9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 6 - March 2015

  • Text
  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • April
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  • Symphony
  • Orchestra
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the WholeNote’s BASIC

the WholeNote’s BASIC CLASSIFIEDS andBOXED CLASSIFIEDS start at just for20 words or less. Add .20 per additionalword, and .00 for a box. Discounts areoffered for multiple insertions (3x,5x,9x).BOOK NOW for the March edition! Deadline:Monday February 23.IntroducingBUSINESSCLASSIFIEDS!Ideal for ongoing promotionof your services and productsto the WholeNote’s musicallyengaged readership, in print and on-line.Book by March 16th for April!classad@thewholenote.comAUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIESAVAILABLE PRO BONO POSITIONS FORMUSICIANS at the KINDRED SPIRITSORCHESTRA: 3rd (bass) Trombonist,sectional Violinists, Violists, Cellists andContrabassists. The KSO is an auditionedbasedcommunity orchestra that rehearsesonce a week (Tuesday evenings) at thestate-of-the-art Cornell Recital Hall inMarkham (407 ETR and 9th Ln). Led by thecharismatic Maestro Kristian Alexander,the Orchestra is enjoying an enormouspopularity among York Region’s residentsand continues to attract avid audiencesacross the GTA. Interested musicians areinvited to e-mail General Manager JobertSevilleno at and for more information.COUNTERPOINT COMMUNITYORCHESTRA ( volunteer musicians forMonday evening rehearsals, downtownToronto. We’re especially looking fortrombones and strings. Email POPS ORCHESTRA. We area grassroots Toronto-based orchestra.We welcome amateur, semi-pro, andprofessional musicians. Register at www.ontariopopsorchestra.comSUBMISSIONS ARE NOW BEINGACCEPTED for the 2015 MusiCountsTD Community Music Program, whichprovides access to musical instrumentsand equipment to thousands of children inunder-served Canadian communities. Thegrants will be distributed in allotments ofup to ,000 totalling 20,000. Grantapplications are now being accepted, with a submissiondeadline of Friday, May 8, 2015.SWANSEA COMMUNITY CONCERT BANDseeks beginner/intermediate playersparticularly brass, rehearsals Thursdaynights, Western Technical and CommercialSchool .Contact Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comTHE WYCHWOOD CLARINET CHOIR ( welcomesenthusiastic clarinet players to auditionfor a place in our group. All ages welcome.Tuesdays 7:30-10pm.SOPRANO VOCALIST WANTED: Establishedtrans-Atlantic experimental orchestra basedin Toronto and London seeks a sopranovocalist for performances and tours in2015-16. Some shows will pay, some won’t- best suited for a young soprano seekingexperience and international touring withexpenses covered. Soubrettes and mezzospreferred. Apply to: & COURSESCHILDREN’S PIANO LESSONS: Friendly,approachable - and strict! Contact LizParker at 416-544-1803 or Queen and Bathurst area,Toronto.FLUTE LESSONS with experienced andhighly trained teacher. Contact Dr. IzabellaBudaiat 416-881-7972 or All levels and ages welcome.FUN & SYSTEMATIC LESSONS WITHEXPERIENCED TEACHERS. Piano, Violin,Cello. Beginner to Advanced. Suzuki, RCM,Auditions & Competitions. LESSONS: personalized instructionby experienced teacher, concert pianist EVEEGOYAN (M. Mus., L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.). All agesand levels. Downtown location. or 416- 603-4640.PRIVATE VOICE/PIANO/THEORYLESSONS: Experienced, BFA CertifiedTeacher located at Christ Church DeerPark (Yonge & St. Clair). Prepares you oryour child for RCM exams, competitions &auditions. Contact Jessika: (647) 214-2827.FLUTE, PIANO,THEORY LESSONS,RCM EXAM PREPARATIONSamanthaChangRoyal Academy of Music PGDip,LRAM, FLCM, FTCL, SALE / WANTEDCLASSICAL RECORD AND CD COLLECTIONSWANTED. Minimum 350 units. Call, text ore-mail Aaron 416-471-8169 or A@A31.CA.STOLEN FROM CAR IN SEPT 2014 – LoréeOBOE & ENGLISH HORN: 0 reward forinformation leading to return. Serial #’s:oboe TA 78, English horn HV 25. Please callKaren 