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Volume 20 Issue 7 - April 2015

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  • April
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DIANA PIRUZEVSKAsecond brand new venueis opening its doors: FatCity Blues at 890 CollegeStreet. I asked one ofthe owners, StephenMcKeon, what inspiredthe creation of this club:“To fully answer thisquestion I have to giveyou a bit of backgroundon Cameron, Simon andmyself, “ he said. “Wehave been great friendsfor a decade, and haveall worked in hospitalityas long as wehave known each other.Cameron and Simonworked the bar togetherTerra Hazeltonat The Drake Hotel foreight years, while I cutmy teeth at the Reservoir Lounge, then went on to manage Wrongbarfor the past five years. When we started talking about opening a bartogether we knew we wanted a place that focused on classic cocktails,simple food, and of course, live music. When the space came availablewe saw a great opportunity to marry all of those things, and Fat CityBlues was born.OD: Where does the name come from?SM: Fat City was the nickname for Metairie, a part of New Orleansthat was considered the entertainment district in the 70s and 80s.OD: What kinds of music will you be booking?SM: We really want to focus on supporting the local scene and willbe booking everything from delta blues to dirty jazz, solo pianists tofive-piece brass bands. If it swings and sings, it has a home at Fat CityBlues. (Still fine-tuning a music policy as this magazine goes to print,he was able to tell me that Tyler Yarema plays every Thursday, andother acts will include Patrick Tevlin, Bradley & The Bouncers, andRobert Davis among others.)OD: What kinds of audiences are you looking to attract tothis venue?SM: We had a gentleman sitting at the bar last night who was fromSouth Carolina, and kept telling us how much the place reminded himof home. We’ve had musicians come in looking for a place to play andto support their peers. We’ve even had someone email us about doinga birthday party here for her husband because they were married inNew Orleans. All those people found something here they could relateto, and we can relate to them. That’s our audience.OD:Tell me a bit about the menuSM: The menu includes oysters, po’boys, crab legs, beignets...and inthe summer, crawfish berl on the patio!There is a considerable buzz about town with regards to#FatCityBlues: the BlogTo article has, as of this writing, beenretweeted 84 times since March 18. Here’s wishing the venue muchsuccess all year round.St. Philip’s Anglican ChurchJazz Stories continues on page 50Sunday, April 12, 4:00 PM | Jazz VespersJaymz Bee Birthday Vesperswith Genevieve Marentette, Carolyn Credico,June Garber and special guest musiciansSunday, April 26, 4:00 PM | Jazz VespersHeather Bambrick TrioSt. Philip’s Anglican Church | Etobicoke25 St. Phillips Road (near Royal York + Dixon)416-247-5181 • • free will offeringBeat by Beat | BandstandBandstand April2015JACK MACQUARRIEAccording to my calendar, spring has arrived, but theweatherman seems to disagree. However, I did see and heartwo musical signals to indicatethat spring should be along soon.My first was the song of a bright redcardinal high in the tree out front here.My other was Toronto’s annual SaintPatrick’s Day parade. I must admit thatI did not observe this parade from curbside.Rather, I watched and heard it froma 12th-floor balcony a short block away.Even so, one group stood out. It was nota fife and drum band and the memberswere not dressed in green. It was a frontrow of drums followed by a large band inbright red uniforms.From my vantage point it looked for allthe world like a typical U.S. college band.The only band that I knew of in this partof the country that I thought it mightbe was the Burlington Teen Tour Band.After a bit of research, I learned that itwas the Philippine Heritage Band fromVaughan just northwest of Toronto. Fromtheir website ( I learnedthat they have a program not often seen.Primarily a youth band, it has, over theyears, developed an adult concert band.From my experience, when members of a youth band grow to adulthoodthey usually move on to another adult group with little or noconnection to the youth group. I hope to learn more of this in themonths to come.NABBSSIn my September 2014 column I reported on the very first NorthAmerican Brass Band Summer School (NABBSS). Based on wellestablishedand successful models in the United Kingdom, last year’ssummer school was to be a trial. If successful, consideration wouldbe given to make it an annual event. Having attended that inauguralschool, and having returned home after ten days of invigoratingand challenging music making, I personally declared NABBSS 2014a success. We have just learned that the organizers are of the sameopinion. So, based on the success of the 2014 course, NABBSS willbe running again this summer with additional tutorial staff, a newrehearsal base and an increased Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoocast. NABBSS 2015 will once again be led by Robert Childs, principalconductor and musical director of the famous Grimethorpe CollieryBand. This summer Childs will also be joined by no fewer than eighttop notch instructors from Britain, Canada and the United States. Isuspect that by now registrations will be filling rapidly. Anyone interestedshould contact Craig Roberts, administrative director, the NorthAmerican Brass Band Summer School ( on the subject of all brass bands, there is more good news.Having just returned home from their very first rehearsal, I’m pleasedto report on the beginnings of a new brass band in the Newmarketarea. As yet nameless, the band will rehearse Wednesdays from 7 to9pm. For those who may have, at times, considered trying their skillsin that genre, here’s the chance. For information contact on the brass band front, we have just learned that the WestonSilver Band would be returning in mid-March to compete at the North30 | April 1 - May 7, 2015

