9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 4 - December 2014

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an Ontario government

an Ontario government agencyun organisme du gouvernement de l’OntarioToronto Children’s Chorustogetherness, as opposed to religious fervour. It’s hard to contest thesentiment, but after weeks of it, you start to feel like you’re beingbeaten on the head with a soft pillow; it doesn’t really hurt, but youwish it would stop. I wonder if the depressed feelings that manyexperience around Christmas time has to do in part with the gapbetween the Christmas song paradigm and the reality of credit billsand feuding relatives? Nonetheless, at their best all four categories ofChristmas song contain works of genius. As I pointed out in an earliercolumn, Christmas has become a big pan-cultural party that canreasonably be enjoyed by people of all backgrounds.On to the concerts: I’m going to assume that the readers of thiscolumn need no urging from me to find a Messiah performance or acarol singalong this time of year, and so will instead focus on someconcerts that take an unusual angle, as well as looking ahead at thepost-Christmas concert scene in the new year.Trinity Pageant: There are many pageants and Lessons and Carolsservices being held this year at churches and civic centres – pleasecheck the listings for events in your area. The Christmas pageantLYDIA ADAMS, Conductor & Artistic Director2014 • 2015 TORONTO CONCERT SERIES40Sure On ThisShining NightGUEST HOSTMARY LOU FALLIS, C.M. – AMADEUS CHOIR HONORARY PATRONHONOURING THE TORONTO ARTS COUNCIL’S 40TH ANNIVERSARYSaturday, December 13, 2014 • 7:30 pmYorkminster Park Baptist Church 1585 Yonge Street, TorontoSure in this Shining Night by Lauridsen, works byWilberg, Daley and Willcocks. Winning compositions fromour 28th Annual Seasonal Song-Writing Competition.FEATURING: Amadeus Choir, Lydia Adams, conductor;Bach Children’s Chorus, Linda Beaupré, conductor;Trillium Brass; Ed Reiffel, percussion;TICKETSEleanor Daley & Shawn Grenke, piano & organ. -UPCOMING CONCERTS: Celtic Celebration • Sat. Feb. 28, 2015, 7:00 pmOf Heart And Tide: The Gift Of Water • Sat. Apr. 11, 2015, 7:30 pmEarth Songs, Love Songs • Sat. May 24, 2015, 4:00 pmConcert SponsorSandra Parsons416-446-0188 • www.amadeuschoir.commounted by the downtown Church of the Holy Trinity (just behindEaton Centre) is a cultural event that has proved so popular over theyears that the pageant runs into repeat performances, taking place atvarious times between December 12-21. For information, see’ Snowman: On December 7 the Bach Children’s Chorus joinsOrchestra Toronto for a concert that features the animated film TheSnowman , with live musical accompaniment by the orchestra andchoir. The film is based on the celebrated book by English illustratorRaymond Briggs. Briggs’ trademark combination of gentle imageryand dark, disturbing themes is a welcome antidote to more sugaryChristmas entertainments. The concert also features the premiereof Canadian Dean Burry’s A Hockey Cantata. Burry’s work for childrenis accessible without being pandering, and this concert is highlyrecommended.Brother Heinrich: On a similar note, on Dec 20 the TorontoChildren’s Chorus will perform A Chorus Christmas: CeremonialSplendour. a concert that includes John Rutter’s enjoyable choralElmerIselerSingersLydia Adams, ConductorHandel’sMessiahFriday, December 5, 2014at 8:00 pmMetropolitan United Church56 Queen St. East, TorontoSpecial Guest ArtistsThe Amadeus ChoirLydia Adams, conductorVirginia Hatfield, SopranoMarion Newman, Mezzo SopranoDavid Pomeroy, TenorGiles Tomkins, BassPatricia Wright, OrganistRobert Venables andRobert DiVito, TrumpetsAnd OrchestraTickets; , Seniors , Students $20Reserve now: 416-217-0537Canada Council for the ArtsConseil des Arts du Canada416-217-0537 www.elmeriselersingers.comVirginia HatfieldMarion NewmanDavid PomeroyGiles Tomkins26 | December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015

fable, Brother Heinrich’s Christmas, about the 14th-centuryDominican mystic Heinrich Seuse, thought to be responsible forcomposing the famous macaronic carol In Dulci Jubilo. The piece isnarrated by legendary actor/writer Gordon Pinsent.Coro San Marco was founded in 1995 by Toronto residents who hailfrom Italy’s Veneto region (the area around Venice). On December 6they perform their Advent/Christmas concert, with a selection ofChristmas songs from around the world.Victoria Scholars: On December 19 and 21 this chamber choir ofmen’s voices, perform Yuletide on the Cool Canadian Side, a concertof carols arranged by Canadian composers.Echo Women’s Choir: The ancient concept of the Divine Femininecame to the fore in the last century, as a spiritual conjunct to thestruggles for women’s rights that were carried out under the bannerof modern feminism. Male-centered aspects of monotheistic worshipin Christian and other religions have been challenged and reassessed,and the spiritual insights and strengths of female religious leaders,thinkers, mystics and composers have become part of our moderndiscussion. On December 7 the Echo Women’s Choir perform TheDivine Feminine, a concert that includes music by the12th-centuryGerman composer Hildegard von Bingen.This concert is also notable for a rare appearance by the co-foundersof Stringband, Marie-Lynn Hammond and Bob Bossin. Toronto audiencesborn before the Beatles first album came out may rememberStringband well from a series of celebrated albums from the 1970s, aswell as their many club, concert and folk festival appearances.Pax Christi ChoraleStephanie Martin, Artistic Directortwo seasonal concertsto warm your heart and soulWinter NightsJ.S.Bach – Christmas Oratorio Part IIStephanie Martin – Winter NightsJ.S.Bach – Nunn komm der Heiden HeilandMichèle Bogdanowicz, mezzo-sopranoSean Clark, tenorDoug MacNaughton, baritoneWith orchestraSaturday, December 6, 7:30pmSunday, December 7, 3:00pmGrace Church on-the-Hill, TorontoThe Children’sMessiahA beloved classic abridgedespecially for children.With soloists and orchestraAdults pay what you can at door; children are free.Saturday, December 13, 4:00pm-5:00pmChurch of St. Mary Magdalene, December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015 | 27

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