Antibalas. Afrobeat band Antibalas joinsforces with Congolese/Belgian artist MarieDaulne who sings polyphonic Afro-pop.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.-.● ● 8:00: Spectrum Music. Starry Night.Works by Graham, Segger, Dietschi, Lewis,McBride, Richards, and Willes. Lina Allemano,trumpet; Jim Lewis, trumpet; Heather Segger,trombone; Tom Richards, trombone;Aline Homzy, violin; Matt Roberts, bass. AllianceFrançaise de Toronto, 24 Spadina Rd.B. Concerts Beyond the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Ancaster, Barrie, Bracebridge, Brantford, Cobourg,Dundas, Fergus, Grimsby, Guelph, Hamilton, Jerseyville, Kingston, Kitchener,Lindsay, London, Millbrook, Niagra-On-The-Lake, Orillia, Owen Sound,Peterborough, Port Hope, St. Catharines, Stratford, Waterloo, Woodstock.Monday December 1● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Gala Concert.Brahms: Piano Quintet in f; Mendelssohn:Octet for Strings; Barber: Dover Beachfor string quartet and baritone. Daniel Lichti,baritone; Robert Silverman, piano; PendereckiQuartet; Lafayette Quartet. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. (very limited). Receptionfollowing.Tuesday December 2● ● 12:00 noon: Brock University Departmentof Music. RBC Foundation Music@Noon:Recital: Piano Students. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre,Centre for the Arts, Brock University,500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral. Advent Concerts.Michael Capon, organ. St. George’sCathedral (Kingston), 270 King St. E., Kingston.613-548-4617. Freewill offering. Also Nov,27, Dec 4, 9, 11, 16 and 18.● ● 7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. University Wind Ensemble. ZoltanKalman, conductor. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre,Centre for the Arts, Brock University,500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257. .85.Wednesday December 3● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Week Concerts:Robert Silverman, piano. Late Brahmspiano works: Op.76, 118, 119. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); $20(st).● ● 8:00: The ARTS Project. Stephen Harper:The Musical or How To Survive and Thrive inthe Dying Days of the Empire of Oil. Musicalplay with mixed media and audience participation.James Gordon, singer/songwriter.203 Dundas St., London. 519-642-2767. ;(sr/st/unwaged). Also Dec 4-6.● ● 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Chamber Music Concert. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University,75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x4439. Free.Thursday December 4● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral (Kingston).Advent Concerts. Alexander Colpa, flute;A. Concerts in the GTA416-988-3127. ; (sr/st/arts).●●Feb 07 8:00: Toronto Consort. Splendoursof the Emperor’s Chapel. A concert of musicfrom the Viennese court and chapel ofHoly Roman Emperor Leopold I. Works bySchmelzer, Biber, Bertali and Leopold I forcornettos, sackbuts, strings, keyboards, andvoice. Toronto Consort; guest director: LucasHarris, theorbo. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre,427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. -. AlsoFebruary 6.Susan Yee, piano. 270 King St. E., Kingston.613-548-4617. Freewill offering.● ● 8:00: The ARTS Project. Stephen Harper:The Musical or How to Survive and Thrive inthe Dying Days of the Empire of Oil. See Dec 3;Also Dec 5, 6.Friday December 5● ● 12:00 noon: Hamilton PhilharmonicOrchestra. Free Holiday Concert. HPO BrassQuintet. Hamilton Public Library, 55 YorkBlvd,, Hamilton. 905-526-7756. Free. Bringyour lunch.