Lucas Candelino and Alanna Jenish, fiddles; Colleen Jenish, piano. Grace United Church (Barrie), 350 Grove St. E., Barrie. 705-726- 1181. Free. 3:30: tea & goodies . Thursday May 10 ●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Piano Recital. Bach: Partita No.6; Beethoven: Sonata Op.109; Medtner: Sonata Reminiscenza Op.38 No.1; Brahms: Handel Variations. Ilya Poletaev, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519- 886-1673. ; (st). Saturday May 12 ●●7:00: Orchestra Kingston. Season Finale with the Canta Arya School for Strings. Bach: Concerto for 2 Violins; Bizet: Carmen Suite No.1; original compositions. Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, 390 King St. W., Kingston. 613-766-4345. . ●●7:30: Barrie Concerts/Georgian Music. Pianofest. Piano works for four hands by Debussy, Mendelssohn and Respighi, Mozart, Schubert and Milhaud. Pearl Chen, Carlisle Beresford, Chris Au and Antoine Laporte, piano. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); free(with Barrie Concerts/Georgian Music subscriptions). ●●7:30: Cellar Singers. Mozart Mass in c. Guests: Elmer Iseler Singers. St. James Anglican Church (Orillia), 58 Peter St. N., Orillia. 705-718-4124. ; (st). ●●7:30: Guelph Youth Singers. It Takes a Spark. Holy Rosary Church, 175 Emma St., Guelph. 519-763-3000. ; (sr/18 & under); (eyeGO); free(infants under 1). ●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Ode to Joy: Beethoven 9. Barbara Croall: Mijidwewinan; Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D “Choral”. Grand Philharmonic Choir; Andrei Feher, conductor. Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519- 745-4711 or 1-888-745-4717. -. Also May 13(2:30pm). Sunday May 13 ●●2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Ode to Joy: Beethoven 9. Barbara Croall: Mijidwewinan; Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D “Choral”. Grand Philharmonic Choir; Andrei Feher, conductor. Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 1-888-745-4717. -. Also May 12(8pm). ●●3:30: Huronia Symphony Orchestra. Pull Out the Stops! Gabrieli: Canzona per sonare No.2; Poulenc: Concerto for Organ in g; Bruch: Symphony No.3 in E Op.51. Sarah Svendsen, organ; Oliver Balaburski, conductor. Collier Street United Church, 112 Collier St., Barrie. 705-721-4752. ; (st); (child). Wednesday May 16 ●●12:00 noon: Music at St. Andrews. Angus Sinclair, organ. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Barrie), 47 Owen St., Barrie. 705- 726-1181. ; free(st). ●●12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Kitchener). Wednesday Noon-Hour Concerts Spring 2018. Ginny Scarfino, clarinet; Peter Bald, piano. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 226-647-1290. Free. 11:30: Lunch available in the foyer or BYO. ●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music B. Concerts Beyond the GTA Society. Chamber Music Concert. Fauré: Après un rêve; Rachmaninoff: Morceaux de fantasie; Chausson: Poème; Fein: “Untranslatable”; Saint-Saëns: Sonata for Violin & Piano. Andrew Sords, violin; Cheryl Duvall, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (st). Friday May 18 ●●8:00: Jeffery Concerts. Souvenir de Florence. Haydn: Quartet in D HobIII:63 “The Lark”; Mendelssohn: String Quartet in D Op.44 No.1; Tchaikovsky: String Sextet in d Op.70 “Souvenir de Florence”. Cecilia String Quartet; Sharon Wei, viola; Thomas Wiebe, cello. Wolf Performance Hall, 251 Dundas St., London. 519-672-8800. . ●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. The Kiwanis Winners 2018! KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519- 886-1673. ; (st). Saturday May 19 ●●7:00: Core Arts and Culture Centre. Night Kitchen Too. Invited musicians, poets and spoken word artists. 223 Pinnacle St., Belleville. 