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Volume 30 Issue 3 | December 2024 & January 2025

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  • Concerto
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  • Arts
  • Festival
  • January
  • December
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
  • Toronto
Our 30th annual "turning of the year" December/January issue, Janus-like looking back and ahead at a world on edge: think of every listing in this magazine as a potential crumb of consolation – the opportunity to congregate for any and all reasons from the sacred to the just plain silly. Find some peace however you can. And thanks for reading. Viva la musica.


LIVE OR ONLINE | Dec 1 to Feb 7, 2024announced. St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts- Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1–800-708-6754 or . Also Dec 29(3pm), 4(8pm).Saturday January 4● 8:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. CountessMaritza. Music by Inre Kalmán. Artists to beannounced. St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts- Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1–800-708-6754 or . Also Dec 29(3pm), 3(8pm).Sunday January 5● 3:00: Li Delun Music Foundation. BenestoneConstruction New Year’s Concert 2025:East Meets West Concert of Favourite Classics.Chopin: Piano Concerto No.1; J. StraussII: Voices of Spring Waltz; Hu Bijing: ClarinetConcerto “Sound of Pamir”; Tenor soloarias from La traviata and Tosca; Tchaikovsky:Mvmt 4 from Symphony No.4; and Chineseworks. Kang Wang, tenor; YaoGuangZhai, clarinet; Ryan Wang, piano; Toronto FestivalOrchestra; Lihua Tan; conductor. MeridianArts Centre - George Weston Recital Hall,5040 Yonge St. 365-597-6788 or 416-366-7723. From .Monday January 6● 12:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Masterclass: Julien Beaudiment,Flute. Walter Hall (University of Toronto),80 Queen’s Park. Also 7pm.● 7:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Masterclass: Julien Beaudiment,Flute. Walter Hall (University of Toronto),80 Queen’s Park. Also 12:30pm.Tuesday January 7● 12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation.Lunchtime Chamber Music. Vanessa Yu,piano. Yorkminster Park Baptist Church(Toronto), 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167 Free. Donationswelcome.● 6:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Chamber Music Masterclass: JulienBeaudiment, Flute. Walter Hall (University ofToronto), 80 Queen’s Park. January 8● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Instrumental Series: Rising Stars. Artists ofThe Phil and Eli Taylor Performance Academyfor Young Artists. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 6:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Masterclass: Julien Beaudiment,Flute. Walter Hall (University of Toronto),80 Queen’s Park. January 9● 10:00am: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Chamber Music Masterclass: JulienBeaudiment, Flute. Walter Hall (University ofToronto), 80 Queen’s Park.● 11:45am: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Student Recital. Wilfrid LaurierUniversity - Maureen Forrester Recital Hall,75 University Ave., Waterloo. Free.● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Dance Series: Find Your Rhythm. Includes aQ&A session with the artist. Nickeshia Gerrick.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. Free.● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Dvořák’s New World Symphony. Bacewicz:Concerto for String Orchestra; Mozart: ClarinetConcerto K.622; Dvořák: SymphonyNo.9 “From the New World”. Eric Abramowitz,clarinet; Anja Bihlmaier, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375or From . Also Jan 11 (RTH@ 8pm) & Jan 12(George Weston Recital Hall@ 3pm).Friday January 10● 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music. VocalRecital. Susan Gouthro, soprano; RachelWood, mezzo. Western University - MusicBuilding - Von Kuster Hall, 1151 Richmond St.N., London. 519-661-3767 or Free. LIVE & LIVESTREAM.● 6:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Masterclass: Julien Beaudiment,Flute. Walter Hall (University of Toronto),80 Queen’s Park.● 8:00: Centre in the Square. Blue Rodeo+ Elliott Brood. 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-578-1570 or From .50. Also Jan 11.● 8:00: Toronto Consort. Incarnation. Carolsfrom the 12th, 15th, and 20th century. TrinitySt. Paul’s United Church. Jeanne Lamon Hall,427 Bloor St. W. website for ticket information.● 8:00: Trinity Bach Project. Bach & Epiphany.Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.3 inG BWV 1048; Bach: Brandenburg ConcertoNo.4 in G BWV 1049; Bach: Keyboard ConcertoNo.1 in d BWV 1052; Godwin Friesen:Psalm 19 for Piano Quartet, Mvt 1 “The SkiesProclaim”. Valerie Gordon, violin; Alison Melville,recorder; Felix Deák, cello; ChristopherBagan, harpsichord; Godwin Friesen, piano.Little Trinity Anglican Church (Toronto),425 King St. E. 306-250-4256. Pay what youchoose - / / . Also Jan 11(8pm).Saturday January 11● 12:00 noon: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Maritsa Brookes Concerto Competition.Western University - Music Building - VonKuster Hall, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or● 7:30: Music at the Toronto Oratory. CompleteOrgan Works of J. S. Bach, Part VII:Music for Christmastide. Includes Pastorale,Canonic Variations, Prelude and Fuguein d, and Christmas chorale preludes. AaronJames, organ. Holy Family Roman CatholicChurch (Toronto) - Oratory, 1372 King St. W.416-532-2879. Free admission. Donationsaccepted.● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Recital: Julien Beaudiment, Flute. WalterHall (University of Toronto), 80 Queen’sPark. Free.Livestream available.● 8:00: Centre in the Square. Blue Rodeo+ Elliott Brood. 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-578-1570 or From .50. Also Jan 10.● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Dvořák’s New World Symphony. Bacewicz:Concerto for String Orchestra; Mozart: ClarinetConcerto K.622; Dvořák: Symphony No.9“From the New World”. Eric Abramowitz, clarinet;Anja Bihlmaier, conductor. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Jan 9(RTH @ 8pm) &Jan 12(George Weston Recital Hall @ 3pm).● 8:00: Trinity Bach Project. Bach & Epiphany.Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.3 inG BWV 1048; Bach: Brandenburg ConcertoNo.4 in G BWV 1049; Bach: Keyboard ConcertoNo.1 in d BWV 1052; Godwin Friesen:Psalm 19 for Piano Quartet, Mvt 1 “The SkiesProclaim”. Valerie Gordon, violin; Alison Melville,recorder; Felix Deák, cello; ChristopherBagan, harpsichord; Godwin Friesen, piano.Little Trinity Anglican Church (Toronto),425 King St. E. 306-250-4256. Pay what youchoose - / / . Also Jan 10(8pm).Sunday January 12● 2:30: VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert.Alceste. Music by Christoph W. Gluck. Sungin French with English Surtitles. Lauren Margisonas Alceste; Opera in Concert Chorus;Robert Cooper, chorus director; Suzy Smith,music director & pianist. Trinity St. Paul’sUnited Church. Jeanne Lamon Hall, 427 BloorSt. W. or416-408-0208. From .● 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Dvořák’s New World Symphony. Bacewicz:Concerto for String Orchestra; Mozart: ClarinetConcerto K.622; Dvořák: Symphony No.9“From the New World”. Eric Abramowitz,clarinet; Anja Bihlmaier, conductor. MeridianArts Centre - George Weston RecitalHall, 5040 Yonge St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Jan 9(RTH @ 8pm) &Jan 11(RTH @ 8pm).● 4:00: Vesnivka Choir. Prayer for Ukraine.Featuring Ukrainian sacred music, includingworks by contemporary Ukrainian andUkrainian-Canadian composers. VesnivkaChoir; Toronto Ukrainian Male ChamberChoir. Guest artist: Roman Nykorovych, violin.Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church(Toronto), 3055 Bloor St. W. ; Free(child under 16).● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Gillham & Iinuma Play Brahms.Brahms: Sonatas for Piano and Violin - Sonatain G Op.78; Sonata in A Op.100; Sonata in dOp.108; Scherzo from Sonata in c “FAE”. DavidGillham, violin; Chiharu Iinuma, piano. LocationTBA, 383 Huron St. ; (st).Tuesday January 14● 11:45am: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Student Recital. Wilfrid LaurierUniversity - Maureen Forrester Recital Hall,75 University Ave., Waterloo. Free.● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company. Vocaland Jazz Series: Uplifted Voices. York UniversityGospel Choir. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. Free.● 12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation.Lunchtime Chamber Music. Sumi Kim, piano.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church (Toronto),1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167 or Donations welcome.● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Tuesday Voice Series: In ConversationWith Danika Lorèn. Walter Hall (University ofToronto), 80 Queen’s Park. January 15● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: Wirth Vocal Prize Winner2023/24. Rachmaninoff: Six Romances Op.38and a selection of works by Schubert andR. Strauss. Sara Schabas, soprano; AlexeyShafirov, piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Emanuel Ax + Mozart. Tippett: Concerto forDouble String Orchestra; Mozart: Piano ConcertoNo.25 K.503; R. Strauss: Also sprachZarathustra. Emanuel Ax, piano; AndrewManze, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or . Also Jan 18(8pm) & 19(3pm).Thursday January 16● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Dance Series: Preview of DanceWeekend ‘25.Featuring ballet, flamenco, hip hop, Indianclassical, Egyptian, Chinese, and other dancetraditions. Dance Ontario. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music. Music at Noon - JonathanRowsell & Company. Wilfrid LaurierUniversity - Maureen Forrester Recital Hall,75 University Ave., Waterloo. Free.● 3:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Neville Austin Graduate ColloquiumSeries: Craig Resta (Kent State). EdwardJohnson Building, University of Toronto,Room 130, 80 Queen’s Park.● 8:00: Alliance Française de Toronto.Maxime Zecchini, Piano. Works by Scriabin,Liszt, Ravel, John Williams, Justin Hurwitz,and others. Alliance Français de Toronto -Spadina Theatre, 24 Spadina Rd.● 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Fred Pattison Piano Award 2024 Winner’sRecital. Karl Melconian, piano. Western University- Music Building - Von Kuster Hall,1151 Richmond St. N., London. 519-661-3767or Free.● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. Elton Rohn.North America’s premier Elton John tributeband. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469 or .Friday January 17● 1:00: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Concerto Competition Round #1.Wilfrid Laurier University - Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, 75 University Ave.,● 5:15: Kingston Baroque Consort. VivaVivaldi! Vivacious music for strings and34 | December 2024 & January 2025

winds by Antonio Vivaldi. St. James AnglicanChurch (Kingston), 10 Union St. W.,Kingston. or 613-217-5099. ;(st); Free(under 17).● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Piano Recital. Repertoire to beannounced. Shoshana Telner, piano. LocationTBA, 383 Huron St.; (st).● 7:30: Dudukhouse. Duduk, Jazz & WinterNights. Sar Kamlér, duduk; Ethnosonic,music collective. City Playhouse Theatre(City of Vaughan), 1000 New WestminsterDr., Vaughan - Thornhill. www.dudukhouse.comor -.● 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music. FredPattison Piano Award 2025 Competition.Western University - Music Building - VonKuster Hall, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. Yamato:The Power of Human Strength. Yamato: TheDrummers of Japan. 171 Town Centre Blvd.,Markham. 905-305-7469 or .Saturday January 18● 10:00am: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Fred Pattison Piano Masterclass. WesternUniversity - Music Building - Von Kuster Hall,1151 Richmond St. N., London. 519-661-3767or Free.● 3:00: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Beethoven’s Seventh. Pierre Mercure:Kaleidoscope; Alice Ho: The PhantomBird of Han; Mozart: Horn Concerto No.3 inE-flat K.447; Beethoven: Symphony No.7 inA Op.92. Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra;James Somerville, conductor & horn soloist.FirstOntario Concert Hall (Hamilton) - BorisBrott Great Hall, 1 Summers Ln., . 2pm: Pre-concerttalk.● 3:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. 21CMusic Festival: Michelle Cann and The ImaniWinds. Poulenc: Sextet for Piano and Windsand new works by Valerie Coleman and VietCuong. Royal Conservatory of Music - TELUSCentre - Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or .● 7:30: Barrie Concert Association. TrueNorth Brass: Dancing Across the Globe.Hiway Pentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N.,Barrie. or 705-436-1232. ; (st); (Livestream).Livestream available for up to 30 days afterthe concert.● 7:30: London Symphonia. Joe Lanza’s BaroqueFavourites. Works by Vivaldi, Handel,Bach, Geminiani, and Avison. MetropolitanUnited Church (London), 468 WellingtonSt., London. 226-270-0910 or General Admission, Reserved Seating, and for unlimitedVideo On Demand 21-day access.● 7:30: Sudbury Symphony Orchestra.Mendes to Mendelssohns. Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel:String Quartet in E-flat; FelixMendelssohn: String Quartet No.6 in f Op.80;Shawn Mendes: In My Blood from Bridgerton(arr. McMillen). Beth Schneider-Gould, violin;Melissa Schaak, violin; Geoff McCausland,viola; Dobrochna Zubek, cello. St. Andrew’sUnited Church (Sudbury), 111 Larch St.,; (under 30).