American Brass Band Association (NABBA)Championship in Fort Wayne Indiana. Nowin its 33rd year the NABBA championship isthe oldest brass band contest of its kind inNorth America. We haven’t heard yet howWeston Band did.On the concert frontOn Saturday April 18 at 7pm the ClaringtonConcert Band will present “A Salute tothe British Isles” at the Harmony CreekCommunity Centre, 15 Harmony Road North,NABBSS 2014 at the DartmouthFerry Terminal facing Halifax.On Friday May 1 at 7:30pm the OxfordWinds Community Concert Band will present“Celebrating Heroes” at Knox PresbyterianChurch, 59 Riddell Street, Woodstock. Formore information go to Community Band WeekendThe CBA’s Community Band Weekendthis spring will be hosted by Cornwall’sSeaway Winds Band from May 22 to 24.Rehearsals and the concert will be held atthe St. Lawrence College Aultsville Theatre inCornwall. For details go to to HorizonsOn Saturday April 11 at 2pm the TorontoNew Horizons group will present their“Chamber Suites” (which now appears to bean annual event) at 789 Dovercourt Road.In past years this has been where membersof the various NH bands performed in smallensembles to an audience seated at tables.Previously, this was called “Chamber Sweets”because the audience had the pleasure ofeating a wide variety of tempting delicacieswhile listening to the many small groups.With the name changed from sweets to suites,does that mean that the goodies have beendiscontinued? For a very nominal admissionwe can attend, enjoy the many musical offeringsand perhaps enjoy Sweets. It’s alwaysworth a visit and it is only a few steps from asubway station.Fred DuligalIt is with deep sorrow that we report therecent passing of saxophonist Fred Duligal.While he often performed with the CanadianJazz Quartet at Kama on King and many otherlocal jazz groups, he was also known in themany “Rehearsal Big Bands” around Toronto.Over the years I often chatted with Fred whenhe appeared at one of my rehearsals. He willbe missed.Joan WatsonOn page 64 you will find a remembranceof French horn player Joan Watson. AlthoughI don’t recall ever playing in any formalmusical group with her, I have fond memoriesof the many chats we had prior to and duringthe International Women’s Brass Conferenceat Humber College five years ago. In fact, I cansay that I did play in a musical group with herat least once. We and many others played inan attempt to get into the Guinness Book ofRecords as having the World’s Largest BrassBand that Sunday afternoon in June 2010.Definition DepartmentThis month’s lesser known musical term ispesante: An effect distinctly non-upper-class.We invite submissions from readers. Let’shear your daffynitions.Jack MacQuarrie plays several brassinstruments and has performed in manycommunity ensembles. He can be contactedat In celebration of the 70th anniversaryof the liberation of Holland the bandwill feature a medley titled Songs That WonThe War. For part of the program they willbe joined by the Pipes and Drums of theOshawa Legion performing such favourites asHighland Cathedral and Scotland the Brave.The poster for this concert mentions that theirspecial guest will be “Conductor Emeritus”Bobby Herriot. I don’t know whether or notHerriot ever conducted the Clarington Band,but I do know that he will be displaying oneor more of his many talents as conductor,composer, arranger and trumpet player.I’m sure though that we will be treated tohis inimitable brand of humour during thisevening of musical tributes to England,Scotland and Ireland.On Sunday April 26 at 2pm the PickeringConcert Band presents their spring concert“Music from Around the World” at ForestBrook Community Church, 60 Kearney Dr.,Ajax. They will be joined by the St Andrew’sPresbyterian Church Choir from Ajax. Theprogram will include such Caribbean, Asian,European and Latin American favourites asLa Paloma, Jamaican Sail-Away, Lord ofthe Rings, Hot Hot Hot, Downton Abbey andRide on the Cherry Blossom Express. Alsofeatured on the progam will be Fanfare andCelebration by local composer and saxophonistKristie Hunter.Glionna Mansell CorporationPresentswww.organixconcerts.caFebruary 13 – October 23, 201515A Music Series unlike any otherORGANIX 15 is Toronto's tenth annual organ festival presenting a series of concertsperformed by some of the world's finest organists.Don’t Miss Our April and May Events!Wednesday April 15,Jens Korndoerfer7:30 pm Timothy EatonMemorial Church,230 St. Clair Ave. W.Friday April 17,Jens Korndoerfer8:00 pm St. George Anglican Cathedral,270 King St. E. Kingston, OntarioWednesday May 20,Roman Peruckiand Maria Perucka (Violin)3:30 pm St. Clement’s Anglican,70 St. Clements AvenueWednesday May 20,Roman Perucki andMaria Perucka (Violin)7:30 pm St. Clement’s Anglican,70 St. Clements AvenueOrder tickets today or (416) 769-3893Consulate Generalof the Republic of Polandin April 1 - May 7, 2015 | 31

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