3 months ago

Volume 30 Issue 3 | December 2024 & January 2025

  • Text
  • Thewholenotecom
  • Concerto
  • Conductor
  • Choir
  • Arts
  • Festival
  • January
  • December
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
Our 30th annual "turning of the year" December/January issue, Janus-like looking back and ahead at a world on edge: think of every listing in this magazine as a potential crumb of consolation – the opportunity to congregate for any and all reasons from the sacred to the just plain silly. Find some peace however you can. And thanks for reading. Viva la musica.


LIVE OR ONLINE | Dec 1 to Feb 7, 2024& Kimberley Rampersad, Music directionby Paul Sportelli. Shaw Festival Theatre,10 Queen’s Parade, Niagara-on-the-Lake.905-468-2172. .25-3.41. Prices vary bydate. Visit for tickets. Runs toDec. 22nd.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. A Christmas Carol.Visit for tickets. Runs toDec 22.● 5:00: Elora Singers. Festival of Carols. AnElora Christmas-tide tradition! Step into thewarmth and wonder of a candle-lit concertthat will fill you with joy and wonder, and liftyour spirit with timeless treasures and heartwarmingstories. St. John’s Anglican Church(Elora), 36 Henderson St., Elora. 519-846-0331 or , (student), (12 & under). Also Dec 17(8pm),18(8pm).● 7:30: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 7:30: Toronto Shape Note Singers. SacredHarp Singing. Shape note music selectionsfrom the Sacred Harp tunebook. Singingis participatory, not a performance. Noexperience necessary. All are welcome andthere are books to borrow. Friends House,60 Lowther Ave. 647-838-8764. Pay what youcan. Every third Wed of the month.● 8:00: Elora Singers. Festival of Carols. AnElora Christmas-tide tradition! Step into thewarmth and wonder of a candle-lit concertthat will fill you with joy and wonder, and liftyour spirit with timeless treasures and heartwarmingstories. St. John’s Anglican Church(Elora), 36 Henderson St., Elora. 519-846-0331 or , (student), (12 & under). Also Dec 17(8pm),18(5pm).● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. NatalieMacMaster & Donnell Leahy: A Celtic FamilyChristmas. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham.905-305-7469 or From . Limited availability.● 8:00: Massey Hall. Clario - Charm Tour.178 Victoria St. . Also Dec 16 & 17.● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. SpecialPerformance: Messiah. Handel: Messiah.Sherezade Panthaki, soprano; NicholasBurns, countertenor; Josh Lovell, tenbor;Enrico Lagasca, bass-baritone; Toronto MendelssohnChoir; Jean-Sébastien Vallée, conductor& TMC Artistic Director. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Dec 17(8pm), 20(8pm),21(8pm), 22(3pm).● 8:00: Voices Chamber Choir. JoyeuxNoël. Charpentier: Messe de minuit pourNoël, and other seasonal favorites. ConradGold, accompanist; Ron Cheung, conductor.St. Martin-in-the-Fields Anglican Church(Toronto), 151 Glenlake Ave. 416-519-0528.; (sr/st); Free(under 12).● 8:00: Voices Chamber Choir. Joyeux Noël.Join the choir for our 28th annual Christmasconcert featuring Marc-Antoine Charpentier’sMesse de minuit pour Noël and otherseasonal favourites. Church of St. Martinin-the-Fields,151 Glenlake Ave. December 19● 1:00: Shaw Festival. Lerner and Loewe’s MyFair Lady. Also at 7pm. Visit fortickets. Runs to Dec 22.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. A Christmas Carol.Visit for tickets. Runs toDec 22.● 7:30: Centre in the Square. Natalie Mac-Master & Donnell Leahy: A Celtic FamilyChristmas Party Tour. 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-578-1570. From .50.● 7:30: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 8:00: Old Mill Toronto. Jazz Lounge: A JewishBoy’s Christmas - Sam Broverman. 21 OldMill Rd. 416-207-2020 or . Minimum food & beverage spend. Restrictedto ages 19+. Dinner at 6pm. Show at 8pm.Friday December 20● 1:00: Shaw Festival. Lerner and Loewe’sMy Fair Lady. Visit for tickets.Runs to Dec 22.