● ● 7:30: Isabel Bader Centre for the PerformingArts. Ensembles Series: ZukermanChamber Players. Dvořák: Piano Trio No.4 ine Op.90; Beethoven: Piano Trio Op.87 “Archduke.”Amanda Forsythe, cello; Angela Cheng,piano; Pinchas Zukerman, violin and conductor.390 King St. W., Kingston. 613-533-2424 or 1-855-533-2424. .50 and up.● ● 7:30: John Laing Singers. Gracious Harp.Ancient and modern music for choir, harp,flute and percussion. L. Enns: Sunne ofGrace; works by Lassus, Lauridsen, Luengen,Holst and other. Sara Traficante, flute; KristanToczko, harp. St. Paul’s United Church,29 Park St. W., Dundas. 905-628-5238. ;(under 30).● ● 7:30: Peterborough Singers. YuletideCheer. Yorkminster Citadel Band; Len Ballantine;Ian Sadler, organ; Sydney Birrell,conductor. George Street United Church,534 George St. N., Peterborough. 705-745-1820. ; $20(under 30); (st).● ● 8:00: University of Waterloo Departmentof Music. Gloria Deo. Poulenc: Gloria; andother seasonal works. University of WaterlooChamber Choir; Grebel Chapel Choir; Universityof Waterloo Choir. St. Peter’s LutheranChurch, 49 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-885-0220 x24256. ; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty ofMusic. Stravinsky–Then and Now. SymphonyOrchestra, Wind Orchestra, Choirs, ChamberEnsembles. Theatre Auditorium, Wilfrid LaurierUniversity, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo.519-884-0710x4439. ; (sr); free(st).Sunday November 30● ● 2:00: Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts.Lafayette String Quartet and PendereckiString Quartet with Robert Silverman andDaniel Lichti. Barber: Dover Beach; Brahms:Quintet in F; Mendelssohn: Octet for Strings.126 James St. S, Hamilton. 905-528-4020.; (sr); (st).● ● 2:00: University of Waterloo Departmentof Music. Jazz Ensemble. Selection of seasonaljazz classics. Michael Wood, conductor.Great Hall, Conrad Grebel University College,140 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24256. ; (sr/st).● ● 3:00: Guelph Concert Band. Celebrate!Harcourt Memorial United Church, 87 DeanSt., Guelph. 519-835-8531. ; (sr/st);(eyeGo/children).● ● 5:00: St. George’s Cathedral (Kingston).Advent Candlelight Procession with Carols.Cathedral Adult and Children’s Choirs.270 King St. E., Kingston. 613-548-4617. Freewilloffering.● ● 7:30: University of Waterloo Departmentof Music. Instrumental Chamber Ensembles.Brass and string ensembles. Chapel, ConradGrebel University College, 140 Westmount Rd.N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24256. Free.Reception following.Monday December 1● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Gala Concert.Brahms: Piano Quintet in f; Mendelssohn:Octet for Strings; Barber: Dover Beachfor string quartet and baritone. Daniel Lichti,baritone; Robert Silverman, piano; PendereckiQuartet; Lafayette Quartet. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. (very limited). ReceptionB. Concerts Beyond the GTAfollowing.Tuesday December 2● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral. Advent Concerts.Michael Capon, organ. St. George’sCathedral (Kingston), 270 King St. E., Kingston.613-548-4617. Freewill offering. Also Nov,27, Dec 4, 9, 11, 16 and 18.Wednesday December 3● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Week Concerts:Robert Silverman, piano. Late Brahmspiano works: Op.76, 118, 119. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); $20(st).● ● 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Chamber Music Concert. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University,75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x4439. Free.Thursday December 4● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral. Advent Concerts.Michael Capon, organ. St. George’sCathedral (Kingston), 270 King St. E., Kingston.613-548-4617. Freewill offering. Also Nov,27, Dec 2, 9, 11, 16 and 18.Friday December 5● ● 7:00: PeaceQuest Kingston. JoyeuxNoel. Blend of song, film, meditation andpoetry to mark the 100th anniversary of theWWI Christmas Truce. Kingston City Hall,216 Ontario St., Kingston. 613-583-2569.PWYC.● ● 7:30: Arcady. Christmas with Arcady.Christmas music of Ronald Beckett. St.Andrew’s United Church, 95 Darling St.,Brantford. 519-752-5823. $20; (st).● ● 7:30: Moston Concerts. Liona Boyd: A WinterFantasy. Holiday classics and other songs.Liona Boyd, guitar; Michael Savona, guitarand vocals. St. James Anglican Church (Stratford),41 Mornington St., Stratford. 1-888-222-6608. ; (st/12 and under).● ● 7:30: Pax Christi Chorale. Winter Nights.J.S.Bach: Christmas Oratorio Part II; Nunkomm der Heiden Heiland; Martin: WinterNights. Michele Bogdanowicz, mezzo; SeanClark, tenor; Doug MacNaughton, baritone.St. John Vianney Parish, 13 Baldwin Ln, Barrie.705-726-8007. ; (sr); (st). AlsoDec 6,7 (see GTA).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Week Concerts:Soo Bae, cello. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); $20(st).Saturday December 6● ● 7:30: Chorus Niagara. Messiah: A NiagaraHoliday Tradition for 50 years. Handel’s Messiahperformed on period instruments. JenniferKrabbe, soprano; Lyndsay Promane,mezzo; Charles Sy, tenor; Tristan Jones, bass;Talisker Players. Mountainview ChristianReformed Church, 290 Main St. E., Grimsby.1-866-617-3257 or 905-688-5550 x3257. ;(sr); (under 30); (st); (eyeGO).Also Dec 7(mat, St. Catharines). Donationswelcome of non-perishable food items in supportof Grimsby Benevolent Fund.● ● 7:30: Grand Philharmonic Choir. Messiah.Handel. Jennifer Taverner, soprano; KimberlyBarber, mezzo; Cory Knight, tenor; DanielLichti, bass-baritone; Kitchener-WaterlooSymphony; Mark Vuorinen, conductor. Centrein the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-578-6885. –.● ● 7:30: Moston Concerts. Liona Boyd: AWinter Fantasy. Holiday classics and othersongs. Liona Boyd, guitar; Michael Savona,guitar and vocals. Trinity United Church,284 Division St., Cobourg. 1-888-222-6608.; (st/12 and under).Sunday December 7● ● 2:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Week Concerts:Pivot Chamber Soloists. Beethoven:Trio Op.11; Messiaen: Quartet for the End ofTime. Minghuan Xu, violin; Soo Bae, cello;Romy de Guise, clarinet; Winston Choi, piano.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); $20(st).● ● 2:30: Chorus Niagara. Messiah: A NiagaraHoliday Tradition for 50 years. Handel’s Messiahperformed on period instruments. JenniferKrabbe, soprano; Lyndsay Promane,mezzo; Charles Sy, tenor; Tristan Jones, bass;Talisker Players. Calvary Church, 89 Scott St.,St. Catharines. 1-866-617-3257 or 905-688-5550 x3257. ; (sr); (under 30); (st); (eyeGO). Also Dec 6(eve, Grimsby).Donations welcome of non-perishable fooditems in support of Community Care.● ● 2:30: Kawartha Concerts / Encore Children’sProductions. Hansel and Gretel. MetroYouth Opera. Glenn Crombie Theatre, FlemingCollege, 200 Albert Street S., Lindsay. 705-878-5625. ; (child/youth). 