9 years ago

Volume 3 Issue 4 - December 1997/January 1998

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • December
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • January
  • Performing
  • Classical
  • Orchestra

• 12:00 noon: Roy

• 12:00 noon: Roy Thomson Hall Volunteers Bring Your Own Lunch Concert. Susan Cuthbert, soprano. 60 Simcoe St. 593-4822 ext.363. Free. • 7:00: York University Faculty of Fine Arts. lmprov Soiree. York U. student performers. Senior Common Room, 021 Winters College, 4 700 Keele St. 736-5186. Free. • 7:30: Elora Festival Singers. A Village Messiah. Sally Dibblee, Matthew White, Daryl Edwards & Michael Donovan, soloists; Noel Edison, conductor. St. John's Church, Elora. 519-846-0331.. • 7:30: Opera Buffa. Amah/ and the Night Visitors. Barbara Fris, Mitch Seekins, Bernard Jackson, Richard Shaw & Michael Loewen, performers. St. Paul's Church, 227 Bloor St. E. 924-3496. . • 8:00: Centuries Opera Association. Recital by participants in the Apprentice Program. Studio Theatre, Ford Centre for the Performing Arts, 5040 Yonge. 787-3708. By donation. • 8 :00: Etobicoke Centennial Choir, Harris J. Loewen, mus ic director. Awake/ Rejoice/ Buxtehude: Magnificat; Bach: Cantata 140 "Wachet Auf;" selected carols. Islington United Church, 25 Burnhamthorpe Rd . 239-1131 ext.49. , 0 . • 8:00: Exultate Chamber CLASSICAL CHAMBER C)RC~HESTRA BEETHOVEN: Egmont Overture; BACH : r t Violin Concerto in a minor; HAYDN: Cello Conctrto in C; P UCCINI: 0 Mio Babbino Caro; other works. CATHERINE jANUS, soprano; RANov NICHOL, tenor; P ET ER WoNG, conductor. SATURDAY D ECEMBER 6, 8:00 PM Clll'RCII OF Jiff lh Dll MI R, 162 BJOOR s .. w. 2!1--tl.OO (M HR 6 PM) Singers, John Tuttle, conductor. Another Gi/es Christmas in Tales. Seasonal music & readings. Giles Bryant, storyteller; Bruce Ubukata, organ. Saint Thomas's Church, 383 Huron St. 961-8382. ,,. • 8:00: Ford Centre for the Performing Arts. Marvin Hamlisch. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 872-2222. to . • 8:00: Massey Hall. Colours of Christmas. Roberta Flack, AI Jarreau, Melissa Manchester & Jeffrey Osborne. Shuter St. E. of Yonge. 872-4255.-. • 8:00: Montgomery's Inn. Harp Concert. Traditional Celtic music from Scotland & Ireland; Celtic-flavoured music of Cape Breton; Christmas music from Canada, Appalachia & Europe. Janet Gadeski, harp. Ball Room, 4709 Dundas St. W. 394-8113. . • 9 :30: Oasis. Concert of East Indian music. Asif Hassan; Munni Begum; Sumar Marwah; Ustad-Tari Kahn, tabla; Moh'd Hussein, harmonium. Minkler Auditorium, 1 750 Finch Ave. E. 491 -8877. to . • 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Colours of Christmas. Roberta Flack, Melissa Manchester, AI Jarreau & Jeffrey Osborne, performers; gospel choir & full orchestra. 60 Simcoe St. 872- 4255. to . • 8 :00: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Music by Numbers. Crumb: Voice of the Whale; Britten: Phantasy Quartet Op.2; Poulenc: Flute Sonata; Schoenberg: Verklarte Nacht. Erika Raum, Mark Skazinetsky, violins; Shauna Rolston, cello; Richard Dorsey, oboe; Patrick Gallois, flute. Waiter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 978-3744. ,. • 8:15: John Paulll Polish ETOBICOKE CENTENNIAL CHOIR AWAKE/ REJOICE/ Buxtehude:Magnificat Bach:Catttata 140--Wachet auf Christmas Carols · Friday and Saturday December 5 and 6 8:00p.m. Islington United Church 25 Bumhamthorpe Road at Dundas W.