9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 6 - March 2015

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Wednesday March 11● ● 12:00 noon: Hart House. Midday Mosaics:Samantha Chang Trio. Tan: Two Lyrics of YiPeople; Borne: Fantaisie brillante sur Carmen;Doppler: Andante and Rondo Op.25; Mower:Deviations on the Carnival of Venice. SamanthaChang, Christopher Lee, flute; NarineMardoyan, piano. Hart House, East CommonRoom, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-7585.Free. Complimentary light refreshments.● ● 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. Jazz Series:Chansons Refusées. Broadway and jazz.Alex Samaras, voice; Bobby Hsu and others.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 7:30: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. Pärt:Passio. See Mar 10.● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Chamber Choir. Works by Byrd, Gabrieli,Monteverdi, Palestrina, Purcell andothers. Ted Moroney, piano. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East Building, YU,4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. ; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Talisker Players. On a DarklingPlain: songs of hope and longing, despair andredemption, and the quest for meaning. See‘NOONAT MET’Free concertsat 12:15 pmA. Concerts in the GTAMusicat MetropolitanMar. 5 Gordon MansellorganistMar. 12 John Paul FarahatorganistMar. 19 Federico AndreoniorganistMar. 26 Patricia WrightorganistApril 2 Maundy Thursday -No recitalMetropolitan United Church56 Queen Street E .,Toronto416-363-0331 (ext. 26)www.metunited.orgMar 10.● ● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks Series: Beethoven SymphonyNo.7. Casella: Italia; R. Strauss: FourLast Songs; Wagner: Prelude & Liebestod“Mild und leise” (from Tristan und Isolde);Beethoven: Symphony No.7. Adrianne Pieczonka,soprano; Gianandrea Noseda, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-598-3375. -5. Also Mar 12, 14.Thursday March 12● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: Clarinet Fantasy.Works by Gershwin, Stravinsky, Brahms andBassi. Yao Guang Zhai, clarinet; Jeanie Chung,piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon atMet: John Paul Farahat, Organ. MetropolitanUnited Church, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26. Free.● ● 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Spotlight Series. Mozart: CompleteViolin Sonatas(selections). JacquesIsraelievitch, violin, and Christina PetrowskaQuilico, piano. Tribute Communities RecitalHall, Accolade East Building, YU, 4700 KeeleSt. 647-459-0701. Free.Women’s Musical Club of TorontoMusic in the AfternoonINTERNATIONALLYACCLAIMED VIRTUOSOJENS LINDEMANNThursdayMarch 12, 1.30 p.m.Tickets● ● 1:30: Women’s Musical Club of Toronto.Brassfire. Classic and contemporary worksby Bach, Debussy, Piazzolla, Ellington, Gillilandand others. Jens Lindemann, trumpet;Kristian Alexandrov, piano, percussion; MikeDownes, bass; Ted Warren, drums. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-923-7052. .● ● 2:00: Northern District Public Library.Orchardviewers: Concert. Toronto PublicLibrary, Northern District, 40 Orchard ViewBlvd. 416-393-7610. Free.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Dominick Argento: Postcard fromMorocco. Spring major opera production.Michael Cavanagh, stage director; Leslie Dala,conductor. MacMillan Theatre, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.; (sr); (st). Also Mar 13, 14, 15(mat).● ● 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Concert Series: Rhythms of India. Originalworks. Trichy Sankaran, mrdangam/kanjira; Autorickshaw: Suba Sankaran, voice;Dylan Bell, piano/guitar; Ed Hanley, tabla. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Accolade EastBuilding, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888.; (st).● ● 8:00: Aga Khan Museum/Ashkenaz Foundation.Spotlight on Israeli Culture: DiwanSaz Interfaith Ensemble. Multiculturalensemble of Jewish, Muslim, Christian andBedouin musicians. Ancient music from CentralAsia, Turkey, Persia, and the Holy Land.Aga Khan Museum Auditorium, 77 WynfordDr. 416-646-4677. -.DalaThursday, March 128pmauroraculturalcentre.ca905 713-1818● ● 8:00: Aurora Cultural Centre. Dala GirlsIn Concert. Folk duo. 22 Church St., Aurora.905-713-1818. ; (adv).● ● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. All ThatJazz! New Orleans Jazz. Preservation HallJazz Band. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham.905-305-7469. –.● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. The Art of the Piano:Brendan Fox. Ives: Concord Sonata;Corigliano: Fantasia on an ostinato.345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. $20; (st).Pre-concert lecture.● ● 8:00: Hammond Associates. Kodo DrummersOne Earth Tour: Mystery. TamasaburoBando, director. Sony Centre For The PerformingArts, 1 Front St. E. 1-855-872-7669.-. 7:00: pre-show talk (limited to first250) with Nagata Shachu Japanese Taiko andMusic Ensemble of Toronto.● ● 8:00: Musideum. Mimi and Friends. Blues.Dave Patel and Greg Keyes. Suite 133 (mainfloor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323..● ● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks Series: Beethoven SymphonyNo.7. See Mar 11; Also Mar 14.● ● 8:00: WolfPAC. Bare: A Pop Opera. Musicand book by Damon Intrabartolo; lyricsand book by Jon Hartmere Jr.directed byLanndis De Lallo. Robert Gill Theatre, Universityof Toronto, 214 College St. 416-978-8849.;(sr/st). Also March 13, 14(mat & eve).Friday March 13● ● 12:10: Music at St Andrew’s. NoontimeRecital: Trio Arabica. Laurissa Chitty, violin;Andrés Tucci Clarke, cello; Renée Barabash,piano. St. Andrew’s Church, King and Simcoe,73 Simcoe St. 416-593-5600 x231. Free.● ● 1:10: Gordon Murray Presents. Piano Potpourri.Classics, opera, operetta, musicals,ragtime, pop, international and other genres.Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-631-4300. PWYC. Also Mar 6, 20, 27. Lunchand snack friendly.● ● 5:30: Canadian Music Centre. CMC on the13th: Portrait of a Pioneer – The Vocal Musicof Jean Coulthard. Jennifer Taverner, soprano.20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201.$20/(adv).● ● 7:30: Brott Music Festival. Jeans N’ Classicsand Boris Brott perform Billy Joel andElton John. National Academy Orchestra.Burlington Performing Arts Centre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-525-7664.. 6:00: Craft Beer Tasting.● ● 7:30: Florivox. Past Melodies: A GlobalJourney. Works by Hopkins, Leite, McGlynnand Paranjoti. Frances Farrell, conductor.Guests: Mark Ramsay, piano; Marsha Coffey,percussion. First Unitarian Church, 175 St.Clair Ave. W. 902-456-9469. $20/(adv);(sr/st).● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Dominick Argento: Postcard fromMorocco. See Mar 12. Also Mar 14, 15(mat).● ● 8:00: Aga Khan Museum. Emel Mathlouthi.Tunisian-born singer-songwriter incorporatestrip-hop and rock elements into herdistinctly lyrical style. Aga Khan MuseumAuditorium, 77 Wynford Dr. 416-646-4677.-.● ● 8:00: D.D.A. Productions. Glenn MillerOrchestra. Standards such as “In the Mood,”“Moonlight Serenade,” “Chattanooga ChooChoo,” “Tuxedo Junction” and more. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255.-.essentialARZUELA!Friday, March● ● 8:00: Essential Opera. Essential Zarzuela.Vives: Bohemios; other Spanish zarzuela repertoire.Maureen Batt, Kelsey Vicary, StephanieDeCiantis, soprano; Fabian Arciniegas,tenor; Heather Jewson, mezzo-soprano;Kate Carver, music director. Heliconian Hall,35 Hazelton Ave. 647-290-7970. ; $20(sr/st/arts worker).● ● 8:00: Massey Hall/Small World Music.Camané. Fado. Winter Garden Theatre,189 Yonge St. 416-872-4255. .50–.50.● ● 8:00: Rose Theatre Brampton. PreservationHall Jazz Band. That’s It, Tailgate Rambleand other works. 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton.36 | March 1 - April 7, 2015

