6 years ago

Volume 23 Issue 8 - May 2018

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Musical
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Arts
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Festival
In this issue: our sixteenth annual Choral Canary Pages; coverage of 21C, Estonian Music Week and the 3rd Toronto Bach Festival (three festivals that aren’t waiting for summer!); and features galore: “Final Finales” for Larry Beckwith’s Toronto Masque Theatre and for David Fallis as artistic director of Toronto Consort; four conductors on the challenges of choral conducting; operatic Hockey Noir; violinist Stephen Sitarski’s perspective on addressing depression; remembering bandleader, composer and saxophonist Paul Cram. These and other stories, in our May 2018 edition of the magazine.


CANARY PAGES theWholeNote 2018/19 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY ●●Canadian Children’s Opera Company Now 50 years old, the CCOC consists of six choruses for ages 3 to 19 and is the only permanent children’s opera company in Canada to regularly commission and produce operas for children. Opera is simply storytelling with music, and those are two things that kids and youth love! A unique experience, The CCOC offers members unparalleled performance opportunities and life skills through age-appropriate vocal and dramatic training. Members regularly perform with the Canadian Opera Company and other major professional arts organizations. Rehearsals are weekdays after school in the downtown area. Auditions are held April to June. A non-auditioned in- and after-school workshop program was launched in 2008 as part of the OPERAtion KIDS outreach arm of the CCOC. KEN HALL 416-366-0467 ●●Cantabile Chamber Singers Led by artistic director/ founder Cheryll Chung since 2006, the Cantabile Chamber Singers performs an eclectic mix of choral music that spans six centuries and premieres works of Canadian and international composers through a self-produced Toronto concert series, guest performances and special projects with local orchestras, festivals and choirs. CCS is known for its informed interpretation, audience engagement and innovative programming. Performing and commissioning new Canadian music is part of our mandate, with over 50 new works premiered since 2006. Contact us for an audition or to submit a newly written a cappella choral work. Check out our recordings on iTunes and YouTube, find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @CantabileTO. Auditions are held in April, May and September. CHERYLL CHUNG 416-888-8888 ●●Cantabile Choirs of Kingston Since 1996, the Cantabile Choirs of Kingston, under composer/conductor Mark Sirett, have become known for concerts featuring non-traditional staging and joyful repertoire sung with skill and enthusiasm by Cantabile’s 300 singers. Our 2018-19 season is titled Constellations: North Star, November 3 honours Canada’s Indigenous people in a concert on the theme of Truth and Reconciliation; One Star, December 22 and 23, Cantabile’s candle-lit holiday concerts, are the jewel of Kingston’s festive season; Star of County Down, March 2, features New Dublin Voices conductor, Bernie Sherlock, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day; Star Light, Star Bright, April 6, features Cantabile’s youngest stars with visiting children’s choirs from Montreal and Cobourg; and Sky Full of Stars, May 25, features Quebec’s versatile Quartom, ranging from a cappella folk songs, barbershop and Beatles to opera. HOLLIE STEWART 613-549-3957 ●●Cantemus Singers Cantemus Singers was established in 2008 by our conductor, Michael Erdman, to help expand Toronto’s exposure to and appreciation of Renaissance and early Baroque secular vocal music. Our 12-voice a cappella ensemble focuses mainly on the interesting and evocative madrigals, lieder, chansons and villancicos of the 16th century. We also perform religious works, often five to eight part compositions less frequently heard by Toronto