9 years ago

Volume 20 Issue 7 - April 2015

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Bloor
  • Symphony
  • Trio
  • Orchestra

E. The

E. The ETCeterasClassified Advertising |– What it Takes to Succeed in Today’s MusicBusiness. Topics include: Connecting TheDots – The Business of Jazz; Creative Presenting:How to Present Engaging Performances;Pitching your music for radio airplay;The Art of Recording and Getting Online; Publicity101: How to Make it Work for You. Presentersinclude Jeff Levenson, New York labelexecutive, writer, producer, educator, andjournalist; Josh Grossman, artistic director,TD Toronto Jazz Festival; Tracy Jenkins, coartisticdirector, Lula Music and Arts Centre;Jane Harbury, President, Jane Harbury Publicity;and others. JAZZ.FM91, Long & McQuadeHall, 4 Pardee Ave. Information, reservationsand membership: 416-362-1422; /day; (IRCPA members). boxlunches available.●●April 11 4:30: North York Music Festival.Talent can be Taught. Workshop with authorStephen Riches, for all music teachers to discoverhow to retain and increase their studentbase, and for all parents to learn howto motivate their children to stick with musiclessons. Lawrence Park Community Church,2180 Bayview Ave. 416-788-8553. $20.●●April 12 10:00am – 1:00 and 2:00 – 5:00:International Resource Centre for PerformingArtists. All About Composers. Topicsinclude: Commissions, royalties, recording,how to get heard, copyright laws forcomposers; funders – policies, procedures,understanding funding agencies and more.Presenters include Glenn Hodgins, CMC ExecutiveDirector; Brian Harman, President, CanadianLeague of Composers; Matthew Fava,Director, CMC Ontario Region; André Jutras,Canada Council for the Arts; David Parsons,Ontario Arts Council. Canadian Music Centre,20 St. Joseph St. Information, reservationsand membership: 416-362-1422; /day; (IRCPA members). boxlunches available.●●April 12 6:00: North York Music Festival.Stage Is Where We Perform. Workshop withviolinist/educator Moshe Hammer. This workshopwill explore why practice at home maysound perfect, but does not always result inthe best live performance. In this fun-filled,interactive workshop, world-renowned violinistMoshe Hammer will reveal proven strategiesto overcome nerves and perform ata higher level. Lawrence Park CommunityChurch, 2180 Bayview Ave. 416-788-8553..●●April 14 6:30: ASLAN Boys Choir ofToronto. Open House: Workshop on boyssinging. All boys aged 7 - 14 and their familiesare invited to experience the ASLAN BoysChoir, and join the choir and artistic directorThomas Bell in singing a wide range ofmusic. No experience necessary. Church ofthe Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-859-7464. Free.●●April 18 1:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Spring Workshop: Renaissanceand Baroque workshop for recorders andother early instruments. Coach, Avery Maclean.Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church,527 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-480-1853. (members); (guests). Refreshmentsincluded.●●April 26 2:00: CAMMAC Toronto Region.Reading for singers and instrumentalists ofHaydn’s Creation. David Weaver, conductor.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-551-5183. ; (members).DO YOU DRIVE?Do you loveThe WholeNote?Share the love and earn a littlemoney! Join The WholeNote’scirculation team: 9 times a year,GTA and well beyond. Interested?Contact:circulation@thewholenote.comDEADLINE for CLASSIFIED ADS in TheWholeNote MAY 2015 edition is Friday April24. Inquiries to classad@thewholenote.comAUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIESAVAILABLE PRO BONO POSITIONS FORMUSICIANS at the KINDRED SPIRITSORCHESTRA: 3rd (bass) Trombonist, 3rdTrumpet, sectional Violinists, Violists,Cellists and Contrabassists. The KSO is anauditioned-based community orchestra thatrehearses once a week (Tuesday evenings)at the state-of-the-art Cornell Recital Hall inMarkham (407 ETR and 9th Ln). Led by thecharismatic Maestro Kristian Alexander,the Orchestra is enjoying an enormouspopularity among York Region’s residentsand continues to attract avid audiencesacross the GTA. Interested musicians areinvited to e-mail General Manager JobertSevilleno at and for more information.COUNTERPOINT COMMUNITYORCHESTRA ( volunteer musicians for Mondayevening rehearsals, downtown Toronto.We’re especially looking for trombones andstrings. Email ORGANIST / CHOIR DIRECTORNEEDED for St. James United Church,Etobicoke, Nov 2015 - Jan 2016. Contactroderick.lord@gmail.comMUSIKAY HAS PAID POSITION OPENINGSfor choristers and for alto/countertenor andbass soloists. Visit to schedule anaudition.SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW BEINGACCEPTED for the 2015 MusiCountsTD Community Music Program, whichprovides access to musical instrumentsand equipment to thousands of children inunder-served Canadian communities. Thegrants will be distributed in allotments ofup to ,000 totalling 20,000. Grantapplications are now being accepted, with a submissiondeadline of Friday, May 8, 2015.SWANSEA COMMUNITY CONCERT BANDseeks beginner/intermediate playersparticularly brass, rehearsals Thursdaynights, Western Technical and CommercialSchool .Contact HART HOUSE CHAMBER STRINGSIS SEEKING A CONDUCTOR! Weeklyrehearsals from September 2015 toMarch 2017. 3 Concert performancesper academic year. Dynamic group ofstudent modest honourarium. Greatexperience. VOCALIST WANTED: Establishedtrans-Atlantic experimental orchestra basedin Toronto and London seeks a sopranovocalist for performances and tours in2015-16. Some shows will pay, some won’t- best suited for a young soprano seekingexperience and international touring withexpenses covered. Soubrettes and mezzospreferred. Apply to: & COURSESCHILDREN’S PIANO LESSONS: Friendly,approachable - and strict! Contact LizParker at 416-544-1803 or Queen and Bathurstarea,Toronto.FLUTE LESSONS with experienced andhighly trained teacher. Contact Dr. IzabellaBudaiat 416-881-7972 or All levels and ages welcome.FUN & SYSTEMATIC LESSONS WITHEXPERIENCED TEACHERS. Piano, Violin,Cello. Beginner to Advanced. Suzuki, RCM,Auditions & Competitions. LESSONS: personalized instructionby experienced teacher, concert pianist EVEEGOYAN (M. Mus., L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.). All agesand levels. Downtown location. or 416- 603-4640.56 | April 1 - May 7, 2015

