LIVE OR ONLINE | Feb 1 to Apr 7, 2024● 2:00: HCA Dance Theatre. PASS PresentsValerie Tryon: Valerie’s Favourites. Chopin:Ballade No.3 in A-flat Op.47; Chopin: Selectionsfrom Études Op.25; and works by Ravel,Debussy, and Liszt. Valerie Tryon, piano.Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts - DanceTheatre, 126 James St. S., Hamilton. 905-528-4020 or .● 6:30: Toronto Children’s Chorus. ComeTogether in Song: A 3-Choir Showcase.Guests: St. Stanislav Youth Choir from Ljubljana,Slovenia, (Damijan Močnik, conductor);Bulgarian Children’s Choir “Orpheus” fromHaskovo, Bulgaria (Elena Cvetkova, conductor);and TCC Chamber Choir, (ZimfiraPoloz, conductor). Calvin PresbyterianChurch, 26 Delisle Ave. www.torontochildrenschorus.comor Pay What You can ( recommended).● 7:00: Meridian Centre for the Arts. FortErie Rocks! Benefit Concert: Epic Eagles Tribute.1640 Garrison Road, Fort Erie, ON, FortErie. .● 7:00: Jazz at Durbar. The Matt Pines Trio.Featuring Maddie Leroy on vocals. DurbarIndian Restaurant, 2469 Bloor St. W. 416-762-4441. No cover. Reserve a table for dinner orcome by for a drink at the bar.● 7:30: Centre in the Square. Kim Mitchell& David Wilcox. 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-578-1570 or From .50.● 7:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Wind Ensemble: Meditation and Exultation.Western University - Talbot College - PaulDavenport Theatre, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or Free.● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. DM@X Conference: Wind Symphony -What Dreams May Come. Venue TBA. Visit website for ticketpricing. Livestream available.● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. LaReine-Garçon. See Feb 2. Also Feb 9(2pm),13, 15(4:30pm). At 7:30pm unless otherwisenoted.● 7:30: St. Anne’s Music and Drama Society.The Yeomen of the Guard. See Feb 1. AlsoFeb 8(2pm), 9(2pm).● 7:30: North Wind Concerts. Vice & Virtue.Luigi Rossi’s “Giuseppe” and secular music byMonteverdi, Sances, and others. Bud Roach,tenor & director; Capella Intima; The GalleryPlayers of Niagara. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. Suggested amount or .● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Naomi Woo Conducts the Royal ConservatoryOrchestra. Program to be announcedin June. Royal Conservatory of Music - TELUSCentre - Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or .● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. ProArteDanza:The 9th. 171 Town Centre Blvd.,Markham. 905-305-7469 or .● 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Classic AlbumsLive: The Beatles - Revolver. 60 Simcoe From .● 8:00: Hugh’s Room Live. The Moulettes.Hugh’s Room Live - Green Sanderson Hall,296 Broadview Ave. .Saturday February 8● 10:30am: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Singsation with Scott Pietrangelo. A workshopfeaturing Scott Pietrangelo, ArtisticDirector of newchoir, and SoundCrowd,Toronto’s large-scale contemporary a cappellaensemble in a high-energy session featuringyour favourite rock and pop hits.Whether you’re a seasoned vocalist or justlove to sing along to the classics, this dynamicworkshop will have you harmonizing withthe best. Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,1585 Yonge St. .● 2:00: St. Anne’s Music and Drama Society.The Yeomen of the Guard. See Feb 1.Also Feb 9.● 2:00: Hugh’s Room Live. The LightfootBand. Rick Haynes, bass; Barry Keane, drums;Michael Heffernan, keyboards; Carter Lancaster,lead guitar; Andy Mauck, guitar &vocals. Hugh’s Room Live - Green SandersonHall, 296 Broadview Ave. 8pm.● 3:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music. SymphonicBand: Diverse Dances. Western University- Talbot College - Paul DavenportTheatre, 1151 Richmond St. N., London. 519-661-3767 or Free.● 4:00: VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert.VOICEBOX Opera Salon: A Night of Fancy -Puccini’s Swallow. Edward Jackman Centre,947 Queen St. E., 2nd Floor. 416-366-7723or 1-800-708-6754 or or .● 4:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Tafelmusik Musicians with Early Music Studio.Western University - Music Building- Von Kuster Hall, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or Free.