2 months ago

Volume 30 Issue 3 | December 2024 & January 2025

  • Text
  • Thewholenotecom
  • Concerto
  • Conductor
  • Choir
  • Arts
  • Festival
  • January
  • December
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
Our 30th annual "turning of the year" December/January issue, Janus-like looking back and ahead at a world on edge: think of every listing in this magazine as a potential crumb of consolation – the opportunity to congregate for any and all reasons from the sacred to the just plain silly. Find some peace however you can. And thanks for reading. Viva la musica.


MUSICFESTIVALBRUCE HORNSBYIMANI WINDS21C: Michelle Cannand the Imani WindsSAT., JAN. 18, 8PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALL2024 Grammy Award-winning ImaniWinds teams up with pianist MichelleCann to perform a program spanningfrom Poulenc’s beloved Sextet for Pianoand Winds to new works by ValerieColeman and Viet Cuong in theirCanadian premieres.21C Afterhours:GGS New Music EnsembleSAT., JAN. 18, 10PM TEMERTY THEATRECurated and conducted by Brian Current,this unforgettable night of adventurousmusic features Luca Francesconi’sEtymo, performed by RCM RebanksFellow, soprano McKenzie Warriner,accompanied by musicians from theGlenn Gould School.FEARLESS MUSICIANS BRING USFRESH NEW SOUNDS AND IDEAS21C: The Journal of Hélène BerrTUES., JAN. 21, 7:30PMWED., JAN. 22, 7:30PMTHURS., JAN. 23, 3PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLBernard Foccroulle’s moving portrait ofa Parisian Jewish student deported toAuschwitz is brought to life by ElenaHoward-Scott and The Glenn GouldSchool Quartet.Generously supported by Kris Vikmanis & Denny CreightonMeasha Brueggergosman-Lee:Zombie BlizzardA new song cycle byAaron Davis & Margaret AtwoodFRI., JAN. 24, 8PM KOERNER HALLCanadian soprano Measha Brueggergosman-Lee,the Hannaford Street SilverBand, and the Aaron Davis Trio bring tolife composer Davis’s Zombie Blizzard,KOERNER HALL 2024.25 CONCERT SEASONThe Robert W. andG. Ann Corcoran ConcertoCompetition FinalsWED., JAN. 22, 7:00PM KOERNER HALLFree tickets available starting from 10amon Wednesday, January 15.Students of The Glenn Gould School competefor the opportunity to perform a concertowith the Royal Conservatory Orchestra duringthe 2025.26 concert season.The Glenn Gould SchoolVocal ShowcaseSAT., JAN. 25, 7:30PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLA wonderful opportunity to see TheGlenn Gould School’s talented voicestudents present an evening of artsongs and opera excerpts.Taylor AcademyShowcase ConcertSAT., FEB. 1, 4:30PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLFree tickets available starting from 10amon Friday, January 24.The Phil and Eli Taylor Performance Academy forYoung Artists presents a concert by the leadingyoung classical musicians in Canada. Hear thestars of tomorrow!237 BLOOR STREET WEST(BLOOR ST. & AVENUE RD.) TORONTOTICKETS & SUBSCRIPTIONSON SALE NOW! 416.408.0208

TICKETS FOR ALL CONCERTS START AT ON SALE NOW! 416.408.0208 RCMUSIC.COM/21C@KOERNERHAL #21CMUSIC #KOERNERHALLa song cycle of seven concert arias forvoice, jazz trio, and brass orchestra,based on Margaret Atwood’s 2020 bookof poetry, Dearly.21C: Continuum ContemporaryMusic: SpanningSAT., JAN. 25, 8PM TEMERTY THEATREIn their 40th season, Continuum presentsacclaimed flutist Leslie Newman in KaijaSaariaho’s Terrestre, a world premiere byKotoka Suzuki, plus pieces by CarolynChen, Jocelyn Morlock, and Ana Sokolović.Bruce Hornsby & yMusic present:BrhyMSAT., MAY 3, 8PM KOERNER HALLThe three-time Grammy Award winneris joined by yMusic, the genre-bendingensemble, for a night of innovation andfavourites from Hornsby’s illustriouscatalogue.YMUSICMEASHA BRUEGGERGOSMAN-LEE ELENA HOWARD-SCOTT MICHELLE CANNPiaf! The ShowSAT., FEB. 1, 8PM KOERNER HALLWith a million tickets sold in more than30 countries and acclaimed reviewsworldwide, Piaf! The Show – a musicalcelebration of the life and music of thelegendary French chanteuse Édith Piaf,starring Nathalie Lermitte – returns toKoerner Hall.GGS Brass & FriendsSUN., FEB. 2, 2PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLJoin Principals and Associate Principals of theToronto Symphony Orchestra’s brass sectionin a celebration of brass ensemble works.Gordon Wolfe, trombone, is joined bySteven Woomert, trumpet, ChristopherGongos, horn, and invited students fromThe Glenn Gould School.Royal ConservatoryOrchestra withconductor Naomi WooJerry Hu, pianoFRI., FEB. 7, 8PM KOERNER HALLAssistant conductor of the PhiladelphiaOrchestra, Naomi Woo leads pianist Jerry Hu(winner of The Robert W. and G. Ann CorcoranConcerto Competition) and the RoyalConservatory Orchestra in a program featuringMussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.RCMUSIC.COM/PERFORMANCE

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)