Michael Erdman, conductor. Church of theHoly Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-578-6602. $20;free(under 12). Also Nov 30(mat, St. Aidan’sAnglican Church).● ● 7:30: Church of St. Aidan in the Beach.Christmas Carols and Other Welsh Songs.Also Thomas: A Child’s Christmas in Wales(reading). Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.St. Aidan’s Anglican Church (The Beach),70 Silverbirch Ave. 416-691-2222. . Proceedsto benefit St. Aidan’s Community OutreachProgramme.● ● 7:30: Georgetown Bach Chorale. Handel’sMessiah. Presented on historic instruments.Knox Presbyterian Church (Georgetown),116 Main St. South, Georgetown. 905-877-2848. ; (st). Also Nov 15 (eve, LakeshoreUnited, Goderich), 23 (mat, St. JamesAnglican, Caledon East), 30 (mat, St. John’sUnited, Georgetown).● ● 7:30: Jubilate Singers. World Jubilate.Musical settings of Jubilate Deo and seasonalsongs from around the world. IsabelBernaus, conductor; Sherry Squires, piano.St. Simon-the-Apostle Anglican Church,525 Bloor St. E. 416-485-1988. ; $20(sr);(st).● ● 7:30: Music at Metropolitan. An Eveningwith Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Canteloube andOthers. Lesley Bouza, soprano with JamesBourne, accompanist; Arthur Ozolins andMatthew Coons, piano. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26.$20; (18 and under).A. Concerts in the GTA● ● 7:30: Oakham House Choir. Christmaswith Haydn. Works by Haydn, Rutter, Shaw,Berlin and Crocker. Zorana Sadiq, soprano;Adriana Albu, mezzo; Richardo Iannello,tenor; Michael York, bass; Toronto Sinfonietta;Matthew Jaskiewicz, conductor. CalvinPresbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave. 416-960-5551. / (adv); (st); free(12and under).● ● 7:30: Opera by Request. Handel: GiulioCesare. Catharin Carew, mezzo (Cesare);Marie Franceschini, soprano (Cleopatra);Madison Arsenault, mezzo (Cornelia); StephanieCode, soprano (Sesto); and others; WilliamShookhoff, piano/music director. CollegeStreet United Church, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. $20.● ● 7:30: Tallis Choir. Purcell’s Messiah. Purcell:Behold I Bring You Good Tidings; TeDeum and Jubilate; Handel: Anthem forthe Foundling Hospital(including HallelujahChorus). Guest: The Talisker Players; PeterMahon, conductor. St. Patrick’s Church,141 McCaul St. 416-286-9798. ; (sr);(st with ID).● ● 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Second City Guide to the Symphony. Collaborationwith Second City comedy theatre. ColinMochrie, host; Peter Oundjian, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.–. Also Nov 30(mat).● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Gilbert and Sullivan: HMS Pinafore.See Nov 27; Also Nov 30(mat).Christmas with Haydn&Seasonal favourites by J. Rutter, K. Shaw, I. Berlin & E. CrockerChristmas carol sing-alongOakham House Choir • Toronto SinfoniettaMatthew Jaskiewicz, music directorSoloists - Zorana Sadiq, Adriana Albu, Richardo Ianello, Michael YorkSaturday, 29 November, 2014 - 7:30 p.m.Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave., Toronto, (advance), (students) | www.oakhamchoir.ca | 416-960-5551● ● 8:00: Aga Khan Museum. Sanam Marvi.Sufi music and Pakistani folk songs. Aga KhanMuseum Auditorium, 77 Wynford Drive. 416-646-4677. -. Also Nov 30(mat).● ● 8:00: Gordon Murray Presents. PianoSoirée: Songs of Love and Longing. Grieg:I Love You; Lehár: Love Breaks EveryBond(Count of Luxembourg); Kálmán: DreamOnce Again(Gypsy Princess); Romberg:One Alone, The Desert Song(Desert Song);and other works arranged by Murray. GordonMurray, piano. Trinity-St. Paul’s UnitedChurch, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-631-4300. ;(st).