guest speaker Patricia Ward Kelly, who willshare her favourite stories and memories ofher late husband, Gene Kelly; also a live auctionwith a grand prize of a trip for 2 to a Canadianmystery location. To purchase Galapackages:; 519-745-4711;888-745-4717. 5; 00 (tables of 10).Competitions●●Mar 29 1:00: Orchestra Toronto.Marta Hidy Concerto Competition LiveFinals:2015 Prize for Woodwinds. Upper Gallery,Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 YongeSt. Free admission, RSVP required at416-467-7142.Tours, Marches●●Mar 08, 15, 22, 29 10:30am: CanadianOpera Company. 90-minute tours for thegeneral public. These extensive tours includebackstage access and are an opportunityto learn more about the first purpose-builtopera house in Canada, its history, architectureand innovative acoustic design. Eachtour is led by trained docents and includesinformation and access to the Isadore andRosalie Sharp City Room, the Richard BradshawAmphitheatre and R. Fraser Elliott Hall,as well as backstage areas like wig rooms anddressing rooms, the orchestra pit, and otherspaces that only a stage door pass couldunlock. Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. West. (advance); or purchase at the box office.$20 (adults); (sr/st).●●Mar 29: Canadian Music Therapy TrustFund. 2nd Annual March for Music Therapy.A grassroots, family and community focusednational event, this year taking place in 10communities across Canada: Vancouver, Calgary,Saskatoon, U of Windsor, Wilfrid LaurierU (Waterloo), Burlington, Toronto, Ottawa/Perth, Montreal. Groups across Canadawill march up to 5 km to raise awarenessand funds for music therapy. All marcheswill end with an event to celebrate the communitycoming together and supporting theCMTTF and their efforts to provide musictherapy services to underserved populationsin Canada www.musictherapytrust.E. The ETCeterasca; 416-535-0200; 1-888-689-9545.Lectures, Salons, Symposia●●Mar 01 10:00am: UofT Faculty of Music /Wychwood Clarinet Choir. Clarinet Day 2015.Events throughout the day. Master classeswith James Campbell; workshops, playingsessions and more; vendors and refreshments;concluding with performances by theWychwood Clarinet Choir and the UofT ClarinetEnsemble. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBldg., 80 Queen’s Park. For more details andto register:●●Mar 01 7:00: New Music Concerts. AnEvening with Paul Griffiths. Discussionwith critic, novelist and librettist Paul Griffiths,of collaboration with Elliott Carter onopera What Next? Gallery 345, 345 SoraurenAve. 416-961-9594. 0; 0(for 2). Doorprizes and refreshments. Benefit for NewMusic Concerts; charitable receipt for CRAallowable portion of ticket price.●●Mar 02 1:30: Miles Nadal JCC. Opera andShakespeare. With opera educator Iain Scott.Rediscover the genius of Shakespeare’smost beloved scenes, interpreted throughthe equally powerful genius of Verdi andother major opera composers. This 4-partseries will include Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth,Otello and Falstaff. 750 Spadina Ave.416-924-6211 x155; ContinuesMarch 09, 23 and 30. (series); (drop in).●●Mar 03 6:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra/CanadianMusic Centre. Let Me Tell You:Composers in Conversation. Symposium featuringBritish composer/New Creations Festivalcurator George Benjamin, whose operaWritten on Skin will be performed by the TSOon March 7. Other guests on this in-depthpanel include NCF composers Hans Abrahamsenand Chris Paul Harman; hosted bythe TSO’s Affiliate Composer Kevin Lau. This isa rare opportunity to hear these composersshare their unique experiences, insights, andchallenges. Canadian Music Centre, 20 SaintJoseph St.●●Mar 03 7:30: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Contemporary Music: A Pluralityof Worlds? Lecture by Paul Griffiths, Wilma& Clifford Smith Visitor in Music. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-978-3744. Free.●●Mar 07 7:00: The Toronto Gilbert and SullivanSociety. A fascinating look at EvelynLaye, star of light opera, film and theatre. St.Andrew’s United Church, 117 Bloor St. East.416-763-0832. (non-members).