9 years ago

Volume 3 Issue 4 - December 1997/January 1998

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • December
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • January
  • Performing
  • Classical
  • Orchestra

y: John Blow FIRST TIME

y: John Blow FIRST TIME IN CANADA This Restoration opera about the famous star-crossed lovers of classical antiquity incorporates period instrumentation and dance. A rare opportunity to enjoy an early form of opera performed by one of Poland's finest companies. "SKAMANDRVCI" (IN POLISH) Music of Warsaw from the 1920s' by: SALON OF POETRY & MUSIC ~la n ~ ~ --"2 '3 - Friday , :t!lcrr.~~ 2~ Saturday, "KRYWAN" "lOVE AND BETRAYAl" Polish Folk music with an attitude TORONTO SINFONIETIA Arias and duets. Ballet Scenes. Choruses ' Jan.25 ' '" Sunday , ,, ,- "VENUS AND ADONIS" by: John Blow WARSAW CHAMBER OPERA sponsors ,., info: (416).259-4499 POLISH AIRLINES -~ flL~ & ' :~ ~ BEAUTY EMPIRE _ACYIULI r ·~ POLISH CANADIAN Socn:w OF M llSIC art frame 2000 ltd TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE c f m t ~

students of Professor Andrew Hughes at the U of T Faculty of Music. "The Sarum rite" says Professor Hughes, "was used in England and elsewhere in the Middle Ages, and was one of the most splendid and widely respected Uses. The re-creation is a historical reconstruction rather than a service of worship or a polished concert performance." The Sine Nomine Ensemble's Dec. 19-20 concert, "Aungells bright they song that night" will explore the themes of . mystery and rejoicing associated with Christmas and expressed in music from the 12th and 13th centuries. These themes run through all Christmas music to the present and appear in many guises in many concerts in December. Sinfon ia of Nations To be a musician is to be an entrepreneur. U ofT Faculty of Music Student, Mehdi Javanfar, has accepted the challenge and by himself has started a symphony orchestra, the Toronto Sinfonia of Nations. The name, he says, reflects the multi-cultural nature of Toronto, the multi- · cultural sources of the ensemble's repertoire and the varied ethnic origins of the orchestra members themselves, mostly U ofT music students. Included in its first concert on Dec. 21 is The Legend of My Fatherland, a Kurdish symphonic poem for orchestra and Iranian traditional instruments by Arsalan Kamgar.' The concert will be at the Glenn Gould Studio. Riv,!lrdale Concert Society The Riverdale Concert Society's January 30 concert will include in its program the North American premiere of English composer, E.J. Moeran's Sonata for Two Violins. A friend of R.C.S. director, Dan Kushner, found a copy of the long out of print work in the Royal College of Music Library. Anton Kuerti- New Year's Eve in New York. .. · But what will he do for an encore? Toronto concert pianist, Anton Kuerti, will perform all five of Beethoven's piano concertos with the Jupiter Symphony Orchestra at the Jewish "Y" in New York City on Dec. 31. Kuerti, who last summer perfonned . . all five concertos at the Lanaudiere Festival, is - ·- ----- . We sell v1ol1ns. And violas. And cellos. And bows. And cases. And strings. And all accessories. And Suzuki. TM And a whole lot of other cool stuff. Call for a free copy of our catalogue. 0 har1 ~M USIC COMPANY il:;:; 26 Cumberland. 2nd Fl oor • Tel : 1-41 6-960-8494 • Free Parking! Oh, did I mention sheet music? We sell tons of sheet music, too. inviting music-lovers from Toronto to join him for the occasion. Laurent of Talk of the Town Travel will make your travel arrangements, including concert tickets - 416-960-1393. Left: Monica Whicher who will join harpist, Judy Loman and the Toronto Children's Chorus in Britten 's A Ceremony of Carols part of a Music at St. John's concert on December 13. Right: Mehdi Javanfar. Photo: Ashley & Crippen. THE WHOLENOTE HABIT! Get into the wholenote habit! Wholenote is published ten times a year - pick it up FREE at any of our over 350 distribution points in the GTA. To find out where it can be found near you, or to suggest a new distribution point, call us at 416-406-6758. Learn about, concerts before they occur - read the Wholenote! 720 Bathurst Street, Suite 502 Toronto, Ontario MSS 2R4 FLUTE-CLARINET -SAX-OBOE-BASSOON Expert Repairs, Sheet Music, Accessories New & Used Instruments 535-6000 a uthorized warranty repair depot .~. :·~Ff}\ ....... !it~·) l'fi"''>UI

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)