416-656-4312 or 416-323-2232 x.26WHILE YOUR TROMBONE GENTLY WEEPS:Band days just a hazy memory? Your lovelyold guitar, flute, tuba (etc) is crying out to beplayed and someone out there would love togive it a new life. Spring-clean your closet,and sell your unused instruments with aWholeNote classified ad! Contact AVAILABLEHITCH’em & PITCH’em! I (catchy name fora party band?) If you who provide live musicfor wedding & wakes, roasts & retirements,and all kinds of occasions, you can advertiseyour ensemble right here for as little as plus tax!! Contact by March 24 to book your ad for the Apriledition!SERVICESRESTORE & PRESERVEYOUR MEMORIESRecital and gig tapes | 78’s& LPs | VHS and Hi8 | 35mmSlides |News clippings | Photos& more, transferred todigital files: CD’s, DVD’s,or Video slideshowArtsMediaProjects416.910.1091Master your mind.Mental Skills forPerforming ArtistsLisa Chisholmwww.masterperforming.caSt Clement’s Anglican Church, in the Yonge &Eglinton neighbourhood, is accepting applicationsfor the position of Organist/Director of Music.Applications are to be submitted no later than March 31, 2015,to Rev. Jenny Andison, the full profile please, press kits& image consultingfor performers416.544.1803www.lizpr.comNEED HELP WITHYOUR TAXES?Specializing in personaland business tax returnsincluding prior yearsand adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.• free consultation • accurate workFor CRA stress relief call:1-866-268-1319hts@horizontax.cawww.horizontax.caVENUES AVAILABLE / WANTEDOFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENTin bright 180 sq. foot space at EglintonSt. George’s United Church. Near Yonge/Eglinton. Call 416-481-1141 x210ARE YOU PLANNING ACONCERT OR RECITAL?Looking for a venue?Bloor StreetUnited Church300 Bloor Street West, Toronto.416-924-7439 x22tina@bloorstreetunited.orgOur 3rd Floor“Jazz Cellar” Loungeis an ideal space for:corporate functions | privateevents | birthday parties |product launches416-363-5299 | jazzbistro.caPERFORMANCE / REHEARSAL / STUDIO /OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE: great acoustics,reasonable rates, close to Green P Parking,cafés & restaurants. Historic church atCollege & Bellevue, near Spadina. Phone416-921-6350. E-mail ststepheninthefields@gmail.com56 | March 1 - April 7, 2015

All Roads Lead to Summercontinued from page 13For music lovers and practitioners, amateur or professional,finding the perfect place to spend your summer is no easy task.Summer music education opportunities come in every shapeimaginable: from acquiring some real-world playing experience tositting in the master class of your dream clarinet teacher; from gettingthe chance to take a deep breath and get some practising done on yourchosen instrument, to setting your specialty aside and connectingwith other instruments or aspects of music-making. Each of thesummer music programs out there has a particular mandate andmethodology, and selecting the flavour that suits your needs—thoughsometimes daunting—can lead to a summer break that is not justenjoyable but rewarding.Over the coming months and years we will continue to build thisresource to guide you in your search for meaningful musical explorationduring the months of the year when daily grind takes a backseat to personal growth and exploration. The following 25 profilesare a fascinating cross-section of what’s out there; for many of theseprograms it’s still not too late to apply for the coming summer ahead.For others, you’ll need to add them to a bucket list for the years ahead.All roads lead to summer, as the title of this article suggests; but theyall lead through this particular summer as well, to summers andopportunities yet to come.Part One of this Summer Music Education directory appearsbelow.. Part Two will appear in the April issue and will repeat these25 profiles, plus all others received by March 15 2015. Additionally thedirectory will be maintained and updated on an ongoing basis, yearround, at TO JOIN THEWHOLENOTESUMMER MUSIC