613-967-0255. . Sunday May 20 ●●2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra. Full Circle. Sibelius: Symphony No.1; Symphony No.2. Bradley Thachuk, conductor. FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, 250 St. Paul St., St. Catharines. 905-688-0722 or 1-855-515- 0722. ; (sr); (30 and under); (st/ arts/child); (eyeGO). Wednesday May 23 ●●12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Kitchener). Wednesday Noon-Hour Concerts Spring 2018. Emily Morse, flute; Lorin Shalanko, piano. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 226-647-1290. Free. 11:30: Lunch available in the foyer or BYO. ●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Five Friends Play Dvořák. Dvořák: Piano Quintet in A. Marcus Scholtes, violin; Rachel Didderich, violin; Adam Didderich, viola; Miriam Stewart-Kroeker, cello; Heidi Wall, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (st). Friday May 25 ●●8:00: Folk Under the Clock. The Ice Storm Redemption Concert: James Keelaghan & Tony McManus. Market Hall Performing Arts Centre, 140 Charlotte St., Peterborough. 705- 749-1146. .50; (st). Saturday May 26 ●●7:30: Bravo Niagara! Festival of the Arts. Veronica Swift and the Emmet Cohen Trio. Stratus Vineyards, 2059 Niagara Stone Rd., Niagara-on-the-Lake. 289-868-9177. - . Tickets include glass of Stratus wine. ●●7:30: Canadian Celtic Choir. Maritime Memories. Cape Breton Lullaby, Chi Mi Na Mor-Bheanna, The Landfall of Cabot, The Meeting of the Waters, The Sky & the Dawn & the Sun and other songs. Cassie MacDonald, fiddle, vocal and stepdancing; Maggie Mac- Donald, piano, guitar, vocal and stepdancing; Jean Willadsen, piano; Bill Zadorsky, conductor. Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950. /(adv). ●●7:30: Lyrica Chamber Choir. Coming Home. Works by Paulus, Hogan, Parker and Thompson. Burton Avenue United Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie. 705-722-0271. ; (sr/st). ●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Fidelis Quartet. Beethoven: String Quartet No.7 in F Op.59 No.1; Haydn: String Quartet Op.33 No.2 “Joke”; Webern: Langsamer Satz. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (st). Sunday May 27 ●●2:00: Bravo Niagara! Festival of the Arts. Nikki Chooi and Tony Yike Yang. Franck: Sonata in A; Chausson: Poème; Ysaye: Sonata No.2 “Obsession” in A; Ravel: Gaspard de la Nuit; Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet; and other works. Nikki Chooi, violin; Tony Yike Yang, piano. Stratus Vineyards, 2059 Niagara Stone Rd., Niagara-on-the-Lake. 289-868-9177. -. Tickets include glass of Stratus wine. ●●2:30: Choralis Camerata. Greenhouse Gala: Music of Lawrence Welk. Choralis Camerata choir; Westland Trio. Westland Greenhouse, 4428 15th St., Jordan Station. 905-646-9225. . ●●2:30: Haliburton Concert Series. Mit- Bravour Piano Trio. Jethro Marks, viola; Paul Marleyn, cello; Mauro Bertoli, piano. Northern Lights Performing Arts Pavilion, 5358 County Rd. 21, Haliburton. 705-455- 9060. ; (st). ●●3:00: Dundas Valley Orchestra. Lands Of The Midnight Sun. Halvorsen: Entry March of the Boyars Op.17; Thomas: Einherjar; Nielsen: Symphonic Rhapsody for Orchestra in F; Brandon: Three Portraits; Larsson: Concertino for Horn Op.45 No.5; and other works. Iris Krismanic, horn; Amy Brandon, Student Composer Competition winner; Laura Thomas, conductor. St. Paul’s United Church (Dundas), 29 Park St. W., Dundas. 905-387- 4773. Free. Donations welcomed (tax receipt over ). Wheelchair accessible. Reception follows. st. joe’s ArtsFest May 27–June10 St. Joe’s RC Church 260 Herkimer St, Hamilton ●●4:00: St. Joe’s ArtsFest. Festival Opening Night. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Czech Republic and the 50th anniversary of the Prague Spring. Works by Dvořák, Janáček, Eben, and Smetana. Prague Mixed Choir; Jiří Petrdlík, conductor. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Hamilton), 260 Herkimer Street, Hamilton. 