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Volume 27 Issue 8 | July 1 - September 20, 2022

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  • Jazz
  • September
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  • Toronto
Final print issue of Volume 27 (259th, count 'em!). You'll see us in print again mid-September. Inside: A seat at one table at April's "Mayors Lunch" TAF Awards; RCM's 6th edition "Celebration Series" of piano music -- more than ODWGs; Classical and beyond at two festivals; two lakeshore venues reborn; our summer "Green Pages" festival directory; record reviews, listening room and more. On stands Tuesday July 5 2022.

The WholeNote VOLUME

The WholeNote VOLUME 27 NO 8 JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 IN THIS EDITION STORIES AND INTERVIEWS Gloria Blizzard, Wendalyn Bartley, Paul Ennis, Karen-Anne Kastner, Jennifer Parr, David Perlman, Cathy Riches, Colin Story CD Reviewers Stuart Broomer, Max Christie, Sam Dickinson, Raul da Gama, Janos Gardonyi, Richard Haskell, Tiina Kiik, Kati Kiilaspea, Lesley Mitchell-Clarke, Cheryl Ockrant, David Olds, Ted Parkinson, Ivana Popovic, Cathy Riches, Terry Robbins, Michael Schulman, Michael Schwartz, Adam Scime, Andrew Scott, Bruce Surtees, Andrew Timar, Yoshi Maclear Wall, Ken Waxman, Matthew Whitfield Proofreading Paul Ennis, John Sharpe Listings Team John Sharpe, Gary Heard, Colin Story Design Team Kevin King, Susan Sinclair Circulation Team Wende Bartley, Jack Buell, Sharon Clark, Carl Finkle, James Harris, Bob Jerome, Miquela Leahy, Chris Malcolm, Sheila McCoy, Lorna Nevison, Tom Sepp, Dave Taylor. UPCOMING DATES AND DEADLINES Weekly Online Listings Updates 6pm every Tuesday for weekend posting for Volume 28 No. 1 September 20 - Nov 1, 2022 Publication Dates Friday, Sept 16 (digital) Tuesday, Sept 20 (print) Print edition listings deadline 6pm Tuesday, Sept 6 Print advertising, reservation deadline 6pm Tuesday, Sept 6 Classifieds deadline 6pm Thursday, Sept 6 2022 Printed in Canada Couto Printing & Publishing Services Circulation Statement - July 1, 2022 8,800 printed & distributed Canadian Publication Product Sales Agreement 1263846 ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTE Publications Mail Agreement #40026682 WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported on or advertised in this issue. COPYRIGHT © 2022 WHOLENOTE MEDIA INC FOR OPENERS The air in the balloon DAV ID PERLMAN > Listings Team To me, Karen, Jack, Paul, Kevin Jun 22, 2022, 11:20 AM Subject: # 50,000 Dear Team, Another milestone! We just achieved 50,000 listings in LUDWIG a few moments ago. John “John” is John Sharpe, our listings editor; LUDWIG is our acronym for the database at the heart of how, since 2011/12, we have processed concert listings. (That’s short for Listings Upload Database (for) WholeNote Information Gathering.) Cute, eh? And for the 15 years before that? Not even spreadsheets. Using Word to sort monthly documents (which were subsequently scattered to the digital winds). The number 50,000 is impressive – that’s free listings for around 5,000 live events a year. It’s an even more impressive number when you factor in that a lot of the music being made (gigs in clubs, for example, or festivals with multiple performances every day over a concentrated period of time) doesn’t easily fit an information-gathering system designed originally for classical and “post-classical” concerts. What’s most impressive of all is that what we cover is only the tip of the iceberg, in terms of the communities we don’t yet reach. Yet. It’s impossible to exaggerate the importance of our listings to us. It’s how we find out what’s going on; it is where our writers find inspiration; it is the air in our balloon, our lungs, our tires. When COVID hit (the day the listings died), all the air went out of all those things. A lot of hot air kept the balloon afloat, at least through those 28 months. Now, we are struggling to keep up with, and do justice to, the resurgent live music scene. “Partying like it’s 2019!” as Paul Ennis wryly observes in his story in this issue. True, but not if one reads the phrase as carte blanche to be stupid. In Greek mythology, Sisyphus, the king of Ephyra, and a bit of trickster, is punished by Zeus for cheating death (twice!). The classic Jovian scenario of “fool Me once, shame on you; fool Me twice, shame on me.” His punishment is “to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity,” says Wikipedia. But as some sage pointed out somewhere (I plead lingering COVID for not remembering who) it’s not the boulder-rolling that is his real punishment. It’s amnesia. Each time he sets out, he has hope. If he could remember that he was doomed to fail, he could figure out all kinds of creative routines to deal with the chore, and cope with disappointment. So, party like it’s 2019, yes! but in the knowledge that something like 2020 (remember 2020?) is maybe just around the corner. And with all the bad, we learned a helluva lot from it. Oh, before I forget, the 50,000th listing John Sharpe announced to the team is nicely symbolic. It’s Jul 20 at 11:00am, a one-hour Toronto Summer Music kids concert, by comedienne Kyra Millan and her musical partner Tina Faye “specially designed for children, ages 5-12 to introduce them to the worlds of classical music and opera.” Baby steps required. So, this is it from us, for print anyway, until September 20. But we’ll be around, via our weekly listings updates (sign up at, and posting stories to our blog and keeping you in the loop on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So party on, but watch out for falling rocks! 6 | July 1 - September 20, 2022

great chamber music downtown 2022–23 SEASON STRINGS October 13 Quatuor Van Kuijk November 17 Lafayette Quartet December 1 February 2 March 30 St. Lawrence Quartet with Odin Quartet Borealis Quartet Gryphon Trio St. Lawrence Quartet PIANO October 25 February 28 Michelle Cann Janina Fialkowska Michelle Cann

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)