● ● 7:00: Northumberland Centre of theRoyal Canadian College of Organists. ChristmasMusic in Millbrook. Christmas carols,popular Christmas music and seasonalreadings. St. Thomas’s Anglican Church(Millbrook), 16 Centre St., Millbrook. 705-932-2233. Free.● ● 7:00: PeaceQuest Kingston. JoyeuxNoel. Blend of song, film, meditation andpoetry to mark the 100th anniversary of theWWI Christmas Truce. Kingston City Hall,216 Ontario St., Kingston. 613-583-2569.PWYC.● ● 7:30: Arcady. Christmas with Arcady.Christmas music of Ronald Beckett. St.Andrew’s United Church, 95 Darling St.,Brantford. 519-752-5823. $20; (st).● ● 7:30: Melos Choir/Period Instruments.Sur la Naissance: Advent and ChristmasMusic of Marc-Antoine Charpentier. TraditionalFrench Noëls; Oratorio On the Nativity;and other works in French Baroque style. St.George’s Cathedral (Kingston), 270 King St. E.,Kingston. 613-767-7245. -.● ● 7:30: Moston Concerts. Liona Boyd: A WinterFantasy. Holiday classics and other songs.Liona Boyd, guitar; Michael Savona, guitarand vocals. St. James Anglican Church (Stratford),41 Mornington St., Stratford. 1-888-222-6608. ; (st/12 and under).● ● 7:30: Pax Christi Chorale. Winter Nights.J.S.Bach: Christmas Oratorio Part II; Nunkomm der Heiden Heiland; Martin: WinterNights. Michele Bogdanowicz, mezzo; SeanClark, tenor; Doug MacNaughton, baritone.St. John Vianney Parish, 13 Baldwin Ln, Barrie.705-726-8007. ; (sr); (st). AlsoDec 6,7 (see GTA).● ● 7:30: Woodstock Fanshawe Singers.Come Colours Rise. Angus Sinclair, organ;Janet Robb, piano; Val Easton, and ShawnGrenke, conductors. St. David’s UnitedChurch (Woodstock), 190 Springbank Ave. N.,Woodstock. 519-537-6946. ; $20(sr/st);free(under 14). Also Dec 6.● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Week Concerts:Soo Bae, cello. Bach: Solo Suites nos 1in G, 6 in D; Fauré, Elegy; Popper, HungarianRhapsody (with Olena Klyucharova, piano.).KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); $20(st).● ● 8:00: Rant Maggie Rant. Frost & Fire: ACeltic Christmas Celebration! Traditional tomodern Celtic melodies, jigs and reels, carolsand other works. Lindsay Schindler, fiddle,vocals; Glen Dias, vocals, recorders, percussion;Barry James Payne, guitars, harmonica,vocals; Rob Larose, percussion; Steve Clark,bass; Daev Clysdale, Irish whistle, Irish flute,accordion. Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. E.,London. 519-672-7950. /(adv); (sr/st)/(adv); free(CAP or Citizen Culturemembers). 7:00: doors open.● ● 8:00: The ARTS Project. Stephen Harper:The Musical or How to Survive and Thrive inthe Dying Days of the Empire of Oil. See Dec 3;Also Dec 6.Saturday December 6● ● 11:00am: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Youth Orchestra Program Concert1. Preludium Strings; Youth Strings;Youth Sinfonia. Conrad Centre for the PerformingArts, 36 King St. W., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. ; (child). Also2:30(Youth Orchestra and Band).● ● 2:00: Woodstock Fanshawe Singers.Sleigh Bells Ring!: A Family Christmas Concert.Woodstock Youth Choir; Angus Sinclair,organ; Janet Robb, piano; Val Easton, andShawn Grenke, conductors. St. David’s UnitedChurch (Woodstock), 190 Springbank Ave. N.,Woodstock. 519-537-6946. ; (sr/st);free(under 14). Also Dec 5.● ● 2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Youth Orchestra Program Concert2. Youth Orchestra and Youth ConcertBand. Conrad Centre for the PerformingArts, 36 King St. W., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. ; (child). Also11:00am(Youth Strings and Sinfonia).● ● 7:00: Guelph Youth Singers. A Starry BlueNight. Markus Howard, conductor; HeatherFleming, assistant conductor; Ken Gee, piano.Harcourt Memorial United Church, 87 DeanSt., Guelph. 519-763-3000. ; $20(sr/st);(eyeGo).● ● 7:30: Chorus Niagara. Messiah: A NiagaraHoliday Tradition for 50 years. Handel’s Messiahperformed on period instruments. JenniferKrabbe, soprano; Lyndsay Promane,mezzo; Charles Sy, tenor; Tristan Jones, bass;Talisker Players. Mountainview ChristianReformed Church, 290 Main St. E., Grimsby.1-866-617-3257 or 905-688-5550 x3257. ;(sr); (under 30); (st); (eyeGO).Also Dec 7(mat, St. Catharines). Donationswelcome of non-perishable food items in supportof Grimsby Benevolent Fund.● ● 7:30: Grand Philharmonic Choir. Messiah.Handel. Jennifer Taverner, soprano; KimberlyBarber, mezzo; Cory Knight, tenor; DanielLichti, bass-baritone; Kitchener-WaterlooSymphony; Mark Vuorinen, conductor. Centrein the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-578-6885. –.● ● 7:30: Lyrica Chamber Choir of Barrie.The Joy of Christmas. Britten: Ceremonyof Carols; works by Thomas, Rutter, Emeryand Arcadelt. Angela Scharzkopf, harp;Brent Mayhew, piano. Burton Avenue UnitedChurch, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie. 705-722-0271.; (sr/st).● ● 7:30: Moston Concerts. Liona Boyd: AWinter Fantasy. Holiday classics and othersongs. Liona Boyd, guitar; Michael Savona,guitar and vocals. Trinity United Church,284 Division St., Cobourg. 1-888-222-6608.; (st/12 and under).● ● 7:30: Orchestra Kingston. Messiah Sing-Along. Guest soloists; audience participation.Salvation Army Citadel, 816 Centennial Dr.,Kingston. 613-634-9312. -$20. RehearsalsNov 25 & Dec 2 at 5:30, Salvation ArmyCitadel.● ● 7:30: Peterborough Symphony. ComeHome for the Holidays. Favourite Christmasmusic. Guests: Peterborough Pop Ensembleand Kawartha Youth Orchestra; MichaelNewnham, conductor. Showplace PerformanceCentre, 290 George St. N., Peterborough.705-742-7469. ; (st).● ● 7:30: Woodstock Fanshawe Singers.Come Colours Rise. Angus Sinclair, organ;Janet Robb, piano; Val Easton, and ShawnGrenke, conductors. St. David’s UnitedChurch (Woodstock), 190 Springbank Ave. N.,Woodstock. 519-537-6946. ; $20(sr/st);free(under 14). Also Dec 5.● ● 8:00: The ARTS Project. Stephen Harper:The Musical or How to Survive and Thrive inthe Dying Days of the Empire of Oil. See Dec 3.● ● 8:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band. ASwingin’ Christmas. Includes arrangementsby Clooney, Gormé & Lawrence, Straight NoChaser, Armstrong and other big band standards.Regent Theatre, 224 Picton Main St,Picton. 613-476-8416 x28 or 1-877-411-4761..Sunday December 7● ● 2:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. 40th Anniversary Week Concerts:Pivot Chamber Soloists. Beethoven:Trio Op.11; Messiaen: Quartet for the End ofTime. Minghuan Xu, violin; Soo Bae, cello;Romy de Guise, clarinet; Winston Choi, piano.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); $20(st).● ● 2:30: Chorus Niagara. Messiah: A NiagaraHoliday Tradition for 50 years. CalvaryChurch, 89 Scott St., St. Catharines.1-866-617-3257 or 905-688-5550 x3257. ;(sr); (under 30); (st); (eyeGO).See Dec 6(eve, Grimsby). Donations welcomeof non-perishable food items in support ofCommunity Care.● ● 2:30: Kawartha Concerts / Encore Children’sProductions. Hansel and Gretel. MetroYouth Opera. Glenn Crombie Theatre, FlemingCollege, 200 Albert Street S., Lindsay. 705-878-5625. ; (child/youth). 1:30: Preconcertevent for family.● ● 2:30: Kingston Symphony. Afternoonat the Opera. Lucia Cesaroni, soprano;Andrew Haji, tenor; Geoffrey Sirett,baritone; Evan Mitchell, conductor. GrandTheatre, 218 Princess St., Kingston. 613-530-2050. $20-(adult), $20-(senior),-(student), (child).● ● 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra.Next Gen 1: It’s OUR Game. Two members ofthe Niagara Ice Dogs hockey team narrateRoch Carrier’s The Hockey Sweater. BradleyThachuk, conductor. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre,58 | December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015
