The WholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:A.GTA (GREATER TORONTO AREA) covers all of Torontoplus Halton, Peel, York and Durham regions.B.BEYOND THE GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario outside Toronto and the GTA. Starts on page 58.C.MUSIC THEATRE covers a wide range of music types:from opera, operetta and musicals, to non-traditionalperformance types where words and music are in somefashion equal partners in the drama. Starts on page 61.D.IN THE CLUBS (MOSTLY JAZZ)is organized alphabetically by club.Starts on page 62.E.THE ETCETERAS is for galas, fundraisers, competitions,screenings, lectures, symposia, masterclasses, workshops,singalongs and other music-related events (exceptperformances) which may be of interest to our readers.Starts on page 66.A GENERAL WORD OF CAUTION. A phone number is providedwith every listing in The WholeNote — in fact, we won’t publisha listing without one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed;artists or venues may change after listings are published.Please check before you go out to a concert.HOW TO LIST. Listings in The WholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the8th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.LISTINGS DEADLINE. The next issue covers the period fromNovember 1 to December 7, 2014. All listings must be received by6pm Wednesday October 8.LISTINGS can be sent by e-mail to orby fax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6.We do not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232x27 for further information.LISTINGS ZONE MAP. Visit our website to see a detailed versionof this map: 15Lake Erie3 48City of TorontoLISTINGSLake OntarioA. Concerts in the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Ajax, Aurora, Brampton, Burlington, Etobicoke, KingTownship, Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Newmarket, Oakville,Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Thornhill, Uxbridge.Monday December 1● ● 12:30: York University Departmentof Music. Music at Midday: InstrumentalMasterclass Concert. Patricia Wait, conductor.Tribute Communities Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701.Free.● ● 7:30: LOFT Community Services. Homefor the Holidays. Christmas Concert Benefit.Broadway, carols, and other choral works.Thom Allison, Breanne Dietrich, StephanieMartin, Billy Newton Davis and others. St.James Cathedral, 65 Church St. 416-979-1994x233. .● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Student Chamber Ensembles Concert:Brass. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Orchestra. MikeCadó, conductor. Martin Family Lounge,219 Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.647-459-0701. Free. Festival runs Dec 1–5(matand eve).● ● 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall. Itzhak Perlman. Vivaldi:Sonata in A for Violin and Continuo Op.2 Rv31;Schumann: Fantasiestücke, Op.73; Beethoven:Sonata No.7 in c Op.30; Ravel: Sonata for Violinand Piano No.2 in G. Itzhak Perlman, violin;Rohan De Silva, piano. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50-9.50.● ● 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society.Dave Wickerham, Wurlitzer organ. CasaLoma, 1 Austin Terrace. 416-449-6262. $20.● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Dance Series: Ballet 360. Classical and contemporaryballet. Highlights from Cinderella,Nutcracker, A Canadian Tradition and Desrosier’sBouffonia. Ballet Jörgen. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. LunchtimeChamber Music. Alheli Pimienta, flute;Adam Sherkin, piano. Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch, 1585 Yonge St. 416-241-1298.Free. Donations welcome.Tuesday December 2● ● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Performance Class for Singers: Songsof the Season! Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.Free. Public welcome.● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Vocal Workshop.Mike Cadó, conductor. Martin Family Lounge,219 Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.647-459-0701. Free.● ● 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Organ recitals. Andrew Ager, organist.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 ext. 245. Free;donations welcomed.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Guitar Orchestra. Jeffrey McFadden,conductor. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.Free.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Combos. ArtieRoth and Mark Eisenman, conductors. MartinFamily Lounge, 219 Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free. Festivalruns Dec 1–5(mat and eve).