● 4:30: Canadian Opera Company. MadamaButterfly. See Feb 1. Also Feb 12, 14, 16(2pm).At 7:30pm unless otherwise noted.● 7:30: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. Visionaries:Vivaldi & DaVinci. A multimedia concertbrings DaVinci’s words and drawings tolife with state-of-the-art video syncing technology,harmonized with the live voices of theToronto Mendelssohn Singers in The Notebooksof Leonardo Da Vinci and Vivaldi’sGloria. Toronto Mendelssohn Choir; InstrumentalEnsemble; Jean-Sébastien Vallée,conductor. Trinity St. Paul’s United Church.Jeanne Lamon Hall, 427 Bloor St. W. .● 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Shaken Not Stirred: HPO Performs the Musicof James Bond. Music from the films Licenseto Kill, Goldfinger, Skyfall, and others. HamiltonPhilharmonic Orchestra; Darcy Hepner,conductor. FirstOntario Concert Hall (Hamilton)- Boris Brott Great Hall, 1 Summers Ln.,Hamilton. . 6:30pm: Pre-concerttalk.● 7:30: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Laurier Jazz Orchestra Concert.Wilfrid Laurier University - TheatreAuditorium, 75 University Ave. W.,● 7:30: Brampton On Stage. The RoseOrchestra: Too Darn Hot! Featuring AdiBraun. Music by Cole Porter. Adi Braun, vocalist;Samuel Tak-Ho Tam, conductor. The RoseTheatre, 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. 905-874-2800.From .● 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. Langille &Sims: Blue Valentines No.6 - Reality Check!Chaucer’s Pub, 122 Carling St., London. 519-319-5847 or Ticketsavailable at Marienbad Restaurant, Chaucer’sPub, Grooves (Wortley Village), Long &McQuade North. /(adv).● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. AnEvening With Branford Marsalis. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From .● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. SpecialPerformance: Year of the Snake - A LunarNew Year Celebration. Special guests to beannounced. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-598-3375 or From .● 8:00: Kindred Spirits Orchestra. KaleidoscopicSentiments. Ravel: Valses nobles etsentimentales; Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue;Scriabin: Poem of Ecstasy. Michael Berkovsky,piano; Daniel Vnukowski, host; KristianAlexander, conductor. Flato Markham Theatre,171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. - (adult) - (senior)- (youth). 7:10pm: Prélude (pre-concertrecital). 7:20pm: Pre-concert talk. Intermissiondiscussion and Q&A with MichaelBerkovsky and Daniel Vnukowski. Post-concertreception.● 8:00: New Music Concerts. Schnee: AWindow into Winter. 7:45pm: Young ArtistOverture – Norma Beecroft: Jeu III, forViola and Tape, performed by Mary Deck,The Glenn Gould School. 8pm: Main Concert.Linda Catlin Smith: We’ve Gone Forth for Dancing(World Premiere) for Trumpet, Hornand Trombone; Rashaan Allwood: Black Ice(World Premiere) for Nine Instruments; HansAbrahamsen: Schnee - Ten Canons for NineInstruments. New Music Concerts Ensemble.St. James Cathedral Centre - Snell Hall,65 Church St. 416-961-9594. ; (sr)Schnee:A Window into WinterFeb. 8th, 2025St. James CathedralCentre Event Venuenewmusicconcerts.com32 | February & March 2025
(arts workers); (st).● 8:00: Mississauga Symphony Orchestra.Sultans of String: Refuge. A concert ofsongs that speak to the challenges facing theworld’s displaced peoples - their stories, theirsongs, their perspective and their humanity.Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga.905-306-6000. Tickets start at. Visit for tickets.● 8:00: Centre in the Square. ForeverTango. Fourteen world-class tango dancers,one vocalist and an on-stage eleven-pieceorchestra, including the instrument of thetango, the Bandoneon, in an evening celebratingthe passionate music and dance ofArgentina. 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-1570 or .50.● 8:00: Alliance Française de Toronto.Coup de Coeur. A West African group basedin Montreal: Seydina Ndiaye, singer; SadioSissokho, kora/percussion/vocals; AssaneSeck, electric guitar; Diely Mori Tounkara,kora/guitar/vocals; Carlo Birri, bass. AllianceFrançais de Toronto - Spadina Theatre,24 Spadina Rd. .● 8:00: Hugh’s Room Live. The LightfootBand. Rick Haynes, bass; Barry Keane, drums;Michael Heffernan, keyboards; Carter Lancaster,lead guitar; Andy Mauck, guitar &vocals. Hugh’s Room Live - Green SandersonHall, 296 Broadview Ave. . Also 2pm.