● 8:00: St. Jude’s Anglican Church. Fourhands, four feet. Organ duets with SimonWalker and Andrew Adair. 160 William St.,Oakville. 905 844 3972. $20.● ● 8:00: Tempus Choral Society. Songs for aWinter’s Eve. Vaughan Williams: Dona NobisPacem (selections); Lightfoot: Song for a Winter’sNight; Caccini: Ave Maria; The Holly andthe Ivy; Sleigh Ride. Guests: Enchorus Children’sChoir; Carol Hill, voice; Four OverForty Quartet and others. Clearview ChristianReformed Church, 2300 Sheridan GardenDr., Oakville. 905-334-9375. . AlsoNov 29(mat). Proceeds to benefit TempusChoral Society.Saturday November 29● ● 3:00: Arts and Events Programming atUniversity of Toronto Scarborough. TheClassical Elements. Classical and contemporaryselections. Concert Band, StringOrchestra and Concert Choir. AcademicResource Centre, University of Toronto Scarborough,1265 Military Trail, Scarborough.416-208-4769. Free. Light refreshments.● ● 3:00: Tempus Choral Society. Songs for aWinter’s Eve. See Nov 28(eve).● ● 4:00: Canadian Children’s Opera Company.Winter Celebrations. Choral repertoirefor the holidays, including selections from theupcoming Lullabies CD. Ann Cooper Gay andstaff, conductors; five divisions of the CCOC,ages 4-20. Rosedale Presbyterian Church,129 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 416-366-0467. .● ● 5:00: Alliance Française de Toronto.Christmas with Mozart. Works of Mozartin a child-friendly context. Jacques Israelievitch,violin; Valentina Sadovski, piano.24 Spadina Rd. 416-537-4191. , (age7-25); free(under 7).● ● 5:30: Canadian Children’s Opera Company.Winter Celebrations. Choral repertoirefor the holidays, including selections from theupcoming Lullabies CD. Ann Cooper Gay andstaff, conductors; five divisions of the CCOC,ages 4-20. Rosedale Presbyterian Church,129 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 416-366-0467. .● ● 7:00: Eastman School of Music BachChamber Orchestra and Soloists. Bach Cantatas!Bach: Alles nur nach Gottes Willen(Everything Following God’s Will Alone)BWV72; Schwingt freudig euch empor (SoarJoyfully Aloft) BWV36. Paulina Swierczek,soprano; Katie Weber, alto; Steven Humes,tenor; Joel David Balzun, bass; Jennifer Min-Young Lee, conductor. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 647-808-9787. ;$20(st).● ● 7:30: Achill Choral Society. The Glory ofChristmas. Puccini: Messa di Gloria; traditionalcarols and seasonal favourites. ChristChurch Anglican (Bolton), 22 Nancy St., Bolton.519-939-0020. ; (youth); (12and under). Also Nov 23(St. Timothy RomanCatholic, Orangeville, mat), Nov 30(St. JamesRoman Catholic Church, Colgan).Die Israeliten inder WüsteThe Israelites inthe Wilderness~ Celebrating theTri-Centenary of thebirth of CPE Bach ~The Choir & Soloists ofBloor Street United Churchwith OrchestraSaturday, Nov. 29,7:30 pm● ● 7:30: Bloor Street United Church. C. P. E.Bach: Oratorio Die Israeliten in der Wüste(The Israelities in the Wilderness). Choir ofBloor Street United Church with orchestra;Emily Ding, soprano; Michelle Simmons,mezzo; Alex Wiebe, tenor; Geoffrey Keating,baritone; David Passmore, conductor.300 Bloor St. W. 416-924-7429 x50. -$20.● ● 7:30: Cantemus Singers. Welcome, Yule.A concert of carols and Renaissance andearly Baroque motets. Pachelbel: Magnificatin D; Flecha: Ensalada “El Jubilate”.Lydia Adams, ConductorMusicat MetropolitanElmer Iseler SingersMusic at MetropolitanpresentsAn Evening withRachmaninoff, Chopin,Canteloube and OthersFeaturing pianists Arthur Ozolins and Matthew Coons,soprano Lesley Bouza with accompanist James Bourne.Saturday, November 29 at 7:30 pmAdmission: $20/10 ages 18 and underTickets: the EStore at or416-363-0331 Ext. 26.Metropolitan United Church56 Queen Street East (at Church Street), Toronto416-363-0331 (ext. 26) November 1 - December 7, 2014 | 49