● ● 8:00: Arraymusic. Array Session #29. Anevening of improvisation in the tradition ofthe Columbia U Radio jams or CCMC MusicGallery evenings. Rick Sacks, conductor.Array Space, 155 Walnut St. 416-532-3019.Free/PWYC.● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. A Woman Is a Secret:Music Salon. Classic love songs in a cabaretstyle. Emmy Rouge and Secret SurpriseGuests. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781.$20;(advance).Wednesday December 3● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Vocal Ensembles. MikeCadó, conductor. Martin Family Lounge,219 Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.647-459-0701. Free. Festival runs Dec 1–5(matand eve).● ● 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noontime Recitals. Andrew Adair, organ.1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.● ● 2:00: York University Department ofMusic. Ahmed Dickinson Cardenas, guitar.Cuban. William Thomas, conductor. MartinFamily Lounge, 219 Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free.● ● 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. Jazz Series:Ripple Effect. Jazz standards and originalmusic. Highlights from Ripple Effect albumand upcoming recording. Mike Downes,bass; Larnell Lewis, drums; Robi Botos, piano.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 6:00: Cathedral Church of St. James. Cantatasin the Cathedral. Bach: “Wachet! betet!betet! Wachet!” BWV 70. Erin Bardua, soprano;Christina Stelmacovich, alto; CharlesDavidson, tenor; Graham Robinson, bass.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x245. PWYC.● ● 7:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheJudy Garland Christmas Show (That neverwas!). Caroline Moro-Dalicando as Judy; EricBotosan; Mickey Brown; Joe Cascone; DavidHaines and others. Zion Cultural Centre,1650 Finch E. 416-755-1717. . Also Dec 4, 5,6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (start times vary).● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. 11 O’Clock Jazz Orchestra and VocalJazz Ensemble. Jim Lewis and Christine Duncan,conductors. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.Free.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Combos. KellyJefferson,and Kevin Turcotte, directors. MartinFamily Lounge, 219 Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free. Festivalruns Dec 1–5(mat and eve).● ● 8:00: Musideum. Jonathan Feldman. Jazz.Suite 133 (main floor), 401 Richmond St. W.416-599-7323. $20.● ● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks: Best of Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky:Jurisprudence March; Piano ConcertoNo.1; The Nutcracker (Act II). Alice Sara36 | December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015
Ott, piano; Cristian Măcelaru, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828..75-9. Also Dec 6.Thursday December 4● ● 12:00 noon: Adam Sherkin. Mozart:Involuntary Genius. Mozart: Rondo in D K485;Sonata in B-flat K333; Sherkin: Amadeus A.D.Adam Sherkin, piano. Bluma Appel Lobby, St.Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E.416-366-7723. Free.● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Virtuoso Masterworks.Works by Bach, Beethoven and Liszt.Rossina Grieco, piano. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon at Met:Alexa Wing, soprano and Peter Bishop, piano.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E.416-363-0331 x26. Free.● ● 12:30: York University Departmentof Music. Jazz Festival: Vocal Ensembles.Richard Whiteman, conductor. MartinFamily Lounge, 219 Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free. Festivalruns Dec 1–5(mat and eve).● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Classical PianoShowcase. Christina Petrowska Quilico,piano/conductor. Tribute Communities Hall,Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free.● ● 1:00: Encore Symphonic Concert Band.In Concert. Classics and jazz. John EdwardLiddle, conductor. Encore Hall, WilmarHeights Centre, 963 Pharmacy Ave., Scarborough.416-346-3910. . Includes coffeeand snack.● ● 7:00: Ross Petty Productions. Cinderella.The rags to riches family musical. Ross Petty(Evil Step-Mother); Danielle Wade (Cinderella);Dan Chameroy (Plumbum); Eddie Glen(Buttons); Jeff Lillico (Max Charming). ElginTheatre, 189 Yonge St. 1-855-599-9090. -; -(under 12). Runs Dec 4 to Jan 4.See Section C: Music Theatre for details.● ● 7:00: Royal Conservatory/Canadian ArabInstitute/Small World Music. Sultans andDivas. Julie Nesrallah, mezzo; Miriam Khalil,soprano; Bassam Bishara, oud; Okotécho;Sultans of String w. Chris McKhool, violin.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.-.