9 years ago

Volume 3 Issue 4 - December 1997/January 1998

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • December
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • January
  • Performing
  • Classical
  • Orchestra

Jan. 29/98 One of the

Jan. 29/98 One of the best of the exceptional younger generation of Czech quartets, the STAMIC QUARTET opoens its programme with a quartet by Mozart's contemporary Vanhal. The Riverdale Concert Society presents: Stephen Fox: Clarinet Daniel Kushner. Violin Rachel Macleod: Violin Ellen Meyer: Piano John Ireland's Fantasy-Sonata· for clarinet; Herbert Howells' Sonata #1 for violin; E.J. Moeran's Sonata for two violins; and Trygve Madsen's Scherzo. The Chapel, 2"d Floor Victoria College 91 Charles Street West, Friday January 30'h, 8:00pm 00/.00 For information: 465-7443 Schnittke: Quartet #2; Schubert: Quartet in d minor, Op.Posth., "Death and the Maiden." Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. W. 366-7723. ,. • 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Roy Thomson Hall. See January 28. • 12:00 noon: Roy Thot,·s.on Hall Volunteers. Bring Your Own Lunch Concert. Louise Hanly, flute; Michel Allard, piano. 60 Simcoe St. 593- 4822 ext.363. Free. • 8:00: Aradia Baroque Ensemble. Music From Versailles. See January 28. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 969-1640. .50;.50. • 8:00: Ford Centre for the Performing Arts. Chuck Mangione, jazz flugelhorn. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 872-2222. to . • 8 :00: Markham Theatre for Performing Arts. Susan Aglukark. See January 29. • 8:00: Meadowvale Music Theatre & Off-The-Wall Productions. Nunsense. See January 23. • 8:00: Mississauga Philharmonic Masterworks. Bruckner: Adagio for Strings; Mozart: Violin Concerto #3 in G major, K .216; Schubert: Rondo for string orchestra; Symphony #5 in B flat major. Pinchas Zuckerman, conductor/violin; Toronto Symphony. Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Drive. 905- 274-1571.,. We pay tribute to her and to her art through music which was important in her life. with Monica Whicher soprano Catherine Robbin mezzo Benjarnin Butterfield tenor · Stephen Rails & Bruce Ubukata, piano • 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Composer Samuel Do/in discusses his life and works in conversation with RCM President Peter Simon. Music by Dolin, Kagel, Tan Dun, Kuzmenko, Cherney & Croall. Ettore Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 408-2824 ext. 321. ,. • 8 :00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra & Living Arts Centre. Bruckner: Adagio for Strings; Mozart: Violin Concerto #3 in G major, K,216; Schubert: Rondo; Symphony #5. Pinches Zukerman, conductor/violin. Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Drive. 905-306-6000. ,. • 1 :30 & 3:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra Young People's Concert. Classical Hoedown. Copland: Excerpts from Rodeo; Excerpts from Billy the Kid Suite; Hayman: Pops Hoedown; Rossini: William Tell Overture; Grofe: On the Trail from Grand Canyon Suite. Clyde Mitchell, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 593-4828. . • 7:30: Concentus Arts. High Park Recital Series. The Three Sopranos: Karen Frandsen, Molly Misra & Barbara Sadegur. Works by Rossini, Schubert, Faure, Oberdorf & Gilbert & Sullivan. Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1691 Bloor St. W . 964-8293.$ 10,. • 8 :00: Baroque Music Beside the Grange. The Life of Robert Burns. Works from The Scots Musical Museum. Dr. Watson Buchanan, speaker; Mary Enid Haines, soprano; Alison Melville, flute; Colin Savage, recorder; Terry McKenna, lute/guitar. St. George the Martyr Church, Stephanie & McCaul Sts. 588-4301. ,. • 8:00: Canadian Opera Company. Janacek: The Cunning Little Vixen. 7:15pm: Free Pre-performance Talk in the lobby. Hummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts. See January 27. • 8 :00: Ford Centre for the Performing Arts. Chuck Mangione, jazz flugelhorn. GeorQe Weston Recital Hall. See January 30. • 8:00: Living Arts Centre. Blues, Roots, Honks and Moans. James Carter Quartet; Cyrus Chestnut Trio. Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Drive. 905-306-6000. ,. • 8:00: Markham Theatre for Performing Arts. Susan Ag/ukark. See January 29. • 8 :00: Meadowvale Music Theatre & Off-The-Wall Productions. Nunsense. See January 23. • 8:00: Music at St. John's. Bach Consort. Bach: Peasant Cantata. Monica Whicher, soprano; Kevin MacMillan, Jan. 10 Oiane da CamaPa Jo~n Alhn soprano - bass Jan. 31 Kapen f Pandsen, MolllJ MisPa Bal'bal'a S'!dequp -The TJ,I'EC! Sopranos boil. c:cnc:e.ta Satu.Ja'l af 7 a30pm Redeemer lutkran C~urc~ 1691 Bloc. St. W.~l.. Subwa.J ' srs. or students SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2:30 PM WALTER HALL UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Tickets: 1 (416) 654-5150 TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE

aritone; other voices tba. 288 minor; Fugue in A major; Humberside Ave. 763-2393. Andante with Variations in D ,,. major. 65 Church St. 364- • 8:00: University of Toronto 7865. Free. Wind Symphony & Concert • 7:00: Canadian Opera Band. Gershwin: Rhapsody in Company. Humperdinck: Blue; Anerican in Paris; Polgar: Hansel and Grate/. In English Voice of the Soul. William with English surtitles. Kristine Aide, piano; Stephen Chenette, Jepson, Clare Gormley, Gary conductor. MacMillan Theatre, Rideout, John Fanning, 80 Queen's Park. 978-3744. Alexandra Hughes, performers; . Canadian Opera Company Orchestra; Canadian Children's Opera Chorus; Randall Behr, conductor; Maurice Sendak, set & costume designer. 6 :15pm: Free Talk in the lobby. Hummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts, 1 Front • 2:00: Mississauga Library St. E. 363-8.231. to 5. System. John Arpin in Concert. • 8:00: Ford Centre for the Noel Ryan Auditorium, 301 Performing Arts. Wynton Burnhamthorpe Rd . W. ,. Marsa/is & the Lincoln Canter • 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. ~=:.-=:O.:..:rc~h;.;:ec:;s..;.;trc:;a.:.... . c:;Sc:;ee;;.:....;..Fc:;e;:;.b...:2"".__, Celebration of Lois Marshal/. Beckwith: commissioned work; music by the great masters & by her own friends & contemporaries. Monica Whicher, soprano; Catherine Robbin, mezzo; Benjamin Butterfield, tenor. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 205- 5555. ,. • 4:30: Great Music at St. Anne's. Abendmusik. Selections from upcoming CD recording by Margot Rydall Onodera, flute & lvan Zilman, guitar. 270 Gladstone Ave. 922-4415. Free. Toronto-based pianist JAMES • 7:30: Music at Metropolitan. PARKER (known to his Chancel Concert. Hope fri d J · ) ff Nightingale, soprano; Michael en s as am.le O ers a Thomas, baritone. Metropolitan wonderful varied programme United Church, 56 Queen St. concluding with Beethoven's E. 363-0331.Free. • 8 :00: North York Symphony. L..:-b...,e lo-=v-=e_d'="A=-p_p-:-a-,ss=io_n_a_ta...,.----;--__. Serenade for Strings. oronto. Tchaikovsky: Serenade for Parker, piano. Scarlatti: Minuet Strings; Grieg: Heartwounds in G major; Aria in d minor; and Last Spring; Bach: Air on Sonata in C major; Brahms: the G String; Elgar: Serenade in Three Intermezzi, Op.1 17 ; e minor; Barber: Adagio; Cherney: Quelquefois, a Dvorak: Nocturne. Kerry L'Ombre de la Nuit .. . au Stratton, conductor. George Lointain (1991 ); Debussy: Weston Recital Hall , 5040 L'lsle Joyeuse: Scriabin: Yonge St. 324-9333. selected Preludes; Beethoven: ,, student/senior Sonata in f minor, Op.57 discounts. "Appassionata." Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. W. 366- 7723. ,. • 8:00: Ford Centre for the Performing Arts. Wynton Marsalis & the Lincoln Canter Jazz Orchestra. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 872-2222. to . • 1 :00: Lunch Hour at St. James': Giles Bryan t, organ. Mendelssohn: Praeludium in c • 8:00: Canadian Opera Company. Janacek: The Cunning Little Vixen. In Czech with English surtitles. Rebecca Caine, soprano; Canadian Opera Company Orchestra & Chorus; Canadian Children's Opera Chorus; Maurice Sendak, original designs; Richard Bradshaw, conductor. 7 :15pm: Free Talk in the lobby. Hummingbird Centre for Centuries Opera Association Artistic Director Michele Srrano THE 1997 SEASON November 27. An evening ofbelcanto featuring six Canadian artists. Presented in conjunction with the York University Italian Department December 5. Centuries Opera Recital by participants in the Apprentice Program at the Ford Centre for the Performing Arts Studio theatre. 8:00 pm Admission by donation. THE NEW 1998 SEASON January 20. A concert of operatic duet, ensemble and choir for the new program at York University. 7:00 pm Admission free. During the month of February auditions for roles in the 1998 Summer Opera, La Boheme by G . Puccini and Tales of Hoffman by J. Offenbach All roles are available for audition. For more information call Centuries Opera at (416) 787-3708 "Viennese Night" at the Ford Centre for the Pertorming,Arts. Guest artists include Gerlinda Strangemann, Mark DuBois, Bruce Kelly, Gisele Fredette along with the Centuries Opera O rchestra conducted \ by William Shookoffi For more information call Centuries Opera at (416) 787 ~3708 --...JORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)