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Volume 30 Issue 4 | December 2024 & January 2025

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
  • February
  • Symphony
  • Violin
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Conductor
  • Faculty
TMChoir's Jean-Sébastien Vallée on large-choir community exchange; Vania Chan on Music and Mindfulness; "From Up Here" looks at Classical Life in "Zone 10"; Jazz jam etiquette; Esprit has you on the edge of your seat; Women from Space; a full slate of record reviews; all this and more.


LIVE OR ONLINE | Feb 1 to Apr 7, 2024Saturday February 1● 12:00 noon: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. University of Toronto NewMusic Festival: Iranian Music Symposiumwith Reza Vali. Panelists: Reza Vali; ProfessorNasim Niknafs, Associate Dean, Research;Kaveh Mirhosseini, composer and conductor;Shahab Paranj, composer and tombak virtuoso;Afarin Mansouri, composer and vocalist;Hadi Milanloo, Executive Director, CanadianGolha Orchestra; Professor Farzaneh Hemmasi,moderator. Walter Hall, 80 Queen’sPark. Free.● 2:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.A Family Music Matinee with DarrelleLondon. Burlington Performing Arts Centre,Community Studio Theatre, 440 Locust St.,Burlington. 905-681-6000. .00(.00member).● 2:00: Sudbury Symphony Orchestra.A Knight of Mozart. Bologne: Overtureto L’Amant anonyme; Mozart: Violin ConcertoNo.3 in G K.216; Mozart: SymphonyNo.36 in C K.425 “Linz”. William Rowson, conductor;Geoff McCausland, violin. SheridanAuditorium, 154 College St.,; (under 30). Also7:30pm.● 2:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music. Operaand Musical Theatre Gala With Early MusicStudio. Western University - Talbot College -Paul Davenport Theatre, 1151 Richmond St. N.,London. 519-661-3767 or Free.● 2:00: St. Anne’s Music and Drama Society.The Yeomen of the Guard. By Gilbertand Sullivan. St. Anne’s Anglican Church,276 Gladstone Ave.; (sr/st). Also Jan 31(7:30pm), 2(2pm),6(7:30pm), 7(7:30pm), 8(2pm), 9(2pm).● 4:00: Hillside Festival. Hillside Inside2025: Rowan Tree. Red Brick Cafe, 8 DouglasSt., Guelph. Pay whatyou can.● 4:30: Beach United Church. Jazz &Reflection with the Ferrport Jazz Ensemble.Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave.416-691-8082. Pay-what-you-can. Suggestedminimum .● 6:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music. KennethTse, Saxophone & Casey Dierlam Tse,Piano. Western University - Music Building- Von Kuster Hall, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or Free.● 7:00: Joy of Music. Joy of Music Showcase:Winterberries. Evoking the glimmerof hope and joy amidst the chilling and barrendesolation that winter can bring. You areinvited to find solace and beauty in the dazzlingmusic making and wondrous dancing- curated to inspire and amaze you! Betty OliphantTheatre, 404 Jarvis St. . .Feb 01 7:00:Timothy Eaton Memorial Church/Royal CanadianCollege of Organists Toronto Centre.Concert for Ukrainian Relief. Introducingaudiences to rarely performed works byUkrainian composers of the 19th to 21st centuries.Gail Archer, organ. Timothy EatonMemorial Church, 230 St. Clair Ave. W. or 416-925-5977. Call or visit websitefor further information.● 7:30: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. VOX Concert. Wilfrid Laurier University- Theatre Auditorium, 75 UniversityAve. W., Waterloo. Free.● 7:30: Sudbury Symphony Orchestra.A Knight of Mozart. Bologne: Overtureto L’Amant anonyme; Mozart: ViolinConcerto No.3 in G K.216; Mozart: SymphonyNo.36 in C K.425 “Linz”. William Rowson,conductor; Geoff McCausland, violin.Sheridan Auditorium, 154 College St.,; (under 30).Also 2pm.● 7:30: London Symphonia. A New MoonCelebration. Blending stories, folk musicand contemporary music from Asian culturesand traditions in London that celebratethe Lunar New Year. Rei Hotoda, conductor;Scott St. John, violin; Derek Kwan, narrator;Lina Cao, guzheng; and musicians fromthe London Youth Symphony. MetropolitanUnited Church, 468 Wellington St., London.226-270-0910 or General Admission, Reserved Seating,and for unlimited Video On Demand21-day access.● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto New Music Festival:UTSO - Bartók: Violin Concerto No. 2.Walter Hall, 80 Queen’s Park. Visit website for ticket pricing.● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. MadamaButterfly. Music by Giacomo Puccini. Eri Nakamura(Cio-Cio San); Kang Wang (Lt. Pinkerton);and other soloists. Canadian OperaCompany Chorus & Orchestra; Keri-Lynn Wilson,conductor; Michael Grandage, director.FourSeasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231 or 1-800-250-4653 or From . AlsoFeb 6, 8(4:30pm), 12, 14, 16(2pm). At 7:30pmunless otherwise noted.● 7:30: Opera by Request. Bach’s PeasantCantata and Coffee Cantata. PeasantCantata: Miecke: Michaela Chiste, soprano(Miecke); Nathan Dyck, baritone. Coffee Cantata:Cameron Mazzei, tenor (Narrator); TaylorGibbs, baritone (Schlendrian); MichaelaChiste, soprano (Lieschen); William Shookhoff,music director. Crown and Press Galleryand Cafe, 308 Ottawa St. N., Hamilton. 416-455-2365. . Also Jan 25(College St. UnitedChurch, Toronto).● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Tchaikovsky & Vaughan Williams. Sibelius:Pohjola’s Daughter; Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto;Vaughan Williams: Symphony No.4.Sergey Khachatryan, violin; Tarmo Peltokoski,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-598-3375 or From . AlsoJan 31(7:30pm).● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. QuietPlease, There’s a Lady on Stage: Piaf! TheShow. Royal Conservatory of Music - TELUSCentre - Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or .● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. CaityGyorgy. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham.905-305-7469 or From .● 8:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.Brilliant Baroque. Handel: Concerto grossoin G Major; Avison: Concerto no. 6 in D Major,after Scarlatti; Purcell: Suite from FairyQueen & King Arthur; Pisendel: Sonata fororchestra in C Minor; Bach: Sinfonia fromCantata 42 & Concerto for violin in A minor,BWV 1041Reichenauer Suite in B-flat Major.Rachel Podger, director/violin soloist. TrinitySt. Paul’s United Church. Jeanne Lamon Hall,427 Bloor St. W. 1-833-964–6337 or -. Also Jan 31 & Feb. 2.● 8:00: Brampton On Stage. 54•40. NeilOsborne, vocals & guitar; Brad Merritt,bass; Matt Johnson, drums; Dave Genn, guitars/keyboards/backingvocals; David “Oz”Osborne, organ & backing vocals. The RoseTheatre, 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. 905-874-2800.From .● 8:00: Hillside Festival. Hillside Inside2025: Golden Feather with Special GuestsThe Vaudevillian. Royal City Mission (Guelph),50 Quebec St., Guelph. .50.Sunday February 2● 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.GGS Brass & Friends. Gordon Wolfe, trombone;Stephen Woomert, trumpet; ChristopherGongos, horn. With students of theGlenn Gould School. Royal Conservatory ofMusic - TELUS Centre - Mazzoleni ConcertHall, 273 Bloor St. W.● 2:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto New Music Festival:DOG Ensemble & Jazz Faculty. WalterHall, 80 Queen’s Park. Free.● 2:00: Canadian Opera Company. LaReine-garçon. Music by Julien Bilodeau.Libretto by Michel Marc Bouchard. KristenMacKinnon / Kirsten LeBlanc (Queen Christine);Owen McCausland (René Descartes);Philippe Sly (Count Karl); and other soloists.Canadian Opera Company Chorus & Orchestra;Angela Konrad, director. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-363-8231 or 1-800-250-4653 or . Also Jan 31, Feb 5, 7,WHOLENOTE Event Listings are free of chargeand can be submitted by artists, venues or presenters at any time.WE INCLUDEDaily listings for date-specific events such as live and/or livestreamperformances, workshops, etc.A directory of alternative venues - mainly clubs, mostly jazz.Listings for ongoing, on-demand and other music-related activities nottied to a specific date.HOW TO LISTUse the convenient online form at email listings to to listings already submitted can usually be accommodated.Please note, we do not take listings over the phone.Inquiries about WholeNote listings should be addressed toJohn Sharpe, Listings Editor at listings@thewholenote.comDEADLINESWeekly Listings Update (our e-letter)& JUST ASK (our searchable online listings)Eligible listings received by 6pm Tuesday, each week, will be includedin the following Sunday’s e-letter, and simultaneously posted to oursearchable online listings database.Please note: the weekly listing e-letter typically looks one week ahead. TheJust Ask database is searchable as far into the future as we have listings.The WholeNote, print magazineOur next print issue, Volume 30 no. 5 covers April & May 2025.The print listings submission deadline is Tuesday March 18.See page 6 for a list of publication dates.Advertising inquiries should be addressed toadvertising@thewholenote.comREGISTER TO RECEIVE THE WEEKLY LISTINGS UPDATE at | February & March 2025

9(2pm), 13, 15(4:30pm). At 7:30pm unlessotherwise noted.● 2:00: St. Anne’s Music and Drama Society.The Yeomen of the Guard. See Feb 1. AlsoFeb 6(7:30pm), 7(7:30pm), 8(2pm), 9(2pm).● 3:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.Brilliant Baroque. See Feb. 1.● 3:00: Barrie Concert Association. Hall& Farley: A Nightingale Sang. Meredith Hall,soprano; Bernard Farley, classical guitar.Bethel Community Church (Barrie), 128 St.Vincent Street, Barrie. or 705-436-1232. ; (st).● 3:00: Hillside Festival. Hillside Inside2025: Shane Cook &The Woodchippers.Miijidaa Café and Bistro, 37 Quebec Street,Guelph. Pay whatyou can.● 4:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Hymn Festival: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.Yorkminster Park Choir and membersfrom other choirs; Dr. James Abbington,leader. Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,1585 Yonge St. BONNET TRIO2025 winter TOURSUNDAYFEBRUARY 2ND8:30pmMONDAYFEBRUARY 3RD8:30pmNEW ALBUMLIVE! IN● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Pari & Chong. JaeyoungChong: Folk Suite for Solo Cello; Anita Pari:Escape; Prokofiev: Cello Sonata Op.119. AnitaPari, piano; Jaeyoung Chong, cello. FirstUnited Church, 16 William St. W., ; (st).● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto New Music Festival:Chamber Music Concert - Bedford Trio& Sirius Duo. Walter Hall, 80 Queen’s Free.● 8:00: FabCollab. La Cueva: FlamencoUnderground. Live flamenco musicand dance. Ben Barrile, guitar; Ana Lía,vocals; Rocío Conde, dance. BSMT 254,254 Lansdowne Ave. 416-801-6325. .● 8:30: The Rex Hotel. Samuel Bonnet Trio:Winter Tour. Rex Hotel Jazz and The BluesBar, 194 Queen St. W. or 416-598-2475. Also Feb 3.Monday February 3● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto New Music Festival:Percussion Ensemble. MacMillan Theatre,80 Queen’s Park. Free.● 8:00: The Rex Hotel. Samuel Bonnet Trio:Winter Tour. Rex Hotel Jazz and The BluesBar, 194 Queen St. W. or 416-598-2475. Also Feb 2.Tuesday February 4● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto New Music Festival:Tuesday Vocal Series - Lieder der Welt.Walter Hall, 80 Queen’s Park. Free.● 1:00: St. James Cathedral. Tuesday OrganRecital. Sebastian Moreno, organ. CathedralChurch of St. James, 106 King St. E. 416-364-7865 or Donations encouraged.● 7:30: Canadian Music Centre. More RiversAlbum Release Concert. HonouringAnn Southam’s birthday. Post-concertrefreshments. Christina Petrowska Quilico,piano; Frank Horvat, composer. CanadianMusic Centre, Chalmers PerformanceSpace, 20 St. Joseph St. 416-880-3580 Free with RSVP.Livestream also available.● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto New Music Festival:Contemporary Music Ensemble - Graffiti.Walter Hall, 80 Queen’s Park. Visit website for ticket pricing.● 8:00: Centre in the Square. PIAF! TheShow. Starring Nathalie Lermitte. 101 QueenSt. N., Kitchener. 519-578-1570 or From .50.● 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music. JooWon Kang, Baritone & Kyung Kim, Piano.Schubert: Winterreise. Western University- Music Building - Von Kuster Hall,1151 Richmond St. N., London. 