● ● 7:30: Classical Music Artist Management.Clarinet Fantasy. Gershwin: 3 Preludes forclarinet; Stravinsky: 3 pieces for solo clarinet;Brahms: Clarinet Sonata No.1; Luigi Bassi:Fantaisie brillante on Verdi’s Rigoletto. YaoGuang Zhai, clarinet; Jeanie Chung, piano.Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 647-201-9776. $20; (st).● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. World Music Ensembles. RaigeleeAlorut, World Music Artist in Residence. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-408-0208. Free.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Symphony Orchestra. Works by Wagner,Berlioz, Sibelius, Haydn and Tchaikovsky.Mark Chambers, conductor. TributeCommunities Hall, Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. ; (sr/st).● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Combos. AnthonyMichelli and Frank Falco, conductors. MartinFamily Lounge, 219 Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free. Festivalruns Dec 1–5(mat and eve).● ● 8:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheJudy Garland Christmas Show (That neverwas!). See Dec 3; Dec 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14(Start times vary).● ● 8:00: Music Gallery. Emergents I, curatedby Melody McKiver: Clarinet Panic DeluxxCris Derksen. Cris Derksen, cello, looper,drum machines, keys and vocals; Cory Latkovich,cello; Karen Ng, saxophone; SebastianShinwell, guitar; D. Alex Meeks, percussion.197 John St. 416-961-9594. ;(member).MUSIC OFTHE FRENCHBAROQUEDec● ● 8:00: Tafelmusik. The French Connection.Rebel: Les Éléments; and works by Campra,Corrette, Leclair and Rameau. AmandineBeyer, violin and conductor. Trinity-St. Paul’sCentre, Jeanne Lamon Hall, 427 Bloor St. W.416-964-6337. -; -(sr); -(under 36). Also Dec 5, 6, 7(mat).● ● 8:30: Rant Maggie Rant. Frost & Fire: ACeltic Christmas Celebration! Traditional tomodern Celtic melodies, jigs and reels, carolsand other works. Lindsay Schindler, fiddle,vocals; Glen Dias, vocals, recorders, percussion;Barry James Payne, guitars, harmonica,vocals; Rob Larose, percussion; Steve Clark,bass; Daev Clysdale, Irish whistle, Irish flute,accordion. Hugh’s Room, 2261 Dundas St. W.416-531-6604. .50/(adv). Reservationsare recommended for dinner.Friday December 5● ● 1:10: Gordon Murray Presents. Piano Potpourri.Classics, opera, operetta, musicals,ragtime, pop, international and other genres.Gordon Murray, piano. Trinity-St. Paul’sUnited Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-631-4300. PWYC. Lunch and snack friendly.● ● 7:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks: William Tell Opera-in-Concert- Turin Royal Theatre. Rossini. Dalibor Jenis,baritone (Guglielmo Tell); Enea Scala, tenor(Arnoldo Melcthal); Angela Meade (Matilde);Marco Palazzi, bass (Gualtiero Farst) andGIANANDREA NOSEDA,CONDUCTORWILLIAM TELL:TURIN ROYAL THEATRE(TEATRO REGIO TORINO)DEC 5TSO.CA/WilliamTellFabrizio Beggi, (Melcthal), bass; and others;Orchestra and Chorus Teatro Regio Torino;Gianandrea Noseda, conductor. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. -5.Italian with English SURTITLES. 6:15: RickPhillips pre-concert chat.● ● 7:30: Brampton Folk Club. Friday FolkNight: Songs for the Snowy Season. Boreal(Tannis Slimmon, Katherine Wheatleyand Jude Vadala). St. Paul’s United Church(Brampton), 30 Main St. S., Brampton. 647-233-3655. ;(sr/st).● ● 7:30: Sony Centre For the PerformingArts/Attila Glatz Concert Productions.Gladiator Live. Film with live music. ClaraSanabras, vocals; Motion Picture SymphonyOrchestra; Tallis Choir of Toronto; JustinFreer, conductor. Sony Centre For The PerformingArts, 1 Front St. E. 1-855-872-7669.-.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Wind Symphony. Cable: Ontario Pictures;Henze: Ragtimes and Habaneras; Children’sMarch; Copland: Down A CountryLane; Chance: Incantation and Dance; Weill:Three Penny Music. Tony Gomes, conductor.MacMillan Theatre, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. ;$20(sr); (st).● ● 7:30: York University Department of‘NOONAT MET’Free concertsat 12:15 pmDec. 4Dec. 11Dec. 18Jan. 8Musicat MetropolitanAlexa Wing, sopranoPeter Bishop,pianoAndre Rakusorganistomas GonderorganistAndrew AgerorganistMetropolitan United Church56 Queen Street E .,Toronto416-363-0331 (ext. 26)www.metunited.org2014-2015Concert Seasonsyrinxconcerts.caSunday Dec 7Patricia Parr pianoErika Raum violinWinona ZelenkacelloSunday Feb 1Melanie ConlysopranoPeter Stoll clarinetEmily Rho pianoSunday Mar 1Anastasia RizikovpianoSunday Apr 12Seiler Trio:Mayumi Seiler violinAngela Park pianoRachel Mercer celloSunday May 3Sofya GulyakpianoAll Concerts 3pmHeliconian Hall35 Hazelton Avetickets: students:$20purchase ticketssyrinxconcerts.cainfo December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015 | 37