3 months ago

Volume 30 Issue 3 | December 2024 & January 2025

  • Text
  • Thewholenotecom
  • Concerto
  • Conductor
  • Choir
  • Arts
  • Festival
  • January
  • December
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
Our 30th annual "turning of the year" December/January issue, Janus-like looking back and ahead at a world on edge: think of every listing in this magazine as a potential crumb of consolation – the opportunity to congregate for any and all reasons from the sacred to the just plain silly. Find some peace however you can. And thanks for reading. Viva la musica.

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An agency of the Government of OntarioUn organisme du gouvernement de l’OntarioHANDELMESSIAHDirected by Ivars TaurinsMyriam Leblanc sopranoKrisztina Szabó mezzo-sopranoJacob Perry tenorPhilippe Sly bass-baritoneHallelujah! Handel’sMessiah makes theseason even brighter!Performed in the style and spirit of 1742, itjust wouldn’t be the holiday season withoutTafelmusik’s Messiah! Ivars Taurins directsthe Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra andChamber Choir performing Handel’senduring and uplifting work.Dec 20 & 21, 2024Koerner Hall, TELUS Centrefor Performance and’s favouriteholiday tradition returnsto Massey Hall!Directed by Mr. HandelMyriam Leblanc sopranoKrisztina Szabó mezzo-sopranoJacob Perry tenorPhilippe Sly bass-baritoneMr. Handel makes his triumphant returnto Massey Hall! Whether you’re an avidsinger, an occasional crooner, or justwant to join the festivities to “listen along,”this is a Toronto tradition that you won’twant to miss!Dec 22, 2024Massey

In the New Year:BRILLIANTBAROQUEDirected by Rachel PodgerRachel Podger and Tafelmusik bring thebaroque masterpieces of their acclaimedSouth Korean tour home to Toronto!“…the unsurpassedBritish glory of thebaroque violin.”—The TimesRevel in works by Handel, Purcell, CharlesAvison, alongside an orchestral suite by theBohemian composer Antonín Reichenauer.No baroque blowout would be completewithout Bach, and who better to bring out the“infectiously spritely bounce and exhilaratingdramatic tension” (BBC) of his Violin Concertoin A Minor than Rachel Podger?Jan 31–Feb 2, 2025Jeanne Lamon Hall, Trinity-St. Paul’s by Rachel Podger, Principal Guest Director,generously supported by Margaret CattoTRIPLEESPRESSOBach, Handel & FaschDirected by Alfredo BernardiniAlfredo Bernardiniunleashes the exponentialpower of the oboeItalian oboist Alfredo Bernardini’shigh-octane concert will leaveyou buzzing like three espressos.This hand-picked concert includes a trio ofworks sharing striking orchestral texturesby Telemann, Fasch, and Bach. Don’t missBernardini’s “sparkling, communicativeapproach” (Gramophone) in Handel’sOboe Concerto in G Minor.Feb 21–23, 2025Jeanne Lamon Hall, Trinity-St. Paul’s with the support of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)