1:30: Preconcertevent for family.120 Diner120 Church St. 416-792-7725120diner.comSunday Brunch 11am-3pm. No Cover.November 2 11am-3pm Jacob Gorzhaltsan(clarinet/sax); Trevor Peverley (guitar); MarshalHerridge (bass). November 9 11am-3pm Emily Steinwall (tenor sax); YoungchanNa (guitar); Nick Arseneau (bass). November16 11am-3pm Chelsea McBride (woodwinds);Steven Dale (guitar); Scott Hunter(bass). November 21 6-8pm “Bass and Voiceand Sax” Ori Dagan (vocals); Brandi Disterheft(bass); Alison Young (sax). November23 Kristian Podlacha (keys); Patrick Smith(saxophone); Victor Vrankuij (bass). November30 Matt Lagan (tenor sax); Ewen Farncombe(keys); Holt Stuart-Hitchcox (bass).80 Gladstone80 Gladstone Ave. 416-516-719980gladstone.com (full schedule)November 15 8pm Jim Vivian: Solo Bass .November 22 8pm Jeff LaRochelle & OriginsCD release . November 29 8pm Myriad3.Alleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865alleycatz.caAll shows: 9pm (unless otherwise noted). Callfor cover charge info.Every Mon 8pm Salsa Night w/ Frank Bischunand free lessons. Every Tue 8:30pmBachata Night w/ DJ Frank Bischun andfree lessons. Every Wed 8:30pm Carlo● ● 2:30: Kingston Symphony. Afternoonat the Opera. Lucia Cesaroni, soprano;Andrew Haji, tenor; Geoffrey Sirett,baritone; Evan Mitchell, conductor. GrandTheatre, 218 Princess St., Kingston. 613-530-2050. $20-(adult), $20-(senior),-(student), (child).Sunday, December 7thSt. Joseph’s Church, Fergus● ● 3:00: Elora Festival and Singers. A VillageMessiah. Handel. Elora Festival Singers;Noel Edison, conductor. St. Joseph’s CatholicChurch, 760 St. David N., Fergus. 519-846-0332. .C. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)Berardinucci Band. No cover. November6 Toney Wild “T” Springer Jam. November7 Taxi. November 13 The Community SoulProject. November 14, 21, 28 Lady Kane. November20 Acoustic Jam w/ Noah Zacharin.November 27 Jazz Biscuit.Annette Studios566 Annette St. 647-880-8378annettestudios.comEvery Mon 9:30pm Jazz Jam w/ Nick MorganQuartet. Suggested donation /(st).Artword Artbar15 Colbourne St., Hamilton. 905-543-8512artword.net (full schedule)November 13 8pm Scott McIntosh and band.November 14 8 Jonas Pearson Paavola andHis Group PWYC. November 19 8pm TomAltobelli.Axis Gallery and Grill3048 Dundas St. W 416-604-3333axisgalleryandgrill.com (full schedule)All shows: No cover/PWYCThe Blakbird812b Bloor St. West 647-344-7225theblakbird.com/ (full schedule)Every Sat 8:30 Five Weeks for Coltranewith The Mike Arthurs Quartet and featuredguests (adv)/$20(door)/(pass). EveryTue 8pm Night Bird Vocal JAZ Jam Sessionwith the Kayla Ramu Quartet. November 79pm Don River Blues Band. November 9 8pmClifton Joseph presents Negus and the PlatinumRecords Crew. November 1358 | November 1 - December 7, 2014 thewholenote.com
8pm Trouble. November 14 8pm Joe AmatoTrio. November 20 8pm Terry Logan. November21 10pm Overfunk’d – James vs. FelaDJ. November 23 8pm Clifton Joseph presentsNegus and the Platinum Records Crew.November 27 8pm Connor Hall Trio. November28 8pm Kobena Aquaa Harrison andAfrica Djelly.Bloom2315 Bloor St. W. 416-767-1315bloomrestaurant.comAll shows: 19+. Call for reservations.November 13 7pm Carol McCartney (voice)Trio feat. Brian Dickinson (piano), KieranOvers (bass) (with dinner). November 277pm Dave Restivo (piano) Trio feat. Kelly Jefferson(saxophone), Jon Maharaj (bass).Castro’s Lounge2116e Queen St. E 416-699-8272castroslounge.com (full schedule)All shows: No cover/PWYCEvery Wed 6pm The Mediterranean Stars.Every Sat 4:30pm Big Rude Jake.C’est What67 Front St. E (416) 867-9499cestwhat.com (full schedule)November 1, 15, 29 3pm The Hot Five JazzmakersNo cover/PWYC. November 8, 223pm The Boxcar Boys No cover/PWYC.Chalkers Pub, Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Ave. 416-789-2531chalkerspub.comEvery Wed 8pm to midnight Girls Night OutJazz Jam w/ host Lisa Particelli. PWYC. November1 6pm The Mike Murley Trio: MikeMurley (saxophone), Reg Schwager (guitar),Steve Wallace (bass) . November 8 6pmBernie Senensky Quartet: Bernie Senensky(piano), Kieran Overs (bass), Pat Labarbera(saxophone), Terry Clarke (drums) . November13, 14 8pm Fingerstyle Guitar feat.Pat Kirtley /.50 for subscribers/$20for members. November 15 6pm The NancyWalker Quintet: Nancy Walker (piano), KieranOvers (bass), Shirantha Beddage (saxophones& bass clarinet), Ted Quinlan (guitar),Ian Wright (drums) /(st). November22 6pm Lorne Lofsky Trio: Lorne Lofsky(guitar), Kieran Overs (bass), Barry Romberg(drums) /(st). November 27, 288pm Fingerstyle Guitar feat. Frank Vignola &Julien LaBro /.50 for subscribers/$20for members. November 29 6pm ShannonGunn Quartet: Shannon Gunn (voice), TedQuinlan (guitar), Neil Swainson (bass), IanWright (drums) /(st). November 307pm Sarang Kulkarni Octokats .Classico Pizza & Pasta2457 Bloor St. W 416-763-1313classicopizza.com (full schedule)DeSotos1079 St. Clair Ave. W 416-651-2109desotos.ca (full schedule)Every Sun 11am-2pm Sunday Live JazzBrunch hosted by Anthony Abbatangeli Nocover.Dominion on Queen500 Queen St. E 416-368-6893dominiononqueen.com (full schedule)Call for cover charge info.Emmet Ray, The924 College St. 416-792-4497theemmetray.com (full schedule)All shows: No cover/PWYCNovember 3 7pm David Occhipinti solo guitar.November 11 9:30pm Camden Blues Band.November 24 9pm Chelsea & the Cityscape.Flying Beaver Pubaret, The488 Parliament St. 647-347-6567pubaret.com (full schedule)Free Times Cafe320 College St. 416-967-1078freetimescafe.comGate 403403 Roncesvalles Ave. 416-588-2930gate403.com All shows: PWYC.November 1 5pm Bill Heffernan and HisFriends; 9pm Melissa Boyce Jazz & BluesBand. November 2 5pm Carter BrodkorbJazz Quintet; 9pm Conor Hall Jazz Trio. November3 5pm Mike Daley Jazz Trio; 9pm Bluesand Troubles. November 4 5pm HarpdogBrown Electric Blues Duo; 9pm Danny Marksand Alec Fraser Duo. November 5 5pm HowardWillett Blues Duo; 9pm Julian Fauth BluesNight. November 6 5pm Roberta Hunt Jazz &Blues Band; 9pm Mélanie Brûlée’s Band. November7 5pm Tim Williams Blues Duo fromCalgary; 9pm Tevlin Swing Band. November8 5pm Bill Heffernan and His Friends; 9pmSweet Derrick Blues Band. November 9 5pmSarah Machan Jazz Duo; 9pm Bruce ChapmanBlues Duo with feature guests. November10 5pm Rob Thaller & Joanna ReynoldsJazz Duo; 9pm Rob Davis Blues Duo. November11 5pm Bill Maclean & Brian Stevens: B2 –vocal/piano duo; 9pm Danny Marks and AlecFraser Duo. November 12 5pm Jocelyn BarthJazz Duo; 9pm Julian Fauth Blues Night. November13 5pm Robert Chong Jazz Band; 9pmKevin Laliberté Jazz & Flamenco Trio. November14 5pm Doc. Barrister Jazz Band;9pm Denielle Bassels Jazz Band. November15 5pm Bill Heffernan and His Friends; 9pmDonné Roberts Band. November 16 5pmSunday Wilde Blues Night; 9pm Brown-TalskyJazz Quintet. November 17 5pm Zaynab Wilson:“Mozayic Afro-Soul”; 9pm The SleaperGroup. November 18 5pm Laura Marks JazzDuo; 9pm Danny Marks and Alec Fraser Duo.November 