●●Mar 09 1:30: Miles Nadal JCC. Opera andShakespeare. See March 02 above.●●Mar 09 7:30: Toronto Masque Theatre. So,You Want to Write a Masque? Our popularclown friends from last season return for aspecial salon on masque-making. Also featuringartistic director Larry Beckwith, sopranoMichele DeBoer and lutenist Lucas Harris.The Shaftesbury, 21 Shaftesbury Ave. Toregister: or 416-410-4561. $20; (under thirty); reductionfor subscribers.●●Mar 17 1:30: Oakville Opera Guild.Tea with Opera: The Yeomen of theGuard. Guest: David James, retired musiclibrarian, UofT. Oakville Central Library Auditorium,Navy St., Oakville. 905-827-5678. (minimum donation). Proceeds to scholarshipawarded annually to a young Canadian singerstudying at UofT. Opera Division.●●Mar 20 7:00: Soundstreams. Salon 21:Aaron Gervais World Premiere. Join Sound-Makers Composer in Residence, Aaron Gervaisfor the world premiere of Longuementme sui tenus, sung by Larissa Koniuk, AnnaAtkinson, Alex Samaras, and Chris Enns.Gardiner Museum, 111 Queen’s Park. 416-504-1282. Free, PWYC reserved seating andgallery preludes available.●●Mar 23 1:30: Miles Nadal JCC. Opera andShakespeare. See March 02 above.●●Mar 27 and 28 10:00am-1:00 and 2:00-5:00: International Resource Centre forPerforming Artists. Encounter with MetropolitanOpera’s Joan Dornemann. Aimedat helping singers, instrumentalists andothers in the field to develop their full potentialand improve their chances of success,these two days are the perfect opportunityfor the singer who is unsure whetherhe or she is ready for important auditions,to gain vital confidence and direction. Theyalso allow emerging coaches or collaborativepianists to develop their skills. The generalpublic is encouraged to observe thepreparation required for the advancementof artists they will soon see on major stages.McLaughlin Studio, Canadian Opera Company,227 Front Street E. 416-362-1422; Participating singers: $200 for thetwo days; observers: (one session); (all four sessions); for IRCPA members toobserve: $20 (one session); (all four sessions).Vocal teachers are invited to attend asguests, but must RSVP.●●Mar 27 7:00: North York Central Library.Introduction to Baroque Music. Enjoy adelightful evening of 17th and 18th centurymusic, explained with demonstrations byPatricia Ahern, violinist with Tafelmusik BaroqueOrchestra. North York Central LibraryAuditorium, 5120 Yonge St. To register: 416-395-5639. Free.●●Mar 29 2:00-5:00: International ResourceCentre for Performing Artists. Who’s Whoin the Industry. Artists and support personnelinvolved in opera, classical, jazz andother music fields are invited to learn fromand interact with leaders in the business.In collaboration with The WholeNote Magazine,and moderated by broadcast personalityAlexa Petrenko, this high-voltage sessionwill examine the challenges and advantagesof the present day, through the perspectivesof music presenters, managers, performers,journalists, publicists and more – to dateincluding Chris Lorway, director of programmingfor the Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall; Jose Ortega, Lula Lounge;conductor/presenter Boris Brott; journalist/composerMichael Vincent (MusicalToronto); David Perlman, editor-in-chief, TheWholeNote Magazine; publicist Linda Litwack;and artist managers Annick Carriereof Station Bleue, Montreal, and Robert Missenof Bobolink Agency. Centre for SocialInnovation, 720 Bathurst St. 416-362-1422; $20 (IRCPA members); (non-members).●●Mar 30 1:30: Miles Nadal JCC. Opera andShakespeare. See March 02 above.Master Classes●●Mar 02 5:00: Royal Conservatory of54 | March 1 - April 7, 2015
