D. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)Beat by Beat | Bandstand(piano), Michael Herring (bass), Jeff Halischuck(drums). March 21 The Murley-Braid-Nordic Project: Mike Murley (sax), DavidBraid (piano), Anders Mogenson (drums),Johnny Aman (bass). March 28 Turboprop:Tara Davidson (sax), Kelly Jefferson (sax),William Carn (trombone), Adrean Farrugia(piano), Jim Vivian (bass), Ernesto Cervini.Poetry Jazz Café224 Augusta Ave. 416-599-5299poetryjazzcafe.com (full schedule) All shows:9pmReposado Bar & Lounge136 Ossington Ave. 416-532-6474reposadobar.com (full schedule)Reservoir Lounge, The52 Wellington St. E. 416-955-0887reservoirlounge.com (full schedule).Every Tue 9:45pm Tyler Yarema and hisRhythm. Every Wed 9:45pm Bradley and theBouncers. Every Thu 9:45pm Mary McKay.Every Fri 9:45pm Dee Dee and the Dirty Martinis.Every Sat 9:45pm Tyler Yarema and hisRhythm.Rex Hotel Jazz & Blues Bar, The194 Queen St. W. 416-598-2475therex.ca (full schedule)Call for cover charge info.March 1 12pm Excelsior Dixieland Jazz;3:30pm Club Django; 7pm Bugaloo Squad;9:30pm Tim Hamel Quartet. March 2 6:30pmUniversity of Toronto Student Jazz Ensembles;9:30pm Humber College Student JazzEnsembles. March 3 6:30pm Richard WhitemanGroup; 9:30pm Brooklyn/France’s KandinskyEffect. March 4 6:30pm Scott KempTrio; 9:30pm Brooklyn/France’s KandinskyEffect. March 5 6:30pm Kevin Quain;9:45pm New York’s Joel Harrison Quartetfeat. David Braid. March 6 4pm HogtownSyncopators; 6:30pm Lester McLeanTrio; 9:45pm New York’s Joel Harrison Quartetfeat. David Braid. March 7 12pm DannyMarks and Friends; 3:30pm Chris Hunt Tentet+2; 7:30pm Bacchus Collective; 9:45pmCarn/Davidson 9. March 8 12pm ExcelsiorDixieland Jazz; 3:30pm Red Hot Ramble; 7pmBugaloo Squad; 9:45pm Carn/Davidson 9.March 9 6:30pm University of Toronto StudentJazz Ensembles; 9:30pm Humber CollegeStudent Jazz Ensembles. March 106:30pm Richard Whiteman Group; 9:30pmIsrael’s Ehud Ettun. March 11 6:30pm ScottKemp Trio; 9:30pm Kirk MacDonald Quartet.March 12 6:30pm Laura Hubert Band;9:30pm Kirk MacDonald Quartet. March 134pm Hogtown Syncopators; 6:30pm LesterMcLean Trio; 9:45pm Brian O’Kane. March14 12pm Danny Marks and Friends; 3:30pmThe T.J.O. Big Band; 7:30 Bacchus Collective;9:45pm Raoul & ‘Bigger’ Time. March15 12pm Excelsior Dixieland Jazz; 3:30pmDr. Nick & the Rollercoasters; 7pm BugalooSquad; 9:30pm Mackenzie Longpre. March16 6:30pm University of Toronto Student JazzEnsembles; 9:30pm Humber College StudentJazz Ensembles. March 17 6:30pm RichardWhiteman Group; 9:30pm Classic Rex Jamhosted by The Harley Card Quintet. March 186:30pm Kobi Hass Quartet; 8:15pm Guy MintasTrio; 10pm New York’s Anat Cohen Quartet.March 19 6:30pm Kevin Quain; 9:45pmNew York’s Ingrid Jensen & B.C.’s Eli Bennettwith Gray Matter. March 20 4pm HogtownSyncopators; 6:30pm Lester McLeanTrio; 9:45pm New York’s Ingrid Jensen &B.C.’s Eli Bennett with Gray Matter. March 2112pm Danny Marks and Friends; 3:30pm JeromeGodboo; 7:30pm Bacchus Collective;9:45pm Murley/Braid Nordic Project. March22 12pm Excelsior Dixieland Jazz; 3:30pmMr. Rick’s Tin Pan Alley; 7pm Bugaloo Squad;9:45pm Murley/Braid Nordic Project.. March23 6:30pm University of Toronto Student JazzEnsembles; 9:30pm Humber College StudentJazz Ensembles. March 24 6:30pm RichardWhiteman Group; 9:30pm Classic Rex Jamhosted by Chris Gale. March 25 6:30pm ScottKemp Trio; 9:30pm Eric St. Laurent Trio.March 26 6:30pm Kevin Quain; 9:30pm KikiMisumi. March 27 4pm Hogtown Syncopators;6:30pm Lester McLean Trio; 9:45pmNew York’s Matthew Stevens: “Woodwork”CD release. March 28 12pm Danny Marksand Friends; 3:30pm Bob Rice Latin Big Band;7:30pm Bacchus Collective; 9:45pm NewYork’s Matthew Stevens: “Woodwork” CDrelease. March 29 12pm Hart House/JAZZFMYouth; 3:30pm Freeway Dixieland; 7pm BugalooSquad; 9:30pm Barry Romberg’s ThreeBlind Mice. March 30 6:30pm University ofToronto Student Jazz Ensembles; 8:30pmJohn MacLeod’s Rex Hotel Orchestra. March31 6:30pm Richard Whiteman Group; 9:30pmClassic Rex Jam hosted by Chris Gale.Salty Dog Bar & Grill, The1980 Queen St. E. 416-849-5064 (call for fullschedule)Sauce on the Danforth1376 Danforth Ave. 647-748-1376sauceondanforth.comAll shows: No cover.Every Mon 9pm The Out Of Towners: DirtyOrgan Jazz. Every Tue 6pm Julian Fauth.Seven44(Formerly Chick n’ Deli/The People’s Chicken)744 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-489-7931seven44.com (full schedule)March 2 7:30pm Advocats Big Band No cover.March 9 7:30pm Bob Cary Big Band No cover.March 16 7:30pm George Lake Big Band Nocover.Toni Bulloni156 Cumberland St. 416-967-7676tonibulloni.com (full schedule)No Cover. Saturday shows: 9pm. food/drink minimum. Sunday shows: 6pm. minimum.Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137tranzac.org (full schedule)3-4 shows daily, various styles. Mostly PWYC.Every Mon 10pm Open Mic Mondays. EveryThurs 7:30pm Bluegrass Thursdays: Houndstooth.Every Fri 5pm The Foolish Things(folk). This month’s shows include: March 1,15 5pm Monk’s Music. March 3 10pm PeripheralVision. March 8 10pm The Ryan DriverBand, with LUKA. March 10 10pm Stop Time.March 20 7:30 Dust: The Quietest Big Bandin the Known World. March 17 10pm The KenMcDonald Quartet. March 25 7:30pm TrevorGiancola. March 27 10pm The Ryan DriverSextet. March 31 10pm Nick Fraser Presents.Continued from page 31AnOphicleideHarris in 1717. On July 17, 1717, Handel’sWater Music accompanied the king’s excursionon the Thames, and, as horns in both Dand F are called for in the score, this instrumentis likely one that was played during thepremiere performance of Handel’s famouscomposition. The band’s next concert,bearing the clever title “Tsar Trek” (Meredithis good with titles!) takes place April 15 atByron United Church. It’s the continuation oftheir November performance of the “RousingRussian Repertoire Voyage,” a performanceI had also hoped to attend, but once againthe weatherman had different ideas for me.For the April concert we can look forwardto the music of Kabalevsky, Shostakovich,Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky and more.A real pressing goal, is the need to establisha museum for this amazing collection ofinstruments and related paraphernalia. Oncethe weather improves, and a trip to Londonbecomes reasonable, I hope to visit with Dr.Hank and come back with enough informationon this treasure for a future featurearticle in The WholeNote.Toronto Concert Band: In last month’s issue I mentioned that Ihoped to attend the inaugural concert of the Toronto Concert Band.Usually when I attend the first concert of a newly formed band, Iam fully prepared to overlook the usual varied problems of a fledglinggroup which has not yet developed the cohesion of a groupwhich has been together for a few years. There was no need forsuch at this concert. A well-polished performance by a tightly knitensemble delighted a full house at the CBC’s Glenn Gould Studio.Congratulations. Here’s to many more concerts.Long and McQuade: With the resounding success of their manyNew Horizons bands, Long and McQuade have recently announcedthe establishment of the new Ontario Pops Orchestra for those whowould like to learn a string instrument and play in a group. This is yetanother example of the growing trend for adult community musicalensembles at the novice level. Perhaps people have been reading aboutthe benefits of musical participation in later life. An article on thissubject from the Washington Post and another in a recent issue of thejournal of the Retired Teachers of Ontario indicate that more and morestudies are proving that such benefits are significant.Recently, I learned of World Fiddle Day which will be coming upsoon. There are preparatory practices now underway in Torontoleading up to the big day. Toronto participants will all be togetherplaying at historic Old Fort York in a few weeks time. Now howabout world trombone day or world euphonium day? Let’scampaign for that.Uxbridge Community Concert Band: The Uxbridge CommunityConcert Band is a summertime-only band which was formed yearsago to provide a group for students during the summer months.Initially the band was made up mainly of students, but over the yearshas evolved to include a wide range of members from