● 8:00: Acoustic Harvest. Lynn Miles withTreasa Levasseur opening. St. Paul’s UnitedChurch (Scarborough), 200 McIntoshSt., Scarborough.;; e-transfer). (door cash only);(advance). Fully accessible venue.● 8:00: Massey Hall. Classic Albums Live:Paul McCartney & Wings - Band on the Run.178 Victoria St. .● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Emanuel Ax + Mozart. Tippett: Concerto forDouble String Orchestra; Mozart: Piano ConcertoNo.25 K.503; R. Strauss: Also sprachZarathustra. Emanuel Ax, piano; AndrewManze, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or . Also Jan 15(8pm) & 19(3pm).● 10:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. 21CMusic Festival: 21C Afterhours - GGS NewMusic Ensemble. Royal Conservatory of Music- TELUS Centre - Temerty Theatre, 273 BloorSt. W. 416-408-0208 or From .Sunday January 19● 1:00: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. UTSO Concerto CompetitionFinals. Walter Hall (University of Toronto),80 Queen’s Park.● 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. UTSO C of T Opera Student ComposerCollective - The Avenue of Avarice. Libretto byMichael Patrick Albano. Harbourfront Centre- Fleck Dance Theatre, 235 Queens QuayW. Visit website forticket information. Livestream available.● 3:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Bruce Liu, Piano. Works by Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev,and Mendelssohn. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From .● 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Emanuel Ax + Mozart. Tippett: Concerto forDouble String Orchestra; Mozart: Piano ConcertoNo.25 K.503; R. Strauss: Also sprachZarathustra. Emanuel Ax, piano; AndrewManze, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or . Also Jan 15(8pm) & 18(8pm).● 4:00: St. Philip’s Recital Series. Airs forthe Seasons. A selection from Scottish composerJames Oswald’s Airs for the Seasons,plus similar works by Geminiani, Veracini, andothers. Rezonance Baroque Ensemble, violin,cello and theorbo/lute. St. Philip’s AnglicanChurch (Etobicoke), 31 St. Phillips Rd., Etobicoke.416-247-5181. Admission by donation.Suggested: .Monday January 20● 8:00: Brampton On Stage. Bebop, Ballads,and Blues featuring The B-Jazzed Orchestra.Curated by Carmen Spada. Rose Theatre, The(Brampton), 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. or 905-874-2800.From .Tuesday January 21● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Instrumental Series: Alumni & Faculty Showcase- Robert McDonald & Friends. Artists ofThe Glenn Gould School. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation.Lunchtime Chamber Music: Rising StarsRecital. Featuring students from the GlennGould School. Yorkminster Park BaptistALCESTEBY CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD GLUCKFRENCH OPERA WITH ENGLISH SURTITLESChurch (Toronto), 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167 or Free.Donations welcome.● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Tuesday Vocal Series: SOAR-atorio- Arias & Ensembles That Celebrate andUnite. Walter Hall (University of Toronto),80 Queen’s Park.● 7:30: Royal Conservatory of Music. 21CMusic Festival: The Journal of Hélène Berr.Rihab Chaieb, mezzo; Rachael Kerr, piano;Dior Quartet. Royal Conservatory of Music- TELUS Centre - Mazzoleni Concert Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From . AlsoJan 22(7:30pm), 23(3pm).● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Student Composers Concert. WalterHall (University of Toronto), 80 Queen’s Free.Wednesday January 22● 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. Jazz Series:Afro Caribbean Jazz. Humber CollegeJazz Ensemble. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Uchida, Crozman, Chiu Piano Trio.Repertoire to be announced. Robert Uchida,violin; Cameron Crozman, cello; Philip Chiu,piano. Location TBA, 383 Huron St.; (st).● 7:30: Royal Conservatory of Music. 21CMusic Festival: The Journal of Hélène Berr.Rihab Chaieb, mezzo; Rachael Kerr, piano;Dior Quartet. Royal Conservatory of MusicSUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2025 | 2:30 PMJEANNE LAMON HALL, TRINITY-ST. PAUL’S CENTRESUZY SMITHMUSIC DIRECTORAND PIANISTLAURENMARGISONALCESTENEW VENUEJeanne Lamon HallTrinity-St. Paul’s Centre427 Bloor St W,COLINAINSWORTHKING ADMÈTEROBERT COOPER, CM& the Opera in Concert ChorusBOX OFFICE INFO:RCM TICKETS416-408-0208 OROPERAINCONCERT.COM/ December 2024 & January 2025 | 35

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Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

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