EDGE OF YOUR SEATINTERNATIONALFESTIVALAlex Pauk Music Director & Conductor8:00PM CONCERTS7:15PM MUSICAL INSIGHTS WITH ALEXINA LOUIE & GUESTSTICKETS AND SUBSCRIPTIONSESPRITORCHESTRA.COMCHASING VITOTUESDAY MARCH 4, 2025KOERNER HALLRyan Scott CAN MarimbaVito Žuraj SVN Guest ComposerKeiko Abe JPN The WaveCaroline Shaw USA Entr’acteVito Žuraj SVN Anemoi**North American Premiere, commissioned by theBerlin Philharmonic & Esprit OrchestraICEFIRE, DO-RE-MI& CARING FORTHE EARTHTHURSDAY MARCH 27, 2025KOERNER HALLAkiko Suwanai JPN ViolinLisa Streich SWE Guest ComposerAndrew Norman USA Guest ComposerLisa Streich SWE ISHJÄRTAPeter Eötvös HUN Violin Concerto #2 “DoReMi”Andrew Norman USA SustainCARROTREVOLUTIONWEDNESDAY APRIL 2, 2025TRINITY ST. PAUL’S CENTRERyan Scott PercussionMichael Murphy PercussionAline Morales VocalistGabriella Smith USA Carrot RevolutionKeiko Abe JPN MichiMark Duggan CAN Maracatu ImaginárioJulia Mermelstein CAN Floral ReefRoydon Tse CAN StepwiseIvan Trevino MEX WildlingsJohn Rea CAN Objets perçusIMAGINARYPANCAKESUNDAY APRIL 6, 2025TRINITY ST. PAUL’S CENTREWesley Shen PianoMark Fewer ViolinWallace Halladay SaxophoneQuinn Jacobs CAN New WorkBernhard Lang AUTD/W 24 ‘Loops for Al Jourgensen’Ben Nobuto GBR Serenity 2.0Gabriella Smith USA Imaginary PancakeChris Paul Harman CAN Partita forSolo Violin #2COSMICHEARTBEATSTHURSDAY APRIL 17, 2025KOERNER HALLSophia Burgos USA SopranoNicholas Ma CAN HijinksJames O’Callaghan CAN New WorkClaude Vivier CAN Lonely ChildUnsuk Chin KOR Alaraph ‘Ritusdes Herschlagz’THANKS TO OUR SPONSORSThe Michael & SonjaKoerner CharitableFoundationThe ClearwaterFoundationThe Mary-MargaretWebb FoundationAnonymous4 | February & March 2025 thewholenote.com
Soulpepper Theatre’s Ladies of the Canyonco-creators Raha Javanfar and Hailey Gillis3004_FebMar25_cover.indd 12025-01-26 2:22 PMVolume 30 No 4 | February & March 2025Come SampleThe Listening Room!for online enhancedreviewsON OUR COVERMUSIC! LISTINGSlive and livestreamedSTORIESprofiles, previewsand interviewsRECORD REVIEWSand Listening RoomPHOTO: DAHLIA KATZVOLUME 30 NO 4FEBRUARY & MARCH 2025Hailey Gillis: Raha and I spent the day before thephotoshoot rummaging around the Soulpepper wardrobedepartment, picking out beautiful and strange pieces fromthe late 60’s/ early 70’s. Clothing you can only really findin the stacked costume racks of a theatre. The next dayRaha drove us to Riverdale farm, I did my makeup in thecar, we got our instruments and walked to a quiet forestedarea. Dahlia Katz, the photographer, found a spot wherethe sun was shining through the leaves and we sang “Youare my Sunshine” together about 20 times until Dahlia washappy, and we were happy, and we all walked back past thechickens, and the goats, to our cars and drove homethrough one of those perfect windy fall days in Toronto.(see page 18)8 FOR OPENERS | Waxingnostalgic | DAVID PERLMANSTORIES & INTERVIEWS10 CHORAL SCENE | Jean-Sébastian Vallée’s TMChoir |ANGUS MACCAULL12 IN WITH THE NEW | In With aBang | WENDALYN BARTLEY16 PERFORMANCE – SPACE |D.D. Jackson’s Poetry Projectat the Redwood | ANDREW SCOTT18 MUSIC THEATRE | Ladies ofThe Canyon at Soulpepper |JENNIFER PARR13Look for the yellow arrows!Starts on page 51thewholenote.com/listeningthewholenote.com February & March 2025 | 5
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Awake and Dreaming - Music of Alice
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UPCOMINGErika Nielsen (Cellist and