high schooland university students to all ages and occupations. This year, their24th season, they will begin rehearsals on May 20 under the directionof conductor Steffan Brunette. For information email him at uccb@powergate.caDefinition Department: This month’s lesser known musical termis pastorale: The beverage to drink in the country when listening toBeethoven with a member of the clergy. We invite submissions fromreaders. Let’s hear your daffynitions.Jack MacQuarrie plays several brass instruments andhas performed in many community ensembles. He canbe contacted at bandstand@thewholenote.com.52 | March 1 - April 7, 2015 thewholenote.com
ETCetera, ETCeteraMaestro ClassPAUL ENNISMaster classes such as those listed below in Section D: TheEtceteras, are invaluable learning experiences. And not just forthe participating students. Those listening in, be they studentsor other musicians can gain insights into performing that they can usein their own private pursuits; curious music lovers can likewise get abehind-the-scenes glimpse into the ways music that they hear in thecourse of their concertgoing lives is imagined and prepared.TSO music director Peter Oundjian held his second RCM masterclassof the season February 9, teaching students from the Phil andEli Taylor Performance Academy for Young Artists. As the Academy’sdean Barry Schiffman (himself a former student of Oundjian)explained, the Glenn Gould School’s student body ranges in age from18 to 23 whereas the Taylor Academy’s runs from 12 to 17. (Oundjian’sfinal masterclass of the season March 2 from 5pm to 7pm at MazzoleniHall will focus on GGS students.)Alice Lee, a diminutive 14-year-old who’s been playing for tenyears, performed the first movement of Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concertoin D major, op.35 with piano accompaniment. It was as jaw-droppinga performance as it was unexpected. Oundjian bounded up ontothe Mazzoleni Hall stage all smiles and once he had uttered the singleword “Fabulous!” began a simple Q & A in order to determine her age,how long she had been playing, how many hours she practises, whatroutine her practice session takes, what etudes she plays and whetherthey include those by Jakob Dont.This led to some fun. “For those of you [in the audience] who areunaware, there are violin etudes by Dont, cello etudes by won’t andviola etudes by can’t.”He repeated to her advice his own teacher, Itzhak Perlman, hadgiven him: “If you’re practising more than four hours a day, thenyou’re not practising intelligently.”The maestro then complimented her on her strong right arm whichreminded him of Isaac Stern. Another joke followed about Stern’sleft arm no longer being strong because he had become so busy heno longer had time to practise. Once Oundjian found out how youngshe was, he urged her to develop her musicianship by developingher humanity through reading widely and increasing her breadth ofexperience.He commented on her cadenza being really beautiful and remindedher that as we get older the body gets stronger. “Remember,” he urgedher. “Never work harder; don’t lose clarity.”The next students were a piano and violin duo who performedthe first two movements of Franck’s Sonata in A major for Violinand Piano. Oundjian used a hockey analogy about passing butnot receiving to describe a lack of musical interplay he was seeingbetween the two players. He offered advice about vibrato andextending the right arm fully when bowing. “Become the mood of themusic,” he said.He felt the violinist was looking at her music too intently. Itreminded him of a story about Rostropovich at an airport. The greatcellist glimpsed a friend across the way staring at a letter he appearedto be writing. He walked over, said hello and asked what he waswriting. The friend replied that he didn’t know because he hadn’treceived the letter yet.The final piece was the first movement of Schubert’s great StringQuintet in C. Oundjian’s reaction reminded everyone that prior tobecoming music director of the TSO, he had been first violinist of theTokyo String Quartet for 14 years, the longest tenured first violinist ofthat legendary ensemble “How wonderful it is to discover this music,”the maestro mused. “I remember when I was your age and playing thefirst two notes – Wow! – where did that come from?”