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Volume 30 Issue 4 | December 2024 & January 2025

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre
  • February
  • Symphony
  • Violin
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Conductor
  • Faculty
TMChoir's Jean-Sébastien Vallée on large-choir community exchange; Vania Chan on Music and Mindfulness; "From Up Here" looks at Classical Life in "Zone 10"; Jazz jam etiquette; Esprit has you on the edge of your seat; Women from Space; a full slate of record reviews; all this and more.


LIVE OR ONLINE | Feb 1 to Apr 7, 20247:30pm unless otherwise noted.● 7:30: Caliban Arts Theatre. Kahil El Zabarand The Ethnic Heritage Ensemble. This isa special limited-capacity concert. Pleasereserve tickets early. Ticket holders mayarrive earlier for table and dinner service.Please reserve ahead of time. Room opens at5pm. Kahil El Zabar, drums/percussion/voice;Corey Wilkes, trumpet & percussion; AlexHarding, baritone sax & percussion. CONTXTby Trane, 254 Lansdowne Ave.; (adv).● 7:30: Opera Revue. Risqué at the Rivoli:An Opera Revue Burlesque Show. Works byMozart, Jerome Kern, Andrew Lloyd Webber,and Debussy. Danie Friesen, soprano; AlexanderHajek, baritone; A’Slayna von Hunt, dancer;Tucker, dancer; Claire Elise Harris, piano.Rivoli, The, 334 Queen St. W. 647-637-7491 From . Also Feb 13.● 8:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.Classic Albums Live - Queen - News ofthe World. Burlington Performing Arts Centre- Main Theatre, 440 Locust St., Burlington.905-681-6000. .50(.50 member)- .50(.50 member).● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Mardi Gras Mambo Featuring The DirtyDozen Brass Band and Nathan & The ZydecoCha-Chas. Royal Conservatory of Music -TELUS Centre - Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St.W. 416-408-0208 or .● 8:00: Don Wright Faculty of Music.Musicians from Marlboro. Western University- Music Building - Von Kuster Hall,1151 Richmond St. N., London. 519-661-3767or Free.● 8:00: Brampton On Stage. Jully Black.Recipient of Canada’s Walk of FameAward, Jully Black has been named one of‘The 25 Greatest Canadian Singers Ever’. TheRose Theatre, 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. 905-874-2800, -.● 8:00: Hugh’s Room Live. Hurtin’ Songs.Jeremy Voltz, Kevin Quain, Emily Schultz, T.Thomason, Eliana Cueves, and Jeremy Ledbetter.Hugh’s Room Live - Green SandersonHall, 296 Broadview Ave. Visit website for ticketpricing.Saturday February 15● 11:00am: TYT Theatre. Disney’s the LittleMermaid. Music by Alan Menken. Recommendedfor ages 4 and up. Evan Harkai,director & producer; Quinton Naughton,music director; Sydney LaForme, choreographer.Wychwood Theatre, 76 WychwoodAve. Visitwebsite for ticket information. From Feb 15 toApr 13 with Fri shows beginning Mar 14. SeeMusical Theatre on page xx.● 2:00: Brampton On Stage. Hot! Hot! Hot!Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Set sail on aCaribbean adventure with Captain DanielBartholmew-Poyser and special guests foran exhilarating day of calypso rhythms andorchestra magic! Dance in your seat, feel thebeat, and dive into the vibrant world of islandmusic with your Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Daniel Bartholmew-Poyser, conductor.The Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Ln., or 905-874-2800. From .● 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra: May theFifth Be with You - Beethoven & Star Wars.Kevin Lau: Artemis; John Williams: Star Wars- Suite for Orchestra; Beethoven: SymphonyNo.5. Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra;Trevor Wilson, TSO RBC Resident Conductor& TSYO Conductor. Meridian Arts Centre -George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St.416-598-3375 or ; (35and under).● 4:30: Canadian Opera Company. La Reinegarçon.See Feb 2.