This book, filled with puns, OuiiJs, one-liners and shaggy dog storieS will amuse singers, musicians, and anyone who likes a good laugh. In paperback .95 At all bookstores now. Attila Glatz. lmt•re.sario A native of Hungary, be was trained as a concert pianist, and earlier in his career did a great deal of performing. By ' 1970 be bad recreated himself as a jazz pianist, and came to Toronto to bear the jazz greats and learn English, supporting himself as a jazz pianist upstairs at the Hungarian Village Restaurant and later as the Hammond Organ Concert Organist. He has lived in Toronto ever since, except for three years between 1979 and 1982, when be returned to Europe where be met his wife, Marion. His company, Attila Glatz Productions, started in 1985 as a booking agency for musicians. From the beginning Glatz wanted to move into producing concerts, and in 1987 produced a sold out concert by two pianists at the Jane Mallett Theatre. In 1989 be engaged the North York Symphony Orchestra for a concert at Roy Tbomson Hall. In addition to selling out this concert he sold 500 tickets to the reception afterwards. After a repeat performance in 1990, be tried something new, a series of concerts that would appeal to senior citizens, bringing in the Glean Miller Band and Lawrence Welk. In 1995 be and Marion produced the event that has become their primary focus, "Salute to Vienna", a New Year's Day concert modelled on the annual New Year ~ s Day concert in Vienna, which is sold out years in advance and which millions of'Europeans watch on television. An effervescent concoction of Strauss waltzs and operatic arias, performed by the North York Symphony, augmented by a several musicians and singers from the Vienna Mozart Orchestra, the event was a huge success. The next year they moved it to Roy Thomson Hall, doubled ticket prices, and hired a fully professional orchestra, ·called Symphony Canada, with musicians from 22 Canadian orchestras. With two singers (continued on p. 7) HEAR THE RECORD \:1 SING THE SONGS (Published by Saxon House Canada) CD 19704 Gemstone Records Available through Canadian ,Music Centre 20 St. J oseph Street Toronto M4Y 119 Tel: (416) 961- 6601 Fax: (416) 961 1198 Available wherever printed music is sold the opera store world's biggest bookstore dave snider music centre ltd the queensway music centre ltd or wherever you live just a free phonecall away: 1-800-690-2612 TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE
from Vienna and dancers from the National Ballet of Canada, the event sold out and was an unqualified success artistically. At this point the Glatzs saw a much larger possibility - present the concert in more than one place on New Year's Day. Last year he produced the show in five North American cities, and this year it will take place in 15, including New York and Los Angeles. Asked why the show as been so successful Glatz says simply that everyone wants to start the New Year on an optimistic note. THE TORONTO CONSORT Critically Acclaimed Location Recording & Digital Editing Complete CD Packages at great prices! Call for free brochure (416) 41 0-8248 This is the 25th anniversary season of Toronto's leading early music ensemble, the Toronto Consort. Started in 1972 by Tim McGee and David Klausner to provide music for a PLS (Poculi Ludique Societas, U. ofT .'s medieval theatre troupe), it has been responsible, along with similar groups in the U.S, England and Europe for making Medieval and early Renaissance music a respected domain of professional music making. On December 11 and 12 the Consort will be joined by the exciting new group, Puirt a Baroque, with which it shares guitarist/lutenist Terry McKenna for a Christmas program in which each ensemble will participate in the other's repertoire. Will~i'n Historic Live Recordings • The Royal Canadian College of Organists presents excerpts from live recordings made from 1965-67 during services at Toronto's Church of SI Mary Magdalene. • Even in his mid-SO's, Willan played · with a vitality that is astonishing. His improvisations are masterful gems of the art. The choirs offer a choral sound that is exceptionally pure and refined for the 1960's. In everything he did, his unerring sense of occasion strikes exactly the right note as this exciting historical release proves. Those of you interested in authentic performances of early music will not want to miss a 15th Century Mass for St. Andrew on December 9, recreated as a class project by 1897- 1997 available on CD at (continued on p. 9) 100 Years of Great Music The Classical Record Shop Hazelton Lanes, 55 Avenue Road THE PERFECT BIRTHDAY Party Puppet Show specially designed for your child 2 to 6 years old (416) 922-8249 We buy, sell and trade fine Classical music recordings on L.P. and Open Reel Tapes ( 416) 287-0098 We have hundreds of audiophile, rare and collectable recordings in stock TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTH LY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT US11NG SOURCE