KOERNER HALL 2024.25 CONCERTTakács Quartet withSir Stephen Hough, pianoFRI., FEB. 21, 8PM KOERNER HALL TICKETS START AT The world-renowned Takács Quartet brings its innovative musicalthinking to works by Beethoven and Brahms, along with a new stringquartet by the acclaimed pianist Stephen Hough.Generous support provided from The Michael and Sonja Koerner Fundfor Classical ProgrammingGGS Percussion& FriendsSUN,, FEB. 23, 2PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLTICKETS: Toronto Symphony OrchestraPrincipal Percussion Charles Settleleads a percussion-centricchamber program of intriguingworks for both pitched andunpitched instruments, joinedby students from his studio.Cesária Évora OrchestraSAT., FEB. 22, 8PM KOERNER HALL TICKETS START AT The Orchestra brings together the cream of Cape-Verdeanmusicianship and vocalists to honour the late and legendary CesáriaÉvora. This tribute to the “Barefoot Diva” features some of Cape Verde’sgreatest voices, including Elida Almeida, Teófilo Chantre, Lucibela, andNancy Vieira alongside band members from Évora’s band.Presented in association with Batuki Music Society.Pierre-Laurent Aimard,pianoFRI., FEB. 28, 8PM KOERNER HALLTICKETS START AT Considered a “brilliant musician andan extraordinary visionary” (The WallStreet Journal), French pianistPierre-Laurent Aimard performsBoulez in honour of the composer’s100th birthday, as well as works byBeethoven, Debussy, and Schoenberg.Series generously supported by Michael Foulkes& Linda Brennan and an anonymous donorWith generous additional support providedfrom The Michael and Sonja Koerner Fundfor Classical ProgrammingJane Bunnett:Warm Winds from CubaSAT., MAR. 1, 8PM KOERNER HALLTICKETS START AT Bunnett invites several Cuban friendsto join the night, including the dean ofCuban flute, Orlando “Maraca” Valle;four musicians she recorded withover 20 years ago, the SantiagoSax Quartet; and her Toronto-basedpiano sympatico, Hilario Durán,for some new music written justfor Koerner Hall.Concert generously supported by Rayla & George Myhal237 BLOOR STREET WEST(BLOOR ST. & AVENUE RD.) TORONTOTaylor AcademyShowcase ConcertSAT., MAR. 8, 4:30PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLFREE TICKETS AVAILABLE STARTINGFROM 10AM ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28The Phil and Eli Taylor PerformanceAcademy for Young Artists presentsa concert by the leading youngclassical musicians in Canada. Hearthe stars of tomorrow!TICKETS & SUBSCRIPTIONSON SALE NOW!
SEASONSEASON SPONSOR:Taylor Academy:The Starsof TomorrowTHURSDAY, MAR. 20, 7:30PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLFREE TICKETS AVAILABLESTARTING FROM 10AM ONTHURSDAY, MARCH 13,Winners of the Taylor Academy’sJunior Concerto Competitionperform Baroque and Classicalconcerti in Mazzoleni Concert Hall.Schaghajegh Nosrati,pianoSUN., MAR. 23, 3PM KOERNER HALLTICKETS START AT The exceptionally talented protégéof Sir András Schiff makes herKoerner Hall debut with a programof works by Bach, Mendelssohn,Charles-Valentin Alkan, and Haydn.Series generously supported byMichael Foulkes & Linda Brennanand an anonymous donorConcert generously supported by an anonymous donorWith generous additional support providedfrom The Michael and Sonja Koerner Fund forClassical ProgrammingThe Glenn GouldSchool ChamberCompetition FinalsWEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 7PMKOERNER HALLFREE TICKETS AVAILABLE STARTINGFROM 10AM ON WEDNESDAY,MARCH 19, 2025.Chamber ensembles from theGlenn Gould School performbefore a celebrated jury,competing for over ,000in awards.Presented in honour of R.S. Williams & SonsCompany Ltd.Martin Fröst, clarinet,Antoine Tamestit,viola, andShai Wosner, pianoFRI., MAR. 28, 8PM KOERNER HALLTICKETS START AT Three internationally respected soloistscome together for an intimate chambermusic recital, performing works byBrahms, Dvořák, and more.Concert generously supported by an anonymous donorWith generous additional support provided fromThe Michael and Sonja Koerner Fund forClassical ProgrammingLes Arts Florissants withThéotime Langloisde Swarte, violinVivaldi’s “Four Seasons”at 300SAT., MAR. 29, 8PM KOERNER HALLTICKETS START AT Fast-rising violinist ThéotimeLanglois de Swarte leads Baroquesuperstars Les Arts Florissants inVivaldi’s “Four Seasons” at 300,commemorating the work’s originalpublication in 1725.Generous support provided from The Michael and SonjaKoerner Fund for Classical ProgrammingRebanks FamilyFellowship ConcertWEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 7:30PMMAZZOLENI CONCERT HALLFREE TICKETS AVAILABLE STARTINGFROM 10AM ON WEDNESDAY,MARCH 26, 2025Solo and chamber works areperformed by young artistson the cusp of major careers,who are enrolled in The RebanksFamily Fellowship and InternationalPerformance Residency Program atThe Glenn Gould School.Presented with the generoussupport of the Rebanks Familyand the Weston Family Foundation416.408.0208RCMUSIC.COM/PERFORMANCE