9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 6 - March 2015

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  • Jazz
  • Toronto
  • April
  • Musical
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  • Symphony
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  • Faculty


INTERPROVINCIAL MUSIC CAMP●●Guitar Workshop PlusSan Diego, CA June 21 to 26Toronto, ON: July 19 to 24 and July 26 to 31Vancouver, BC: August 11 to 16905-567-8000www.guitarworkshopplus.comFor ages 10 to 90, beginner to professional!!Guitar Workshop Plus offers week-long workshopsin a musical environment at superbfacilities. Professional music faculty and worldfamous guest artists teach and perform for ourparticipants. Guitar, bass, drum, keyboard, songwritingand vocal courses are offered for all levels,ages and styles including rock, blues, jazz,acoustic and classical. Our top-ranked summermusic program provides the opportunity to participatein daily classes, clinics, ensemble andstudent performances, and evening concerts.Participants also take away a DVD of their liveperformances! Past guest instructors includeSteve Vai, Alex Lifeson, John Scofield, RobbenFord, Tommy Emmanuel, Andy Summers, BillySheehan and many others! GWP is much morethan just a guitar camp or summer music camp.You’ve seen the rest….now come learn fromthe best!●●Interprovincial Music CampParry Sound, OntarioAugust 23 to 28; August 29 to September 6Contact: Anne Fleming-Read416-488-3316anne@campimc.cawww.campimc.caResidential program!!Interprovincial Music Camp is a summermusic camp that offers programs for rock,jazz, musical theatre, songwriting, orchestra,band and sound engineering. IMC has providedyoung Canadian musicians with exceptionalmusical training and unforgettable summercamp experiences since 1961. Campers fine-tunetheir skills as musicians, develop friendshipswith teenagers from across Canada, and forgea lifelong love of music while enjoying thewonderful setting of one of Canada’s finestcamp facilities. IMC programs will challengeand inspire young musicians from ages 8 - 18.Instructors are some of Canada’s finest performersand educators. These residential camps areheld at Camp Manitou, outside Parry Sound. Formore information, visit IMC ~the highlight of your summer!●●Interlochen Arts CampInterlochen,!!Interlochen Arts Camp is the world’s premiersummer arts program for aspiring artists ingrades 3 through 12. Located in northwest Michigan,the camp attracts students, faculty andstaff from all 50 U.S. states and more than 40countries. These 3,000 artists fill Interlochen’snorthwoods campus with an explosion of creativity.Student-artists learn from world-classinstructors and produce hundreds of presentationseach summer in music, theatre, creativewriting, dance, film and visual arts. Those interestedin learning more about Interlochen canvisit, call 800-681-5912 or●●JVL Summer School forPerforming Arts InternationalMusic FestivalGeneva Park on Lake Couchiching,Orillia, OntarioJuly 4-14, 2015Contact: Jacob Lakirovich905-882-7499jvl@musicinthesummer.comwww.MusicInTheSummer.comDeadline: May 4, 2015!!The JVL Summer School for Performing Artsoffers young and aspiring musicians a wonderfulopportunity to combine intensive and highlyprofessional music studies under the tutelage ofa distinguished faculty with recreational activities.The Summer School is committed to theartistic development of young musicians ofall ages with a program including instrumentaland voice private lessons, master classes,workshops, chamber music classes, orchestraland ensemble classes, concert performancesand solo performances with the SSPA/Academyorchestras, as well as special seminars for conducting,composition and music theory. By placingspecial emphasis on chamber music, JVLSSPA gives students the opportunity to workin small groups where their individual contributionscan be appreciated and critiqued.Many opportunities for performance are giventhroughout the season.●●Kincardine SummerMusic FestivalHuron Heights Public School,Kincardine, OntarioAugust 10 to 14, 2015Contact: John Schnarr519-396-9716info@ksmf.cawww.ksmf.caDeadlines: Early registration discount June 30.Register before July 28 to ensure your place.Cost: 0 - $200Camp Hours: 9:00am – 3:30pmDay programs!!Daytime music classes combine with therenowned KSMF Concert Series to produce aunique musical event. We offer beginner, junior,senior and adult classes in guitar, bands andstrings. Many adult students register for all levels.Our teachers are experienced professionals.Free recreation program supervises youngstudents. After class, enjoy the free “4 O’Clock inthe Park” KSMF Concert Series in nearby VictoriaPark. Registration includes tickets to the fabulousKSMF Evening Concert Series featuring jazz,blues, classical, world and chamber music concertperformances August 11 – 14. The ConcertSeries artists will also be featured in free shortafternoon outreach performances for registrants.A great family music opportunity on theshores of Lake Huron!●●Kingsway ConservatorySummer Music 20152848 Bloor Street West, Toronto, OntarioWeekly programs for all ages andexperience levels, June 29 to August 21Contact: Sharon Burlacoff416-234-0121sharonkcm@bellnet.cawww.kingswayconservatory.caDeadlines: Open; Early-birddiscount deadline: April 30Cost: Program costs and hours varyDay programs58 | March 1 - April 7, 2015