19 5pm Danny B and Brian GauciBlues Duo; 9pm Julian Fauth Blues Night.November 20 5pm Ilios Steryannis Jazz Triofeaturing Zen Zadravec from Detroit; 9pm TiffanyHanus Jazz Band. November 21 5pmSam Broverman Jazz Duo; 9pm Fraser MelvinBlues Band. November 22 5pm Bill Heffernanand His Friends; 9pm Jazz Forge. November23 5pm Jeff Taylor and The SLT; 9pm ColletteSavard Jazz Duo. November 24 7pm CherylWhite Rhythm & Blues Band. November 255pm Harry Vetro Jazz Quartet; 9pm DannyMarks and Alec Fraser Duo. November 265pm Michelle Rumball with friend; 9pm JulianFauth Blues Night. November 27 5pm JoanneMorra & The France St. Trio; 9pm Annie BonsignoreJazz Duo or Trio. November 28 5pmMike Field Jazz Band; 9pm Ori Dagan withBrandi Disterheft Jazz Band. November 295pm Bill Heffernan and His Friends; 9pm GStreet Jazz Trio. November 30 5pm MelissaLauren Jazz Band; 9pm S.O.A. Jazz Band.Beat by Beat | In the ClubsCELEBRATORYAND JOYFULORI DAGANBorn in Mississauga some three dozen years ago, vocalist AlexPangman has been breathing new life into old songs since herteens. As loyal WholeNote readers may recall, my cover story onPangman a few years back detailed her battle with cystic fibrosis andher comeback to jazz following a double lung transplant. She has sincecontinued to perform, record, tour and advocate for organ donationawareness.Pangman waslucky to have her lifesaved through thecourtesy of an organdonor not once, buttwice. In Decemberof 2013, just a fewmonths after asecond lung transplant,she celebratedher recovery with atrip to New Orleans.“There’s a differentfeel to clubs there:Alex Pangmancelebratory and joyful. Musicians are treated as the main event, notan afterthought,” she recalls fondly. “Frenchman Street particularlyhas a very active scene of musicians playing in a traditional vein whileaudiences are dancing, clapping, eating and drinking. After feelingthat vibe, and hearing those bands, especially the Cottonmouth Kingsnailing their 1930s repertoire, I started to get ideas about where tomake my next recording.” With her newly donated lungs she returnedto NOLA just a few months later to record New – an album capturedin a new city, with musicians that are new to the artist and even anengineer new to her ears. Fresh, but certainly no easy feat!“I felt up to the challenge. I love the vibe of the recording; it’s likewe pressed a record on a lovely first date! Breathing, singing, is a joyfor me again.”Joining Alex Pangman at her New CD Launch at Hugh’s Roomon Monday November 3 will be her Alleycats: Peter Hill on piano,Chris Banks on bass, Glenn Anderson on drums, Brigham Phillips ontrumpet and Ross Wooldridge on clarinet, as well as two guests fromNew Orleans who appear on the recording: Matt Rhody on violin andTom Saunders on bass saxophone. Congratulations to Alex Pangman,and here’s to New!Bob@60 at Gallery 345:New music, jazz, classical andklezmer, are a few of the genresBob Stevenson has immersedhimself in since the 1970s. He hasperformed with many ensemblesincluding Arraymusic, New MusicConcerts, Tapestry New OperaWorks, the Flying Bulgar KlezmerBand, and the Red Rhythm.To celebrate his 60th birthday,Stevenson will be appearing inconcert at Gallery 345, with hisquartet – Jonnie Bakan on altosax, Mike Milligan on bass andJeff Halischuk on drums – as wellas Big Idea, an 11-piece ensemblefeaturing some of the city’s finestthewholenote.com November 1 - December 7, 2014 | 59
Volume 20 No 3 | November 1 to Dece