9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 7 - April 2015

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Bloor
  • Symphony
  • Trio
  • Orchestra

The WholeNote listings

The WholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:A.GTA (GREATER TORONTO AREA) covers all of Torontoplus Halton, Peel, York and Durham regions.B.BEYOND THE GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario outside Toronto and the GTA. Starts on page 47.C.MUSIC THEATRE covers a wide range of music types:from opera, operetta and musicals, to non-traditionalperformance types where words and music are in somefashion equal partners in the drama. Starts on page 49.D.IN THE CLUBS (MOSTLY JAZZ)is organized alphabetically by club.Starts on page 50.E.THE ETCETERAS is for galas, fundraisers, competitions,screenings, lectures, symposia, masterclasses, workshops,singalongs and other music-related events (exceptperformances) which may be of interest to our readers.Starts on page 53.A GENERAL WORD OF CAUTION. A phone number is providedwith every listing in The WholeNote — in fact, we won’t publisha listing without one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed;artists or venues may change after listings are published.Please check before you go out to a concert.HOW TO LIST. Listings in The WholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the8th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.LISTINGS DEADLINE. The next issue covers the period fromMay 1 to June 7, 2015. All listings must be received byWednesday April 8.LISTINGS can be sent by e-mail to orby fax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6.We do not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232x27 for further information.LISTINGS ZONE MAP. Visit our website to see a detailed versionof this map: 15Lake Erie3 48City of TorontoLISTINGSLake Ontario●●12:00 noon: York University Departmentof Music. Music at Midday: New Ensemble.Original works. Young composers from MattBrubeck studio. Tribute Communities RecitalHall, Accolade East Building, YU, 4700 KeeleSt. 647-459-0701. Free.●●2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. AIMIADiscoveries Series: Brian Epperson. Bach:Goldberg Variations (transcription by DmitrySikovetsky). Brian Epperson, cello; GlennGould School student strings. Mazzoleni ConcertHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. .●●5:30: Canadian Opera Company. VocalSeries: Alice in Operaland. Music by E. Gay;libretto by Michael Patrick Albano. CanadianChildren’s Opera Company; Gergely Szokolay,piano; Ann Cooper Gay, conductor. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W.416-363-8231. Free.●●7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. World Music Ensembles. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park.416-408-0208. Free.●●7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Small Ensembles. KevinTurcotte, Jim Vivian and Frank Falco, conductors.Martin Family Lounge, AccoladeEast Building, YU, 4700 Keele St. 647-459-0701. Free.●●8:00: Gallery 345. The Art of the Piano:John Stetch. CD release of Off With The Cuffs.345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. $20; (st).●●8:00: Toronto Oratory. Tenebrae for HolyThursday. Gregorian Chant; other works byLassus, Victoria, Allegri and Palestrina. BronwynThies-Thompson, soprano; Richard Whittall,alto; Jamie Tuttle, tenor; Paul Ziadé, tenor;Sean Nix, bass; Oratory Chant Schola; PhilipFournier, conductor. The Oratory, Holy FamilyChurch, 1372 King St. W. 416-532-2879. Free.●●8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Tchaikovsky:Symphony No.4. Wagner: Preludes toActs I & III from Lohengrin; Korngold: ViolinConcerto; Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4. VildeFrang, violin; James Conlon, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375.-5. Also Apr 2.Thursday April 2●●12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: Brahms. Trio forhorn, violin and piano in E-flat. Cordelia Paw,violin; Mikailo Babiak, horn; Jean-Sélim Abdelmoula,piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.●●12:00 noon: Encore Symphonic ConcertBand. In Concert: Classics and Jazz. JohnEdward Liddle, conductor. Wilmar HeightsCentre, 963 Pharmacy Ave., Scarborough.416-346-3910. . Includes coffee andsnack. Also May 7.●●12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon: Winners’ Recital.Winners of the Jim and Charlotte NorcopPrize in Song & Gwendolyn WilliamsKoldofsky Prize in Accompanying. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park.416-408-0208. Free.A. Concerts in the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Ajax, Aurora, Brampton, Burlington, Etobicoke, KingTownship, Kleinburg, Markham, Mississauga, Newmarket, North York,Oakville, Oshawa, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Thornhill and TorontoIsland.●●Wednesday April 112:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Vocals. RichardWhiteman, conductor. Martin Family Lounge,Accolade East Building, YU, 4700 Keele St.647-459-0701. Free.●●2:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Tchaikovsky:Symphony No.4. Wagner: Preludes toActs I & III from Lohengrin; Korngold: ViolinConcerto; Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4. VildeFrang, violin; James Conlon, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375.-. Also Apr 1.●●7:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Holy Week and Easter at St. James Cathedral.Maundy Thursday. Tallis: O SacrumConvivium; Duruflé: Ubi Caritas; other liturgicalmusic. Choir of St. James Cathedral.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x245. Freewilloffering. Religious service.●●7:00: Junction Trio. Maundy Thursday withThe Junction Trio. Works by Duruflé, Mozartand Josquin des Prez. Choir of St. Anne’s andThe Junction Trio. St. Anne’s Anglican Church,270 Gladstone Ave. 416-993-5883. PWYC.●●7:30: Church of the Ascension. MaundyThursday. Choral Eucharist featuring theWashing of Feet. 33 Overland Dr. 416-444-8881. Freewill offering.●●7:30: Small World Music/YG2 Productions.Ajinai. Beijing-based, Mongolian-influencedfolk rockers. Small World Music Centre, ArtscapeYoungplace, 180 Shaw St. 416-536-5439. $20.●●7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Symphony Orchestra. Rossini: Overtureto William Tell; Mendelssohn: SymphonyNo.5 “Reformation”; Elgar: Enigma VariationsOp.36. Uri Mayer, conductor. MacMillan Theatre,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-408-0208. ; $20(sr); (st).●●7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Orchestra. MikeCadó, conductor. Martin Family Lounge,Accolade East Building, YU, 4700 Keele St.647-459-0701. Free.●●8:00: Musideum. Lynn Mantle. Singer/songwriter. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.Friday April 3●●10:30am: Lawrence Park CommunityChurch Choir. In Concert. Lee Scott:Requiem. Kimberley Briggs, soprano; AlastairSmyth, baritone; Mark Toews, conductor.Lawrence Park Community Church,2180 Bayview Ave. 416-489-1551. Freewilloffering. Religious service.●●11:00am: Church of the Ascension. GoodFriday. Choral Devotion featuring the AscensionChoir with vocal and instrumental soloists.33 Overland Dr. 416-444-8881. Freewilloffering.●●12:00 noon: Cathedral Church of St.James. Holy Week and Easter at St. JamesCathedral. Good Friday 3-hour devotion.Sanders: Reproaches; Palestrina: O boneJesu; other works. Choir of St. James Cathedral.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 ext. 245.Freewill offering. Religious service; also 1pmand 2pm.●●1:30: Wolfrey House. By His StripesWe Are Healed. For Good Friday. Handel:32 | April 1 - May 7, 2015

