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Volume 20 Issue 6 - March 2015

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FOR OPENERS | DAVID PERLMANDamn the TorpedoesIalways have a funny moment of pleasure when one of our columnistsfinds himself or herself having to preface a reference to aparticular upcoming event with a disclaimer – calling readers’attention to the fact that the columnist in question is actuallyperforming in the event they’re about to tell you about. (See the finalparagraphs of Ben Stein’s and Ori Dagan’s columns in this issue forexamples of what I am talking about.)It doesn’t happen often, but often enough. And the pleasure thatI get from it, every time, is the little reminder that so many of ourwriters are, in fact, active participants in the musical “Beats” theywrite about, rather than detached observers.I also get some satisfaction, in those situations, from the fact thatwe still make the effort to point these little conflicts of interest outto our readers when they happen. It gets harder and harder when allthe protocols they teach in publishing courses about keeping one’seditorial operations as pure as the driven snow are being blownaway by the winds of digital change. It’s especially hard for the littleguys like us to stick to protocols for keeping editorial and advertisingseparate at a time when even the big guys who passed exams in therules are floundering for consistency.So what am I driving at? Well, just this: this is one of those timeswhen I am busting to use this supposedly sacred bit of editorial realestate to tell you about a whole bunch of things I would not evenknow about if I were wearing only my editorial hat instead of the twoor three that every member of this tiny organization must juggle justto keep this little publication going.So, damn the torpedoes! Here I go! (I can always go back to beingan editorial virgin in the morning, can’t I?)One: AzrieliWere you in too much of a hurry to come visit me here to notice theadvertisement from the Azrieli Foundation on page 4, announcing theAzrieli Music Project ? The competition announced in the ad shouldmake the composers among you sit up and take notice, at any rate. Itoffers a ,000 prize for a 15 to 25 minute newly composed work of“orchestral Jewish music,” by a Canadian resident; to be performed ina gala concert by Kent Nagano and the Montreal Symphony Orchestra.The question that jumped up at me immediately was “So, whatconstitutes ‘Jewish music,’ in these times?” To their credit, the AMPdoesn’t duck the question. “The question What is Jewish Music? is atthe heart of a constantly evolving cultural dialogue,” they say. “Takinginto account the rich and diverse history of Jewish musical traditions,the AMP defines ‘Jewish Music’ as music that incorporates a Jewishthematic or Jewish musical influence. … Defining Jewish music asboth deeply rooted in history and tradition and forward-moving anddynamic, the AMP … challenges orchestral composers of all faiths,backgrounds and affiliations to engage creatively and critically withthis question in submitting their work.”Consider the following: in this month’s WholeNote listingsthere is a concert on March 12, jointly presented by the AshkenazFoundation and the Aga Khan Museum, titled “Spotlight on IsraeliCulture” and featuring the Diwan Saz Interfaith Ensemble – a multiculturalensemble of Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Bedouin musiciansperforming “ancient music from Central Asia, Turkey, Persiaand the Holy Land.” And two days later, on March 14, the MusicGallery, Ashkenaz Foundation and Koffler Centre for the Arts combineto present a work called The Lanka Suite by Tova Kardonne which,The WholeNote VOLUME 20 NO 6| MARCH 1, 2015 – APRIL 7, 2015Centre for Social Innovation720 Bathurst St., Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4PHONE 416-323-2232 | FAX 416-603-4791Publisher/Editor In Chief | David Perlmanpublisher@thewholenote.comChairman of the Board | Allan Pulkerdirectors@thewholenote.comEDITORIALManaging