Classified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comPRIVATE VOICE/PIANO/THEORYLESSONS: Experienced, BFA CertifiedTeacher located at Christ Church DeerPark (Yonge & St. Clair). Prepares you oryour child for RCM exams, competitions &auditions. Contact Jessika: (647) 214-2827.FLUTE, PIANO,THEORY LESSONS,RCM EXAM PREPARATIONSamanthaChangRoyal Academy of Music PGDip,LRAM, FLCM, FTCL, SALE / WANTEDCLASSICAL RECORD AND CD COLLECTIONSWANTED. Minimum 350 units. Call, text ore-mail Aaron 416-471-8169 or A@A31.CA.*STOLEN FROM CAR IN SEPT 2014 – LoréeOBOE & ENGLISH HORN: 0 reward forinformation leading to return. Serial #’s:oboe TA 78, English horn HV 25. Please callKaren 416-656-4312 or 416-323-2232 x.26MUSICIANS AVAILABLESOPRANO LEADS AND CHORALCONDUCTORS - NEED A BREAK? Subbingavailable, 35+ years’ experience. Limitedopenings for piano, voice, theory studentsand coaching. Call Margaret - 647-291-3572.VENUES AVAILABLE / WANTEDOFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENTin bright 180 sq. foot space at EglintonSt. George’s United Church. Near Yonge/Eglinton. Call 416-481-1141 x210Master your mind.Mental Skills forPerforming ArtistsLisa Chisholmwww.masterperforming.caSERVICESVENUES AVAILABLE / WANTEDARE YOU PLANNING ACONCERT OR RECITAL?Looking for a venue?Bloor StreetUnited Church300 Bloor Street West, Toronto.416-924-7439 x22tina@bloorstreetunited.orgOur 3rd Floor“Jazz Cellar” Loungeis an ideal space for:corporate functions | privateevents | birthday parties |product launches416-363-5299 | jazzbistro.caPERFORMANCE / REHEARSAL / STUDIO/ OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE: greatacoustics, reasonable rates, close toGreen P Parking, cafés & restaurants.Historic church at College & Bellevue,near Spadina. Phone 416-921-6350. E-mailststepheninthefields@gmail.comSPACE AVAILABLE REASONABLE RATES.Hillcrest Christian Church (Disciples ofChrist), 2 Vaughan Rd. at Bathurst, 1 blk.south of St. Clair. 416-654-0311. Emailhillcrest@bellnet.caPress kits,image consulting,& social mediafor performerswww.lizpr.comRESTORE & PRESERVE NEED HELP WITHYOUR MEMORIES YOUR TAXES?Recital and gig tapes | 78’sSpecializing in personaland business tax returns& LPs | VHS and Hi8 | 35mmincluding prior yearsSlides |News clippings | Photos and adjustments& more, transferred todigital files: CD’s, DVD’s,HORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.• free consultation • accurate workor Video slideshowFor CRA stress relief call:ArtsMediaProjects 1-866-268-1319416.910.1091hts@horizontax.cawww.horizontax.caClassified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comAll Roads Leadto SummerFor music lovers and practitioners, amateur or professional,finding the perfect place to spend your summer is no easy task.Not least in difficulty is the fact that the programs in questionhave such widely divergent deadlines. There is no month of the yearfor compiling and publishing a print guide to summer music educationthat does not contain either application deadlines that havealready passed, or else have not yet been set!So over the coming months and years we will continue to developthis resource online, to serve as an ongoing, ever-ready guide for youin your search for meaningful musical exploration during those headymonths of the year when, for many people, daily grind can takes aback seat to personal growth and exploration.The following 29 profiles are a fascinating cross-section of what’sout there. (Four of them, newly received, appear first, in their entirety.The other 25, previously printed in the March issue, and excerptedhere, are already safely lodged online.) Taken collectively, they offer anextraordinary insight into the range of opportunity that awaits: fromacquiring some real-world playing experience to sitting in the masterclass of your dream clarinet teacher; from getting the chance to take adeep breath and get some practising done on your chosen instrument,to setting your specialty aside and connecting with other instrumentsor aspects of music-making. Each of the summer music programs outthere has a particular mandate and methodology, and selecting theflavour that suits your needs—though sometimes daunting—can leadto a summer break that is not just enjoyable but rewarding.For some of these programs it’s still not too late to apply for thecoming summer ahead. For others, you’ll need to add them to abucket list for the years ahead. All roads lead to summer, as the titleof this article suggests; if not the summer right ahead, then to someparticular life-changing summer in the years ahead.TO ACCESS THIS WHOLENOTE SUMMER MUSIC EDUCATION GUIDEONLINE VISIT THEWHOLENOTE.COM/RESOURCESTO JOIN THEWHOLENOTESUMMER MUSIC DIRECTORYAddress inquiries by email to summer@thewholenote.comor call 416-323-2232 x26TheWholeNote Directory TeamProject Editor: Karen Ages:Directory sales and services: Adrienne SurteesLayout and design: Bryson WinchesterProofreading: Paul Ennis and Kevin April 1 - May 7, 2015 | 57CAMMAC MUSIC CENTRE

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