● 7:00: TO Live. Titanic Live. The Oscar-winningfilm with the biggest-selling orchestralsoundtrack of all time presented liveto picture, featuring the TO Live Orchestra.Meridian Hall, 1 Front St. E. 416-366-7723..99-4.99. Visit fortickets. Also Feb 13 & 14.● 7:30: Opera Revue. Risqué at the Rivoli:An Opera Revue Burlesque Show. Works byMozart, Jerome Kern, Andrew Lloyd Webber,and Debussy. Danie Friesen, soprano; AlexanderHajek, baritone; A’Slayna von Hunt,dancer; Tucker, dancer; Claire Elise Harris,piano. Rivoli, The, 334 Queen St. W. 647-637-7491 or From . AlsoFeb 13 & 14.● 8:00: Acoustic Harvest. Julian Taylor.Opening Act: Quoth the Raven. St. Paul’sUnited Church, 200 McIntosh St.,;; e-transfer).(door cash only); (advance). Fullyaccessible venue.● 8:00: Hugh’s Room Live. Alfie Zappacosta.Featuring: Marco Luciani, keyboards;Etric Lyons, bass; Blake Manning, drums.Hugh’s Room Live - Green Sanderson Hall,296 Broadview Ave. .Sunday February 16● 11:00am: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Young People’s Concert: Hot, Hot, Hot!Calypso, Cumbia & More (Relaxed Performance).Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-598-3375 or From .Regular performances at 1:30pm & 4pm.● 2:00: Canadian Opera Company. MadamaButterfly. See Feb 1.● 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra. TheFour Seasons Reimagined. Max Richter: TheFour Seasons Recomposed; Piazzolla: TheFour Seasons of Buenos Aires. Maureen Conlon-Gutierrez,violin; Hector Del Curto, bandoneon.FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre- Partridge Hall, 250 St. Paul St., St. Catharines.905-688-0722 or ; (arts workers);(under 35); (st); (18 and under).● 4:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Young People’s Concert: Hot, Hot, Hot!Calypso, Cumbia & More. Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or . Also 1:30pm. Relaxed performanceat 11am.● 4:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.Ensemble Vivant - Bach to Piazzolla.Works by Bach and Piazzolla. Burlington PerformingArts Centre, Community StudioTheatre, 440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000. .50(.50 member).● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Lauziere + Park. Mozart:Sonata in C K.303; Amy Beach: SonataOp.34; R. Strauss: Sonata Op.18. BenedicteLauziere, violin; Angela Park, piano. KefferMemorial Chapel, Wilfrid Laurier University,75 University Ave. W., Waterloo.; (st).● 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. New Cumberland.Chaucer’s Pub, 122 Carling St., London.519-319-5847 or available at Marienbad Restaurant,Chaucer’s Pub, Grooves (Wortley Village),Long & McQuade North. /(adv).● 8:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.Jukebox Saturday Night - Music of Mancini.Peter Gunn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, ThePink Panther. Burlington Performing ArtsCentre - Main Theatre, 440 Locust St., Burlington.905-681-6000. .50(.50member)-.50(.50 member).Monday February 17● 1:00: FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre.Family Day at the PAC: Samajam. Sam &Ajam are two musical superheroes who usetheir charismatic stage presence and extraordinaryabilities to take the audience onan electrifying participatory musical journeyaround the world in a fully participatory,fun and highly engaging musical experiencewhere the audience actively performs 90% ofthe show. It combines interactive participation,musical learning, rhythmic challenges,video games, comedic sketches, and explorationof diverse songs and rhythms fromaround the world. Everyone can participate,regardless of their age, musical experienceor skill level. 250 St. Paul St., St. Visit website fortickets and information.● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. SpecialEvent: Yuja Wang and Víkingur Ólafsson,duo piano. Includes Rachmaninov: SymphonicDances (for two pianos) and Schubert: Fantasiain f (for piano four hands). Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From 0. AlsoFeb 18.Tuesday February 18● 1:00: St. James Cathedral. Choral Concert.St. Stanislav Institute Choir (Children’sChoir from Slovenia); Damjian Močnik, conductor.Cathedral Church of St. James,106 King St. E. 416-364-7865 or Free. Donationsencouraged.● 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. VocalSeries: The Christina and Louis QuilicoAwards. Awards will be presented at the endof the evening. Artists of the COC EnsembleStudio. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. Free.● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. SpecialEvent: Yuja Wang and Víkingur Ólafsson,duo piano. Includes Rachmaninov: SymphonicDances (for two pianos) and Schubert: Fantasiain f (for piano four hands). Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or From 0. SOLDOUT. Also Feb 17.Wednesday February 19●12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Instrumental Series: The True North. Exploringthe Canadian landscape of contemporaryclassical music through the works of CeciliaLivingston, Ian Cusson, and Julien Bilodeau.COC Orchestra. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. Free.● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Roman Smirnov, Guitar.Works by the artist, Rameau, and others. FirstUnited Church, 16 William St. W., ; (st).● 8:00: St. Wulfric’s Concert Society. ThirdAnnual Concert. Works by Eccles, Strozzi,Purcell, Schop, Oswald, Britten, and ColinEatock. Emily Klassen, soprano; AlexanderCappellazzo, tenor; Rezan Onen-Lapointe,violin; Amahl Arulanandam, cello; Ben Stein,theorbo. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.416-926-8954. Admission by donation (suggested).Thursday February 20● 12:00 noon: Metropolitan United Church.Harpsichord Recital. Jonathan Oldengarm,harpsichord. Metropolitan United Church,56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x226. Freewilldonation.● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Showcase Series: Steelpan - Exploring Range& Diversity. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. Registrationrequired.● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. HaroldLópez-Nussa With Grégoire Maret andHilario Durán With His Latin Big Jazz Band.Royal Conservatory of Music - TELUS Centre- Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or .● 8:00: Centre in the Square. Jeans ‘N Classics:Never Break the Chain – The Music ofFleetwood Mac. Johnny Rutledge, KathrynRose, Rique Franks, lead vocalists. 101 QueenSt. N., Kitchener. 519-578-1570 or From .50.Friday February 21● 12:10: Music at St. Andrew’s. NoontimeRecital. Featuring the soulful music of NewOrleans jazz legend Sidney Bechet. JordanKlapman, piano; Laurent Humeau, clarinet;John Collin, drums. St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch, 73 Simcoe St. 416-593-5600x220. Free. Donations welcome.● 7:00: Jazz at Durbar. The Matt Pines Trio.Featuring Francine Kirsh on vocals. DurbarIndian Restaurant, 2469 Bloor St. W. 416-762-4441. No cover. Reserve a table for dinner orcome by for a drink at the bar.● 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Lisiecki Plays Chopin. Lutosławski: Overturefor Strings; Chopin: Piano Concerto No.1;Bruckner: Symphony No.1. Jan Lisiecki, piano;Gustavo Gimeno, conductor. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or From . Also Feb 22(8pm).● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Takács Quartet With Sir Stephen Hough,Piano. Hough: String Quartet No.1 (LesSix Rencontres) and works by Beethoven,Brahms, and others. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or www.34 | February & March 2025 From .● 8:00: Burlington Performing Arts Centre.Maestro Fresh Wes. Burlington PerformingArts Centre - Main Theatre,440 Locust St., Burlington. 