● ● 8:00: Music in the Barns Chamber Ensemble.In Concert. Beethoven: Piano Sonata“Moonlight” in c-sharp Op.27 No.2 (Sonataquasi una Fantasia) (1801); Debussy: Sonatafor Violin and Piano in g L.140 (1917); Dvořák:Piano Quintet in A Op.81 B155 (1888). CarolGimbel, conductor. Guests: Moshe Hammer,violin; Cullan Bryant, piano. ArtscapeWychwood Barns Mainspace, 601 ChristieSt. 416-807-7771. /(adv); (sr/st/artist)/(adv). Cash bar & post-concertreception; wheelchair accessible.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Donald Quan: A Tributeto the CHUM chart. Vintage pop. Suite 133(main floor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.● ● 8:00: Ontario Philharmonic. Sultans ofString and Ontario Philharmonic. Marco Parisotto,conductor. Flato Markham Theatre,171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. –. Also Nov 28 (Regent Theatre,Oshawa).● ● 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Music Mix:Jarvis Church and Ivana Santilli. Featuringsoul, funk, pop and R&B music. Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -.● ● 8:00: Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra.In Concert. Chabrier: Joyeuse Marche;Bizet: L’Arlesienne, Suite No.2; Prokofiev:Troika from Lieutenant Kije Suite; Liszt: Fantasyon Hungarian Folk Melodies, for Pianoand Orchestra; Pal: On the Double (ShoppingMadness); Cable: Compositions ad arrangements:Favourite Christmas and HannukahMusic. Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra,Ronald Royer and Howard Cable, conductors;guests: St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Youth andAdult Choirs (David McCartney, conductor);Mary Kenedi, piano. Salvation Army ScarboroughCitadel, 2021 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough.416-429-0007. ; (sr); (stw.id); (child under 10).● ● 8:00: Toy Piano Composers. To BeAnnounced II. Works by Arteaga, Caron, Marwood,Petitpas and Simms. Tim Crouch, flute;Anthony Thompson, clarinet; Wesley Shen,Piano and Toy Piano; Daniel Morphy, percussion;Sharon Lee, violin; and others. HeliconianHall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 647-829-4213.$20/(adv); (sr/st).● ● 8:00: York Symphony Orchestra. ProdigalArtists. Mozart: Divertimento in D; Liszt:Piano Concerto No.1; Totentanz; Stravinsky:Firebird Suite 1919. Michael Berkovsky,piano; Denis Mastromonaco, conductor. TrinityAnglican Church (Aurora), 79 Victoria St.,Aurora. 416-410-0860. ; (sr); (st).Also November 30 (Richmond Hill).● ● 8:30: Soulpepper. Weekly Cabaret Series:Reading the Danger Tree. Evening of songand story in commemoration of 100th anniversaryof the First World War. Douglas Cameron,musician/composer; David Macfarlane,writer. Young Centre for the PerformingArts, Distillery District, 50 Tank House Ln.50 | November 1 - December 7, 2014 thewholenote.com
416-866-8666. $20,(st).Sunday November 30● ● 2:00: Aga Khan Museum. Sanam Marvi.See Nov 29(eve).● ● 2:00: Markham Concert Band. A SeasonalCelebration. Family show. Christmas andChanukah repertoire; sing-along with membersof the Unionville Theatre Co. Doug Manning,conductor. Flato Markham Theatre,171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. ; (sr/st).TheCarsonFreemanQuartetShowcasing the Historyof the SaxophoneFeaturing Yamaha ArtistCarson Freeman,2010 Canadian Smooth JazzWind Instrumentalist of the YearSunday, Nov 30, 2pmUnitarian Congregation in Mississaugawww.uucm.ca● ● 2:00: Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga.Carson Freeman Quartet: Showcasingthe History of the Saxophone. 84 South ServiceRoad, Mississauga, On. 905-278-5622.; $20(sr/st) or PWYC.● ● 2:30: Georgetown Bach Chorale. Handel’sMessiah. Presented on historic instruments.St. John’s United Church (Georgetown),11 Guelph St., Georgetown, On. 905-877-2531.; (st). Also Nov 15 (eve, LakeshoreUnited, Goderich), 23 (mat, St. James Anglican,Caledon East), 29 (eve, Knox PresbyterianChurch, Georgetown).