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Volume 20 Issue 4 - December 2014

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  • December
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cast. 10 Trinity Sq.

cast. 10 Trinity Sq. 416-598-4521 x301 donation. $20; (child)suggested. American Sign Language interpretationat selected performances. Dec 12 -21, start times vary.●●Civic Light-Opera Company. The Judy GarlandChristmas Show (That never was!).Caroline Moro-Dalicando as Judy; Eric Botosan;Mickey Brown; Joe Cascone; DavidHaines and others. Zion Cultural Centre,1650 Finch E. 416-755-1717 Runs Dec 3 - 14, starttimes vary.●●Cow Over Moon Children’s Theatre.Hansel & Gretel. Maja Prentice Theatre3650 Dixie Road, Missisauga. ; (sr/children).Dec 9 – 14, start times vary.●●Cow Over Moon Children’s Theatre.Hansel & Gretel. Red Sandcastle Theatre,922 Queen E. 905-510-8210 ; (sr/children). Dec 3 – 7, starttimes vary.●●Hart House. Jesus Christ Superstar. Webber.Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-8849 ; (sr); (st).Runs Jan 16 – 31, start times vary.●●Kawartha Concerts / Encore Children’sProductions. Hansel and Gretel. Metro YouthOpera. Glenn Crombie Theatre, Fleming College,200 Albert Street S., Lindsay. 705-878-5625. ; (child/youth). 1:30: Pre-concertevent for family. Dec 7 2:30.●●Living Arts Centre. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Hammerson Hall, Living ArtsCentre, 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga.905-306-6000 or 1-888-805-8888; -(children).Dec 14 3:30 and 7:30.●●Lower Ossington Theatre. Avenue Q.Lower Ossington Theatre Studio, 100A OssingtonAvenue. 416-915-6747 Runs Dec 4 – 21, starttimes vary.●●Lower Ossington Theatre. Jesus ChristSuperstar. Lower Ossington Theatre Mainstage,100A Ossington Avenue. -. RunsDec 4 – Jan 24, start times vary.●●Mirvish Theatre. Jersey Boys. Ed MirvishTheatre, 244 Victoria St. 416-872-1212 -$200. Runs Dec 18 – Jan 4, starttimes vary.●●No Strings Theatre/Toronto Onyx LionsClub. Amahl and the Night Visitors. St Matthew’sAnglican Church, 875 Queen St E. 416-551-2093 $20; (sr/st/children). Dec 21 3:00 and 7:30.●●Opera by Request. Così fan tutte. Mozart.Jami-Lynn Gubbe, soprano (Fiordiligi);Melissa Peiou, mezzo (Dorabella); AndreaNunez, soprano (Despina); Jan Nadal, tenor(Ferrando); Janaka Welihinda, baritone(Guglielmo); Lawrence Shirkie, bass-baritone(Don Alfonso); William Shookhoff, pianoand music director. College Street UnitedChurch, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. $20.Feb 07 7:30.●●Opera by Request. Die Entfuhrung ausdem Serail. Mozart. Abigail Freeman, soprano(Constanza); Marion Samuel-Stevens,soprano (Blondchen); Avery Krisman, tenor(Belmonte); Oliver Dawson, tenor (Pedrillo);Steven Henrikson, bass-baritone (Osmin);Gregory Finney, speaker (Selim Pasha);C. Music TheatreWilliam Shookhoff, piano and music director.College Street United Church, 452 College St.416-455-2365. $20. Jan 24 7:30.●●Opera by Request. Humperdinck: Hanseland Gretel. Sarah Helmers, mezzo (Hansel);Brittany Stewart, soprano (Gretel); RozMcArthur, mezzo (Witch); Austin Larusson,baritone (Father); and others; William Shookhoff,piano/music director. College StreetUnited Church, 452 College St. 416-455-2365.$20. Dec 7 3:00.●●Opera by Request. Zarzuela: Luisa Fernanda.Torroba. Karla Berganza, soprano(Luisa Fernanda); Pablo Benitez, tenor(Javier); Tsu-ching Yu, soprano (Carolina);Marco Petracchi, baritone (Vidal); JennyCohen, mezzo (Rosa); Larry Tozer, baritone(Nogales); Margaret Bardos, mezzo (Mariana);Jeannette Burgos, actor (Anibal); WilliamShookhoff, piano and music director.College Street United Church, 452 College St.416-455-2365. $20. Dec 10 3:00.