905-528-0019. . Wednesday May 30 ●●12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Kitchener). Wednesday Noon-Hour Concerts Spring 2018. Michele Wilmot, piano; and Friends. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 226- 647-1290. Free. 11:30: Lunch available in the foyer or BYO. May 30 to June 3 Nico Muhly, Nadia Sirota, Toshimaru Nakamura and more ●●7:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. #Hatchtag: Celebrating 20 years of Peter Hatch and Open Ears. Pam Patel; Bo Bardos; Jamie Hofman; Penderecki String Quartet; TorQ Percussion Quartet; Rooftop Voices; and others. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75 University Ave., Waterloo. ; (arts); (sr/st). Thursday May 31 ●●6:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Portal Dance presents Broken. Music by Nathan Lawr. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener. info@openears. ca. ; (arts/sr/st). ●●7:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound/True North WaterlooTHEMUSEUM/ Quartetfest. Night at THEMUSEUM. Read- Thomas: Selene; Bates: Bagatelles; Morphy: Thrown from a Loop; Lizée: Octet. Penderecki String Quartet; TorQ Percussion Quartet. THEMUSEUM, 10 King St. W, Kitchener. info@ ; (arts/sr/st). ●●9:30: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Guest Curated Series: Ben Grossman Triple Bill. Toshimaru Nakamara; Martin Taxt; Sound of the Mountain; Neil Ballantyne; Ted Harms. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener. ; (arts/ sr/st). Friday June 1 ●●11:00am: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Emerging Composer Piece: Katerina Gimon. Victoria Park Pavilion, 80 Schneider Ave., Kitchener. Free. ●●6:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. How Is Your Pony?: The Music of Frank Zappa and His Echoes. Zappa: Improvised Concerto for Bicycle, Prerecorded Tape and Instrumental Ensemble; and Works by Firth, Varèse, Stockhausen, and others. Studio Dan. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick 58 | May 1 – June 7, 2018
St., Kitchener. ; (arts); (sr/st). ●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Steroscope: Open Ears Concert. Hulse: Untitled; Simms: Black Star; Lemay: Fragments noirs; Bautista: Untitled; Morasco: Werewolf; and other works. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886- 1673. ; (arts workers); (st). ●●7:30: St. Joe’s ArtsFest. Artistic Director’s Evening. A celebration of Estonian connections. Kreem: Quintet for String Orchestra from Symphony No.1; Pärt: Spiegel in Spiegel; Summa; Bach: Concerto for Two Pianos. Aare Tammesalu, cello; Norman Reintamm, piano; Stillman Matheson, piano; St. Joe’s Quartet; Members of the Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Hamilton), 260 Herkimer Street, Hamilton. 905-528-0019. . Saturday June 2 ●●1:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. No Hay Banda Presents shifting states. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener. ; (arts); (sr/st). ●●5:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. “...amid the cannon’s roar”: CD Release of Music by Jason Doell. Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener. ; (arts); (sr/st). Audience members will receive a complimentary copy of the new album. ●●7:30: Barrie Concert Band. The Classics. Brahms: Academic Festival Overture; Wagner: Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral from Lohengrin; Handel: Suite from the Music for the Royal Fireworks; Beethoven: Egmont Overture; Dvořák: Finale from the New World Symphony; and other works. 