9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 3 - November 2014

  • Text
  • November
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Bloor
  • Orchestra
  • Choir

The Bacchus Collective;

The Bacchus Collective; 9:45pm Dave Neill CDRelease. November 30 12pm Excelsior DixielandJazz Band; 3:30pm Freeway DixielandBand; 7pm Joel Visentin’s Bugaloo Squad;9:30pm David Hutchinson Quartet.Salty Dog Bar & Grill, The1980 Queen St. E. 416-849-5064 (call for fullschedule)Sauce on the Danforth1376 Danforth Ave. 647-748-1376sauceondanforth.comC. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)All shows: No cover.Every Mon 9pm The Out Of Towners: DirtyOrgan Jazz. Every Tue 6pm Julian FauthSeven44(Formerly Chick n’ Deli/The People’s Chicken)744 Mount Pleasant Rd. (full schedule)November 3 7:30pm Advocats Big Band Nocover. November 10 7:30pm Bob Cary BigBand No cover. November 17 7:30pm GeorgeLake Big Band No cover. November 247:30pm Mega City Swing Big Band No cover.Toni Bulloni156 Cumberland St. (full schedule)No cover. Saturday shows: 9pm. food/drink minimum. Sunday shows: 6pm. food/drink minimum.Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. (full schedule)3-4 shows daily, various styles. Mostly PWYC.Every Mon 10pm Open Mic Mondays. EveryThurs 7:30pm Bluegrass Thursdays: Houndstooth.Every Fri 5pm The Foolish Things(folk). This month’s shows include: November2, 16 5pm Monk’s Music. November 4 10pmPeripheral Vision. November 5 10pm HeatherSegger. November 6 10pm Pram Trio.November 9 10pm The Lina Allemano Four.November 11 10pm Stop Time. November 1810pm The Ken McDonald Quartet. November25 10pm Nick Fraser Presents. November 267:30pm Trevor Giancola. November 28 10pmThe Ryan Driver Sextet.For Whose Benefit, continued from page 7D. The ETCeterasGalas and FundraisersWhen my musicalcompanion did finallyget up to add her voiceto the mix, that electionfundraising nightat Hugh’s Room, itwas as always withall her heart and allher might; all in allthe music that nightmade the club feellike it had rafters,ringing with hope and Thompson Thompson Egbo-Egbo performs atwith laughter.the upcoming benefit hosted by the MinstrelThe point is that Foundation for Music & Arts Advancement, Dec 7.when hope needs harvesting, music is often just what is needed togas the engine and to bring muscle to the mix. In cases like that, whobenefits? Everyone.This issue’s Galas and Fundraisers listings are chock-a-block withevents at every scale of ambition and complexity from the simplestto the grandest. But the concert listings too are replete with the sameimpulse. Scan the concert listings for any week, and see how often aworthwhile cause is named as the beneficiary of a given event, evenif it is only to enable the venue to keep the roof over the rafters themusic rings round in.Tributes Abound: Close cousin to the benefit concert, but witha differently generous impulse at its heart is the tribute concert.There are two I want to mention briefly here. One is a CounterpointOrchestra event in memory of a longtime member, Paul Willis.You can find it November 8 at 7pm in the GTA listings and read ashort “remembering” article about him in the previous issue of TheWholeNote. The second is a