Centre for the Arts, Brock University,500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines. 905-687-4993. .50-.50. Donations of cannedfood and toys will be collected at the concertfor the Lincoln County Humane Society.● ● 2:30: Salvation Army. Peterborough CommunityCarol Sing: A Christmas Event forEveryone. Combined Choirs; Timbrel Choir;Salvation Army Band; Andrew Burditt; GrahamHart; and others. Salvation Army Temple,219 Simcoe St., Peterborough. 705-745-2240.Special Offering. Proceeds to Salvation ArmyChristmas Hamper Fund.Sunday, December 7thSt. Joseph’s Church, Fergus● ● 3:00: Elora Festival and Singers. A VillageMessiah. Handel. Elora Festival Singers;Noel Edison, conductor. St. Joseph’s CatholicChurch, 760 St. David N., Fergus. 519-846-0332. .● ● 3:00: La Jeunesse Youth Orchestra. Homefor the Holidays. Around the World at Christmasand other works. Port Hope UnitedChurch, 34 South St., Port Hope. 1-866-460-5596. $20; (st); (children).Tuesday December 9● ● 12:00 noon: City of St. Catharines. CivicCarol Concert. Yuletide carol sing-along. Areasecondary school choirs; brass ensemble;Ross R. Stretton, organ; Peter M. Partridge,conductor of massed choir. St. Thomas AnglicanChurch, 99 Ontario St., St. Catharines.905-688-5601x2160. Freewill offering. Proceedsto Christmas Community Care.● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral. Advent Concerts.Michael Capon, organ. St. George’sCathedral (Kingston), 270 King St. E., Kingston.613-548-4617. Freewill offering. Also Nov,27, Dec 2, 4, 11, 16 and 18.Wednesday December 10● ● 2:30: Seniors Serenade. An InnisdaleChristmas. Choirs and instrumentalists fromInnisdale Secondary School. Grace UnitedChurch, 350 Grove St. E., Barrie. 705-726-1181. Free.● ● 7:30: Centre for the Arts, Brock University.Madeleine Peyroux with the Art of TimeEnsemble. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, Centrefor the Arts, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3257 or 1-866-617-3257. .Thursday December 11● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral (Kingston).Advent Concerts. Celtic Strings (SharonMcLaughlin, Celtic harp; Mary Kennedy, violin;Brent Schneider, guitar). 270 King St. E.,Kingston. 613-548-4617. Freewill offering.● ● 7:30: Centre for the Arts, Brock University.Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy:A Family Christmas. Husband & wife fiddlingduo. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, Centre for theArts, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3257 or 1-866-617-3257. .Also Dec 12.Friday December 12● ● 7:30: Cellar Singers. Messiah. Handel.Jennifer Taverner, Jennifer Enns Modolo,Joseph Levesque and Benjamin Covey, vocals;Mitchell Pady, artistic director; Blair Bailey,organ. St. Joseph’s Church (Bracebridge),118 McMurray St., Bracebridge. 705-817-7664. ; (st). Also Dec 14(mat).● ● 7:30: Centre for the Arts, Brock University.Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy: AFamily Christmas. See Dec 11.● ● 7:30: Port Hope Friends of Music. ChristmasAround the World. Works by Corelli,Manfredini, Handel and others. EnsembleCaprice, period instruments; guest: DawnBailey, soprano. Port Hope United Church,34 South St., Port Hope. 905-797-2295. ;(st). Post-concert reception with artists.● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Trio Celeste. Beethoven: CompletePiano Trios, first of three programs(Op.11 No.4 in B-flat “Gassenhauer”; Op.1 No.2in G; Op.70 No.1 in D “Ghost”). Iryna Krechkovsky,violin; Ross Gasworth, cello; Kevin KwanLoucks, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);$20(st).Saturday December 13● ● 7:30: Arcady. Messiah. Handel. RonaldBeckett, conductor. Ancaster ChristianReformed Church, 70 Garner Rd. E., Ancaster.877-700-3130. .● ● 8:00: Kokoro Singers. The Spirit of Christmas.Brenda Uchimaru, conductor. RyersonUnited Church, 265 Wilson St. E., Ancaster.289-439-9447. $20; (sr/st). Also Dec 14(Guelph).● ● 8:00: Nota Bene Baroque Players. Christmasin Leipzig. Bach: Magnificat. St. JosephCatholic Church, 260 Herkimer Street, Hamilton.226-808-9567. ; (sr); (st).Also Dec 14 (Waterloo).● ● 8:00: Rant Maggie Rant. Frost & Fire: ACeltic Christmas Celebration! Traditional tomodern Celtic melodies, jigs and reels, carolsand other works. Lindsay Schindler, fiddle,vocals; Glen Dias, vocals, recorders, percussion;Barry James Payne, guitars, harmonica,vocals; Rob Larose, percussion; Steve Clark,bass; Daev Clysdale, Irish whistle, Irish flute,accordion. Knox Presbyterian Church (Stratford),142 Ontario St., Stratford. 519-271-0373. . Benefit for Knox.Sunday December 14● ● 2:30: Georgian Music. Baroque ChristmasAround the World. Dawn Bailey, soprano;Ensemble Caprice. Grace United Church,350 Grove St. E., Barrie. 705-726-1181. .Four concert series: ; (st).● ● 3:00: Cellar Singers. Messiah. Handel.Jennifer Taverner, Jennifer Enns Modolo,Joseph Levesque and Benjamin Covey,vocals; Mitchell Pady, artistic director; BlairBailey, organ. St. Paul’s United Church (Orillia),62 Peter St. N., Orillia. 705-817-7664. ;(st). Also Dec 12(eve).● ● 3:00: Kokoro Singers. The Spirit of Christmas.Brenda Uchimaru, conductor. Duff’sPresbyterian Church, 319 Brock Rd. S.,Guelph. 289-439-9447. $20; (sr/st). AlsoDec 13 (Ancaster).● ● 3:00: Peterborough Singers. Handel’sMessiah. Pamela Birrell, soprano; Laura Pudwell,mezzo; Colin Ainsworth, tenor; MichaelAdair, bass; Paul Otway, trumpet; and others;Sydney Birrell, conductor. George StreetUnited Church, 534 George St. N., Peterborough.705-745-1820. $20-; (st). AlsoDec 15(eve).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Trio Celeste. Beethoven: CompleteTrios, second of three programs (Trio inE-flat Op.1 No.1; Variations for Piano in G “Kakadu”Op.121a; Trio in E-flat Op.70 No.2). IrynaKrechkovsky, violin; Ross Gasworth, cello;Kevin Kwan Loucks, piano. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); $20(st).● ● 8:00: Nota Bene Baroque Players. Christmasin Leipzig. Bach: Magnificat. First UnitedChurch Waterloo, 16 William Street, Waterloo.226-808-9567. ; (sr); (st). AlsoDec 13 (Hamilton).Monday December 15● ● 7:30: Peterborough Singers. Handel’sMessiah. See Dec 14(mat).Tuesday December 16● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral. Advent Concerts.Michael Capon, organ. St. George’sCathedral (Kingston), 270 King St. E., Kingston.613-548-4617. Freewill offering. Also Nov,27, Dec 2, 4, 9, 11 and 18.● ● 7:30: Kingston Symphony. CandlelightChristmas. Evan Mitchell, conductor; KingstonSymphony; Kingston Choral Society;Ian Juby, chorus master. St. George’s Cathedral,270 King St. E., Kingston. 613-530-2050. (adult), (senior), (student),(child). Also Wednesday December 17.● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Trio Celeste: Beethoven’sBirthday Concert. Beethoven: CompleteTrios, third of three programs (Variations forPiano in E-flat Op.44; Trio in c Op.1 No.3; Trioin B-flat Op.97 “Archduke”). Iryna Krechkovsky,violin; Ross Gasworth, cello; Kevin KwanLoucks, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).Wednesday December 17● ● 12:00 noon: Music at St. Andrews. DavidRosevear, Organ. Works by Bach, Bedard,Daquin, Kihlken, Peeters and Sumsion. St.Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 47 Owen St.,Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; free(st).● ● 7:30: Kingston Symphony. CandlelightChristmas. See Dec 17.Thursday December 18● ● 12:15: St. George’s Cathedral (Kingston).Advent Concerts. Valery Lloyd-Watts andClare Gordon, pianos. 270 King St. E., Kingston.613-548-4617. Freewill offering.Friday December 19● ● 7:30: Gallery Players of Niagara. AroundThe World. Poems and short stories woventogether with seasonal music from aroundthe world. Guy Bannerman, narrator; DeborahBraun, harp; David Braun, violin; DouglasMiller, flute. Grace United Church (Niagara-on-the-Lake),222 Victoria St., Niagaraon-the-Lake.905-468-1525. ; (sr);(st/child/arts worker). Also Dec 21 (St.Catharines).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Yuletide Spectacular. ‘Twasthe Night Before Christmas; Sleigh Ride;Yes, Virginia—There is a Santa Claus; andother works. Brian Duyn, tenor; Grand PhilharmonicChoir; Grand Philharmonic Children’sChoir; Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyYouth Orchestra; Carousel Dance Company;Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser, conductor. Centrein the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. and up.Also Dec 20(mat and eve), 21(mat).Saturday December 20● ● 2:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band. ASwingin’ Christmas. Includes arrangementsby Clooney, Gormé & Lawrence, StraightNo Chaser, Armstrong and other big bandstandards. Roxy Theatre, 251 9 St. E., OwenSound. 519-371-2833 or 1-888-446-7699..50.● ● 2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Yuletide Spectacular. See 8:00;Also Dec 19(eve), 21(mat).● ● 7:30: Guelph Chamber Choir. Messiah.Handel. Sheila Dietrich, soprano; DanielCabena, countertenor; Chris Fischer, tenor;Alexander Dobson, bass; Musica Viva Orchestraon period instruments; Gerald Neufeld,conductor. River Run Centre, 35 WoolwichSt., Guelph. 519-763-3000. /(4 ormore); (st); (eyeGO).● ● 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Home for the Holidays. Richardson-Schulte: Hockey Sweater; and other holidayfavourites. Roch Carrier, narrator; HamiltonPhilharmonic Youth Orchestra; MartinMacDonald, conductor. Hamilton Place,10 Macnab St. S., Hamilton. 905-526-7756. –; -(sr); (under 35);(child).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Yuletide Spectacular. See 8:00;Also Dec 21(mat).Sunday December 21● ● 2:00: Gallery Players of Niagara. AroundThe World. St. Barnabas Anglican Church,31 Queenston St., St. Catharines. 905-468-1525. ; (sr); (st/child/arts worker).See Dec 19 (Niagara-on-the-Lake).● ● 2:30: Centre for the Arts, Brock University.Matt Dusk. Jazz singer. Sean O’SullivanTheatre, Centre for the Arts, 500 GlenridgeAve., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257 or1-866-617-3257. .● ● 2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Yuletide Spectacular. See 8:00.● ● 3:30: Huronia Symphony Orchestra. TheGlory of Christmas. Moll/Balaburski: Sadie’sDoor (premiere); Handel: Overture to Messiah;Calvert: ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime;Anderson: Sleigh Ride; traditionalChristmas classics; carol sing-along. OliverBalaburski, conductor. Guests: December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015 | 59
Volume 20 No 4 | December 1, 2014 t