Messiah (excerpts from part 2). Sacred ConcertChamber Ensemble; String Quartet;Vocal Octet. St. Barnabas on the Danforth,361 Danforth Ave. 416-463-1344. Free.●●3:00: Edwin Huizinga/Keith Hamm.Stereo Live: Seven Last Words. Haydn. EdwinHuizinga, violin; Keith Hamm, viola. Guests:Christopher Verrette, violin; Rachel Desoer,cello. Campbell House Museum, 160 QueenSt. W. 416 597-0227 x2. ; $20(adv). 2:00:doors open. Refreshments available.●●7:30: Cantabile Chorale of York Region.Good Friday Charity Benefit Concert. Lentencantata. Martin: Canticle of the Cross. RobertRichardson, director; Lona Richardson, piano.Thornhill United Church, 25 Elgin St., Thornhill.905-731-8318. Freewill offering. Fundraiserfor selected social service agencies inYork Region.●●7:30: Georgetown Bach Chorale. The PassionAccording to St. John. Bach. Michael Taylor,tenor (The Evangelist). Knox PresbyterianChurch (Georgetown), 116 Main St. South,Georgetown. 905-873-9909. ; (st).●●7:30: Music at Metropolitan. The Grace ofMourning: Music for Good Friday. Rheinberger:Stabat Mater; Distler: Dance of Death;Fauré: Requiem; and works by Buxtehudeand Charpentier. Metropolitan Festival Choirinstrumental ensemble; Emily Wall; GiseleKulak; Charles Davidson; Dion Mazerolle; JordanScholl. Metropolitan United Church,56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26. ;(under 19).●●7:30: Toronto Beach Chorale. In Concert.Haydn: Lord Nelson Mass(Missa inAngustiis). With solos and orchestra. KingstonRoad United Church, 975 Kingston Rd.416-699-6634. /$20(adv); /(7-18);free(under 7).●●7:30: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. SacredMusic for a Sacred Space. Tavener: Song forAthene; The World is Burning; Tallis: Spemin alium; Fauré: Requiem. David Roth, baritone;Michael Bloss, organ; Caron Daley, associateconductor; Noel Edison, conductor. St.Paul’s Basilica, 83 Power St. 416-598-0422x221. -; -(sr); $20(VoxTix 30and under).●●8:00: Kindred Spirits Orchestra. SpringFever. Weber: Overture to Der Freischütz(The Marksman); Liszt: Concerto for Pianoand Orchestra No.1 in E-flat; Schumann: SymphonyNo.3 “Rhenish” in E-flat Op.97. AlexaPetrenko, host; Kristian Alexander, conductor;William Bellehumeur, piano. FlatoMarkham Theatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd.,Markham. 905-305-7469. -.●●8:00: Musideum. Laurie Ingles BirthdayCelebration and CD Release. Jazz. Suite 133(main floor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.Saturday April 4●●7:30: Church of the Ascension. EasterVigil. Traditional service of the lighting ofthe Paschal Candle and Choral Eucharist.33 Overland Dr. 416-444-8881. Freewill offering.Wine and cheese reception to follow.●●7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Percussion Ensemble Concert. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’sPark. 416-408-0208. Free.●●8:00: New Music Concerts. The Ukrainian-CanadianConnection. Silvestrov: PostludeNo.1 “In memoriam DSCH”; Pauk:Beyond; Pidgorna: Aching, weeping, drinking;Ukrainian ConnectionApril 4 | Betty Oliphant Theatrewww.NewMusicConcerts.comKulesha: Pro et Contra; Tsepkolenko: WennDie Kette Zerrisse, Fände Sie Bestimmt NichtAlle-Perlen Wieder. Ilana Zarankin, soprano;Stephen Sitarski, violin; David Hetherington,cello; Gregory Oh, piano; New Music ConcertsEnsemble; Robert Aitken, conductor.Betty Oliphant Theatre, 404 Jarvis St. 416-961-9594. ; (sr/arts workers); (st).7:15: Illuminating Introduction.●●9:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Holy Week and Easter at St. James Cathedral.Easter Eve. Works by Ager, Scheidt,Palestrina. Choir of St. James Cathedral.