MAINLY CLUBS, MOSTLY JAZZcontinued from 27In terms of hiring hosts for the jam, here is what he looks for: “Beingable to draw a crowd of players and listeners helps, but it’s not everything.I think a good host encourages people to participate and alsoprotects the integrity of the performances. There is jam etiquette that alot of people don’t know about. For example, the jams are as much ormore about hearing people play as they are about playing. Doing morethan two songs is frowned upon unless nobody else wants to play. Youhave to know the tune, too. If you don’t, I’d suggest calling one that youdo know, or stepping down and choosing another moment to play. Agood host will be able to keep those things in order.”In the heart of the Annex neighbourhood, every Sunday at theTranzac Living Room space from 7-10pm, find The Conversation Jam.This is a unique session specifically designed to blend the worlds oftap dancing and jazz music. A similar concept, “The Jazz United Jam”took place in the same space between 2018 and 2019 spearheadedby dancer Travis Knights, singer-songwriter Jennarie (then knownas Jenna Marie) and musician Kristian Fourier. It was there that tapdancer Vincent Marchesano first fell in love with dancing to livemusic, which changed his approach to dance entirely.“I can only tap dance to live music because of Jazz United – Iremember that first day, my mind was blown – I brought my shoes butI didn’t even put them on, I actually had to step back and relearn howto dance. I came from the competitive dance circuit, which was allwith tracks.”When Jazz United came to an end in late 2019, Marchesano alongwith dancer Tatiana Palfaro and vocalist Maggie Keogh decided to starthosting The Conversation Jam in the very same space. Within a fewmonths, the world had shut down. For the past 18 months he has beenVincent Marchesano at Jazz Unitedrunning the jam on his own, booking a rotating host band and supervisingthe proceedings. He is looking for volunteers who wish to help,as long as they honour the roots of the jam as a meeting place wheretap dancing and live music co-exist every week.Speaking of dancing – it is sad to report that the Swing Dance Tuesdayjam at Drom Taberna has just come to an end, after a three-yearrun. Led by swing guitarist-vocalist Nat Beja, the event was a warmand harmonious union between trad jazz and swing dancers, and islooking for a new home – any venue interested in housing this eventcan contact @nat.beja on Instagram.On that note: audience members who wish to support the sceneshould remember that due to lack of patronage, most jams are asephemeral as springtime. So show up and tell your friends – becausewithout an audience, none of this magic can thrive, let alone survive.ORI DAGANMAINLY CLUBSGrossman’s Tavern379 Spadina Ave. @grossmanstavernOne of the city’s longest-running live musicvenues, and Toronto’s self-described “Homeof the Blues.”Handlebar159 Augusta Ave. @handlebar_toAhip night spot with a variety of entertainmentincluding open mic Tuesdays and amonthly jazz jam.Hirut Cafe and Restaurant2050 Danforth Ave. @hirutcafeA major destination for delicious and nutritiousEthiopian cuisine, with monthly jazzresidencies and jam sessions.Hugh’s Room Live296 Broadview Ave. @hughsroomliveA dedicated listening room with an intimateperforming space, great acoustics, andan attentive audience, Hugh’s Room recentlymade the move to their new permanent homeon Broadview Avenue.Jazz Bistro, The251 Victoria St. @jazzbistrotoIn an historic location, Jazz Bistro featuresgreat food, a stellar wine list, and world-classjazz musicians.Jazz Room, TheLocated in the Huether Hotel, 59 King St. N.,Waterloo. @thejazzroomA welcoming music venue dedicated to thebest in jazz music presentations, and home tothe Grand River Jazz Society, which presentsregular series throughout the year.Jean Darlene Piano Room, The1203 Dundas Street @jeandarlenepianoroomAn intoxicating atmosphere, cool cocktailsand great talent including “singalong karaokeopen mic” on Thursday, Fridays andSaturdays.Linsmore Tavern, The1298 Danforth Ave. @linsmoretavernAn old-school tavern with rock, cover bandsand a weekly Sunday blues night.Local, The396 Roncesvalles Ave 416-535-6225@thelocaltorontoNeighbourhood bar with pub fare, local beersand live musicLula Lounge1585 Dundas St. W. @lulaloungeToronto’s mecca for salsa, jazz, afro-Cuban,and world music, with