Music. Violin master class with violinist/conductor Peter Oundjian. Mazzoleni Hall,273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 04 10:00am & 2:00: Royal Conservatoryof Music. Piano master class with LeonFleisher. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 05 10:00am & 2:00: Royal Conservatoryof Music. Piano master class with LeonFleisher. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 06 3:15: UofT Ken Page MemorialTrust Series. Master class with jazz saxophonistDavid Rubel and jazz vibes player NatSteele. Upper Jazz Studio, 90 Wellesley St.West. 416-978-3744. Free.●●Mar 09 9:30am: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Trombone master class with Jörgenvan Rijen. Conservatory Theatre,273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 09 10:00am: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Cello master class with Carter Brey.Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 11 10:00am: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Trombone master class with Jörgenvan Rijen. Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St.West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 13 3:15: UofT Ken Page Memorial TrustSeries. Masterclass with jazz trumpeter JimLewis and jazz pianist David Braid. UpperJazz Studio, 90 Wellesley St. West. 416-978-3744. Free.●●Mar 14 12:00 – 5:00: Long & McQuade/Powell Flutes. Flute Master class withPaul Edmund-Davies. St. Andrew’s UnitedChurch, 117 Bloor St. East. Contact PatriciaDydnansky: pdydnansky@long-mcquade.comor 416-588-7886. (performers – deadlineto register: Friday February 27); (auditors).Followed by 8:00pm flute recital withPaul Edmund-Davies, flute & Jeanie Chung,piano – see daily concert listings.●●Mar 20 3:15: UofT Ken Page MemorialTrust Series. Master class with jazz pianistDavid Braid. Upper Jazz Studio, 90 WellesleySt. West. 416-978-3744. Free.●●Mar 23 9:30am: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Tuba master class with ChristopherOlka. Conservatory Theatre, 273 Bloor St.West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 24 7:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Tuba master class with Christopher Olka.Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 25 10:00am: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Tuba master class with ChristopherOlka. Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●March 26 time tba: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Violin master class with Geoff Nuttall.Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.Venue Rental• in the heart of Yorkville• historical heritage building• Steinway Grand Piano• recital and special events• lighting and sound systems• accomodates caterers• reasonable rates●●Mar 27 time tba: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Piano master class with Robert Mac-Donald. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 27 time tba: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Flute master class with Marina Piccinini.Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 27 time tba: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Violin master class with Geoff Nuttall.Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.●●Mar 27 time tba: Royal Conservatory ofMusic. Viola master class with Ettore Causa.Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824. Free.Screenings●●Mar 03 7:00: Brookside Music. Screeningof Mozart’s Don Giovanni. Mariusz Kwiecien,baritone; Alex Esposito, bass; VéroniqueGens, soprano; Kasper Holten, director. MidlandCultural Centre, 333 King St., Midland.705-527-4420. ; (st); free (under 13).●●Mar 11 7:30: Hamilton PhilharmonicOrchestra/ The Zoetic. Movie Night: E.T.:The Extra Terrestrial. Screening of film withpre-film feature: Hear about how orchestralmusic has been an integral feature in sciencefiction film and television; experience oneof John William’s classic sci-fi masterpiecesperformed on the piano. The Zoetic Theatre,526 Concession St. Hamilton. 905-902-5683; .●●Mar 22 12:00 noon: Bloor Cinema HotDocs. Wagner’s Der fliegende Holländer. Withsoprano Adrienne Pieczonka; baritone BrynTerfel; Tim Albery, director. 506 Bloor St.West. 416-637-3123; ;member rates available.●●Mar 29 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Annual Fundraising Gala. Screeningof the 1952 classic film Singin’ in the Rain. SeeGalas and Fundraisers above.Singalongs, Jams, Circles●●Mar 15 1:00 – 3:30: World Fiddle DayToronto. Practise jam. Led by musician AnneLederman; hosted by Long & McQuade. Joinplayers of bowed string instruments to learnworld folk repertoire for our communityWorld Fiddle Day event at Fort York, May 16.925 Bloor St. West. For more information andrepertoire: 647-217-4620; donation.Next sessions: March 19, April 02.