!!Committed to “Inspired Learning,” the KingswayConservatory of Music provides summerprograms for various ages and experience levelsthat engage, challenge and excite on manylevels. Offerings for summer 2015 include: KingswayChamber Music Festival (1 week) for stringplayers (min RCM Grade 5) and pianists (minRCM Grade 7) including one-on-one coaching,ensemble work, orchestra rehearsals and specialguest artists; LEGALLY BLONDE JR. Musical TheatreCamp (2 weeks) for youth and teens –preparing and presenting a fantastic, full-scalemusical production; Triple-Threat Arts DiscoveryCamp (4 - 8 years) inspiring self-expressionthrough music, art and drama; Suzuki/Traditional Strings Camp (4-12 years) for stringplayers in their beginning years; Early ChildhoodMusicianship (3 years) nurturing the joyof musical discovery; Private instruction on allinstruments.●●Lake Field MusicGUITAR WORKSHOP PLUSLakefield College School, Lakefield, OntarioAugust 9 to 16, 2015Contact: Andrew Wolf647-692-3463info@lakefieldmusic.cawww.lakefieldmusic.caDeadline: July 3, 2015For adult amateur vocalistsand instrumentalistsAccommodations available!!Lake Field Music camp brings together adultamateur musicians of all ages with intermediateto advanced skills in a friendly and supportiveenvironment. The one-week program focuses onclassical and jazz with a sampling of world andpopular music. Participants build their own programfrom more than 40 workshops, techniqueand master classes, choirs and instrumentalensembles coached by 18 experienced instructorsspecializing in vocals, strings, woodwinds,brass, piano, guitar, bass and percussion. Classesfor beginners are also offered for those wantingto try something new. Evening concerts provideperformance opportunities and a chanceto hear the instructors. The beautiful waterfrontcampus includes air-conditioned classroomsand a theatre. Dormitory (air-conditioned andfresh air) and meal plans are available.● ● “Little Voices, DancingFeet” with Jodie Friesen2171 Queen St E., Toronto, OntarioBaby, Toddler & Pre-schoolerclasses: June 30 to July 30 (Tu/W/Thu); Camps: (JK-Gr 1) July 13 to 17,July 20 to 24; (Gr 1-3) July 27 to 31Contact: Jodie Friesen416-461-9989littlevoices@sympatico.cawww.littlevoices.caCost: Classes: .75/5 week session;Camps: 5.00 (5 for 2 weeks/siblings)Camp Hours: 1:00 - 3:45/4:00!!Over 20 years in the Beach! These quality,Integrated Arts camps are limited to 12 children.They include Singing Games and MusicalExploration with a fully qualified Orff specialiston xylophones and a multitude of multiculturalpercussion instruments (pretty muchanything that can be struck, rubbed or shakento make sound!), art (painting, drawing, sculpture,collage), drama & dance, stories and evena themed snack! The weekly, active & interactive,parent/caregiver and child (newbornto pre-school) music classes are also in small,age-specific groups, and led enthusiastically byJodie. They feature age-appropriate instrumentsand materials (drums, tambourines, shakers,bells, rhythm sticks, rainsticks, etc., and songs &rhymes for clapping, tickling, peekaboo, bouncing,swinging, dancing and rocking).●●MNjcc Summer Institute:Singers EditionMiles Nadal Jewish Community Centre,750 Spadina Ave., Toronto, OntarioJuly 13 to 17, 2015Contact: Deanna Di Lello416-924-6211 ext search: Summer InstituteCost: 5 (no hst)Camp Hours: 9:30am – 4:30pm!!Want a singing stay-cation? Our goal is toexcite participants about what they can dowith their voice, determination and exposureto different musical genres. Experience over 25hours of musical instruction, including groupwork and master classes, in vocal production,choral singing, jazz, cabaret, opera, a cappella,performance strategies and more. Classes arehands-on. Great faculty includes Micah Barnes,Dallas Bergen, Adi Braun, Ori Dagan, Kobi Hass, March 1 - April 7, 2015 | 59

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