905-681-6000..50(.50 member)-.50(.50member).TRIPLEESPRESSODirected by Alfredo BernardiniFEB 21–23Jeanne Lamon Hall,Trinity-St. Paul’s● 8:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. TripleEspresso: Bach, Handel & Fasch. AlfredoBernardini – guest director & oboe soloist –returns with a program that unleashes theexponential power of the oboe. Fasch: Ouverture-Suitein G Minor; Telemann: Concertoin B-flat Major; Handel: Oboe concerto in GMinor; Bach: Suite in D Major. Trinity St. Paul’sUnited Church. Jeanne Lamon Hall, 427 BloorSt. W. 1-833-964–6337 or -. Also Feb. 22 & 23.● 8:00: Brampton On Stage. Choir! Choir!Choir! We Will CHOIR! You: An Epic QueenSing-Along. An interactive experience thatturns the audience into performers. Laugh,dance, and sing with hundreds of musiclovers.All voices welcome, no experiencenecessary. They teach, you sing! This time,experience WE WILL CHOIR! YOU! for an epicQueen sing-along and unleash your innerFreddie Mercury. The Rose Theatre, 1 TheatreLn., Brampton. or 905-874-2800. From .● 8:00: Hugh’s Room Live. The Sattalites.Hugh’s Room Live - Green Sanderson Hall,296 Broadview Ave. From .● 10:00am: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Exchange: A Day of Choral Community Workshops.Join the TMChoir for a day of interactiveworkshops, masterclasses andlectures on a variety of topics centred aroundchoral music, vocal music and musical communitybuilding. Cristian Grases, keynotespeaker. Workshop leaders from TorontoMendelssohn Choir and partner organizationsOrpheus Choir of Toronto and AmadeusChoir of Greater Toronto. Yorkminster ParkBaptist Church, 1585 Yonge St. or 416-598-0422. Generaladmission. Pre-registration is required toselect workshops.Saturday February 22● 5:00: Toronto City Opera. Second AnnualGiuseppe Macina Operatic Voices Competition.Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor St.W. admission: .● 7:00: Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto.Choral Creation Lab Showcase. Experiencethe performance of new Canadian choralworks created through our Choral CreationLab residency program presentingworks from the collaborations of composersAndrew Clark, Mari Alice Conrad andKatharine Petkovski, and poets Coco Collins,Wendy Duschenes and Jovan Shadd. LydiaAdams, conductor. Jubilee United Church,40 Underhill Dr. Free.● 7:30: Oakville Chamber Orchestra.Super Talented Youth! Ibert: Flute Concerto(3rd mvmt); Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto(1st mvmt); Verdi: Overture to Nabucco;Saint-Saëns: Violin Concerto No.3. KarenKobayashi, flute; Adriel Sloss, violin; ChristieChung, violin; Oakville Chamber Orchestra.Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts,130 Navy St., Oakville. or905-815-2021. (regular); (premium);(st); (child).● 7:30: London Symphonia. The Life andTroubled Times of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.Roy Lewis, poet & actor. MetropolitanUnited Church, 468 Wellington St., London.226-270-0910 or General Admission, Reserved Seating,and for unlimited Video On Demand21-day access.● 7:30: Barrie Concert Association. Vivaldion Fire. Vivaldi: Concerto in C P81; TrioSonata F RV 69; Concerto in C RV 443; andother Baroque works. Ensemble Caprice:Baroque strings, recorder, and voice. HiwayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., or 705-436-1232.; (st).● 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Lisiecki Plays Chopin. See Feb 21.● 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Cesária Évora Orchestra. Presented in associationwith Batuki Music Society. Vocalists:Lucibela, Nancy Vieira, Elida Almeida,Teófilo Chantre. Royal Conservatory of Music- TELUS Centre - Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St.W. 416-408-0208 or .● 8:00: Mississauga Symphony Orchestra.One Vision - The Music of Queen. Jeans ‘nClassics with choir team up with the MSO foran amazingly musical night to pay homage toFreddie Mercury and Queen. Living Arts Centre,4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. Tickets start at +fees. for tickets.● 8:00: Centre in the Square. DwayneGretzky. 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-1570 or .50.