DIRECTORYAddress all inquiries by email tosummer@thewholenote.comor call 416-323-2232 x26TheWholeNote Directory TeamProject Editor: Karen Ages:Directory sales and services Adrienne SurteesLayout and design: Bryson WinchesterProofreading: Paul EnnisKINGSWAY CONSERVATORY●●Belvoir Terrace SummerPerforming Arts CampLenox, MassachusettsJune 29 to August 13, 2015Contact: Diane Marcus, Nancy Goldberg212-580-3398 (winter); 413-637-0555 (summer)diane@belvoirterrace.comwww.belvoirterrace.comCost: ,500 (limited scholarshipsavailable for talented musicians)!!Belvoir Terrace, celebrating its 62nd summerin 2015, is a supportive community of youngwomen second through tenth grade where girlsmake lifelong friends. Campers learn in theirclasses while having fun with special events andoutings to nearby professional performances.Each camper has the opportunity to create theirown schedule, with up to ten different classes.Musicians enjoy two private lessons each weekon their instrument or in voice. Other musicclasses include opera, chorus, chamber music,chamber orchestra, theory, master classes andweekly performance opportunities! Studentsalso have the opportunity to choose a class froma different department, such as painting, photography,modern dance, tennis, swimming,acting and musical theatre. At Belvoir, youngwomen improve their skills, increase their confidence,and have fun!●●CAMMAC Music CentreHarrington, QuébecJune 28 to August 16, 2015Contact: Margaret Little819-687-3938mlittle@cammac.cawww.cammac.caCost: from 0 to ,200 perweek (bursaries available)Residential program!!Seven weeks of music for all tastes, ages andlevels! Come with friends and family: chooseyour favorite week (or two) this summer andjoin in the pleasure of making music withothers. Choir, orchestra, chamber music, Broadway,jazz, Celtic, early music: a full menu to suityour fancy! At CAMMAC, you can make musicin a relaxed and non-competitive atmosphere,meet people who share your interests, learnfrom passionate teachers and discover new repertoireboth in class and in concert. It is not surprisingthat so many new participants tell usthat CAMMAC has changed their lives! No matteryour skill level or age, our outstanding teacherswill help you take that next step in yourmusical journey.●●Centauri Summer Arts CampWellandport, OntarioJuly 5 to Aug 23, 2 week or 1 week sessionsContact: Julie Hartley416-766-7124info@centauriartscamp.comwww.centauriartscamp.comCost: 85/2 weeksResidential program!!Centauri Summer Arts Camp is an overnightcamp program for ages 8-18 based in theNiagara Region. We offer more than 40 intensivearts programs, many of them music-based:songwriting, musical theatre, vocal, garageband, instrumental music and more. Centauri isan exciting community where young people canexperience the unique atmosphere of overnightcamp while working with industry professionalsto improve their music skills, and participatingin varied arts electives. The atmosphere iscollaborative, and all campers take part in presentationson the final day. Be part of a uniquearts community this summer and make memoriesand friends to last a lifetime.●●Le Domaine Forget InternationalMusic and Dance AcademySaint-Irénée, Charlevoix QuébecMay 31 to August 23, 2015Contact: Rachel Tremblay418-452-8111admission@domaineforget.comwww.domaineforget.comDeadlines: February 15, 2015 ExceptChoir and Jazz Singing: May 1, 2015Cost: from 0 to ,060!!Le Domaine Forget Academy offers seriousstudents the opportunity to perfect their skillsunder the auspices of world-renowned artists.The beauty and tranquility of the settingat Domaine Forget inspire creativity whilst thefacilities are perfectly suited to the needs ofboth students and teachers. Whether you area young professional or an advanced student,you will benefit from the opportunity to furtheryour musical training through the tutelageof established teachers and the participationin master classes given by distinguished March 1 - April 7, 2015 | 57

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)