●●Mar 19 6:45 - 8:45: World Fiddle DayToronto. See March 15.●●Apr 02 6:45 – 8:45: World Fiddle DayToronto. See March 15.Workshops●●Mar 01 2:30: Musikay. Confident chorister’s35 Hazelton Avenue, Heliconian Hall416-922-3618 rentals@heliconianclub.orgworkshop - Conducting. For choral singerswho want a better grasp on conductingtechnique and those who want to feel moreconfident in following their conductor(s).Participants will be both choristers and conductors.They will develop basic conductinggestures and patterns, learn how to preparea score for conducting, how to give clear verbalinstructions and how to be efficient inrehearsals. As a result they will better understandthe meaning of conductors’ direction.Grace Lutheran Church, 1107 Main St. West,Hamilton. 905-522-6841; .●●Mar 02 1:00: Canadian Music Centre. Createa Healthy Support System for Your ArtsCareer. Interactive workshop with facilitator,Anne Carbert, career counsellor & coach.20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201. Pleaseregister online: .●●Mar 02 2:00: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Workshop for Singers, Composersand Librettists. Conducted by soprano BarbaraHannigan; Hans Abrahamsen, Michaeland Sonja Koerner Distinguished Visitor inComposition; and Paul Griffiths, Wilma & CliffordSmith Visitor in Music. The workshopfocuses on Let me tell you, a new work byDanish composer Hans Abrahamsen basedon Paul Griffiths’ novel by the same name. Thework was commissioned and premiered bythe Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, with sopranoBarbara Hannigan, to whom the workwas dedicated. Walter Hall, 80 Queen’s Park.416-978-3744. Free.●●Mar 06 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque Workshopfor recorders and other early instruments.Kim Pineda, coach. Mount PleasantRoad Baptist Church, 527 Mount Pleasant Rd.416-480-1853. $20 (guests); (members).Refreshments included.●●Mar 13 2:30: Long & McQuade/PowellFlutes. Sonare Flutes Workshop with PaulEdmund-Davies. All levels welcome to participatein a workshop featuring music on thesoundtracks Paul has played on, includingHarry Potter and Star Wars. Long & McQuadeClinic Room, 935 Bloor St. West. ContactPatricia Dydnansky: pdydnansky@longmcquade.comor 416-588-7886. Free.●●Mar 20 10:00am and 1:00: RCCO Toronto.Pipes, Pedals, & Pizza. Children and teens areinvited to “tour” one of Toronto’s largest pipeorgans. Includes hands-on experience withthe console (the ultimate control panel withfour keyboards!), a walk through the actualpipes -- even while the organ is playing, anda demonstration of how pipes are manufactured,assembled and put together. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St.289-314-5600. Free. NOTE: Two sessions:10:00am – 12:00 noon for children ages 6 to11 (guardian/parental attendance preferred);and 1:00 – 3:00 for teens ages 12 to 18; pizzalunch at 12:00 noon.●●Mar 20 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque workshopfor recorders and other early instruments.Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church,527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. (guests); members free. Refreshmentsincluded.●●Mar 22 2:00: CAMMAC Toronto Region.Reading for singers and instrumentalistsof Haydn’s Creation. David Weaver, conductor.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 416-551-5183. ; (members).RCCO Toronto & YorkminsterPark Baptist Church presents …Pipes, Pedals and PizzaFriday, March 20, 2015An interactive March Break demonstrationfor children and youth.See how pipe organs are put together and how they work!Hear, and even play “The King of Instruments.” Performances willinclude a range of fun and varied music. No experience required –but feel free to bring music to play!• Morning Session at 10am for ages 6-11(Young children should be accompanied by a Guardian/Parent)• PIZZA!! and drinks at 12:00 noon• Afternoon Session at 1pm for ages 12-17Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge Street (at Heath) Toronto.Free of charge with a “give what you can” donation for pizza lunch.Info at or March 1 - April 7, 2015 | 55