● 8:00: North York Concert Orchestra.From the New World. Brahms: Violin Concertoin D Op.77; Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 ine Op.95 B.178 “From the New World”. JoelleCrigger, violin; Rafael Luz, conductor. TorontoPublic Library - Fairview Branch - Theatre,35 Fairview Mall Dr. or 1-888-687-6926. ; (sr); (under 30);(under 12); (Premium seats).● 8:00: NuFunk Concerts/Dubwise Canada.Bob Marley Birthday Tribute. Reggadiction,Kairo McLean, Kirk Diamond, SelectorsPressure Drop, and surprise guest appearances.Lee’s Palace, 529 Bloor St. W. . From. Attendees are encouraged to bring nonperishablefood donations in support of theParkdale Food Bank.Sunday February 9● 2:00: Canadian Opera Company. La Reinegarçon.See Feb 2. Also Feb 13, 15(4:30pm).At 7:30pm unless otherwise noted.● 2:00: St. Anne’s Music and Drama Society.The Yeomen of the Guard. See Feb 1.● 2:30: Kingston Symphony. Ligeti & Tchaikovsky.Ligeti: Violin Concerto; Tchaikovsky:Symphony No. 6. Mark Fewer, violin. IsabelBader Centre for the Performing Arts,390 King St. W., Kingston. 613-530-2050 From .● 3:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. LouieLortie, Piano. An all-Ravel program in celebrationof his 150th birthday. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From .● 3:00: Amici Chamber Ensemble. Piafand Poulenc. Poulenc: Mvts @ & 3 from CelloSonata; Poulenc: Clarinet Sonata; Poulenc:Hommage a Edith Piaf; Piaf: Hymne à l’amour;Piaf: Non, je ne regrette rien. Guest Artists:Pandora Topp, vocalist; Timothy Ying,violin; Amici Chamber Ensemble: JoaquinValdepeñas, clarinet; David Hetherington,cello; Serouj Kradjian, piano. Trinity St. Paul’sUnited Church. Jeanne Lamon Hall, 427 BloorSt. W.; (under 30); 0(donor/VIP).● 3:00: Gallery Players of Niagara. Virtueand Vice: Roman Oratorio and VenetianExtravagance! Attributed to Luigi Rossi: Giuseppe;and works by Monteverdi, Sances, andtheir contemporaries. Capella Intima, vocalquartet; Bud Roach, director. St. CatharinesMennonite United Church (Linwell Church),335 Linwell Rd., St. Catharines. Call 905-468-1525 or email From(Live); (Virtual).● 3:00: Array Music. Jeff Bird Plays Music ofHildegard von Bingen. Limited seating (approx.60 people). Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave.● 3:00: Burlington Symphony Orchestra.Music Across Cultures. Special guests:The Canadian Arabic Orchestra; SampradayClassical Indian Dance; Shannon Thunderbird,Indigenous vocals; and Katelyn Emery,violin. Burlington Performing Arts Centre,440 Locust St., Burlington. .Tuesday February 11● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: Détournons-nous du chemin.Satie: Socrate plus curated music from diversetraditions including songs written by Isaiah Bell.Isaiah Bell, tenor. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Lunchtime Choral Series: Chorale. WesternUniversity - Talbot College - Paul DavenportTheatre, 1151 Richmond St. N., London. 519-661-3767 or Free.● 1:00: St. James Cathedral. Tuesday OrganRecital. Manuel Piazza, organ. CathedralChurch of St. James, 106 King St. E. 416-364-7865 or Donations encouraged.● 7:30: Music Toronto. Rachel Fenlon.Schubert: Winterreise, song cycle for voice& piano D.911. Rachel Fenlon, soprano andpiano. St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts -Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754 or tickets@RACHELFENLONSchubert’s hauntingWinterreiseFEB 11 | or (arts workers).Wednesday February 12● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Instrumental Series: Early Music Exploration.Toronto Consort. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Lunchtime Choral Series: Les Choristes.Western University - Music Building - VonKuster Hall, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or● 7:30: Music at the Toronto Oratory.Complete Organ Works of J. S. Bach, PartIX: Songs of Farewell. Includes Trio SonataNo.5, Prelude and Fugue in a, Valet will ich dirgeben, and other chorale preludes. AaronJames, organ. Holy Family Roman CatholicChurch - Oratory, 1372 King St. W. 416-532-2879. Free admission. Donations accepted.● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. MadamaButterfly. See Feb 1. Also Feb 14, 16(2pm). At7:30pm unless otherwise noted.Thursday February 13● Theatre Orangeville. One Step at a Time.Written, composed & performed by AndrewPrashad. 