Latin dance classesand excellent food and drinks.Manhattans Pizza Bistro & Music Club951 Gordon St., Guelph @manhattans_guelphAn independently owned neighbourhood restaurantboasting a unique dining experiencethat features live music almost every nightof the week.Monarch Tavern12 Clinton St. @monarchtavernWith a café/cocktail bar on the main floor anda pub with microbrews upstairs, MonarchTavern regularly hosts indie, rock, and othermusical genres on its stage.Motel Bar1235 Queen Street W. 416-399-4108@motelparkdaleCasual spot for drinks, laid back atmosphereand up-close live musicMy House in the Junction2882 Dundas Street W. @myhouseinthejunctionUnique bar, lounge, restaurant, event spaceand live music venue, including jazz everyFriday.Noonan’s Pub141 Danforth Ave. @noonansirishpubTraditional Irish pub with casual atmosphereand live music including swing, blues, rockand country.Old Mill, The21 Old Mill Rd. @oldmilltorontoJazz Lounge:An updated space in the Old Mill’s main diningroom, the Jazz Lounge features an updatedsound system, a new shareable menu, and listenablestraight ahead jazz.Only Cafe, The962 Danforth Ave. @theonlycafeA casual backroom of a friendly bar with awide variety of music programmed includingweekly jam sessions and young artistshowcases..Painted Lady, The218 Ossington @paintedladyossingtonCheeky saloon serving burlesque, live music,craft beer & clever nibblesPamenar307 Augusta @pamenar_kmOne of the city’s best third-wave coffee shopsby day and bar by night, Pamenar hosts livemusic, DJs, comedy, and more.Pilot Tavern, The22 Cumberland Ave. @thepilot_toWith over 75 years around Yonge and Bloor,the Pilot is a multi-level bar that hosts live jazzon Saturday afternoons.Poetry Jazz Café1078 Queen St W. @poetryjazzcafeA sexy, clubby space, Poetry hosts live jazz,hip-hop, and DJs nightly on Queen St. West.46 | February & March 2025
TORONTO JAM SESSIONSThere are countless Open Mics happeningin this city, which are different from jazzjams. At Open Mics all genres are welcome;performers sign up and present a song ortwo of their choosing (often original tunes).Jazz jams are more focused on spontaneouscollaborations and usually the songs arewell-known standards or blues. Most jamswelcome vocalists as well as instrumentalists,and some are more singer-friendly thanothers. I invite readers to contact me if youneed any advice on where to go or how to getprepared: @oridaganjazz on Instagram.! Girls Night Out Jazz (“GNO”) is a Torontoinstitution which was founded by LisaParticelli in 2005. It functions more as a “Jazzopen mic” than a jam in the sense that thereis a sign-up sheet - but I am including it herebecause it is a cherished safe space for vocalistsof all levels, with top-notch jazz musicianswho are provided. Currently takingplace on the third Sunday of the month atThe Kingston House, on Kingston Rd. e. ofMain, February 16 is the next edition: followGirls Night Out Jazz on Facebook to stay connected.! Friday Night Blues JamHosted by guitarist Mike Sedgewick, this weekly tradition now takesplace at The Black Swan Tavern. This jam is so deeply communityorientedthat they even have an annual awards show featuringLisa Particelli, founder of Girls Night OutGNO FACEBOOKcitations for different instrument categories,as well as “new talent,” “most improved” and“superfan.” Always a welcoming environmentwhere talent is celebrated. Let the goodtimes roll!! The Classic Rex Jazz Jam has been goingon for decades on Tuesday evenings at TheRex Hotel, currently hosted by bassist extraordinaireChris Banks. Musicians from allranks of the scene come by and sit in – one ofthe most cross-generational events around.And you never know who will show up – onetime Wynton Marsalis did, and he sat in!As I mentioned earlier, most jams are asephemeral as springtime, but the flip side ofthat is that they spring up unexpectedly aswell. Our Mainly Clubs, Mostly Jazz listings,commencing on page 45 offer digital links tothese venues’ most up-to-date event information.So check them out. You never knowwhat you may discover.Singer/songwriter Ori Dagan has toured across Canadaand internationally, and has been a staple on the Torontoscene for over 20 years. Locally he also works as a curator,producer, host and artistic director of JazzInToronto.OPERA, MUSIC THEATRE, DANCERedwood Theatre, The1300 Gerrard Street East. @theredwoodtheatreA multi-disciplinary