●●Opera by Request/Nordic Opera Canada.Princess and the Pea (Prinsessen paa Aerten).Enna. Steven Henrikson, baritone (KingJulius); Jason Lamont, tenor (Prince Basilius);Brigitte Bogar, soprano (Princess Ilse/QueenGertrud); Nicole Malcolm, soprano (PrincessGudrun); Sven Ericson, baritone (Master-at-Arms); Nordic Opera Canada Chorus, BrigitteBogar, conductor; William Shookhoff, pianoand music director. College Street UnitedChurch, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. $20.Jan 11 3:00.●●Randolph Academy For The PerformingArts. Curtains. A Musical Comedy Whodunit.Annex Theatre, 736 Bathurst Street. 416 9242243 .75. RunsDec 2-6, start times vary.●●Ross Petty Productions. Cinderella. Therags to riches family musical. Ross Petty(Evil Step-Mother); Danielle Wade (Cinderella);Dan Chameroy (Plumbum); Eddie Glen(Buttons); Jeff Lillico (Max Charming). ElginTheatre, 189 Yonge St. 1-855-599-9090; -(under 12).Runs Dec 4 - Jan 4, start times vary.●●Roy Thomson Hall and Attila Glatz ConcertProductions. Bravissimo! Opera’s GreatestHits. New Year’s Eve Celebration, all before10pm. Music by Puccini, Verdi, Rossini, Offenbachand other composers, from La Traviata,Aida, Carmen, La Bohème and more. NataliaUshakova, soprano; Viktoria Vizin, mezzo soprano;Andreas Schager, tenor; Brett Polegato,baritone; Opera Canada Symphony; OperaCanada Chorus; Francesco Lanzillotta, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. -5. All before 10pm. Dec 317:00.●●Sheridan Theatre. Hello Dolly. Herman.Sheridan College of Technology andAdvanced Learning, 1430 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville.905-815-4049 ;.50(sr); $20(alumni). Runs Dec 2 to 7,start times vary.●●Sheridan Theatre. Little Women. Howland.Sheridan College of Technology andAdvanced Learning, 1430 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville.905-815-4049 ;.50(sr); $20(alumni). Runs Dec 2 to 7,start times vary.●●St. Anne’s Music & Drama Society. Gilbert& Sullivan’s The Mikado. Laura Schatz/BrianFarrow, directors. St. Anne’s Parish Hall,651 Dufferin St. 416-922-4415. ; $20(sr/st).Jan 30 - Feb 8, start times vary.●●St. Thomas’s Anglican Church/PoculiLudique Societas. A Medieval Christmas:With Song We Seek Our Saviour. Select playsfrom the York Mystery cycle. Larry Beckwith,conductor. St. Thomas’s Anglican Church,383 Huron St. 416-978-5096$20; (sr); (st). Dec 12 (7:30) and 13(2:30 and 7:30).●●Tapestry Opera. Tapestry Songbook V.Ernest Balmer Studio, 55 Mill St. 416-537-6066 . Jan 24 8:00.See Section A – GTA Listings for details.●●The ARTS Project. Stephen Harper: TheMusical or “How To Survive and Thrive In TheDying Days of the Empire Of Oil.” 203 DundasStreet, London. 519-642-2767; (sr/st/unwaged). Runs Dec 3-6 8:00.●●Theatre Aquarius. Mary Poppins. TheatreAquarius Main Stage, 190 King Williams St.Hamilton. 905-522-7529 or -. Runs Dec 3 –28, start times vary.●●Toronto Masque Theatre. Acis and Galatea.Handel. Teri Dunn, soprano; LawrenceWiliford, tenor; Graham Thompson, tenor;Peter McGillivray, baritone; period orchestra;members of UofT’s Schola Cantorum; LarryBeckwith, conductor. Enoch Turner Schoolhouse,106 Trinity St. 416-410-4561. ;(sr); $20(under 30). 