905-874-2800. -.● ● 8:00: WolfPAC. Bare: A Pop Opera. SeeMarch 12. Also Mar 14(mat & eve).Saturday March 14● ● 2:00: WolfPAC. Bare: A Pop Opera. SeeMarch 12. Also 8pm.● ● 4:30: Royal Conservatory of Music. TaylorAcademy Showcase Concert. Phil and Eli TaylorPerformance Academy for Young Artists.Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. Free(ticket required).● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Dominick Argento: Postcard fromMorocco. See Mar 12. Also Mar 15(mat).● ● 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra.Subscription Concert #4. Debussy: Preludeto the Afternoon of a Faun; Tchaikovsky:Violin Concerto in D Op.35; Dvořák: SymphonyNo.8 in G Op.88. Alexander Volkov, violin.P.C. Ho Theatre, Chinese Cultural Centreof Greater Toronto, 5183 Sheppard Ave. E.,Scarborough. 416-879-5566. /(premium);(sr/st)/(premium); free(under12).● ● 8:00: Kouraba Toronto Centre for CulturalAdvancement. Jazz-Mandingue.Afro-Jazz. Kaabi Kouyaté; Amara Kante, percussion;Bryant Didier, bass; Mark Kelso,drums; Richard Uglow, keyboards; andothers. Array Space, 155 Walnut St. 416-532-3019. /(adv before Jan 31)/(advafter Jan 31).● ● 8:00: Long & McQuade/Powell Flutes.Flute Recital with Paul Edmund-Davies,flute and Jeanie Chung, piano. Works byRabboni, Chaminade, Hue, Godard and A.Scott. St. Andrew’s United Church, 117 BloorSt. E. 416-588-7886. $20; (sr/st). 12:00-5:00 pm flute masterclass; see section DMasterclasses.● ● 8:00: Music Gallery/Ashkenaz Foundation/KofflerCentre for the Arts. Lanka Suite& Khôra. Polyrhythmic music that draws onBalkan-jazz fusion, classical, African, SouthIndian, Brazilian, and Klezmer music. Kardonne:Lanka Suite; Ramolo: Khôra. TheThing Is: Mike Wark, flute; Peter Lutek, altosaxophone; Tom Richards, trombone; andothers; GREX: Felicity Williams, Robin Dann,William Reid, Ryan Brouwer and GhislainAucoin, voices; Guest: Jane Bunnett, sopranosaxophone. Music Gallery, 197 John St. 416-204-1080. /$20(adv); (mem); (st).● ● 8:00: Musideum. Jay Semko. Folk.Guest: Lawrie Ingles. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.Cathedral BluffsSYMPHONY ORCHESTRANorman ReintammArtistic Director/Principal ConductorSaturday March 14 at 8 pmDEBUSSY: Prelude to the Afternoon of a FaunTCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto with soloist Alexander VolkovDVORAK: Symphony no. 8 in G, op. 88SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT NO. 3 adult, st/sr (under 12 free) | Premium adult, st/sr (under 12 free)P.C. Ho Theatre 5183 Sheppard Ave. East, ScarboroughSaturday March 28 at 7:30 pmMOZART REQUIEMTickets $20U of T Scarborough Campus Concert Choir, Ensemble TrypTych, Redeemer U Choir & AlumniSt. Timothy’s Anglican Church 4125 Sheppard Ave. East, AgincourtThe Ontario Trillium Foundation is anagency of the Government of OntarioSzathmáry/TzschoppeMarch 14 | Holy Trinity● ● 8:00: New Music Concerts/Organix.Duo Szathmáry/Tzschoppe. Paparousos: 2II; Schulz: ORGANOLOGICS Op.54; Schlünz:-verstummen-; Lefebvre: Der Nachtbote (LeFacteur de la nuit); Tzschoppe: Kolongala;Szathmáry: Sense of Rhythm. Zsigmond Szathmáry,organ; Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion.Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-961-9594. ; (sr/arts workers); (st).7:15: Illuminating Introduction.● ● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks Series: Beethoven SymphonyNo.7. See Mar 11.● ● 8:00: WolfPAC. Bare: A Pop Opera. SeeMarch 12.● ● 8:30: Rant Maggie Rant. St. Patrick’sDay celebration concert. Hugh’sRoom, 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604..50/(adv).Sunday March 15● ● 10:00am: Royal Botanical Gardens.Jazz Brunch Concert Series. Juliet | 416.879.5566680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington. ;(age4-12);(age 1-4). 905-825-5040.● ● 2:00: City of Toronto. Sunday Concert Series.Bob Carey Orchestra. Scarborough CivicCentre, 150 Borough Dr., Scarborough. 416-397-9887. Free.● ● 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Andrés Díaz and Friends. Schubert: StringQuintet in C, and other works. ArkadasString Quartet; Uri Mayer, conductor. MazzoleniConcert Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. .● ● 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Dominick Argento: Postcard fromMorocco. See Mar 12.● ● 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Electroacoustic Music Concert.Davidovsky: Synchronisms No.10; multichannelworks by S. Jun Kim, D. Patrick, M.Subotnick and S. Wyatt. Rob MacDonald, guitar.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.● ● 3:00: Hart House Singers. In Concert.Haydn: Mass In Time of War(Paukenmesse);Beethoven: Hallelujah. David Arnot-Johnston,conductor. Great Hall, Hart House, 7 HartHouse Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. Food donationsto University of Toronto Food Bankwelcome.● ● 3:00: Opera by Request. Puccini: LaBohème. Ontario Opera Collaborative: IrmgardHechler, soprano(Mimi); ChristopherOliviera, tenor(Rodolfo); Thomas Franzky,baritone(Marcello); Misty Banyard,soprano(Musetta): and others; Tania Granata,piano/music director. College Street UnitedChurch, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. $20.● ● 3:00: Toronto Chamber Choir. JourneyToward the Mount of Olives. Works by Allegri,Byrd, Duruflé, Brahms, Prauliņš and others.Guest: Elizabeth Anderson, conductor.Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor St. W. 416-763-1695. ; (sr); .50(under 30).Coffee, tea and home baking follow.● ● 4:00: Organix Concerts/New Music Concerts.Zsigmond Szathmáry, Organ and OlafTzschoppe, Percussion. New Music fromGermany. St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church,1541 Oakhill Dr., Oakville. 416-769-3893or 1-877-769-5224. ; $20(sr); (st);free(under 19). 3:15: Pre-concert talk withRobert Aitken. Reception follows. TicketChurch of the Holy Trinity,10 Trinity Squarenext to the Eaton Centre/ for students, pay at dooradmin@trioarkel.comMarie Berard - Teng Li - Winona ZelenkaSunday, March 15 th ,4:30 p.m.Guest artistsAmanda Forsyth, celloAaron Schwebel, March 1 - April 7, 2015 | 37Presentsorders in advance recommended. AlsoMar 14 (eve, Church of the Holy Trinity).● ● 4:30: Trio Arkel. Strings Attached.Beethoven: Serenade in D Op.8 for stringtrio; Schubert: Cello Quintet. Guests: AmandaForsyth, cello, and Aaron Schwebel, violin.Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-409-6824. ; (st).● ● 7:00: Blythwood Winds. Adaptive Behaviour.Glinka, Maslanka, Fine, and Nielsen:Transformative Wind Quintets. Tim Crouch,flute; Liz Eccleston, oboe; Anthony Thompson,clarinet; Michael Macaulay, bassoon; CurtisVander Hyden, french horn. Array Space,155 Walnut St. 647-567-7906. $20/(adv).● ● 8:00: That Choir. That Choir: Unplugged.Pop, folk and jazz hits by Pentatonix, Rajaton,Mumford & Sons, Imogen Heap and others.Craig Pike, conductor. No One Writes to the

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