Editor | Paul Enniseditorial@thewholenote.comRecordings Editor | David Oldsdiscoveries@thewholenote.comSocial Media Editor | Sara Constanteditorial@thewholenote.comListings Editor | David Perlman (acting)listings@thewholenote.comClub Listings Editor | Bob Benjazz@thewholenote.comSALES, MARKETING & MEMBERSHIPConcerts & Events/Membership | Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.comRecord Industry Sales/Marketing | Thom McKercherthom@thewholenote.comDirectory Sales and Services | Adrienne Surteessummer@thewholenote.comAdvertising/Production Support/OperationsJack Buell | adart@thewholenote.comClassified Ads | classad@thewholenote.comWebsite/Systems | Bryson WinchesterSystems Intern | Kevin Kingsystems@thewholenote.comCirculation/Subscriptions | Chris Malcolmcirculation@thewholenote.comSUBSCRIPTIONS per year + HST (9 issues)THANKS TO THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORSBeat ColumnistsHans de Groot, Jack MacQuarrie, Benjamin Stein,Paul Ennis, David Olds, David Podgorski,Ori Dagan, Wendalyn Bartley, Bob Ben,mJ buell, Christopher Hoile, Andrew TimarFeaturesSara Constant, Paul Ennis, David PodgorskiCD ReviewersKaren Ages, Stuart Broomer, Max Christie, Hansde Groot, Daniel Foley, Janos Gardonyi, RichardHaskell, Tiina Kiik, Roger Knox, Alison Melville,Lesley Mitchell-Clarke, Ivana Popovic, MichaelSchwartz, Bruce Surtees, Andrew Timar, RobertTomas, Ken Waxman, Dianne WellsProofreadingJohn Sharpe, Paul Ennis, Sara ConstantListingsDavid Perlman, Bob Ben,Tilly Kooyman, JennieLea McLeish,Ruth Atwood, Simone DesiletsCirculation TeamAbram Bergen, Andrew Schaefer, Beth Bartley,Bob Jerome, Dagmar Sullivan, Dave Taylor,Garry Page, Gero Hajek, Jack Buell, Jeff Hogben,Joan Andrews, John Dodington, Lorna Nevison,Mark Clifford, Micah Herzog, Niamh Malcolm,Patrick Slimmon, Paul Ennis, Randy Weir, RobertFaulkner, Sharon Clark, Tiffany Johnson, TomSepp, Vicki Stainton, Wende BartleyLayout & DesignBryson Winchesteran Ontario government agencyun organisme du gouvernement de l’OntarioUpcoming Dates & DeadlinesFree Event Listings DeadlineMidnight Sunday March 8Display Ad Reservations Deadline6pm Sunday March 15Classifieds Deadline6pm Tuesday March 24Advertising Materials Due6pm Wednesday March 18Publication DateTuesday March 31Volume 20 No 7 coversApril 1, 2015 to May 7, 2015WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility orliability for claims made for any product or servicereported on or advertised in this issue.Printed in CanadaCouto Printing & Publishing ServicesCirculation StatementMarch 2015: 30,000 printed & distributedCanadian Publication Product Sales Agreement1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.Centre for Social Innovation503–720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4COPYRIGHT © 2015 WHOLENOTE MEDIA INCthewholenote.com6 | March 1 - April 7, 2015

according to columnist Andrew Timar, “goes backto the Klezmer bands Kardonne played in, startingin her teens, as well as to her grandparents’ EasternEuropean Jewish roots” and goes on from there toengage with the social realities of post-civil warSri Lanka, taking in, along the way, Kardonne’s“studies of Cuban santería batá drumming, Northand South Indian drumming patterns, and herparticipation in the Brazilian Samba Elégua group.”With these kinds of dialogue under way in ourtown, it will be fascinating to see who rises tothe AMP challenge. We will follow the story asit develops.Two: IRCPAStill on the subject of ads in the issue, please take alook at the one on page 28 for IRCPA (InternationalResource Centre for Performing Artists) for their seriesof workshops, March 27 to 29 and then April 10to 12. Ann Summers Dossena, driving force behindIRCPA, has been preaching in the arts wilderness foras long as I can remember about the unmet needs ofartists on the edge of performing careers who havenowhere to turn for support, resources and expertisewhen they are in the process of making the transitionfrom a sheltered academic environment to therealities of life as working musicians. Now