55 member concert band consisting of woodwinds, brass, reeds and percussion led by Music Director Peter Voisey. Hi-Way Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-481-1607. ; (st); free(under 5). ●●8:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Nico Muhly and Nadia Sirota. Nico Muhly, piano; Nadia Sirota, viola. Zion United Church, 32 Weber St. W., Kitchener. info@ ; (arts); (sr/st). ●●9:30: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Onion Honey. TWH Social, 1 King St. W., Kitchener. TBA. Sunday June 3 ●●1:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Awaken: States of Human Consciousness Interconnected with Nature. Works by Barbara Croall. Nü Ears Ensemble; Barbara Croall, Indigenous flute. Walper Hotel Gallery, 20 Queen St. S., Kitchener. info@openears. ca. ; (arts/sr/st). ●●3:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Nova Voices: New Music for Choir. Works by Muhly, Burhans, Vivier, Cage, Lang and Shaw. Mark Vuorinen, conductor. Zion United Church, 32 Weber St. W., Kitchener. ; (arts/sr/st). ●●3:30: Rosewood Consort. A Tudor Tapestry. Music of Tudor England. Stephane Potvin, recorders, viola da gamba, harpsichord, music director; Guest: Ben Stein, lute, theorbo. Grace Lutheran Church (Hamilton), 1107 Main St. W., Hamilton. 905-648-5607. By donation; suggested. ●●5:00: Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound. Ilimaq with Ben Reimer. Music by John Luther Adams. Ben Reimer, drums. Apollo Cinema, 141 Ontario St. N., Kitchener. ; (arts/sr/st). Wednesday June 6 ●●12:00 noon: Midday Music with Shigeru. Luke Welch, piano. Works by Scarlatti, Chopin, Morawetz, Schumann. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; free(st). ●●12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Kitchener). Wednesday Noon-Hour Concerts Spring 2018. Pam Patel, vocals and guests. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 226-647- 1290. Free. 11:30: Lunch available in the foyer or BYO. Thursday June 7 ●●7:00: TD Niagara Jazz Festival. Sarah Vaughan Tribute: Vaughan in the Vines. Jocelyn Barth, vocalist; George Koller Trio. Stratus Vineyards, 2059 Niagara Stone Rd., Niagaraon-the-Lake. 905-468-1806. . One beverage and light fare included. ●●7:30: St. Joe’s ArtsFest. Festival Trio. Grieg Violin & Cello Sonatas; Mendelssohn: Trio in d. Sadie Fields, violin; Paul Pulford, cello; Ken Gee, piano. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Hamilton), 260 Herkimer Street, Hamilton. 905-528-0019. . These music theatre listings contain a wide range of music theatre types including opera, operetta, musicals and other performance genres where music and drama combine. Listings in this section are sorted alphabetically by presenter. ●●Belleville Theatre Guild. Annie Get Your Gun. Music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, book by Dorothy Fields and Herbert Fields. Pinnacle Playhouse Theatre, 256 Pinnacle St., Belleville. 613-967-1442. ; (sr); (st). Opens May 31, 8pm. Runs to Jun 17. Wed- Sat(8pm), Sun(2pm). ●● Love and Carmen. Moffett: duets (premiere); Sarasate: Carmen Fantasy; Bizet: Carmen (arias, duets). Michèle Bogdanowicz, mezzo; Ernesto Ramírez, tenor; Doreen Uren Simmons, piano. Lawrence Park Community Church, 2180 Bayview Ave. 647- 785-2213. PWYC. May 4, 8pm. ●●Brampton Music Theatre. Fame the Musical. Music by Steve Margoshes, lyrics by Jacques Levy, book by José Fernandez, developed by David De Silva. Lester B. Pearson Theatre, 150 Central Park Dr., Brampton. 905-874-2800. ; (sr/st). Opens May 11, 7pm. Also May 12(4pm, 7pm). ●●Canadian Children’s Opera Company. Chip & His Dog and All The King’s Men. Music by Gian Carlo Menotti and John Anthony Bennett. Canadian Youth Opera Chorus; Teri Dunn, music director; Autumn Smith, stage director. York University, Joseph G. Green Studio Theatre, 4700 Keele St. 416-366-0467. ; (sr/st); (under 6). May 6, 7pm. ●●Canadian Children’s Opera Company. The Monkiest King (World Premiere). Music and libretto by Alice Ping Yee Ho and Marjorie Chan. Children and Youth of the CCOC; chamber orchestra of Chinese and Western instruments; Xi Yi, dance; Nina Lee Aquino, stage director; Teri Dunn, conductor. Lyric Theatre, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 1-855-985-2787. ; (sr); (st). May 26, 7:30pm. Also May 27, 2pm. School shows: May 25, 10am and 1pm. ●●Canadian Opera Company. The Nightingale and Other Short Fables. Music by Igor Stravinsky (arr. Lepage). Jane Archibald, soprano THE NIGHTINGALE AND OTHER SHORT FABLES STRAVINSKY APR 13 – MAY 19 (The Nightingale). Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363- 8231. -5. Opens Apr 13, 7:30pm. Runs to May 19. Days and times vary. Visit for details. ●●Canadian Opera Company. Anna Bolena. Music by Gaetano Donizetti, libretto by Felice Romani. Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano (Anna Bolena); Eric Owens, bass-baritone (Henry VIII). Stephen Lawless, director. Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. -5. Opens Apr 28, 4:30pm. Runs to May 26. Days and times vary. Visit for details. ●●Canadian Opera Company. Vocal Series: An Afternoon of Bel Canto. Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano; Liz Upchurch, piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for C. Music Theatre ANNA BOLENA DONIZETTI APR 28 – MAY 26 the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416- 363-8231. Free. First-come, first-served. Late seating not available. May 1, 12pm. ●●Canadian Opera Company. An Evening with the Ensemble Studio. Excerpts from Mozart: Così fan tutte and Purcell: Dido and Aeneas. COC’s Ensemble Studio artists; COC Orchestra; Johannes Debus, conductor. Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. . May 25, 7:30pm. ●●Canadian Stage. Picnic in the Cemetery. Created by Njo Kong Kie. Berkeley Street Theatre, 26 Berkeley St. 416-368-3110. -. Opens Apr 26, 8pm. Runs to May 6. Tues/ Wed/Thurs/Sat(8pm), Fri(7pm), Sun(1pm). ●●Chorus Niagara. Amadeus. Mozart: Mass in c; excerpts from Don Giovanni, The Marriage of Figaro, Così fan tutte and The Magic Flute. Niagara Symphony Orchestra. FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, 250 St. Paul St., St. Catharines. 1-855-515-0722. ; (sr); (under 30); (st); (child); (eyeGo). 6:30pm: pre-concert chat. May 5, 7pm. ●●Civic Light Opera Company. Oklahoma! Music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II. Zion Cultural Centre, 1650 Finch Ave. E. 416-755-1717. . Opens May 30, 7pm. Runs to Jun 10. Wed(7pm), Thurs-Sat(8pm), Sun(2pm). ●●Clarkson Music Theatre. It’s a Grand Night for Singing. Eden United Church, 3051 Battleford Rd., Mississauga. 905-829- 1546. . May 11, 7:30pm. Also May 12(2pm). ●●Continuum Contemporary Music. Hockey Noir. Music by André Ristic, libretto by Cecil Castellucci. Ensemble Contemporain de Montreal (Pascale Beaudin, soprano, Marie-Annick Béliveau, mezzo, Michiel Schrey, tenor, Pierre-Etienne Bergeron, baritone and others). Jane Mallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-1656. ; (sr/arts workers); (st). Opens May 10, 8pm. Also May 11(2pm/8pm). ●●Curtain Call Players. Sister Act. Music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Glenn Slater, book by Bill and Cheri Steinkellner and Douglas Carter Beane, based on the film. Fairview Library Theatre, 35 Fairview Mall Dr. 416-703- 6181. . Opens May 4, 8pm. Runs to May 12. Thurs-Sat(8pm). Sat/Sun(2pm). ●●Drayton Entertainment. West Side Story. Music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, book by Arthur Laurents, conception by Jerome Robbins. St. Jacobs Country Playhouse, 40 Benjamin Rd. E., Waterloo. 1-855-372-9866. -. Opens May 9, 7:30pm. Runs to Jun 2. Tues-Thurs/ Sat/Sun(2pm), Thurs-Sat(7:30pm). ●●Drayton Entertainment. Irving Berlin’s Holiday Inn. Music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, book by Gordon Greenberg and Chad Hodge, based on the film. Drayton Festival Theatre, 33 Wellington St. S., Drayton. 1-855-372-9866. -. Opens May 16, 2pm. Runs to Jun 3. Tues-Thurs/Sat-Sun(2pm), Thurs-Sat(7:30pm). ●●Drayton Entertainment. Cinderella: May 1 – June 7, 2018 | 59
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