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. A Christmas Carol.Directed by Ryan G. Hinds, Original musicby Paul Sportelli. Royal George Theatre,85 Queen St, Niagara on the Lake. 905-468-2172 or .25-1.87.Also 7pm. Prices vary by date. Runs to Dec.22nd.● 7:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.A Very Charlie Brown Concert featuringEnchorus Children’s Choir. BurlingtonPerforming Arts Centre - Main Theatre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000..50(.50 member) - .50(.50member).● 7:00: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story. Professional musiciansand a volunteer cast present this charminghour-long pageant. 19 Trinity Sq. or 416-598-4521. Suggestiondonations: (adult); (child).Also Dec 7(4:30pm); 8(4:30pm); 14(4:30pm);15(4:30pm), 21(4:30pm), 22(4:30pm). AmericanSign Language interpretation on Dec 14.● 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. Pub Caroling.With Steve Holowitz & Paul Grambo.Chaucer’s Pub, 122 Carling St., London. 519-319-5847 or Suggesteddonation: .● 7:30: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. AHoliday Celebration. St. Matthew’s LutheranChurch, 54 Benton St., Kitchener. . Also Dec 21.● 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.Handel Messiah. Myriam Leblanc, soprano;Krisztina Szabó, mezzo; Jacob Perry, tenor;Philippe Sly, bass-baritone. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or -0. Also Dec. 21.● 8:00: Batuki Music Society. Okavango AfricanOrchestra Concert in Toronto. RedwoodTheatre, The, 1300 Gerrard Ave. E.;(adv).● 8:00: Exultate Chamber Singers. HolidayCheer! An evening of holiday favouritesincluding the world premiere of a new workby Canadian composer Brianna Levesque.Calvin Presbyterian Church (Toronto),26 Delisle Ave. 416-971-9229 or Pay What You Wish: ,, (suggested).● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. SpecialPerformance: Messiah. Handel: Messiah.Sherezade Panthaki, soprano; NicholasBurns, countertenor; Josh Lovell, tenor;Enrico Lagasca, bass-baritone; Toronto MendelssohnChoir; Jean-Sébastien Vallée, conductor& TMC Artistic Director. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Dec 17(8pm), 18(8pm),21(8pm), 22(3pm).Saturday December 21● 1:00: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Music.Also at 7:30pm. Runs untilDec 29. See Music Theatre, p.41 for details.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. Lerner and Loewe’s MyFair Lady. Also at 7pm. Visit fortickets. Runs to Dec 22.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. A Christmas Carol.Also 7pm. Visit for tickets. Runsto Dec 22.● 2:00: Massey Hall. CHOIR! CHOIR! CHOIR!Un-Silent Night: An Epic Holiday Sing-Along.178 Victoria St. .30. Also 8pm.● 4:00: The Edison Singers. O Hear the AngelVoices: The Music of Christmas. St. Andrew’sUnited Church (Brantford), 95 Darling St.,Brantford. 226-384-9300. ; (ages13-21); (ages 12 & under). Running time: 75min. (no intermission).● 4:30: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story. Professional musiciansand a volunteer cast present this charminghour-long pageant. 19 Trinity Sq. or 416-598-4521. Suggestiondonations: (adult); (child).Also Dec 7(4:30pm); 8(4:30pm); 14(4:30pm);15(4:30pm), 20(7pm), 22(7pm). AmericanSign Language interpretation on Dec 14.● 7:00: Brampton On Stage. A Next GenerationLeahy Christmas. Rose Theatre, The(Brampton), 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. or 905-874-2800.From .● 7:00: Knox Presbyterian Church(Toronto)/Toronto Beach Chorale. Messiahfor the City. Toronto Beach Chorale; MississaugaChamber Singers; St. Anne’s AnglicanChurch Choir; Soloists; Musicians from theToronto Symphony Orchestra;. Knox PresbyterianChurch (Toronto), 630 Spadina Ave. .. Tickets are distributed by United Way andits partner agencies to Torontonians whowouldn’t normally have access.● 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. AHoliday Celebration. St. Matthew’s LutheranChurch, 54 Benton St., Kitchener. . Also Dec 20.