● ● 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Gilbert and Sullivan: HMS Pinafore.See Nov 27.● ● 2:30: VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert. LaVida Breve. de Falla. Isabel Bayrakdarian,soprano; Ernesto Ramirez, tenor; JoséHernández, piano; Robert Cooper, conductor.Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754. -. Receptionfollowing.● ● 3:00: Cantemus Singers. Welcome, Yule.A concert of carols and Renaissance andearly Baroque motets. Pachelbel: Magnificatin D; Flecha: Ensalada “El Jubilate”. MichaelErdman, conductor. Saint Aidan’s AnglicanChurch, 70 Silver Birch Ave. 416-578-6602.$20; free(under 12). Also Nov 29(eve, Churchof the Holy Trinity).● ● 3:00: Hart House Singers. Songs of Passion,Songs of Grace. Works by Monteverdi,Carissimi, Haydn and others. David Arnot-Johnston, conductor; Jeff Vidov, piano. GreatHall, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. Food donations to UofT Foodbankwelcome.● ● 3:00: Healey Willan Singers. A Garlandof Carols. Britten: A Ceremony of Carols.Ron Ka Ming Cheung, conductor; John Stephenson,piano. Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 151 Glenlake Ave. 416-519-0528. $20;(sr/st).● ● 3:00: Musideum. Don Naduriak: Jambanda.Latin jazz. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20. AlsoNov 9 and 23.● ● 3:00: Rezonance Baroque Ensemble.Power and Passion. Works by Bach,Dall’Abaco, Vivaldi, Telemann and others. JoannaMarsden, baroque flute; Rezan Onen-Lapointe, baroque violin; David Podgorski,harpsichord; Andrés Tucci-Clarke, cello. ArtscapeYoungplace, 180 Shaw St. 647-779-5696. $20; .RCM_WHOLENOTE_Zukerman_insert-ad_NZukermanChamberPlayersSUN., NOV. 30, 20143PM KOERNER HALLTICKETS: 416.408.0208● ● 3:00: Royal Conservatory. ChamberMusic: Zukerman Chamber Players. Schumann:Piano Quintet in E-flat; Brahms: PianoQuintet in f. Pinchas Zukerman, violin; JessicaLinnebach, violin; Jethro Marks, viola;Amanda Forsyth, cello; Angela Cheng, piano.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.-.● ● 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Second City Guide to the Symphony. ColinMochrie, host; Peter Oundjian, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.–. Also Nov 29(eve).● ● 3:00: York University Department ofMusic. Wind Symphony. Works by Grainger,Reed, Copland, Shostakovich and MacKey.William Thomas, conductor. Tribute CommunitiesHall, Accolade East Building, 4700 KeeleSt. 416-736-5888. ; (sr/st).● ● 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Organ Recitals. Andrew Ager, organ.65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free; donationswelcomed.● ● 4:00: St. Olave’s Anglican Church. ChristmasLights. Advent Choral Evensong followedby Christmas Tea; A Child’s Christmasin Wales; works by Vaughan Williams. St.Olave’s Choir; Olave’s Arts Guild and Consort.360 Windermere Ave. 416-769-5686. Contributionsappreciated.● ● 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers: Chris Donnelly Trio. 25 St. PhillipsRd., Etobicoke. 416-247-5181. Freewill offering.● ● 4:00: Toronto Mandolin Orchestra/National Shevchenko Musical Ensemble.Kaleidoscope of Strings. Music from classicalto folk melodies with orchestral accompaniment.Dragon Boat; Pipa Nocturne; Conciertode Aranjuez; Taras Bulba Overture; and otherworks. Wen Zhao, Pipa; Ira Erokhina, domra;Roman Smirnov, classical guitar; TorontoMandolin orchestra; Alexander Veprinsky,conductor. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427 BloorSt. W. 416-533-2725. ; (st).● ● 4:30: St. James Cathedral. Lessons andCarols for Advent. St. James Cathedral Choir.65 Church St. 416-364-7865. .