audiences. We present three programs a year, in late fall, mid-winter and spring. Our choristers are a mix of enthusiastic, well-trained amateurs and semiprofessionals, all sharing a common interest in early music. We rehearse Wednesday evenings through the season. Membership is by audition. Our main performance venue is the historic and acoustically lively Church of the Holy Trinity, Eaton Centre. MICHAEL ERDMAN, CONDUCTOR 416-578-6602 ●●Cantores Celestes Women’s Choir Celebrating its 30th anniversary, CCWC is an auditioned women’s choir conducted by Kelly Galbraith, passionate about music and community. Our committed singers love a challenge and many types of music, and perform with the best instrumental musicians in Toronto! Repertoire ranges from Medieval and Baroque to classical and modern, gospel and Celtic. CCWC has released seven CDs, performed live on CBC Radio, donated over ,000 to charities, featured in three films, was the featured women’s choir in Schafer’s Apocalypsis at Luminato, and has toured the Maritimes, Ontario and New York City. Performances: December 1, 2018 and May 4, 2019; other exciting projects and tours TBA. Auditions are held in May/June, August and December. Check us out at, youtube. com/user/cantorescelestes, and Twitter: Cantores Celestes@Cantores_Choir KELLY GALBRAITH 416-655-7335 ●●Celebration Choir Are you a senior and looking for a fun, energetic and eclectic choir? The Celebration Choir is one you should consider! Founded in 2007 within The Toronto Singing Studio and directed by Linda Eyman, this choir of 60 voices features songs to suit every musical taste. Repertoire spans popular to classical to folk with appealing musical arrangements. The Celebration Choir rehearses from September through May on Thursday afternoons, 2pm to 4pm, in the gymnasium at Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St W., Toronto. Two formal concerts are presented each season along with community outreach concerts when possible. Rehearsals are very sociable. No audition necessary. A season membership is paid. LINDA EYMAN 416-455-9238 ●The ● Cellar Singers The Cellar Singers is a 40-voice mixed choir based in Orillia. For 50 years, the choir has delighted audiences in Simcoe and Muskoka with choral masterpieces grand and intimate. Under the direction of gifted choral specialist Mitchell Pady, the choir presents four main concerts each season. Rehearsals are open to all and are held Wednesday evenings, 7:15pm, at St. James Anglican Church, Orillia. Visit us at, facebook. com/TheCellarSingers or Twitter/@cschoir. For more information, contact Rebecca Campbell at or 705-718-4124. REBECCA CAMPBELL 705-718-4124 ●●Choirs Ontario Choirs Ontario is an arts service organization promoting, supporting and celebrating choral music across Ontario. We offer a range of programs and resources, as well as networking and professional development opportunities, helping members build capacity, develop leadership and grow and diversify their audiences. Our goal is to raise the profile and quality of choral music, support the choral community, and educate the next generation of choral artists. The organization celebrates choral achievement and promotes public awareness through several awards and competitions, including the President’s Leadership Award and the Ruth Watson Henderson Choral Composition Competition. Our programs include: SingONtario, an annual festival for community choirs; Choirs Ontario on the Road (a workshop series in regions across the province); and Ontario Youth Choir, a summer choral training program for youth from across the province. ELENA KONEVA 416-923-1144; 1-866-935-1144 ●●Choralairs Choir of North York The Choralairs are a non-profit, 50-member, four-part harmony adult choir who sing a variety of popular songs, jazz standards, Broadway show tunes and folk songs. Directed by Peter Ness with Gary Heard as our piano accompanist, the choir requires no auditions, just a love of singing and the ability to carry a tune! C4