concert in memory of organist MassimoNosetti, November 12 at 7.30 at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on BloorStreet East (also to be found in the GTA listings). I remember an organconcert Nosetti gave there in 2012, with a 30-piece orchestra. Organixartistic director Gordon Mansell remembers Nosetti on page 66.Venue Rental• in the heart of Yorkville• historical heritage building• Steinway Grand Piano• recital and special events• lighting and sound systems• accomodates caterers• reasonable rates35 Hazelton Avenue, Heliconian Hall416-922-3618●●Nov 1 7:30: Toronto Heliconian Club. Performancein the Round. Concert in supportof Nazareth House Transitional Home forWomen. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-922-3618. . See main listing in GTA concertlistings.●●Nov 15 8:00: Unison Benevolent Fund.The Love Shack Dance Party. With DJ FredSchneider from The B52s. ‘80s makeovers;prizes for best ‘80s look; silent auction. PhoenixConcert Theatre, 410 Sherbourne St.416-323-1251. $20(advance via;(door). In support of the UnisonBenevolent Fund.●●Nov 15 7:30pm: TM Jazz. Forest Hill –Autumn. With guests Big Band Theory andothers. Conrad Centre for the PerformingArts, 36 King St W, Kitchener. 519-745-4711.. Proceeds benefit the MS Society ofCanada.●●Nov 16 3:00: Melos. Petits fours and Pearlsof the French Baroque. Fundraising tea andconcert. Enjoy the beauty of the French Baroqueover tea and petits fours, while Melos’period musicians and the Mallon workshopparticipants perform. St George’s Hall,129 Wellington, Kingston. Information: 613-767-7245;;●●Nov 20 6:00: Canadian Music Centre. KeyChange. Fundraiser featuring the HilarioDuran Trio. A unique evening with an intimateconcert, delectable treats highlighting Canada’sculinary offerings, delicious ales andwine, silent auction. 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201. 0 ticket/donation with5 tax receipt.●●Nov 22 6:00: Japanese Canadian CulturalCentre. Sixth Annual Sakura Gala Benefitfor the Legacy Campaign. Collaborativeperformance with the Ron Davis Jazz Quartetat the Sakura Ball, honouring Japanesediplomat Chiune Sugihara, and Henry Zagdanskirepresenting the Jewish communityin Toronto. 6:00: general reception; 7:00:dinner. Kobayashi Hall, Japanese CanadianCultural Centre, 6 Garamond Court. 416-249-0788. 0; 00 (gala patron table for 10guests).●●Nov 23 3:00: Amici Chamber Ensemble.Alla Zingarese. A celebratory gala with themagic of gypsy style and composers whowere undoubtedly alla zingarese! Includessilent auction, food & wine. Julie Nesrallah,soprano/host; Jonathan Crow, violin; JoaquinValdepeñas, clarinet; Neil Deland, horn; DavidHetherington, cello; Serouj Kradjian, piano.Conservatory Theatre, 273 Bloor St. West.416-408-0208. .●●Nov 26 4:00: Canadian Music Centre. NonclassicalGlobal. The CMC is proud to be oneof five venues in five different countries comingtogether to celebrate the tenth anniversaryof Gabriel Prokofiev’s label, Nonclassical.For the first time, Nonclassical will presentas a transcontinental live streamed event,where audiences will get a glimpse of thePASQUALE BROTHERSPURVEYORS OF FINE FOODCATERING(416) 364-7397 WWW.PASQUALEBROS.COM62 | November 1 - December 7, 2014