● ● 7:30: Achill Choral Society. The Glory ofChristmas. Puccini: Messa di Gloria; traditionalcarols and seasonal favourites. St.James Roman Catholic Church (Colgan),2118 Adjala-Tecumseth Townline, Colgan.519-939-0020. ; (youth); (12 andunder). Also Nov 23(St. Timothy Roman Catholic,Orangeville, mat), Nov 29(Christ Church,Bolton ).● ● 7:30: St. Paul’s Anglican Church. ClassyClassics and Beautiful Broadway. JenniferMizzi, soprano; Amanda Suzette Jones,mezzo; Manuele Mizzi, tenor; Bob Leonard,piano. 227 Church St., Newmarket. 905-853-7285. $20. Wine bar. In support of SantaFund.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Percussion Ensemble Concert. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-408-0208. Free.● ● 8:00: Community Baroque Orchestra ofToronto. In Concert. Works by Telemann,Philidor and Marais. Artscape Youngplace,180 Shaw St. 416-929-0125. By donation.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Brownman plus 1. Jazz.Suite 133 (main floor), 401 Richmond St. W.416-599-7323. $20. Also Nov 9, 23.● ● 8:00: York Symphony Orchestra. ProdigalArtists. Mozart: Divertimento in D; Liszt:Piano Concerto No.1; Totentanz; Stravinsky:Firebird Suite 1919. Michael Berkovsky,piano; Denis Mastromonaco, conductor. RichmondHill Centre for the Performing Arts,10268 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. 905-787-8811. ; (sr); (st). Also November29 (Aurora).Monday December 1● ● 12:30: York University Departmentof Music. Music at Midday: InstrumentalMasterclass Concert. Patricia Wait, conductor.Tribute Communities Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701.Free.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Student Chamber Ensembles Concert:Brass. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Orchestra. MikeCadó, conductor. Martin Family Lounge,219 Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.647-459-0701. Free. Festival runs Dec 1–5(matand eve).Itzhak Perlman, ViolinRohan De Silva, PianoMon, Dec 1, 8pm● ● 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall. Itzhak Perlman. Vivaldi:Sonata in A for Violin and Continuo Op.2 Rv31;Schumann: Fantasiestücke, Op.73; Beethoven:Sonata No.7 in c Op.30; Ravel: Sonata for Violinand Piano No.2 in G. Itzhak Perlman, violin;Rohan De Silva, piano. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50-9.50.● ● 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society.Dave Wickerham, Wurlitzer organ. CasaLoma, 1 Austin Terrace. 416-449-6262. $20.Tuesday December 2● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Dance Series: Ballet 360. Classical and contemporaryballet. Highlights from Cinderella,Nutcracker, A Canadian Tradition and Desrosier’sBouffonia. Ballet Jörgen. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:00 noon: Nine Sparrows/YorkminsterPark Baptist Church. Lunchtime ChamberMusic. Alheli Pimienta, flute; Adam Sherkin,piano. Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,1585 Yonge St. 416-241-1298. Free. Donationswelcome.● ● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Performance Class for Singers: Songsof the Season! Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.Free. Public welcome.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Guitar Orchestra. Jeffrey McFadden,conductor. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.Free.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Combos. ArtieRoth and Mark Eisenman, conductors. MartinFamily Lounge, 219 Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free. Festivalruns Dec 1–5(mat and eve).● ● 8:00: Arraymusic. Array Session #29.An evening of improvisation. Rick Sack,thewholenote.com November 1 - December 7, 2014 | 51