“What we love about music,” he continued. “Is that it’s all left tothe imagination without a literary context.” He followed that philosophicalinsight with specific instructions about how the openingnotes have to emerge from nothing but still have a presence, so theyneed to be played piano not pianissimo.And then, describing one ofSchubert’s many take-your-breathawaymoments: “Is this not one of themost remarkable sighs in all of music –if you don’t sigh, then they [points tothe audience] won’t feel it.”Later, when the first cello had thetheme, Oundjian asked the studenthow it feels to play. She answered thatit’s astonishingly beautiful, that it’severy cellist’s dream. “So,” Oundjianinstructed. “Play it that way; draw itout of the instrument.”Still later: “Just as in speech, if youwant to bring emphasis to music,better late, not early.”Then came some thoughts about Schubert’s meaning ofdecrescendo versus diminuendo and how in his music diminuendoalmost always means collando [collapsing], i.e. slowing down.Finally, this insightful nugget – “We think of this piece as grandbut it has moments of great intimacy” – and a telling comparisonbetween two great composers in which Oundjian describedSchubert’s use of intimacy as “very personal but still having universalimpact.” With Beethoven, even at his most intimate moments, “youstill feel he’s telling you what to do.”For several minutes, the maestro had been conducting the fiveyoung string players with the same gusto and commitment he bringsto the TSO.Paul Ennis is the managing editor of The WholeNote.Galas and Fundraisers●●Mar 07 4:00: Arraymusic. The AnnualArray Party. Dinner, entertainment (singersongwriterMicah Barnes & more) and silentauction. In support of The Array Ensembleand The Array Space. 155 Walnut Ave. 416-532-3019; www.arraymusic.com Cost tba.●●Mar 07 7:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band.3 rd Annual Scotty Scholarship Gala. Dinnerat 7:00; dance at 8:30; silent auction; cashbar. Scholarship goes toward furthering themusical education of a deserving band member.Palais Royale, 1601 Lake Shore Blvd.West. 416-231-5695; http://goo.gl/RD8GLA.●●Mar 07 7:30: VOCA Chorus of Toronto.5th Annual Cabaret/Silent Auction. An eveningof fun & fundraising; choristers’ performances(solos, duets, ensembles ... serious, andnot the least bit serious!), yummy savoury &sweet appetizers, cash bar, silent auction. TheGrand Hall, Estonian House, 958 BroadviewAve. www.vocachorus.ca .●●Mar 09: ORIANA Women’s Choir.2015 Plant Sale: Due date for orders is today!This year we’re offering mixed hangingE. The ETCeterasbaskets, begonias, and (new this year) geraniums.Our supplier grows the seedlingsespecially for ORIANA, and delivers them tothree convenient locations across the city.Order by Monday March 9; delivery date:Saturday, May 23. For order form go to www.orianachoir.com●●Mar 28 7:00: Echo Women’s Choir. MoonlitCity. An Earth Hour fundraiser featuringJUNO-nominated (Rise), multi-instrumentalist,singer-songwriter Annabelle Chvostek;also includes a wine-tasting (courtesy of HarwoodEstate Vineyards, The Solar Winery); asilent auction, an array of delectable nibblies,and a cash bar. Church of the Holy Trinity,10 Trinity Square. 416-278-2968; www.echowomenschoir.ca.●●Mar 29 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Annual Fundraising Gala. Screening ofthe 1952 classic film Singin’ in the Rain starringGene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and DonaldO’Connor, with the vocals and dialogue intactand soundtrack provided by the KWS. Beginningat the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtownKitchener, guests will enjoy cocktails and agourmet 3-course dinner before attendingthe concert. The evening features specialPASQUALE BROTHERSPURVEYORS OF FINE FOOD“Become themood of themusic”CATERING(416) 364-7397 WWW.PASQUALEBROS.COMJEFF MELANSONthewholenote.com March 1 - April 7, 2015 | 53