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x245. Freewilloffering. Religious service.Sunday April 5●●10:30am: Church of the Ascension. EasterSunday. Full Choral Eucharist featuring abrass ensemble and the Hallelujah Chorus.33 Overland Dr. 416-444-8881. Free will offering.Simnel Cake Taste-Off follows.●●11:00am: Cathedral Church of St. James.Holy Week and Easter at St. James Cathedral.Easter Day: Choral Eucharist. Choirof St. James Cathedral. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x245. Freewill offering. Religiousservice.●●4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Organ recitals. David Briggs, organist.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x245. Free; donationswelcomed.●●4:30: Cathedral Church of St. James.Holy Week and Easter at St. James Cathedral.Easter Day: Choral Evensong. Choirof St. James Cathedral. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x245. Freewill offering. Religiousservice.●●8:00: Musideum. Brownman+1. Jazz. Suite133 (main floor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $20.Tuesday April 7●●9:00: University of Toronto Scarborough/Ontario Band Association. 2015 UTSC & OBAChamber Music Festival. Leigha Lee BrowneTheatre, University of Toronto Scarborough,1265 Military Trail, Scarborough. 416-287-7076. Free. Festival runs Apr 7-9, 9:00am to4:00pm.●●12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Croquis Français.Works by Poulenc, Ravel, Satie, Chopin,Debussy and others. Alice Gi-Young Hwang,piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.●●12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. LunchtimeChamber Music: Decho Ensemble.Sarah Marchitelli and Jacob Swanson, saxophones.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,1585 Yonge St. 416-241-1298. Free. Donationswelcome.●●12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. LunchtimeChamber Music: Decho Ensemble.Sarah Marchitelli and Jacob Swanson, saxophones.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,1585 Yonge St. 416-241-1298. Free. Donationswelcome.●●1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Organ recitals. David Briggs, organist.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x245. Free; donationswelcomed.●●8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. GilbertoGil: Gilberto’s Samba. Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -0.Wednesday April 8●●9:00: University of Toronto Scarborough/Ontario Band Association. 2015 UTSC & OBAChamber Music Festival. Leigha Lee BrowneTheatre, University of Toronto Scarborough,1265 Military Trail, Scarborough. 416-287-7076.Free. Festival runs Apr 7-9, 9:00am to 4:00pm.●●11:00: Shoestring Opera. The SchoolyardCarmen. Solar Stage Children’s Theatre,4950 Yonge St. 416-386-8031. .●●12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Angus Sinclair, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.Chamber Music Societyof Lincoln CenterWED.,APR. 8, 2015 8PMKOERNER HALLTICKETS ON SALE NOW!416.408.0208●●8:00: Royal Conservatory. Chamber MusicSociety of Lincoln Center: Passionate PianoQuartets. Mahler: Piano Quartet Movementin a; Schumann: Piano Quartet in E-flat Op.47;Brahms: Piano Quartet No.1 in g Op.25. DavidFinckel, cello; Wu Han, piano; Daniel Hope,violin; Paul Neubauer, viola. Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -.●●8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. RachmaninoffPiano Concerto No.2. Rachmaninoff:Piano Concerto No.2; Mahler: SymphonyNo.5. Valentina Lisitsa, piano; Jukka-PekkaSaraste, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375. -5. AlsoApr April 1 - May 7, 2015 | 33

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)