finally, itseems people who should have been listening longago are starting to listen.I’m proud to say The WholeNote is sponsoringthe third of the March sessions (Sunday March 29)right here at the Centre for Social Innovation, 720Bathurst Street. The first five of you who respond saying you read thiscan be my guests at the Sunday session!Three: March for Music Therapy; MusiCountsAnd still on the subject of ads, I have two moreyou should go and look at. First go check out theMarch for Music Therapy ad on page 77. It’s anotherexample of how music can send out tendrils ofre-engagement with community life and living.And while you’re splashing around the back ofthe magazine, pop over to page 56 where you’ll findunder “Opportunities” in our splendid revampedClassified advertising section the following all-tooeasy-tomiss announcement about the MusiCountsTD Community program - one of the mostunequivocally useful bits of corporate sponsorshipI can think of. “SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW BEINGACCEPTED” it says “for the 2015 MusiCounts TDCommunity Music Program, which provides accessto musical instruments and equipment to thousandsof children in under-served Canadian communities.The grants will be distributed in allotments of up to,000 totalling 20,000. Grant applications arenow being accepted at, with asubmission deadline of Friday, May 8, 2015.”And finally:This issue heralds the beginning, in terms ofcoverage, of our long slow walz towards the summer,in the form of Part One of our coverage of SummerMusic Education. In Sara Constant’s story “All RoadsLead to Summmer” that introduces the directory(page 12) there is the comment that those seekingsummer music education, no matter how different,are all looking for “options that foster the ... spirit oflearning and community.”Amen to that. All year round.publisher@thewholenote.comINDEX OF ADVERTISERSAll Saints Kingsway AnglicanChurch 27Amadeus Choir 27Arts Media Project 56ATMA 5Aurora Cultural Centre 36Azrieli Music Project 4Bloor Street United Church56Brock University Centre forthe Arts 48Brookside Music Association47CAMMAC 62Canadian Opera Company61Canadian Music TherapyTrust Fund 77Cantemus 39Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyOrchestra 37Christ Church Deer ParkJazz Vespers 50Eglinton St George’s UnitedChurch 43Elmer Iseler Singers 33Esprit Orchestra 19, 43Essential Opera 36Exultate Chamber Singers 39Georgetown Bach Chorale44, 48Grand Philharmonic Choir45Grand River Chorus 47Greater TorontoPhilharmonic Orchestra 42Heliconian Hall 55International ResourceCentre for PerformingArtists 28Jazz Bistro 56Kindred Spirits Orchestra 44Lakefield Music Camp 59Lawrence Park CommunuityChurch 44Lisa Chisholm 56Living Arts Centre 13LizPR 56Long & McQuade 31MCS Chorus 27, 34Mississauga Symphony 41Mississauga Festival Choir42Mooredale Concerts 35Mozart Project, The 29Music at Metropolitan 25, 36,38Music Toronto 9, 35, 39, 41Musicians in Ordinary 34, 38Nagata Shachu 21New Music Concerts 32, 37,45Norm Pulker 56ORGANIX 18Orpheus Choir 24, 34Pasquale Bros 53Pax Christi 29Peter Mahon 27RCCO Toronto 55Remenyi House of Music 15Royal Conservatory: GlennGouldSchool Opera Division38Royal Conservatory 62, 79Samantha Chang 56Scarborough Philharmonic42Show One Productions 34St Clements Anglican Church56St. James’ Cathedral 25St. Giles KingswayPresbyterian Church 43St. James’ Cathedral 43St. Philips’ Jazz Vespers 51Steinway Piano Gallery 7Tafelmusik 2, 39Talisker Players 36Tapestry Opera 17Timothy Eaton MemorialChurch 42Toronto Centre for the Arts54Toronto Chamber Choir 37Toronto Consort 23, 41Toronto Downtown Jazz 22Toronto Mendelssohn Choir25, 35Toronto Summer MusicAcademy and Festival 12Toronto SymphonyOrchestra 3, 34, 44, 80TorQ Percussion Ensemble /Music Gallery 33Trio Arkel 37U of T Faculty of Music 11, 40Unitarian Congregation inMississauga 40Univox Choir / Florivox Choir26Voicebox 42Windermere String Quartet43Women’s Musical Club ofToronto 17, March 1 - April 7, 2015 | 7

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