space for music, dance,circus, comedy, theatre and more.Reposado Bar & Lounge136 Ossington Ave. @reposadobarA chic, low-light bar with top-shelf tequila,Mexican tapas, and live music.Reservoir Lounge, The52 Wellington St. E. @reservoirloungeToronto’s self-professed original swingjazzbar and restaurant, located in a historicspeakeasy near St. Lawrence Market, withlive music four nights a week.Rev, La2848 Dundas St. W. @la.rev.torontoLa Rev offers their guests and authentic tasteof comida casera (Mexican homestyle cooking),and a welcoming performance spacefeaturing some of Toronto’s most talentedmusicians.Rex Hotel Jazz & Blues Bar, The194 Queen St. W. @therextorontoWith over 60 shows per month of Canadianand international groups, The Rex is Toronto’slongest-running jazz club, with full bar andkitchen menu.Sauce on Danforth1376 Danforth Ave. @sauceondanforthWith Victorian lighting, cocktails, and anextensive tap and bottle list, Sauce on Danforthhas live music Tuesday through Saturday(and sometimes Sunday).Sellers & Newel672 College Street. @sellersandnewelIntimate bookstore that doubles as a livemusic venue in the evenings.Smokeshow BBQ and Brew744 Mt. Pleasant Rd @smokeshowjohnA laid-back venue with an emphasis on barbecueand beer, Smokeshow hosts cover artistsand original music Thursday through Sunday,with Bachata lessons on Tuesdays and Karaokeon Wednesdays.Tapestry224 Augusta Ave.@tapestry_toIn the space formerly occupied by Poetry,Tapestry features jazz, electronic music, soul,and more.Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. @tranzac292A community arts venue dedicated to supporting,presenting, and promoting creativeand cultural activity in Toronto, withlive shows in multiple rooms every day ofthe week.For details of short-run productions, see daily listings; for extended runs(8 shows or more) consult presenter websites for more information.● Bach Elgar Choir. The Trial of Gilbert &Sullivan. Gilbert & Sullivan: Trial by Jury andscenes from other Gilbert & Sullivan works.Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. AncasterMemorial Arts Centre, 357 Wilson St. E.,Ancaster. 416-888-8249 or Visit website for ticket information.Mar 8(7:30pm).● Brampton On Stage. Alan Cumming &Ari Shapiro: Och & Oy! A Considered Cabaret.Alan Cumming (Cabaret, The Good Wife)and Ari Shapiro (NPR’s All Things Considered,Pink Martini) both transport audiences toother worlds through their stories. Rose Theatre,The (Brampton), 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton.905-874-2800, Mar 21(8pm).● Brampton On Stage. Brampton MusicTheatre: Beautiful - The Carole King Musical.The Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Ln., Brampton.905-874-2800, -. Also Apr. 3, 4, 5 & 6.● Don Wright Faculty of Music. Opera andMusical Theatre Gala With Early Music Studio.Western University - Talbot College - PaulDavenport Theatre, 1151 Richmond St. N., London.519-661-3767 or Free. Feb 1(2pm).● Grand Theatre. Waitress. Music &Lyrics by Sara Bareilles; Book by JessieNelson; Directed by Rachel Peake; basedon the motion picture by AdrienneShelly. Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond St.,London. 519-672-8800. -1. Visit for full performance datesand pricing. Mar 27 until Apr 12.● Massey Hall. Mandy Patinkin In Concert:Being Alive. 178 Victoria St. 416-872-4255 Visit website orcall for ticket info. Mar 27(8pm).● Metropolitan United Church. VocalRecital. Mixed opera hits programme. HollyChaplin, soprano; Amy Moodie; Austin Larusson.Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. E. 416-363-0331 x226. Freewill donation.Mar 27(12 noon).● Mirvish. Come from Away. Royal AlexandraTheatre, 260 King St. W. Ongoing to Apr 6.● Mirvish. Disney’s The Lion King. Princessof Wales Theatre, 300 King St. W. until Aug 30.● Mirvish. Inside American Pie. Createdby Mike Ross and Sara Wilson. CAA Theatre,651 Yonge St. Mar 12-30.● Native Earth Performing Arts & Aki Studio.The 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee.Shifting Ground Collective. Theatre PasseMuraille, 16 Ryerson Ave. Mar 6-15.● Orchestra Toronto. Theatrical OperaticFusion. Works by Verdi, Puccini, Wagner, andothers. Soloists to be announced; MichaelNewnham, conductor. Meridian Arts Centre- George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 YongeSt. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754 February & March 2025 | 47