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Volume 30 Issue 3 | December 2024 & January 2025

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  • Festival
  • January
  • December
  • Orchestra
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  • Toronto
Our 30th annual "turning of the year" December/January issue, Janus-like looking back and ahead at a world on edge: think of every listing in this magazine as a potential crumb of consolation – the opportunity to congregate for any and all reasons from the sacred to the just plain silly. Find some peace however you can. And thanks for reading. Viva la musica.


LIVE OR ONLINE | Dec 1 to Feb 7, 2024Orchestra; Malcolm Cody MacFarlane, artisticdirector. Metropolitan United Church(Toronto), 56 Queen St. E. , with a donation to the choir; with a donation to the choir; Free(ages 12 andunder). Cash and cards accepted.● 7:00: The Choirs of St. Isaac Jogues Parish.Advent Carol Service. Featuring biblicalreadings, hymns and chants to help contemplateand prepare hearts for the mystery ofChrist’s incarnation as well as familiar carolsand ancient chants by Archer, Archer,Vaughan Williams, and Wilson. St. IsaacJogues Parish, 1148 Finch Ave., Visit website forinformation.● 7:30: Brampton On Stage. The RoseOrchestra: Yule Sing. John Williams: HomeAlone Suite and other holiday favourites.Brampton Children’s Chorus; St. Roch ChamberChoir; St. Roch Alumni Choir; SamuelTak-Ho Tam, conductor. Rose Theatre, The(Brampton), 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. or 905-874-2800.From .● 7:30: Hugh’s Room Live. Angela Hewitt.Works by Mozart, Bach, and Handel. RosedaleUnited Church (Toronto), 159 RoxboroughDr. Also Dec 15(Hugh’sRoom Live).● 7:30: Chorus York. Vivaldi’s Gloria & SeasonalFavourites. Grace Quinsey, soprano;Alexandra Beley, mezzo; Dr. John Holland,artistic director. Richmond Hill PresbyterianChurch, 10066 Yonge St., Richmond Hill.VivaldiGloriaDecember or 905-884-7922. ; Free(12 yr & under with ID).● 7:30: Massey Hall. Gloria! Vivaldi: Gloria;Carol of the Bells; The Star Carol. St.Michael’s Choir School. 178 Victoria St. From .● 7:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra. Homefor the Holidays. Jennifer Rider-Shaw, soprano;Robert Markus, tenor; Laura SecordSecondary School Choir. FirstOntario PerformingArts Centre - Partridge Hall, 250 St.Paul St., St. Catharines. 905-688-0722 From ;(arts workers); (under 35); (st);(18 and under). Also Dec 15(2:30pm).● 7:30: Royal Conservatory of Music. TaylorAcademy Concerts: Academy ChamberOrchestra. Royal Conservatory of Music- TELUS Centre - Mazzoleni Concert Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or Free.● 7:30: Singing Out. Holiday Road Trip. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. W. Also 3pm.● 7:30: St. James Cathedral. Messiah. Musicby G. F. Handel. Thomas Bell, conductor; JaneFingler, soprano; Marjorie Maltais, mezzo;Jacob Abrahamse, tenor; Dion Mazerolle,baritone; Choirs of St. James Cathedral andTrinity College U of T; Orchestra of St. James.Cathedral Church of St. James (Toronto),106 King St. E. 416-364-7865 or bird price until Nov 15.● 7:30: The Salvation Army Canada & Bermuda.Christmas with The Salvation Army.Jordan Smith, guest vocalist. Canadian StaffBand; Canadian Staff Songsters; NEON; FestivalChorus; Ian Sadler, organ. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. From .● 7:30: Upper Canada Brass. DecemberDelights. Dedicated to supporting Ukraineand performing concerts to raise fundsfor children affected by the war. Donationsto Dmytro’s project can be made throughour charity buckets at the concert. DmytroGarbovskyi, baritone. St. Mary’s AnglicanChurch (Richmond Hill), 10030 YongeSt., Richmond Hill. or website for ticketinformation.● 7:30: VOCA Chorus of Toronto. SeasonSongs. The first of two concerts celebratingJenny Crober’s 20th anniversary as ArtisticDirector. Works by Joni Mitchell, SarahQuartel and Ola Gjeilo, and premieres byNicholas Ryan Kelly and Matthew Emery.Michael Occhipinti, guitar; Jamie Drake, percussion;Jenny Crober, conductor; DakotaScott-Digout, collaborative pianist. EastEnd/Eastminster United Church (Toronto),310 Danforth Ave. 416-947-8487 or visit ; (st).● 8:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.CHOIR! CHOIR! CHOIR! Un-SilentNight: An Epic Holiday Sing-Along. BurlingtonPerforming Arts Centre - Main Theatre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000..50(.50 member) - .50(.50member).● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. Pavlo& John McDermott: A Family Christmas.171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469 or From. Also 4pm.● 8:00: Nathaniel Dett Chorale. An IndigoChristmas: The Work of Christmas. GraceChurch on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. ; (sr 65+);(st); Free(children under 12).● 8:00: North York Concert Orchestra. AThousand And One Nights. Wagner: Preludeto Tristan & Isolde; Tchaikovsky: SwanLake Suite; Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade.Rafael Luz, conductor. Toronto Public Library- Fairview Branch - Theatre, 35 Fairview MallDr. or 1-888-687-6926. ;(sr); (under 30); (under 12).● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Emilie-Claire Barlow: Winter Wonderland.Royal Conservatory of Music - TELUS Centre- Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or .Sunday December 15● 1:00: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. Lerner and Loewe’s MyFair Lady. Runs to Dec 22. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. A Christmas Runs to Dec 22. See MusicTheatre, p.41 for details..● 2:00: Toronto Children’s Chorus. Songs ofthe Season. Toronto Children’s Chorus; OwenPhillipson, bass-baritone; Toronto SymphonyYouth Orchestra; Zimfira Poloz, artistic director.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. . Carolsin the lobby at 1:15pm performed by the TCCAlumni Choir, Dr. Darryl Edwards, conductor.● 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra. Homefor the Holidays. Jennifer Rider-Shaw, soprano;Robert Markus, tenor; Laura SecordSecondary School Choir. FirstOntario PerformingArts Centre - Partridge Hall, 250 St.Paul St., St. Catharines. 905-688-0722 From ;(arts workers); (under 35); (st);(18 and under). Also Dec 14(7:30pm).● 3:00: Bach Elgar Choir/Hamilton PhilharmonicOrchestra. Handel’s Messiah. SydneyBaedke, soprano; Hillary Tufford, mezzo;Bud Roach, tenor; Alex Dobson, bass; BachElgar Choir; Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra;James Kahaner, conductor. St. Catherineof Siena Roman Catholic Church, 620 RymalRd. E., Hamilton. ; (sr 60+);(25 & under). Also Dec 13(7:30pm).● 3:00: Barrie Concert Association. Indigo.Schulhoff: Five Pieces for String Quartet;Jurecka: String Quartet; Sjölin: Polska fromDorotea; Beethoven: String Quartet No.9 inC Op.59 No.3. Venuti Quartet: Rebekah Wolkstein,violin; Drew Jurecka, violin; ShannonKnights, viola, Amahl Arulanandam,cello. Bethel Community Church (Barrie),128 St. Vincent Street, Barrie. www.barrieconcerts.orgor 705-436-1232. ; (st);(Livestream). Livestream available for upto 30 days after the concert.● 3:00: Gentle Freak. Meeting in the 9thHouse or Emily/Christina/Sagittarius. Honouringthe fiery spirit of Sagittarius throughthe beauty of poetry and music. Poetry ofEmily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti, withspecial astrological narration by Hype Witch.Improvisatory music-making combines withexquisite melodies by Aaron Copland, JakeHeggie, Lee Hoiby, Lori Laitman, Libby Larsen,Danika Lorèn, and André Previn to creatingan exciting and timeless soundscape. ReillyNelson, David Eliakis, and Danika Lorèn. ArraySpace, 155 Walnut Ave. . .● 3:00: Healey Willan Singers. ChristmasLullabies. Music for upper voices.Works by John Tavener, John Rutter, EricWhitacre, Franz Biebl, and others. Conrad30 | December 2024 & January 2025

Gold, accompanist; Ron Cheung, conductor.St. Martin-in-the-Fields Anglican Church(Toronto), 151 Glenlake Ave. 416-519-0528.; (sr/st); Free(under 12).● 3:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Complete Beethoven Piano SonataCycle, Part 1. Beethoven: Piano Sonatas No.17“Tempest”; No.15 “Pastorale”; No.23 “Appassionata”.Heather Taves, piano. Registry Theatre(Kitchener), 122 Frederick St., ; (st).Complete Beethoven Piano Sonata Cycle (8concerts): 0.● 3:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. KevinChen, Piano. Works by Chopin, Liszt, andSchubert. Royal Conservatory of Music -TELUS Centre - Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St.W. 416-408-0208 or .Flute StreetpresentsIt’s ChristmasonFlute StreetSUNDAY DECEMBER 15, 4● 4:00: Flute Street. It’s Christmas onFlute Street. Corelli: Concerto Grosso in gOp.6 No.8 “Christmas Concerto”; Respighi:“The Adoration of the Magi” from BotticelliTriptych; Kelly Via: French Nativity Suite:Tchaikovsky: “Waltz of the Flowers” from TheNutcracker Suite; and other works. NancyNourse, artistic director; Isaac Page, conductor.Church of St. Peter and St. Simonthe-Apostle,525 Bloor St. E. 416-462-9498 ; (sr/arts workers);(full-time st).● 4:30: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story. Professional musiciansand a volunteer cast present this charminghour-long pageant. 19 Trinity Sq. or 416-598-4521. Suggestiondonations: (adult); (child).Also Dec 7(4:30pm); 8(4:30pm); 14(4:30pm);20(7pm), 21(4:30pm), 22(4:30pm). AmericanSign Language interpretation on Dec 14.● 4:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Carols by Candlelight. A traditional candlelightchoral presentation. Yorkminster ParkBaptist Church (Toronto), 1585 Yonge Free.● 7:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.Natalie MacMaster & Donell Leahy. BurlingtonPerforming Arts Centre - Main Theatre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000..50(.50 member) - .50(.50member).● 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. Boreal:Songs for the Snowy Season. Chaucer’s Pub,122 Carling St., London. 519-319-5847 /(adv).● 7:30: Hugh’s Room Live. Angela Hewitt.Works by Mozart, Bach, and Handel.Hugh’s Room Live - Green Sanderson Hall,296 Broadview Ave. . AlsoDec 14(Rosedale Centre).● 7:30: Metropolitan United Church. CandlelightCarol Service. A traditional lessons andcarols. The Met Choir, Choristers, Handbells,and youth ensemble Great Heart; JonathanOldengarm, director. Metropolitan UnitedChurch (Toronto), 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x226. Freewill donation.● 8:00: That Arts Group. That Choir Carols. Amagical evening of contemporary a cappellachoral music as we celebrate the holidaysand the winter solstice. Church of St. MaryMagdalene (Toronto), 477 Manning Ave. From . AlsoDec 14(3pm).Monday December 16● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Complete Beethoven Piano SonataCycle, Part 2. Beethoven: Piano SonatasNos.5, 9, 27, and 32. Heather Taves, piano.Keffer Memorial Chapel, Wilfrid Laurier University,75 University Ave. W., ; (st).Complete Beethoven Piano Sonata Cycle (all 8concerts): 0.● 7:00: Peterborough Singers. Handel’sMessiah. Midori Marsh, soprano; JenniferEnns Modolo, mezzo; Colin Ainsworth, tenor;Jonathan Liebich, bass; Ian Sadler, organ;Paul Otway, trumpet. Emmanuel UnitedChurch (Peterborough), 534 George St. N.,Peterborough. 705-745-1820 or; (st).● 7:30: The Edison Singers. O Hear the AngelVoices: The Music of Christmas. St. Mark’sAnglican Church (Niagara-on-the-Lake),41 Byron St., Niagara-on-the-Lake. 226-384-9300. ; (ages 13-21); (ages12 & under). Running time: 75 min. (nointermission).● 8:00: Massey Hall. Clario - Charm Tour.178 Victoria St. . Also Dec 17 & 18.● 8:00: Uxbridge Messiah Singers. Handel’sMessiah. Leslie Higgins, soprano; EllitaGagner, alto; Benjamin Done, tenor; AdamKuiack, bass; Jonathan Liebich, bass; 80-personchoir and professional orchestra;Thomas Baker, conductor. Uxbridge BaptistChurch, 231 Brock St., Uxbridge. www.starticketing.comor 1-866-808-2006. Call or visitwebsite for ticket pricing and information.Also Dec 17.Tuesday December 17● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: Holiday Celebrations. StevenTaetz, singer/songwriter/bandleader. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. Free.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. Runsto Dec 22. See Music Theatre, p.41 for details..Visit for tickets. Runs toDec 22.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. A Christmas Carol.Visit for tickets. Runs toDec 22.● 5:00: Elora Singers. Festival of Carols. AnElora Christmas-tide tradition! A candle-litconcert that will fill you with joy and wonder,and lift your spirit with timeless treasuresand heartwarming stories. St. John’sAnglican Church (Elora), 36 Henderson St.,Elora. 519-846-0331 or , (student), (12 & under). AlsoDec 17(8pm), 18(5pm & 8pm).● 7:00: Brampton On Stage. The Nutcrackerby Ballet Jörgen. Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker.Brampton Children’s Chorus; St.Roch Chamber Choir; St. Roch Alumni Choir;Samuel Tak-Ho Tam, conductor. Rose Theatre,The (Brampton), 1 Theatre Ln., or 905-874-2800. From .● 7:30: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 7:30: Orpheus Choir of Toronto. A Ceremonyof Carols. Britten: A Ceremony of Carols;Reena Esmail: Winter Breviary; andfavourite Christmas and Chanukah music.Calvin Presbyterian Church (Toronto),26 Delisle Ave. 416-420-9660 or or ; (sr 60+);(st/arts workers).● 8:00: Elora Singers. Festival of Carols. AnElora Christmas-tide tradition! Step into thewarmth and wonder of a candle-lit concert.See 5pm for details.● 8:00: Massey Hall. Clario - Charm Tour.178 Victoria St. . Also Dec 16 & 18.● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Yorkminster ParkBaptist ChurchSpecial Performance: Messiah. Handel: Messiah.Sherezade Panthaki, soprano; NicholasBurns, countertenor; Josh Lovell, tenbor;Enrico Lagasca, bass-baritone; Toronto MendelssohnChoir; Jean-Sébastien Vallée, conductor& TMC Artistic Director. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Dec 17(8pm), 18(8pm),20(8pm), 21(8pm), 22(3pm).● 8:00: Uxbridge Messiah Singers. Handel’sMessiah. Leslie Higgins, soprano; EllitaGagner, alto; Benjamin Done, tenor; AdamKuiack, bass; Jonathan Liebich, bass; 80-personchoir and professional orchestra;Thomas Baker, conductor. Uxbridge BaptistChurch, 231 Brock St., Uxbridge. www.starticketing.comor 1-866-808-2006. Call or visitwebsite for ticket pricing and information.Also Dec 16.Wednesday December 18● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Instrumental Series: Golden Violin AwardWinner 2023/24. David Montreuil, viola;Wei-Tang Huang, piano. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church(Kitchener). Noon Hour Series: Douglas HaasLegacy Concerts. Christmas Music. Fiddlesticks- Cambridge Girls’ Choir; Jessica Strub,director. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-4430 or Free.Lunch available for at 11:30am or bringyour own.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. Lerner and Loewe’sMy Fair Lady. Co-directed by Tim CarrollCarols byCandlelightSUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 4:30 P.M.A traditional candlelight choral presentation.Nine Lessons& CarolsSUNDAY, DECEMBER 22, 4:30 P.M.Following the historic tradition ofKing’s College in Cambridge.Featuring:The Yorkminster Park ChoirWilliam Maddox, conductorSharon L. Beckstead, organistAdmission is FREE for both eventsJOIN US IN-PERSON AND ONLINE1585 Yonge Street | December 2024 & January 2025 | 31

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