87 Broadway, Orangeville. 3-6.● Theatre Passe Muraille. Blind Dates. TheatrePasse Muraille, 16 Ryerson Ave. Feb 13-Mar 9.● 11:45am: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Student Recital - CommunityMusic. Wilfrid Laurier University - MaureenForrester Recital Hall, 75 University Ave.,Waterloo. Free.● 12:00 noon: Metropolitan United Church.Chamber Music Concert. David Baik, violin.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E.416-363-0331 x226. Freewill donation.● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Showcase Series: In the Key of Life. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. Registration required.● 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Lunchtime Choral Series: Western UniversitySingers. Western University - Music Building- Von Kuster Hall, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or Free.● 7:00: TO Live. Titanic Live. The Oscar-winningfilm with the biggest-selling orchestralsoundtrack of all time presented liveto picture, featuring the TO Live Orchestra.Meridian Hall, 1 Front St. E. 416-366-7723..99-4.99. Visit fortickets. Also Feb 14 & 15.● 7:30: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Laurier Wind Orchestra Concert.Wilfrid Laurier University - Theatre Auditorium,75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. Free.● 7:30: Confluence Concerts. A CanadianValentine: Sighs Too Deep for Words.Curated by Larry Beckwith. A celebrationof love songs and poetry from Canadiansongwriters, composers and authors. Threeworld premieres and Neruda Canciones byOmar Daniel. Anaïs Kelsey-Verdecchia, voice;Dion Mazerolle, voice; Patricia O’Callaghan,voice;Jonathan Stuchbery, lute and voice;Anika Venkatesh, voice. Heliconian Hall,35 Hazelton Ave. 647-678-4923 or 6:45pm: Pre-concertchat. Also Feb. 14.● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. La Reinegarçon.See Feb 2. Also Feb 15(4:30pm). At7:30pm unless otherwise noted.● 7:30: Opera Revue. Risqué at the Rivoli:An Opera Revue Burlesque Show. Works byMozart, Jerome Kern, Andrew Lloyd Webber,and Debussy. Danie Friesen, soprano; AlexanderHajek, baritone; A’Slayna von Hunt,dancer; Tucker, dancer; Claire Elise Harris,piano. Rivoli, The, 334 Queen St. W. 647-637-7491 or From . AlsoFeb 14 & 15.● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Michael Feinstein in “Because of You”: MyTribute to Tony Bennett Featuring the CarnegieHall Ensemble. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From .● 8:00: Hugh’s Room Live. Kellie Loder.Hugh’s Room Live - Green Sanderson Hall,296 Broadview Ave. February 14● 12:10: Music at St. Andrew’s. NoontimeRecital. Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.30 in EOp.109; Brahms: Intermezzi Op.117 Nos.1 & 2;Rachmaninoff: Etude tableaux Op.39 No.5;Liszt: Ballade No. 2 in b S.171. Cathy Wang,piano. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,73 Simcoe St. 416-593-5600 x220. Free.Donations welcome.● 12:30: Don Wright Faculty of Music. SymphonyOrchestra Featuring 2023-24 MaritsaBrookes Concerto Competition Winners.Western University - Talbot College - PaulDavenport Theatre, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or Free.● 7:00: TO Live. Titanic Live. The Oscar-winningfilm with the biggest-selling orchestralsoundtrack of all time presented liveto picture, featuring the TO Live Orchestra.Meridian Hall, 1 Front St. E. 416-366-7723..99-4.99. Visit fortickets. Also Feb 13 & 15.● 7:30: Wilfrid Laurier University Facultyof Music. Laurier Symphony Orchestra Concert.Wilfrid Laurier University - TheatreAuditorium, 75 University Ave. W.,● 7:30: Trio Arkel. “If Music Be the Food ofLove...”. Music for harp, flute, and strings byDebussy and Roussel. Guest artists: HeideElise Bearcroft, harp; Julie Ranti, flute; TheresaRudolph, viola; Trio Arkel: Marie Bérard,violin; Rémi Pelletier, viola; Winona Zelenka,cello. Trinity St. Paul’s United Church. JeanneLamon Hall, 427 Bloor St. W. www.eventbrite.caor or 647-229-6918. .● 7:30: Confluence Concerts. A CanadianValentine: Sighs Too Deep for Words. SeeFeb 13.● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. MadamaButterfly. See Feb 1. Also Feb 16(2pm). February & March 2025 | 33