7:15: pre-show lectureand recital. Jan 15 – 17, 8:00.120 Diner120 Church St. (full schedule)80 Gladstone80 Gladstone Ave. (full schedule)Alleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865alleycatz.caAll shows: 9pm unless otherwise indicated.Call for cover.Every Mon 8pm Salsa Night w/ Frank Bischunand free lessons. Every Tue 8:30pm BachataNight w/ DJ Frank Bischun and free lessons.Every Wed 8:30pm Carlo Berardinucci Band.No Cover. December 5, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26,27 Lady Kane. December 6 Taxi. December18 Shahi Teruko Band.Annette Studios566 Annette St. 647-880-8378annettestudios.comEvery Mon 9:30pm Jazz Jam w/ Nick MorganQuartet. Suggested donation /(st).Artword Artbar15 Colbourne St., Hamilton. (full schedule)December 13 8pm Hamilton Dixieland All-Stars Christmas Special: Frank Musico(trumpet), Don Templeton (trombone), DonHall (clarinet), Matt Kennedy (piano), JimmyHoward (bass), Steve Wilson (drums).●●Toronto Operetta Theatre. The Mikado.Gilbert and Sullivan. Joseph Angelo (Ko-Ko);Lucia Cesaroni (Yum-Yum); Adrian Kramer(Nanki-poo); Mia Lennox (Katisha); David Ludwig(Poo Bah); Giles Tomkins (Mikado); DerekBate, conductor. Jane Mallett Theatre, St.Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 Front St.E. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754 Runs Dec 27 – Jan 4,start times vary.●●Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Masterworks:William Tell Opera-in-Concert - TurinRoyal Theatre. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SimcoeSt. 416-593-4828. -5. Dec 5 7:00. SeeSection A: GTA Listings for details.●●University of Toronto Faculty of Music/Campbell House Museum. Footsteps inCampbell House: Opera Student ComposerCollective. Museum tour. Libretto by MichaelPatrick Albano. Campbell House Museum,160 Queen Street W. 416-597-0227x2. $20.Jan 30 to Feb 1, start times vary.●●VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert. StreetScene. Weill. Allison Angelo, soprano; JenniferTaverner, soprano; Colin Ainsworth,tenor; VOICEBOX Chorus; Robert Cooper,conductor. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754 -. Feb 1 2:30.D. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)The following contains only the listings for the month of December 2014. To benotified of the January “In The Clubs” listings follow us on Twitter (@thewholenote),like us on Facebook ( or sign up forHalfTones, our mid-month newsletter, at Gallery and Grill3048 Dundas St. W (full schedule)All shows: No cover/PWYCBlakbird, The812b Bloor St. West (full schedule)Every Tue 8pm Night Bird Vocal JAZ Jam Sessionwith the Kayla Ramu Quartet. December3, 10, 17 8pm “Tresor Otshudi”: R&B Soukoussand French Cabaret Music. December 510pm Overfunk’d – James vs. Fela DJ. December6pm Sonia Aimy. Lazursuzan 8pm Lazursuzan.December 13 9pm Turbo Street Funk.December 14, 28 8pm Clifton Joseph presents:Negus and the Platinum Records Crew.December 18 8pm Harry Vetro Trio. December19 8pm Janel Jones Quartet. December20, 27 8pm YX Projekt.Bloom2315 Bloor St. W. 416-767-1315bloomrestaurant.comAll shows: No minors. Call for reservations.December 11 7pm Mike Downes Trio (with dinner).Boat Restaurant, The158 Augusta Ave. (full schedule)December 2 7:30pm A Kensington BohemianCabaret with Guy Moreau (voice),Jordan Klapman (keyboards), Carrie Chestnutt(saxophone), Kevin Barrett (guitar)(adv)/$20(door). December 19 7:30pm62 | December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015