● 8:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.Triple Espresso: Bach, Handel & Fasch. SeeFeb 21. Also Feb 23.● 8:00: Nathaniel Dett Chorale. Voices ofthe Diaspora: God’s Trombones. StewartGoodyear: God’s Trombones (world premiereof a new commission). Guest artist: StewartGoodyear, piano. Grace Church on-the-Hill,300 Lonsdale Rd. From .Sunday February 23● 1:15: Mooredale Concerts. Music andTruffles Kids. Andrew Wan, violin; CharlesRichard-Hamelin, piano. Walter Hall,80 Queen’s Park. 416-922-3714 x103; 647-988-2102 (eve/wknd). .● 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. GGSPercussion & Friends. Charles Settle, percussion.Royal Conservatory of Music - TELUSCentre - Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St.W. .● 2:00: Brampton On Stage. Brampton ConcertBand & The Jazz Mechanics FeaturingLee Siegal. Acclaimed Broadway star Lee Siegeljoins Brampton Concert Band and TheJazz Mechanics for a memorable afternoon.Experience a blend of captivating melodiesand powerful performances in an afternoonof musical magic. The Rose Theatre, 1 TheatreLn., Brampton. or 905-874-2800. From .● 2:00: Toronto Beach Chorale. G. F. Handel:Coronation Anthems. St. Aidan’s in theBeach, 2423 Queen St. E.; (youth).● 3:00: Orchestra Toronto. Virtuosic Journeys.Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.3in d Op.30; Dukas: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice;Sibelius: Symphony No.5 in E-flat Op.82.David Jalbert, piano; Michael Newnham, conductor.Meridian Arts Centre - George WestonRecital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 416-366-7723Toronto Beach ChoraleMervin W Fick - ConductorGF HANDELor 1-800-708-6754 or . Pre-concert chat at 2:15pm.● 3:00: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.Triple Espresso: Bach, Handel & Fasch. SeeFeb 21.● 3:00: Metropolitan United Church. VocalConcert. Diapente, Renaissance vocal quintet.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E.416-363-0331 x226. Freewill donation.● 3:15: Mooredale Concerts. Andrew Wan,violin & Charles Richard-Hamelin, piano.Works by Brahms and Mendelssohn. DiorQuartet. Walter Hall, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-922-3714 x103; 647-988-2102 (eve/wknd).-.● 4:00: Elora Singers. Choral Tapestry:The Elora Singers with the Vancouver ChamberChoir. Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate,28 Norfolk St., Guelph. 519-846-0331 , (student), (12 & under).● 4:00: Wychwood Clarinet Choir. Musicals!Selections from musicals by Sullivan,Rogers, Campbell, Sondheim and Bernstein.Michele Jacot, guest conductor and clarinetsoloist. St. Michael and All Angels AnglicanChurch, 611 St. Clair Ave. W.; (sr/st) or Pay WhatYou Can.● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Tselyakovs & Friends PlayRavel. Ravel: Mother Goose Suite for piano4 hands; Gaspard de la Nuit Suite; Jeuxd’eau;Trio for piano, violin, cello. AlexanderTselyakov, piano; Daniel Tselyakov, piano;Jerzy Kaplanek, violin; Katie Schlaikjer, cello.Keffer Memorial Chapel, Wilfrid Laurier University,75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. ; (st).● 8:00: Esprit Orchestra. Prelude Concert#2: Runner. Steve Reich: Runner (Canadianpremiere); Hans Abrahamsen: DoubleConcerto; Alex Pauk: Concerto for Harp &Orchestra; Henryk Gorecki: Concerto forHarpsichord & Orchestra. Alex Pauk, musicdirector & conductor; Mark Fewer, violin;Kevin Ahfat, piano; Erica Goodman, harp;Wesley Shen, harpsichord. Royal Conservatoryof Music - TELUS Centre - KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208 or or From . 7:15pm- Musical Insights with Alexina Louie andguests.Monday February 24● 3:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Music Research Festival 2025: FacultyResearch Showcase. Edward Johnson Building,University of Toronto, 80 Queen’s Free.CORONATION ANTHEMSSunday, February 23, 2025 at 2:00pmSt Aidan’s in the Beach2423 Queen Street East, February & March 2025 | 35

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)