--Etobicoke and Tickets: 416-239-1131, x49 Cultural Centre. Alexander Tselyakov, piano. Music of Chopin, Debussy, Liszt & Tchaikovsky. 4300 Cawthra Rd . 905-306-9900.,. • 7:00: Broadway Buddies. Holiday Concert. Fairview Library Theatre Productions, 35 Fairview Mall Dr. 479- 7714. • 7:00: Et.obicoke Community Concert Band. Christmas Toonies. Christmas fanfare music targetted to a family audience. Humber College Auditorium, 3199 Lakeshore Blvd. W. 251-7236.. • 7 :00: Mel Lastman Square. Lighting of the Square & Choral Fest. Choral concert featuring community & professional choirs, preceded · by celebration of lights, precision skating & pyrotechnic effects to launch the festive season. 5100Yonge St. 395- 7326. Free. • 7:30: Concentus Arts. High Park Recital Series. Sanya Eng, harp. Works by Debussy, Salzedo, Faure & Louie. Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1691 Bloor St. W. 964-8293. ,. • 7:30: Elora Festival. Wintersong: Dances for a Sacred Season. Rutter: Dancing Day; Britten: Ceremony of Carols; other choral works. Canadian Children's Dance Theatre. Humanities Theatre, U. of Waterloo. 51 9-846-0331 . ,. • 7 :30: North York Singers. Hande/: Messiah. Alexa Wing, soprano; Nina Scott-Stoddart, mezzo; Edward Franko, tenor; Ross Darlington, baritone; David Smith, organ; Gary Deer Park Concerts presents Christmas Motets and Carols Deer Park Vocal Ensemble sings Christmas motets from the renaissance to contemporary works by Poulenc and Vaughan Williams . Saturday Dec 6th, 8pm. Admission Deer Park United 129 St. Clair Avenue West Tel: 962-3381 TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPO RARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE Heard, director. Willowdale United Church, 349 Kenneth Ave. 748-2092. , . • 7 :30: Roy Thomson Hall. John McDermott - Christmas Memories. Traditional carols, folk music & ballads. Laura Smith, special guest. 60 · Simcoe St. 872-4255. to . • 8 :00: Beach Arts Centre. An Evening of Light Classics. Craig Winters, piano; Jaroslav Jarosil, cello; James Swan, violin; special guest: Tracey Neidhardt, dancer. 1852 Queen St. E. 690-4552. , . • 8:00: Cantores Celestes. Wassail! Collections of carols arranged by J.O.Edwards & Louis Applebaum; Christmas spirituals: Go Tell it on the Mountain; The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy; A Child is Borm; Verdi: Laudi alia Vergine Maria; Hoist: Ave Maria. Valerie Cowie, trumpet; Ellen Meyer, piano; Kelly Galbraith, organ & director. Runnymede United Church, 432 Runnymede Ave. 205-2719. . • 8:00: Classical Chamber Orchestra. Beethoven: Egmont Overture; Bach: Violin Concerto in a minor; Haydn: Cello Concerto in C; Puccini: 0 Mio Babbino Caro; other works. Catherine Janus, soprano; Randy Nichol, tenor; Peter Wong, conductor. Church of the Redeemer, 1 62 Bloor St. W. 233-4200. ,. • 8:00: Deer Park Concerts. Christmas Mbtets & Carols. SANVA ENG harp RecleemeP Lufberon C~ur·c~ 1691 Bloop St. W (K..I. .Su'--l} QI srs. or students 964-8293