Taste of Motown with The Barrymores.Castro’s Lounge2116e Queen St. E (full schedule)All shows: No cover/PWYCEvery Wed 6pm The Mediterranean Stars.Every Saturday 4:30 Big Rude Jake.C’est What67 Front St. E (416) (full schedule)December 6, 20 3pm The Boxcar Boys Nocover/PWYC. December 13 3pm The Hot FiveJazzmakers No cover/PWYC.Chalkers Pub, Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Ave. (full schedule)Every Wed 8pm-+midnight Girls Night OutJazz Jam w/ host Lisa Particelli. PWYC.Saturday Dinner Jazz Series. All shows 6pmDecember 6 Dave Young Quartet. December13 Robi Botos Trio. December 20 Brian ChahleyQuartet. Artist Fee.Classico Pizza & Pasta2457 Bloor St. W (Full schedule)DeSotos1079 St. Clair Ave. W (Full schedule)Every Sun 11am-2pm Sunday Live JazzBrunch hosted by Anthony Abbatangeli NoCover.Dominion on Queen500 Queen St. E (full schedule)Call for cover charge info.Emmet Ray, The924 College St. (full schedule)All shows: No Cover/PWYCDecember 4 9pm John Wayne Swingtet:Alexander Tikhonov (clarinet), Wayne Nakamura(guitar), Abbey Sholzberg (bass), JohnFarrell (guitar).Flying Beaver Pubaret, The488 Parliament St. (full schedule)Free Times Cafe320 College St. (full schedule)Gate 403403 Roncesvalles Ave. All shows: PWYC.December 1 5pm Mike Daley Jazz Trio; 9pmChloé Watkinson Jazz Band. December 25pm Chris Platt Trio; 9pm Danny Marks andAlec Fraser Duo. December 3 5pm HowardWillett Blues Duo; 9pm Julian Fauth BluesNight. December 4 5pm Roberta Hunt Jazz& Blues Band; 9pm Mélanie Brûlée’s Band.December 5 5pm Annie Bonsignore JazzDuo or Trio; 9pm Tevlin Swing Band. December6 5pm Bill Heffernan and His Friends;9pm Donné Roberts Band. December 75pm Carter Brodkorb Jazz Quintet; 9pmKen Kawashima: Sugar Brown Blues Band.December 8 5pm Mason Victoria Jazz Trio;9pm Rob Davis Blues Duo. December 9 5pmJazzforia feat. Clarie Riley; 9pm Danny Marksand Alec Fraser Duo. December 10 5pm PaulO’Conner: Concord Jazz Quintet; 9pm JulianFauth Blues Night. December 11 5pm RogerChong Jazz Band; 9pm Kevin Laliberté Jazz &Flamenco Trio. December 12 5pm Doc. BarristerJazz Band; 9pm Denielle Bassels JazzBand. December 13 5pm Bill Heffernan andHis Friends; 9pm Sweet Derrick Blues Band.December 14 5pm Ejay: Motown/Soul/R&B/Funk Band; 9pm Root Down Trio. December15 5pm Ashley St. Pierre Jazz Band; 9pmThe Sleaper Group. December 16 5pm LeighGraham Jazz Duo; 9pm Danny Marks andAlec Fraser Duo. December 17 5pm Danny Band Brian Gauci Blues Duo; 9pm Julian FauthBlues Night. December 18 5pm G Street JazzTrio; 9pm Annie Bonsignore Jazz Duo or Trio.December 19 5pm Whitney Ross-Barris JazzBand; 9pm Fraser Melvin Blues Band. December20 5pm Bill Heffernan and His Friends;9pm Juno Award Winner: Brownman AkousticTrio. December 21 5pm The Gypsy Rebels;9pm Cyndi Carleton Jazz & Swing Band.December 22 5pm Everloin Jugband; 9pmBruce Chapman Blues Duo. December 275pm Felix Wong Jazz Trio; 9pm Lisa HutchinsonBlues Quartet. December 28 5pmDavid Buchbinder Jazz Band; 9pm Alex MaksymiwJazz Trio. December 29 7pm CherylWhite Rhythm & Blues Band. December 305pm Lawrence Cotton Jazz Duo; 9pm DannyMarks and Alec Fraser Duo. December 319pm Fraser Melvin Blues Band.Grossman’s Tavern379 Spadina Ave. (full schedule)All shows: No cover (unless otherwise noted.)December 1 10pm No Band Required. December2 9:30pm Ms. Debbie & the Don ValleyStompers. December 3 9:30pm BruceDomoney.Habits Gastropub928 College St. (full schedule)December 4 9pm Wonderfest PWYC (suggested). December 6 9pm Jessica Blake& the Dinner Club .Harlem Restaurant67 Richmond St. E. (full schedule)All shows: 7:30-11pm (unless otherwisenoted.) Call for cover charge info.December 5 Zimzum. December 6 Liz Loughrey& Adrian X. December 12 Neil Brathwaite.December 13 Kristen Fung. December19 Jazz Lovers Society. December 27 Gyles.Hirut Cafe and Restaurant2050 Danforth Ave. 416-551-7560All shows: PWYC / / Every Sun 3pm Open Mic with NicolaVaughan: folk/country/jazz/world/R&B.December 2, 23 8pm Finger Style GuitarAssociation. December 3 8pm The Best Originals:Singer/Songrwriter/Spoken WordCompetition.Home Smith Bar – See Old Mill, TheHugh’s Room2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604hughsroom.comAll shows: 8:30pm (unless otherwise noted).December 1 Holly Days – Luke McMaster$20(adv)/(door). December 2 10amBeat by Beat | Mainly Clubs, Mostly Jazz!All Over the PlaceORI DAGANSteve AmiraultPianist Steve Amirault is a welcome addition to the Toronto musicscene. The critically acclaimed Acadia- born musician has beenbased in Montreal for most of his career; he also lived in NewYork City from 1990 to 1993 where he worked with Dave Liebman,Sheila Jordan, Eddie Henderson, Joe Chambers and Eddie Gomez. Inthis country he has had the pleasure of working with Ingrid Jensen,Christine Jensen, Kirk MacDonald, Mike Murley, Seamus Blake andcountless others; and since September of 2014 he has been happy tomake Toronto his new home, already having performed at Jazz Bistro,The Rex, as well as the Savoury Sweet restaurant in Niagara Falls andthe Jazz Room in Waterloo.“I love it here and have found the scene, fans and musicians verywelcoming,” says Amirault.Known primarily as a pianist with an energetic, thoughtful style, inthe past decade he has added vocals to his act, revealing a smooth andsensitive vocal instrument.“I sang a lot of pop and rock music in high school, but when Iwent to the University of St. Francis, I put singing aside and concentratedon the piano. Then in my early 30s I became interested in vocalmusic and I started writing lyrics. It seemed natural to put words tomy music and I have always thought myself to be more of a songwriterthan jazz composer. I wasn’t planning on becoming a singer, but aboutseven years ago I started singing one song per set on my shows, tosee how it felt, and fell in love with it. I recorded my first vocal CD,One Existence, a few years ago, and I’m now preparing a standardsrecording.“On December 11 at 8pm Steve Amirault will perform a solo show atToronto’s most intimate venue, Musideum.“I’ll play a mix of original pieces, both vocal and instrumental,and some new arrangements of standards that will be on my nextrecording. I’m really looking forward to playing my music in thislovely space.”There’s no mistaking that soulful vocalist Sacha Williamson singsdirectly from her heart, taking listeners on a journey that is frequentlyspiritual and always expressive. While one can hear jazz, blues andR&B in her delivery, Williamson’s original sound mixes contemporarytraditions including new soul, hip hop and electronica. On SundayDecember 7 at Hugh’s Room, Williamson celebrates the release of herlatest collection of originals.“I’m all over the place but I think it blends nicely,” she says. “Onesong is a down tempo soul tune that goes into a bossa nova…anotherone starts with hip hop beats with Billie Holiday-esque vocals on top.It’s called Love Life and these songs are all about elements of my lovelife and places I’ve been in love – everything from the joy and the heatORI December 1 2014 - February 7, 2015 | 63

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