3 years ago

Volume 26 Issue 5 - February 2021

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Recordings
  • Musicians
  • Pianist
  • Composer
  • Quartet
  • Musical
  • Jazz
  • Recording
  • February
So, How Much Ground WOULD a ground hog hog? community arts and the Dominion Foundries end run; the vagaries of the concert hall livestreaming ban; hymns to freedom; postsecondary auditions do the COVID shuffle; and reflections on some of the ways the music somehow keeps on being made - PLUS 81 (count them!) recordings we've been listening to. Also a page 2 ask of you. Available in flipthrough format here and in print February 10.


✃ MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER, February 5 2021 This is to let you know that we have revised our print schedule for the balance of 2020/2021, reducing this season from nine to eight editions by consolidating four remaining issues into three. Revised Publication Schedule for the remaining season: • March 19: Vol 26 No 6, covering mid March to early May • May 7: Vol 26 No 7, covering early May to late June • June 25: Volume 26 No 8, covering late June to early early September. Volume 27 No 1 is currently scheduled for Friday September 10 2021. Cutting our financial coat to fit our COVID cloth is high on our list of reasons. Also we are grappling with ever-changing restrictions on where and how quickly we can distribute the print magazine. Equally, we recognize the financial and logistical strain our live music community is under, with ongoing uncertainty about committing to live and even live-streamed performances. Many of the listings that do find their way to us are hatched and dispatched within a very compressed timeframe, and subject to modification or cancellation at very short notice. So while for 25 years a predictable monthly concert calendar has been the bedrock of what we do, it’s illusory to attempt it – for now. In print, as this issue demonstrates, we’re focussing on telling the stories of people and organizations within the musical communities we serve; and what they are facing. Accordingly, we’re using the extra time afforded by extended print production cycles to build on our digital publishing – better suited to these times. We urge you to engage with our regular HalfTones e-letters; our weekly online listings updates; frequent blog posting; and all our social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. AND - you can help by taking a three-issue subscription to the remainder of Vol 26, as explained in the order form below. Everyone wins: you assure yourself of your usual print copy - especially those of you who have benefitted from picking up The WholeNote free of charge for decades. You’ll take some financial pressure off us and off a music community not able – for now – to support us with paid advertising the way it has always, faithfully done. We have a role to play in the months and years ahead. So thank you for considering this. David Perlman, DON’T MISS AN ISSUE! ORDER A 3-ISSUE SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION, for VOLUME 26 No6, No7 & No8 Fill out this form and mail it to us, using the address at the bottom. Name: Tel: Full mailing address: c my cheque for .12 (.00 plus tax) is enclosed, payable to WHOLENOTE MEDIA INC. c please invoice me, I’ll pay by Interac, Paypal, or Visa/Mastercard Feeling bad about cutting the top off the groundhog’s head by snipping this form? There are options! • Visit Our online subscriptions order form is under the “About” tab. • Send an email to with the information requested in this form. • Phone 416-323-2232, ext 33 and leave a message. Someone will call you back. WHOLENOTE MEDIA INC., CENTRE FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION, 720 BATHURST ST., SUITE 503, TORONTO ON M5S 2R4

2605_Feb_cover.indd 1 2021-02-03 6:14 PM Volume 26 No 5 | February 5 – March 18 2021 ON OUR COVER Tapeo Volume 26 No 5 FEBRUARY 5 TO MARCH 19 2021 Music by date, live and livestreamed Recordings - 81 recent DISCoveries Stories & Interviews SO, how much ground would a groundhog hog? 153 Eastern Avenue: The destruction of landmark heritage properties would represent both the loss of something that was, and a lost opportunity for what could be. see page 6 5 OPENER | Groundhog Day, Again | DAVID PERLMAN STORIES & INTERVIEWS 6 TEST CASE | Dominion Foundries: Pushing Back against Heritage Loss | BRIAN CHANG 8 COLLABORATIONS | Frank Horvat’s Music for Self-Isolation | ANDREW TIMAR 10 CLASSICAL AND BEYOND | Regulatory Whiplash on the Livestream Scene | PAUL ENNIS 14 MUSIC THEATRE | The Lively Art of Stocking the Stream | JENNIFER PARR 17 ON MY MIND | The Rocking Horse Winner And Other Tales | DAVID JAEGER 20 IN WITH THE NEW | What Happens When Your Art Skips a Beat | WENDALYN BARTLEY ACD2 2820 CAMERON CROZMAN cello PHILIP CHIU piano Spanish music is the focus of Tapeo, a new recording by cellist Cameron Crozman and pianist Philip Chiu. Works by Gaspar Cassadó, Manuel de Falla, and Joaquin Turina. JUST RELEASED! 17

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)