● 7:30: Milton Philharmonic Orchestra. WinterludeXI. Tchaikovsky: Excerpts from TheNutcracker Suite; Vaughan Williams: Fantasiaon Greensleeves; Anderson: Sleigh Ride;Christmas Sing-Along and other holidayfavourites. FirstOntario Arts Centre (Milton),1010 Main St., Milton. 905-875-5399. ;(sr); (st/child - ages 1-17).HANDELMESSIAHDirected by Ivars TaurinsDEC 20–21Koerner Hall, TELUS Centrefor Performance and● 7:30: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.Handel Messiah. Myriam Leblanc, soprano;Krisztina Szabó, mezzo; Jacob Perry, tenor;Philippe Sly, bass-baritone. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or -0. Also Dec. 20.● 8:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.A Whitehorse Winter Classic. BurlingtonPerforming Arts Centre - Main Theatre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000..50(.50 member) - .50(.50member).● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. The JerseyNights Before Christmas Show. Four superbvocalists, a live band, the legendary music ofFrankie Valli and the four seasons, nostalgichits by artists of the magic area, and a specialpresentation of Christmas classics. 171 TownCentre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469 From .50.● 8:00: Massey Hall. CHOIR! CHOIR! CHOIR!Un-Silent Night: An Epic Holiday Sing-Along.178 Victoria St. .30. Also 2pm.32 | December 2024 & January 2025

● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. SpecialPerformance: Messiah. Handel: Messiah.Sherezade Panthaki, soprano; NicholasBurns, countertenor; Josh Lovell, tenbor;Enrico Lagasca, bass-baritone; Toronto MendelssohnChoir; Jean-Sébastien Vallée, conductor& TMC Artistic Director. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Dec 17(8pm), 18(8pm),20(8pm), 22(3pm).Sunday December 22● 1:00: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. Lerner and Loewe’s MyFair Lady. Final performance. Music Theatre, p.41 for details.● 1:00: Shaw Festival. A Christmas Carol.Final performance. See MusicTheatre, p.41 for details..SING-ALONGMESSIAHDirected by Mr. HandelDEC 22Massey● 2:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Sing-Along Messiah. Myriam Leblanc, soprano;Krisztina Szabó, mezzo; Jacob Perry, tenor;Philippe Sly, bass-baritone. Massey Hall,178 Victoria St. 416-872-4255 or● 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. SpecialPerformance: Messiah. Handel: Messiah.Sherezade Panthaki, soprano; NicholasBurns, countertenor; Josh Lovell, tenbor;Enrico Lagasca, bass-baritone; Toronto MendelssohnChoir; Jean-Sébastien Vallée, conductor& TMC Artistic Director. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Dec 17(8pm), 18(8pm),20(8pm), 21(8pm).● 4:30: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story. Professional musiciansand a volunteer cast present this charminghour-long pageant. 19 Trinity Sq. or 416-598-4521. Suggestiondonations: (adult); (child).Also Dec 7(4:30pm); 8(4:30pm); 14(4:30pm);15(4:30pm), 20(7pm), 21(4:30pm). AmericanSign Language interpretation on Dec 14.● 7:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.A Family Christmas with Pavlo & JohnMcDermott. O Holy Night, Christmas inthe Trenches, The Huron Carol. BurlingtonPerforming Arts Centre - Main Theatre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000..50(.50 member) - .50(.50member).Monday December 23● 5:00: The Edison Singers. O Hear theAngel Voices: The Music of Christmas. KnoxPresbyterian Church (Elora), 51 Church St.,Elora. 226-384-9300. ; (ages 13-21);(ages 12 & under). Running time: 75 min.(no intermission).Tuesday December 24● 1:00: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.Thursday December 26● 7:30: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Runs until Dec 29. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.Friday December 27● 1:00: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Music.Also at 7:30pm. Runs untilDec 29. See Music Theatre, p.41 for details.● 8:00: Old Mill Toronto. Jazz Lounge: ErrolFisher. 21 Old Mill Rd. 416-207-2020 or Minimum food & beverage spend.Restricted to ages 19+. Dinner at 6pm. Showat 8pm.Saturday December 28● 1:00: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Music.Also at 7:30pm. Runs untilDec 29. See Music Theatre, p.41 for details.