ESPRIT ORCHESTRA Alex Pauk, Founding Music Director & Conductor Season Sponsor 2017-2018 35 th Anniversary Season Sunday October 15, 2017 Eternal Light Christopher Goddard (Canada) Spacious Euphony (2016) Claude Vivier (Canada) Siddhartha (1976) Colin McPhee (Canada) Tabuh-Tabuhan (1936) Alex Pauk – conductor Sunday November 19, 2017 Emergence Daníel Bjarnason (Iceland) Emergence (2011) Marc-André Dalbavie (France) Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (1996)* Douglas Schmidt (Canada) Just a stranger here myself... (2014)*** Ana Sokolovic (Canada) Ringelspiel (2013) Alex Pauk – conductor Véronique Mathieu – violin Sunday February 11, 2018 Plug In Eugene Astapov (Canada) Hear My Voice (2017)*** Unsuk Chin (Korea) Mannequin (2015)* Tan Dun (China) Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds (2015)* José Evangelista (Canada) Symphonie minute (1994) Matthew Ricketts (Canada) Lilt (2018)** Alex Pauk – conductor Jennifer Nichols – choreographer/dancer Sunday April 15, 2018 Taiko Plus! Chris Paul Harman (Canada) New Work (2018)** Maki Ishii (Japan) Mono-Prism (1976)* Fuhong Shi (China) Concentric Circles (2009)* Scott Wilson (Canada) Dark Matter (2018)** Alex Pauk – conductor Shannon Mercer – soprano Nagata Shachu – Japanese taiko drumers *Canadian Premiere **World Premiere ***Previously Commissioned by Esprit All concerts at Koerner Hall 8:00pm Concert 7:15pm Pre-Concert Chat Subscribe Koerner Hall Box Office 416 408 0208 The Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation The Koerner Foundation The Max Clarkson Family Foundation The Judy & Wilmot Matthews Foundation Timothy & Frances Price
PRICELESS Vol 23 No 1 Volume 23 No 1 | September 2017 ON OUR COVER On October 11, 2017 at 8pm (or shortly thereafter), on the stage of the hall named after Jeanne Lamon, her distinguished predecessor, Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra’s new music director will take that sharply drawn-in breath characteristic of leading a period ensemble from the first violin, SEPTEMBER 2017 LISTINGS | FEATURES | RECORD REVIEWS COVER STORY: Elisa Citterio BIG SCREEN: 6th Annual TIFF Tips SMALL SCREEN: Mozart in the Jungle MUSIC AND HEALTH: On Stage Fright and more and the music will begin. For Elisa Citterio it will be a defining moment – her first opportunity to present herself to Tafelmusik’s audiences in all her musical capacities: who she is (virtuosic soloist, orchestral leader, team player and imaginative curator) and, both literally and metaphorically, where she is coming from. PHOTO: MONICA CORDIVIOLA FEATURES 6 OPENER | Something in the Water? Weird, eh? | DAVID PERLMAN 8 REMEMBERING GLENN GOULD | (1932-1982) On the 85th Anniversary of his Birth | DAVID JAEGER 10 BIG SCREEN | 6th Annual TIFF Tips | PAUL ENNIS 14 THE MUSIC CITY | Kensington Market Jazz Festival Turns Two! | ORI DAGAN 16 SMALL SCREEN | Cut-Throat Classic: Mozart in the Jungle | LYDIA PEROVIC 20 ON OUR COVER| Elisa Citterio Touches Down | DAVID PERLMAN 22 THE PRESENT AND FUTURE KING | Toronto’s organ aficionados | MATTHEW WHITFIELD 62 MUSIC AND HEALTH | Understanding Stage Fright | VIVIEN FELLEGI 64 WE ARE ALL MUSIC’S CHILDREN | MJ BUELL JeAn-PhiliPPe sylvestre, piano ACD2 2763 Orchestre MétrOPOlitAin AlAin trudel, direction Just released! August 25, 2017 16 G R I G O R I A N . C O M
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