9 years ago

Volume 3 Issue 4 - December 1997/January 1998

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • December
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • January
  • Performing
  • Classical
  • Orchestra

the Performing Arts, 1

the Performing Arts, 1 Front St. E. 5. • 8:00: CBC Stereo's Choral ConcertiOnStage at the Glenn Gould Studio. Dale War/and Singers, Dale Warland, artistic director. 40-voice a cappella choir. 250 Front St. W. 205- 5555. . • 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Art of the Concerto. Handel: Concerto grosso Op.6 #1; Concerto a due cori #2; Vivaldi (arr. J.J. Rousseau): Le printemps (for solo flute); Martinu: Concerto grosso; Mozart: Violin Concerto #5 in A major K.219. Mayumi Sailer, violin; Nora Shulman, flute; Christopher Hogwood, cond. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 593-4828. to . • 8:00: University of Toronto Jazz Series. Small Jazz Ensembles. Waiter Hall. See January 14. • 12:10: St. Paul's Anglican Church. Noonday Recital. Eric Robertson, organ. 227 Bloor St. E. 961-811 6 . Free. • 12:10: U. ofT. Thursday Noon Series. Music and Poetry. Britten: Sechs Holderlin­ Fragmente; Haw.kins: Sonette on Orpheus (Rilke). Michael Colvin, tenor; John Ha.wkins, piano; Prof. Eric Domville, commentator. Waiter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 978-3744. Free. • 6:45: TSO. Pre-concert Classic lntros talk with Christopher Hogwood. Rick Phillips, host. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 593-4828. Free with ticket to the 8:00 concert or .85. • 8 :00: Canadian Opera Company. Humperdinck: Hansel and Grete/. 7:15pm: Free Pre-performance Talk in the lobby. Hummingbird Centre. See January 23. • 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Roy Thomson Hall. See February 4. AuDITIONS, CLASSES, CouRsEs, ETCETERA WHoLENOTE UNCLASSII'IED AovERTISING, DEci, MBER. JANUARY '97-'98 ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICE for small business and individuals, to save you time and money, customized to meet your needs. Nonn Pulker, B.Math . CMA. 905-508-4274. CELLO LESSONS: Experienced and highly qualified RCM Affiliate Teacher, graduate of Vienna Music Academy. Students of all ages and levels are welcome. King subway station. 868-9008 . UNCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in the wholeuote costs only for 20 words and $.50 for each additional word. To book an ad, call Simone D.:silets at 406-6758. DID YOU REALIZE that scrapp.:d ca rs are a major source of pollution? Don't scrap your old car, sdl it to John for repair and re-use. 416-466-9064/416-790-81 74. FLUTE LESSONS: Experienced teacher & professional performer. Eastman graduate - RCM Affiliate Teacher. Beginners to advanced students, all ages welcome. 416- 757-5406 FOR RENT: Concert venue (rehearsal) seats 112. Bright, intimate, parish hall/stage. Call: 603-6720 or 967-3775 . GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS. Great selection of recorders, music for the recorder, tin whistles, fifes, low "D" whistles, Baroque, Folk and Irish flutes , low pitch recorders, some used instruments, harpsichord. Call 416-534-7931 Mon. to Sat. Recorder Center, 984 Dovercourt Rd . HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SING, thought you wouldn't or couldn't, or do you just want a place to play with the possibilities of your voice. Small groups. 6 - . Johanne, 461-8425 . KNABE BABY GRAND PIANO, 5'2", built in 1927, Baltimore USA . Restored, refinished 1987. Black satin finish, recently tuned. Excellent condition. Asking ,900. 1-613-592-5820 LLOYD GARBER TEACHES GUITAR. Creative approach. Absolute beginners to working professionals. Must be enthusiastic. Pop, Jazz, Blues, Original Chords, lead, reading, improvisation, fingerboard, speed theory, eartraining. Lloyd Garber, 504-0915 . OPERA-VOCAL COACH AND ACCOMPANIST: on leave from Vienna State Opera 97-98. Teacher at Vienna Hochschule. Studio Bloor-Dufferin. German and Italian repertoire, diction. 416-536-0588. THE PERFECT BIRTHDAY PARTY PUPPET SHOW, specially designed for your child 2 - 6 years old. J eff Essery. 416-922- 8249 TUNE YOUR SELF with Feldenkrais (rm). For lessons in functional Integration (tm) and Awareness Through Movement (tm) call Frauke Voss at 929-0394. VOCAL ENSEMBLES, 4 to 40 voices, from All The King's Voices, available to perform at your Christmas event, featuring traditional and new carols from their December 14 concert. 416- 757-5512. WANTED- CHOIR CHIME MUSIC for Senior, secular, twooctave group. New or used . 416- 463-0319 . YOUNG MUSICIAN'S STUDIO. Private lessons available for: singing, flute, recorder, trumpet, french horn, trombone, music theory. High Park. 416-536-0586 Shaun McLean Registered Massage Therapist · 66 Wellesley St. E. Suite #3 Toronto M4Y 1G2 Phone 416 961-2403 416 374-9269 (pager) By appointmenl or chance. In Call/Oul Call rales. LOOK BETTER, FEEL BETTER, SOUND BETTER I~CHRISr+ ~ ~CHURCH DEER PARK Deer Park United Church 129 St. Clair Ave. W. at A venue Road Concert, Meeting Room, and Studio Space Available ===~~~~=~:.;,. Please phone (416) 962-3381 Shiatsu Therapy for fine tuning within concert, Meeting Rooms and studio space Available 1570 Yonge St., N. of St. Clair at Heath St. • 36 rank Karl Wilhelm tracker organ and steinway grand piano • full wheelchair accessibility • close to Subway, adjacent to municipal parking • Telephone 920-5211/ FAX (416> 920-840 Alison Melville (416) 588~4301 Located at Yonge & WellesleJl. B)l appointment on!Jl. TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE

1\lu~o~ician's Joke Report How many viola players does it take to change a light bulb? etc. etc. You've heard them all , right? To be sure you will have to read A Working Musician 's Joke Book by Daniel G. Theaker, B.Mus (Sound and Vision Books, Toronto). Theaker does not limit himself to the viola, however: no instrument or singing voice escapes his razor-edged wit! Firefly Books, the distributor of A Working Musician's Joke Book has generously given us five copies of it and five copies of NORTH TORONTO INSTITUTE OF MUSIC • Private instruction on most instruments • Instrument rentals • Theory classes • Start any time 550 Eglinton Avenue East 416 488-2588 ~- the companion volume, A Musician 's Dictionary to reward the wholenote readers who send us unpublished (nonviola) musician jokes by December 31. We will publish as many as we can and all will be passed on to Daniel Theaker to be included in volume two. Rf:Gorrt~o Ml'-rri\GE THE~Porr !'WO ~Hol\nv THE~P•rr 4'6-rRR-o642 4 1 b - (; d'-4-4-0 I OMrA MtNtr Classical Music Conservatory 3359A (~i~) ;eJ\E~~;;;;(at Islmgton) This Holiday Season Give the gift of Music ••. Private Lessons on Any Instrument and Vo1p;'ce AU levels of Theory and History courses Children's Musical Preludes courses Call us for a FREE Assessment Ci11 DR: IH llll '- :--YMI'IIONY ORCIII :--·1 Ri\ MUSIC DIRECTOR/ CONDUCTOR The Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) invites applications for a long·teom position as Music Director/Orchestoa Conductoo. The successful candidate will conduct concerts and rehearsals; plan appropriate concert repertoire; poovide artistic leadershi p; participate in the selection and hiring of guest artists and performeos and work with a Boaod of Oioectors that consists mainly of orchestra members. The Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra includes 65 musicians and performs up to 8 concerts per year for the Greater Toronto community. The Orchestra encourages a youthful audience and frequently features outstanding young soloists. Applicants must possess a comprehensive knowledge of orchestral repertoire and significant orchestral conducting experience as well as strong musicianship. leadership and jnteopersonal skills. Qualified candidates will be invited to oehearse and conduct one or more concerts in Applicants should send a letter of interest, the 1998·99 season on an honorarium basis. Following this audition process, the successful candidate will assume conducting responsibilities in Septembeo, 1999. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Applicadon Deadline: January 15, 1998 ii>duding worlc experience and references to: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra 23 Croydon Road Toronto, Ontario loi6C 1S9 fax: 416·789·3530 e·mait The Banff Centre for the Arts 20th Century Opera and Song Spring/Summer programs for: SINGERS I INSTRUMENTALISTS I DANCERS I ACTORS I COMPOSERS Toronto Auditions January 22-25/98 for the following programs: DRAMATIC INTEGRATION - Professional Training for Singers. Program dates: singers, April 27 to June 6; assistants, April 23 to June 6. 1998 NEWWORK DEVELOPMENT A Celebration of the Human Voice (working trtle) Libretto based on selections from The Book o( Embraces by Eduardo Galeano. Music composed by Linda Bouchard Program dates: performers, June 8 .to 27; assistants, June 4 to 27, 1998 OPERA World Premiere Project (or on Opera of the Twentieth Century: something that happened once and it is very interesting Composer: Christopher Butterlield/ Librettist: John Bentley Mays Program ,dates: performers, June 29 to August IS; assistants, June 2S to August IS, 1998 SONG Out of the Parlour and Onto the Stage Program dates: performers, July 6 to August 15; assistants, July 2 to Aug_ust IS, 1998 ASSISTANTSHIPS in: music direction, repetiteur/coaching, stage direction, movement coaching, singing coaching. and extended voice coaching OTHER PROGRAMS VOICE - International Voice Workshops by Richard Armstrong - for singers, actors, dancers, composers and voice teachers. Program dates: Program A, August 24 to September 3; Program B, September 4 to 7, ! 998 COMPOSERS-IN-RESIDENCE Self-Directed Residencies for Composers Program dates: various lengths,April27 to September 7, 1998 For more information: 1-800-565-9989 http://www. banffcentre .a tre/i n d ex. htm I Brochures are available at The Banff Centre Toronto offices, 33 Yonge Street - ( 41 6) 594-66 73. it is very interesting TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)