Music from the Renaissance to contemporary works by Poulenc & Vaughan Williams. Deer Park Vocal Ensemble. 129 St. Clair Ave. W. 962- 3381. . • 8:00: Etobicoke Centennial Choir, Harris J. Loewen, music director. Islington United Church. See December 5. • 8 :00: Ford Centre for the Performing Arts. Marvin Hamlisch . George Weston Recital Hall. See December 5. • 8 :00: Mississauga Festival Choir. Come Sing With Us. Handel: Messiah (selections); Mozart: Regina Coeli; arr. Hatfield: Trinidad Carol. Mississauga Children's Festival Choir; Dr. Lori-Anne Dolloff, director; Deborah Bradley, accompanist. First United Church, 151 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-274-6590.,. • 8 :00: Mozart Society. Concert by the winners of the Young Canadian Mozart Singer' s Competition. Sunderland Hall , Un itarian Congregation, 175 St. Clair W. Recommended donation #1 0. • 8:00: OnStage at the Glenn Gould Studio. Christmas Soul. Faith Chorale with Jackie Richardson, vocals; Woody Woods, musical director. 250 Front St. W. 205-5555. . • 8 :00: Tallis Choir. Ceremonies of Carols. Britten: A Ceremony of Carols; Poulenc: Christmas Motets; Byrd: Lullaby; medieval carols. Peter Walker, conductor. St. Patrick's Church, 141 McCaul. 483-0559.,. • 8:00: Toronto Camerata. Magnificat. Settings of Ave Maria by Hoist, Josquin, Biebl, Bruckner & Victoria; motets; carols in English, German, Czech & French. Arthur Wenk, director. St. Leonard's Church, 25 Wanless. 905-841 -6482. , . • 8 :00: Trinity 21 Productions & Melrose Park Presbyterian Church. Rejoice in Christmas. Music by Bizet. Franck, Handel, Carrissimi; Christmas carols & sacred songs. Richard Valdez, tenor; Linda Marcinkuss, piano; Ricardo Valdez, Chuck Tamkei, duo piano; Alex Ciobanu, actor. Concert to benefit homeless & youth hostels. Melrose Park Presbyterian Church, 250 Fairlawn Ave. 784-0799. Admission free with dona tion. • 8:00: University of Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Wagner: Tristan and lsolde: Prelude & Liebestod; Bizet: Symphony in C; Sibelius: Violin Concerto. Ellen Jung, violin; Peter Oundjian, guest conductor. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's 1'1!!!!!!111!111!1 Park. 978-3744. ,. I! • 8 :00: Voices, Ron Cheung, music director. Christmas Carols. Survey of carols around the world, with s ing-along. Alexander Opalinski, narrator. Trinity-St. Paul' s Church , 427 Bloor St. W. 769-1345. , . • Brampton Festival Singers. Christmas Around the World. Seasonal favourites with an international flavour. Special guest: Mayor Peter Robertson. St. Paul's United Church, 30 Main St. South. 905-874- 2800., . • 12:30: McMichael Canadian Collection. Mark Eisenman, jazz piano. 905-893-11 21 . • 1 :00: Harbourfront Centre Cushion Concert. The Olden Days Coat. Musical telling of the Canadian Christmas tale by Margaret Laurence. Canadian Children's Opera Chorus. Brigantine Room, 235 Queen's Quay W. 973-4000. . • 2:00: Les AMlS, Michael Peps, artistic director. Special Presentation: Toronto International Academy of Music Recital. Studio Theatre, The Litency and Outreach Committees of & J ames' Cathednl, in association with Frontier CoUel" and Orpn Alternatives present a new annual event in support of literacy: Half a Thimble" a new story by Mary Druce, told in music and word Arthur Wenk. Director Toronto's premier a cappella chamber choir presents MAGNIFICAT A program of carols and motets, inspired by · the story of Mary's visit to Elizabeth Saturday 6 December, 2 pm St. James' Cathedral King&. Church Streets, Toronto Recommended for families with children, aged 8 and up. Children receive a FREE copy of the story, to keep and to share. Admission: SS adults, children 11\IIIX (416) 864-TIIX (88491 Saturday, December 6, 8 p.m. Saturday, December 13, 8 p.m. *Sunday, December 14, 3 p.m. The Church of St. Leonard, 25 Wanless Ave. (one block north of Lawrence, east off Yonge) Tickets: , students & seniors , at the door Information: (905) 841 -6482 www. * Our annual Sil.eflt A uctio11 wiU be held at the Srmdqy co11cert. fORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)