● 7:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. SpecialEvent: Into the Woods. Music & Lyrics byStephen Sondheim. Book by James Lapine.Richard Ouzounian, stage director; PaulSportelli, music director. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From . AlsoDec 29, 30 & 31.● 8:00: Kindred Spirits Orchestra. Salute to2025! New Year’s Gala. A selection of overtures,arias, and duets from works by Mozart,Verdi, Puccini, Donizetti, Rossini, andothers. Alexa Frankian, soprano; Geo Chobanov,bass-baritone; Kristian Alexander,conductor. Meridian Arts Centre - GeorgeWeston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 905-604-8339. -.Sunday December 29● 1:00: Grand Theatre. The Sound of Final performance. SeeMusic Theatre, p.41 for details.● 3:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. CountessMaritza. Music by Inre Kalmán. Artists to beannounced. St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts- Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1–800-708-6754 or . Also Jan 3(8pm), 4(8pm).● 7:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. SpecialEvent: Into the Woods. Music & Lyrics byStephen Sondheim. Book by James Lapine.Richard Ouzounian, stage director; PaulSportelli, music director. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From . AlsoDec 28, 30 & 31.Monday December 30● 2pm and 7pm: Flato Markham Theatre.Ballet Jörgen: The Nutcracker - A CanadianTradition. Bengt Jörgen, choreographer& artistic director. 171 Town CentreBlvd., Markham. 905-305-7469 or .50. AlsoDec 31(11am & 3pm).● 7:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. SpecialEvent: Into the Woods. Music & Lyrics byStephen Sondheim. Book by James Lapine.Richard Ouzounian, stage director; PaulSportelli, music director. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From . AlsoDec 28, 29 & 31.Tuesday December 31● 11am and 3pm: Flato Markham Theatre.Ballet Jörgen: The Nutcracker - A CanadianTradition. Bengt Jörgen, choreographer& artistic director. 171 Town CentreBlvd., Markham. 905-305-7469 or .50. AlsoDec 30(2pm & 7pm), 31(3pm).● 7:00: Attila Glatz Concert Productions/Roy Thomson Hall. Bravissimo! - New Year’sat the Opera. Arias and duets, includingselections from Carmen, Turandot, and TheMarriage of Figaro. Eri Nakamura, soprano;Viktoria Vizin, mezzo; Kang Wang, tenor;Mihai Damian, baritone; Canadian OperaCompany Orchestra. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. or416-872-4255. From .50.● 7:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. SpecialEvent: Into the Woods - New Year’s Eve Celebration.Music & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.Book by James Lapine. Richard Ouzounian,stage director; Paul Sportelli, music director.Royal Conservatory of Music - TELUS Centre -Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208or From0. Also Dec 28, 29 & 30.Wednesday January 1● 2:30: Attila Glatz Concert Productions/Roy Thomson Hall. Salute to Vienna NewYear’s Concert 2025. Brigitta Simon, soprano;Eric Fennell, tenor; Europaballett St. Pölten &International Champion Ballroom Dancers;Strauss Symphony of Canada; Michael Zehetner,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SimcoeSt. or 416-872-4255. From .● 3:00: Stratford Symphony Orchestra.New Year’s Celebration. Programto be announced. William Rowson, conductor.Avondale United Church (Stratford),194 Avondale Ave., Stratford. 519-271-0990or ; (st); Free(under12).● 7:30: The Jeffery Concerts. Brett Polegato,Baritone and Robert Kortgaard, Piano.Schumann: Frauenliebe- und Leben; MatthewRicketts: Songs for a Judith. London PublicLibrary - Wolf Performance Hall, 251 DundasSt., London. or 519-672-8800. ; Free(st).Friday January 3● 8:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. CountessMaritza. Music by Inre Kalmán. Artists to December 2024 & January 2025 | 33

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