2 THE Whole note Toronto's only comprehensive monthly classical & contemporary concert listing source Volume 3 number 2 Oct 1-Nov 5, 1997 Copyright c 1997 PerPul Proze 60 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, ON M5T 2N4 Publisher: Allan Pulker Editor:: David Perlman Production Manager: Simone Desilets Photography: Michael Shaw Editorial & general inquiries: 416-603-3786 Advertising & memberships: 416-406-6758 Fax: 416-603-3787 E-mail: drumkm@web.apc·.org Next publication date: October 25 listing the period November 1 to December 5 listings deadline: October 15 Advertising deadline: October 20 Listings are free. Please phone or write for listings guidelines. (UniCiassified Ads: 50c per word ( 0 minimum) Subscriptions: per year ( 1 0 issues) Display advertising rates: 'on request. wholenote banner: concept design by Jerry Ginsberg Printing by New Concept Circulation: 14,000 printed & distributed. wholenote is a production of DRUM Publishing, 60 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, M5T 2N4 Puirt a Baroque--Cape Breton meets Bach? See concert notes, page 6 Publication dates and deadlines Publisher's Notebook ..... . Where to find WholeNote Winners of reader survey draw Musicians in our midst #5: Noel Edison Concert Notes ............... . Musician's nightmare: 2 2 4 4 6 6,7 Am I losing my hearing/Alberto Behar 8 Our members write . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cover story: the Kubica-van Berkel Duo 9 Members profiles . . . . . . . 10, 11,1 2 In loving memory: tribute . . 13 Bandstand/John McGuigan 14 EtCetera File . . . . . . . . . . 15 Music Theatre Listings 16,17 Comprehensive concert listings 19-29 Unclassified advertising . . . . . . 30 Index of presenters & venues 31 On our cover: Kubica and Van Berkel, p.9 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS: OCTOBER 1997: INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Aldeburgh Connection 29 Amadeus Ensemble 27 Aradia Ensemble 19 Argentine Consulate 7 Around Again 11 Associates of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra 25 Audio Group 1 7 Baroque Music beside the Grange 27 Canadian Music Centre 1 3 Carlsberg Oktoberfest 1 3 Christ Churhc Deer Park 29 Cinematheque 4 Classic Recordings. 11 Claviers Baroques 1 0 Concert Hall 9 Curtain Call Players 1 7 Deer Pk. Concerts 23 Deer Park United Church 30 Elora Festival 32 Esprit Orchestra 15 Etobicoke Philhormonic 26 Etobicoke Comn .unity Concert Band 26 Exultate Singers 26 Gary Armstrong 9 · Guitar Society of Tor. 23 High Park Recital Series 20 Islington United Church 25 Long & McQuade 1 0 Marquis Classics 26 McGill Club 27 Mikrokosmos 11 Mooredale Concerts 27 Music Toronto 23, 24 Music Matrix 1 0 Music Umbrella Concerts 25 Naxos Records 7 N. Tor. lnst. of Music 30 .Off Centre Music Series 2 2 Opera in Concert 16 Perfect Birthday 1 5 Performance w.out Fear 17 Remenyi 5 Ring Music 11 Riverdale Concerts 20 Robin Howell 30 Royal Canadian Military Institute 1 4 Shar Music 7 Shaun Mclean 30 Sine Nomine 23 Soundpost 9 St. Andrew Chorale 27 Toronto Operetta Theatre 17, 21 Toronto School of Music 5 Toronto Mendelssohn Choir 3 University Settlement 21 , 24 Women's Musical Club of Toronto 25 october '97 wholenote Publisl•er's Notebook Not so very long ago the music scene here languished because of the lack of good performance spaces. True, Walter Hall has been around since the early 1960's, but it is primarily a university ·facility, used for literally hundreds of student and faculty recitals each year. Then there was the Eaton Auditorium, but tucked away on the seventh floor of Eatons College Street, it hardly counted either. In the early 1980s Roy Thomson Hall was built, but with its indifferent acoustics it. didn't. have nearly the impact it might have. More recently both the Glenn Gould Studio and the George Weston Recital Hall have come along--comfortable . and serviceable performance spaces with acoustics for which no apologies were necessary. Now with the Mississa uga Living Arts Centre about to open its doors we seem to be turning a corner, from famine to feast! What a space! --two main performing spaces, a 1300 seat concert hall with what seems to be a superb acoustics, and a multi-purpose theatre space reminiscent of the du Maurier Theatre Centre at Harbourfront. The larger space, Hammerson Hall, will be ideal for orchestral concerts, opera and musical theatre. Let the music spread! Bravo Mississauga. To RONTO's ONLY coMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY cLASSICAL & coNTEMPORARY coNCERT LISTING souRcE
wholenote october '97 3 THE TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR 0 w 0 z :::J ~ 1997 _, 1998 Season 2 I!::.!!:::S~=:!!:dl NOEL EDISON, CONDUCTOR Four Grand Concerts at a Great Rice CD Handel's Israel in Egypt Wednesday October 29th 1997, Spm Massey Hall ~ SPONSORED BY RBC DOMINION SECURITIES @ Handel's Messiah Wednesday December lOth 1997, Spm Roy Thomson Hall · ::1 SPONSORED BY CoNSUMERS GAs §U ® Valentine Variations: Schubert and Brahms Friday February 13th 1998, Spm or SaturdayFebruary 14th 1998, 2:30pm George Weston Recital Hall SPONSORED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR ® Broadway Spectacular: Cole Porter to Andre~v lloyd Webber Tuesday April 28th 1998, Spm Roy Thomson Hall SPoNsoRED BY Montreal Trust § A Member of the Scotiabank Group Call (416) 598-0422 to subscribe today! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Name: __________________________ __ Address: ________________________ _ Phone: __________________________ __ Payment 0 CHEQUE PAYABLE TO THE TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD CARD # --------------------------- EXPIRY DATE: ----------------------- SIGNATURE: ----------------------- ~ e SECTION A B c D FULL 8 3 0 ~ SAMPLER (1,3,4) 8 4 MAIL TO: FAX TO: Subscription payment $ __ _ Tax deductible donation $ __ _ Handling fee$ 2.00 Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, 60 Simcoe Street, Toronto ON M5J 2H5 or (416) 598-2992 Total$ __ _ TOROf''TO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE