2 years ago

Volume 27 Issue 7 | May 20 - July 12, 2022

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  • Thewholenotecom
  • Composer
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  • Choir
  • Quartet
  • Arts
  • Vocal
  • Jazz
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Toronto
Schafer at Soundstreams; "Dixon Road" at High Park, Skydancers at Harbourfront; Music and art at the Wychwood Barns; PODIUM in town; festival season at hand; Listening Room at your fingertips; and listings galore.

The WholeNote VOLUME

The WholeNote VOLUME 27 NO 7 MAY 20 - JULY 12, 2022 IN THIS EDITION STORIES AND INTERVIEWS Wendalyn Bartley, Stuart Broomer, Paul Ennis, Jennifer Parr, David Perlman, Colin Story, Matthew Whitfield CD Reviewers Stuart Broomer, Max Christie, Sam Dickinson, Daniel Foley, Raul da Gama, Janos Gardonyi, Richard Haskell, Tiina Kiik, Kati Kiilaspea, Lesley Mitchell- Clarke, David Olds, Ted Parkinson, Ivana Popovic, Allan Pulker, Cathay Riches, Terry Robbins, Michael Schulman, Michael Schwartz, Melissa Scott, Andrew Scott, Bruce Surtees, Andrew Timar, Yoshi Maclear Wall, Ken Waxman, Matthew Whitfield Proofreading Paul Ennis, John Sharpe Listings Team John Sharpe, Gary Heard, Colin Story Design Team Kevin King, Susan Sinclair Circulation Team Wende Bartley, Jack Buell, Sharon Clark, Carl Finkle, James Harris, Bob Jerome, Kayla Leahy, Chris Malcolm, Sheila McCoy, Lorna Nevison, Tom Sepp, Dave Taylor. UPCOMING DATES AND DEADLINES Weekly Online Listings Updates 6pm every Tuesday for weekend posting for Volume 27 No. 8, SUMMER 2022 Publication Dates Tuesday, June 28 (digital) Friday, July 1 (print) Print edition listings deadline 6pm Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Print advertising, reservation deadline 6pm Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Classifieds deadline 6pm Thursday June 16, 2022 STORIES & INTERVIEWS 24 CHORAL | The Joy of Singing in the Noise of the World | DAVID PERLMAN 26 ONE OF A KIND | Cem Zafir’s Something Else! | STUART BROOMER 28 JAZZ, MOSTLY | TD Toronto Jazz: New Artists, New Stages | COLIN STORY LISTINGS 30 Events by date Live or Live Streamed May 20 to July 12, 2022 39 In the Clubs (mostly Jazz) 40 Who’s Who Onlne Directories Index 42 Classified Ads 29 DISCOVERIES: RECORDINGS REVIEWED 42 New in the Listening Room, INDEX 43 Editor’s Corner | DAVID OLDS 45 Strings Attached | TERRY ROBBINS 47 Vocal 50 Classical and Beyond 52 Modern and Contemporary 55 Jazz and Improvised Music 60 Pot Pourri 62 Something in the Air | KEN WAXMAN 63 A Truly Fine Vintage Printed in Canada Couto Printing & Publishing Services Circulation Statement - May 20, 2022 8,000 printed & distributed Canadian Publication Product Sales Agreement 1263846 ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTE Publications Mail Agreement #40026682 WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported on or advertised in this issue. COPYRIGHT © 2022 WHOLENOTE MEDIA INC 8 | May 20 - July 12, 2022

FOR OPENERS In the old normal ... DAV ID PERLMAN I n the old normal, for us as magazine publishers, it used to cost around to print and distribute one copy of an issue this size. In 2022’s post-pandemic pre-dawn, when it’s still too early to see whether the sky is really blue, the cost of printing alone is double that amount. Grim insider joke: if you want to know what the unit cost for printing the next issue of The WholeNote will be, it’ll be posted right above the pumps at your local gas station. So whereas, in the old normal, faced with a story lineup like the one we had for this issue, we’d have said “damn the torpedoes” and added pages, instead we had to give more than usually careful thought as to which of those stories have the shortest and longest expiry dates, in terms of topicality. And we had to set aside the ones that will be just as fresh a month from now. Like Karen-Anne Kastner’s coverage of an unusual recent concert, for an invited audience of private music teachers, in a filled-to-capacity Koerner Hall, heralding the release of the long awaited 6th edition of the Royal Conservatory’s Celebration Series. This is a significant ancillary resource for piano repertoire, used for decades by tens of thousands of private music teachers across North America. Yes, there were speeches as well. And like Gloria Blizzard’s searching write-up of this year’s Toronto Arts Foundation’s Awards, (back live again in its normal venue, the Arcadian Court at Queen and Bay), musing on what the phrase “a seat at the table” means in a context like that. Both stories are on their way. In the old normal, appearing first in print was what happened with most WholeNote stories, followed by a leisurely stroll onto the website. Increasingly the reverse is the case, with many stories being served better by appearing digitally first, especially when they incorporate elements that print cannot: video and/or audio links; extended photo galleries and the like. So if you haven’t already done so, consider signing up for our e-letter, HalfTones. You’ll be alerted, and linked to, online stories as they are posted. Signup is bottom right on our homepage at And while you are there, make sure to also check the box to receive our weekly listings update. In the old normal we tied our publication dates predictably to the beginning of calendar months, with a couple of double issues thrown in. For the past two years, with event scheduling increasingly opportunistic or hard to predict, we’ve survived, in part, by reducing our publishing frequency to eight issues a year, with each issue covering roughly six weeks. Weekly listings updates enable us, and you, to keep up with the volatility of the new normal, with the last minute announcements, date changes, postponements and cancellations. And, by the way, “Weekly listings update” doesn’t mean just events for the coming week. Each update offers an overview of the following six to seven weeks. The print listings in this issue of the magazine are, in fact, a snapshot of last week’s digital listings update; and they will already be out of date by next week! It’s a prime example of a situation where the old normal worked less well, for us and you, than what we’re embarked on now. So check the box. Please. And finally, in the old normal - for the past 20 years, in fact - The WholeNote happily occupied what now seems like acres of space at 720 Bathurst Street. But with occupancy costs on the same upward trajectory as unit costs and gas prices, that too is about to change. We are already in the process of downsizing incrementally and by the late summer or early fall will hope to be cosily ensconced in more modest quarters, a mere stone’s throw from where, as a column in the Kensington Market DRUM, this magazine came into being 27 years ago. ACD2 2865 TRANSFIGURATION Stéphane Tétreault cello Valérie Milot harp ACD2 2843 ACD2 2842 ACD2 2812 FABLES Philip Chiu piano MYTHES Ariane Brisson flute Olivier Hébert-Bouchard piano FANTASIAS Mélisande McNabney fortepiano NEW RELEASES David Perlman can be reached at G R I G O R I A N . C O M May 20 - July 12, 2022 | 9

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)