We rehearse from September to June on Tuesday evenings at Edithvale CC. We also perform regularly for seniors at residences in the GTA. All are welcome at our annual concert on Sunday June 10, 2018 from 1:30 to 2:45pm at Bernard Betel Centre (auditorium); 1003 Steeles Ave. W. (at Bathurst); admission at the door. SALLY: 416-636-8247 MARTHA: 905-884-8370 ●●Choralis Camerata Choralis Camerata has rapidly developed into an accomplished 50-member SATB chamber choir. Now in its 12th full season under artistic director David Braun and accompanist Lynne Honsberger, our mission is bringing quality classical, gospel and contemporary music to the communities of Niagara. In December 2010, we added another dimension of performance by staging Menotti’s opera Amahl and the Night Visitors. Choralis Camerata has embraced familiar choral treasures such as the Requiems by Mozart and Gabriel Fauré, A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten, Wachet Auf by J.S. Bach, The Seven Last Words of Christ by Theodore Dubois, Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint-Saëns, Gloria by John Rutter and Handel’s Messiah. In April 2017 Choralis Camerata made its debut performance in Cairns Recital Hall at the new FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre in St. Catharines, presenting A German Requiem by Johannes Brahms. JOANNE GEORGE 905-646-9225 ●●CHORISMA CHORISMA, the newest choir in York Region, based out of Thornhill, was established in 2016, is a balanced 24-voice Chamber Choir. It performs three concerts a year, Christmas, Easter, and one other special event. All performances are Free Will concerts, with receipts, after expenses, going to a local charity such as Hill House Hospice in Richmond Hill. Professional instrumentalists are a part of every concert. BOB RICHARDSON 905-731-8318 ●●Chorus Hamilton Chorus Hamilton (formerly Mohawk College Community Choir) is a Registered Charitable Arts Organization and is one of Hamilton’s finest choral ensembles. Founded in 1968 to participate in the opening of Mohawk College’s Fennell Campus, the choir is now a 75-member, semi-professional choral society. The ensemble performs a large variety of music, from chamber music to the greatest largescale works in the choral repertoire, with orchestral accompaniment and professional soloists. The choir collaborates regularly with orchestras and other symphonic choirs. Visit our website for concert listings and more information. LOUISE DRIEMAN 905-526-7938 ●●Chorus Niagara Chorus Niagara, the Power of 100, is a passionate group of singers of diverse ages and walks of life. As the Niagara region’s premier auditioned symphonic chorus, Chorus Niagara performs classic choral masterpieces, innovative new modern, and seldomheard works, providing a showcase for emerging Canadian talent. CN attracts singers of all ages through its Chorus Niagara Children’s Choir (CNCC), Side-by-Side High School Chorale (SXS) and Robert Cooper Choral Scholars program (RCCS). Concerts are performed in the beautiful Partridge Hall in the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre in downtown St.Catharines. View our flash mob with over 50 million views on YouTube. ROBERT COOPER, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR DIANA MCADOREY, MANAGING DIRECTOR 905-934-5575 ●●Chorus York Chorus York is an amateur performance community choir based in Richmond Hill. We perform three to four concerts per year and sing a variety of choral music from Mozart to Broadway. We are diverse in age and culture, but we all share a love of fine choral music. Recent concerts include Top Hats & Tunes, Nov. 2017, Romantic Melodies, Feb. 2018, A Little Rock and Pop, March 2018, and to come: Spirited and Jazzy, May 2018, and Last Night at the Proms with Richmond Hill Philharmonic Orchestra in June. New members are always welcome. Please send inquiries to BRUCE MORROW 905-884-7922 ●●Christ Church Deer Park Continuing its long tradition of musical excellence, Christ Church Deer Park boasts an innovative music program. Our choir, consisting of professional members and skilled volunteers, performs a rich treasury of sacred choral music and hymnody at the 10am Sunday liturgy. The choir also performs at other special events, feast days, Evensongs and concerts throughout the year. Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings from 6:45pm to 8:45pm and offer an opportunity to develop musicianship through vocal instruction, while being part of an open and welcoming community. In addition, we present Jazz Vespers, a popular, informal service held bi-monthly from September to June and featuring some of the city’s finest jazz musicians. For more information contact Matthew Otto, director of music. MATTHEW OTTO 416-920-9211 x28 ●●Church of St. Mary Magdalene Steeped in musical heritage and assisted by a generous acoustic, St. Mary Magdalene’s offers a music program strongly rooted in the tradition established by Healey Willan. Every Sunday at the 11am Solemn Mass the Gallery Choir sings a mass and motet from the west gallery, while the Ritual Choir sings the Gregorian propers from the east end. Both choirs rehearse on Thursdays. At the 9.30am Sung Mass the SMM Singers sing a motet and lead congregational singing. Membership is informal: rehearsals are at 9.00am directly before the service; regular attendance is not mandatory. CANADIAN CHILDREN’S OPERA COMPANY theWholeNote 2018/19 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY C5

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)