519-661-3767or Free.Wednesday February 5● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: Pianists You Ought to Know.Thompson Egbo-Egbo, piano. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. La Reinegarçon.See Feb 2. Also Feb 7, 9(2pm), 13,15(4:30pm). At 7:30pm unless otherwisenoted.● 7:30: Soundstreams. TD Encounters:Poitu Varen. Curated by Kalaisan Kalaichelvan.An evolving conversation of sound, usingfour pianos and natural materials connectedthrough specialized transducer speakers.Through this unique setup, the performanceexplores resonance as a meditative practice,offering a journey of transformation.Hugh’s Room Live - Green Sanderson Hall,296 Broadview Ave.● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. AllBeethoven with Lisiecki. Beethoven: PianoConcerti 1, 2 & 4. Jan Lisiecki, leader &piano. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . AlsoFeb 6(Piano Concerti 3 & 5).Thursday February 6● 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier UniversityFaculty of Music. Music at Noon - Katie Schlaikjer& Anya Alexeyev. Wilfrid Laurier University- Maureen Forrester Recital Hall,75 University Ave., Waterloo. Free.● 12:00 noon: Metropolitan United Church.Choral Concert. St. Stanislav Institute Choir(Children’s Choir from Slovenia); DamjianMocnik, director. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x226.Freewill donation.● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Showcase Series: A Brazilian in the Worldof Dance. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. Registrationrequired.● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon Series: Laureates- Irene Miller Chamber Music Fellows. WalterHall, 80 Queen’s Park. Free. Livestream available.● 3:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Kenneth H. Peacock Lecturer: DavidMadDonald (Indiana University Bloomington).Edward Johnson Building, Universityof Toronto, Room 130, 80 Queen’s Free. Livestreamavailable.● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. MadamaButterfly. See Feb 1. Also Feb 8(4:30pm), 12,14, 16(2pm). At 7:30pm unless otherwisenoted.● 7:30: St. Anne’s Music and Drama Society.The Yeomen of the Guard. See Feb 1. AlsoFeb 7(7:30pm), 8(2pm), 9(2pm).● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.All Beethoven with Lisiecki. Beethoven:Piano Concerti 3 & 5. Jan Lisiecki, leader &piano. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . AlsoFeb 5(Piano Concerti 1, 2 & 4).● 8:00: Grand Theatre. Jeans ‘n Classics– Heartland: Current and Classic Country.Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St., London.519-672-8800. -. Visit for tickets.● 8:00: Brampton On Stage. HYPE. Fromsensational singers to mesmerizing dancers,be captivated by incredible performances inthis high-energy event! The Rose Theatre -Rose Studio, 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. 905-874-2800, .Friday February 7● 12:10: Music at St. Andrew’s. NoontimeRecital. Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.31 inA-flat Op.110; Debussy: Etude No.7; Chopin,Polonaise-Fantasie in A-flat; Scriabin: Sonata-Fantasy No.2 in G-sharp. Joyce Zheng, piano.St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 73 SimcoeSt. 416-593-5600 x220. Free. Donationswelcome.● 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Fridays at 12:30 Series: Kathryn PatriciaCobbler, Composer & Violist. Western University- Music Building - Von Kuster Hall,1151 Richmond St. N., London. 519-661-3767or Free. LIVE &LIVESTREAM.HYMN FESTIVAL:ONE LORD, ONE FAITH,ONE BAPTISM Sun. Feb. 2, 4:30 p.m.LED BY: DR. JAMES ABBINGTONAn Ecumenical Hymn Sing, featuring the Yorkminster Park Choirand members from other choirs.YORKMINSTER PARK BAPTIST CHURCH1585 Yonge St. (1 block north of St. Clair Ave.) www.yorkminsterpark.comBLACKHERITAGEMONTHYP | February & March 2025 | 31

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Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

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