diverse alt-classical scenes reaching acrossthe globe in 2014. 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201. Free before 6pm; cover after6pm. 18+ event.●●Dec 7 6:00: The Minstrel Foundation forMusic & Arts Advancement. Sip, Savour &Celebrate. 16 th annual fundraising event tofund music lessons, Christmas, March Breakand Summer Music Camps and scholarshipsfor advanced education, for the benefitof youth in inner city and new immigrantcommunities across Toronto. Wine tasting,hot and cold appetizers and holiday cocktails.Entertainment by the Humber College CommunityJazz Band, Minstrel graduate ThomsonEgbo-Egbo and the Minstrel studentaward winners for 2014. Canada’s NationalBallet School, 400 Jarvis St. 0Competitions●●Nov 1 (deadline to apply): Etobicoke PhilharmonicOrchestra. Young ComposersCompetition 2014. Canadian composers ages32 and under. Winning composition will beperformed by the ETO; cash prizes presented.416-239-5665. For details:;●●Nov 28 (deadline to apply): Toronto Sinfonietta.Ninth annual concerto competitionfor the best performance of a solo workwith orchestra. Gala concert of competitionwinners is Sat Feb 21, 2015. Age categories:under 16, 16-19. Rules and application formsat www.torontosinfonietta.comLectures, Salons, Symposia●●Nov 1 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music/Songwriters Association of Canada. MusicMix: Bluebird North. Canadian songwritersdiscuss the songwriting process and thestories behind the songs. Blair Packham,host. Conservatory Theatre, 273 Bloor St. W.416-408-0208. .●●Nov 2 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. CanadianOpera Stars at Covent Garden. Visual presentationby guest speaker Wayne Gooding,editor of Opera Canada. Room 330, EdwardJohnson Bldg., Faculty of Music, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-924-3940. .●●Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 7:00: Miles Nadal JCC.Kevin Courrier Spins the Beatles. In this lectureseries with film clips, Kevin Courrierexamines how the Beatles’ music createdboth dreams and nightmares in their pursuitof an artificial paradise, ‘Nowhere Land’, builton the principles of pleasure and fulfillment.Based on Artificial Paradise: The Dark Sideof The Beatles’ Utopian Dream (Greenwood-Praeger, 2009). 750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211 x606 Info: Single lecture drop in: ; forstudents (+HST).●●Nov 4 6:00: Royal Conservatory of Music/Neuberger Holocaust Education Week.Musical Collaboration. Performance of chambermusic by the ARC Ensemble (Artists ofThe Royal Conservatory) featuring works byPolish exile Jerzy Fitelberg, followed by a discussionthat focuses on the actions of musicalcollaborators during the Third Reich, the politicaland moral responsibilities of the artist,and on whether one can separate belief andbehaviour from artistic achievement. Howdo we measure an individual’s accountabilityand at what point, if ever, can their conductbe excused? Panelists include AlexanderNeef (General Director of the Canadian OperaCompany) and Simon Wynberg (ArtisticDirector of the Royal Conservatory’s ARCEnsemble); chaired by HEW 2014 Scholar-in-Residence Doris Bergen (Chancellor Roseand Ray Wolfe Professor of Holocaust Studiesat the University of Toronto). Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.West. 416-363-8231. Registration required asof September 29. . Proceeds support NeubergerHolocaust Education Week.●●Nov 8 9:00am - 4:00pm: Ontario SuzukiAssociation. Every Child Can! A Suzuki Associationof the Americas course: Introductionto Suzuki Education. For teachers, parents,prospective teachers of any instrumentsand others interested in education, MargotJewell provides an inspiring, in-depth look atthe Suzuki approach to teaching and learning.Spring Garden Baptist Church, 112 SpringGarden Ave. 0.●●Nov 8 10:00am - 4:00pm: SouthernOntario Chapter of the Hymn Society/Emmanuel College. “Footsteps in the Snow:Tracking Faith and Song in the High Arctic.”Lori-Anne Dolloff, Associate Professor, MusicEducation at the University of Toronto Facultyof Music, will share experiences derived fromher work with the Cathedral faith communityin Iqaluit, tracing colonial and post-colonialinfluences on the music used in worshiptoday. Emmanuel College, Victoria University,University of Toronto, 75 Queen’s ParkCres. To register:●●Nov 11 1:30: Oakville Opera Guild. Tea withOpera: ‘The Slavic Sound.’ Lecture by Don Gillieswith the assistance of Maika Hanus. OakvilleCentral Library Auditorium, 120 NavyStreet Oakville. 905-337-0477. (minimumdonation). Proceeds toward scholarshipawarded annually to a young Canadian singerstudying at U of T Opera Division.●●Nov 12 – 26 (Wednesdays), 6:30–8:00pm:Royal Conservatory of Music. History ofCabaret: A 3-week course. Journey into theheart and history of cabaret! Get to know thecomposers, lyricists, performers, and relatedart forms such as vaudeville and burlesque.273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2825. 5.●●Nov 15 2:00: Toronto Mahler Society.Bernstein’s Mahler and Nielsen’s Symphony– A profile of conductor LeonardBernstein to present his approach to Mahler’swork in audio and video demonstration.An introduction to Carl Nielsen and hissymphonies to coincide with TorontoSymphony Orchestra concerts of Nielsen’ssymphony under Thomas Dausgaard.Locke Library, 3083 Yonge St. Fordetails: 416-993-9298. Free(members); (non-members).Refreshments provided.●●Nov 19 7:00: North York Central Library.Canadian Opera Company Talk: Don Giovanni.Join Wayne Gooding, editor of Opera Canadamagazine, as he delves into Mozart’s Don Giovanniwhich will be presented in a new productionby the Canadian Opera Company thisHistory of CabaretA 3-week course with Adi BraunWednesdays, 6:30pm-8pmNovember Children’s Opera CompanyAnn Cooper Gay, Executive Artistic DirectorIt’s not too late to be part of a new, fully staged opera. Ages 4-20!byErrolGay andMichaelPatrickAlbano,basedon thebook byLewisCarrollAuditions for the 2015 Spring Sessionby appointment in December & JanuaryWinter Concerts - Nov. 29, 4:00pm & 5:30pmRosedale Presbyterian November 1 - December 7, 2014 | 63

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)