OPERA, MUSIC THEATRE, DANCEboxoffice@tolive.com. From . Pre-concertchat at 2:15pm. Apr 6(3pm).● Soulpepper Theatre. Ladies of the Canyon:Joni and the California Scene. Created byHailey Gillis and Raha Javanfar. Mar 13-23.● St. Anne’s Music and Drama Society. TheYeomen of the Guard. By Gilbert and Sullivan.St. Anne’s Anglican Church, 276 GladstoneAve. www.stannesmads.com. ; (sr/st). Jan 31(7:30pm), Feb 1(2pm), 2(2pm),7(7:30pm), 8(2pm), 9(2pm).● Tarragon Theatre/Nightswimming. TheWolf in the Voice. Created by Martin Julien &Brian Quirt. Tarragon Theatre, 30 BridgmanAve. www.tarragontheatre.com. Feb 4-23.● Theatre Orangeville. One Step at a Time.Written, composed & performed by AndrewPrashad. 87 Broadway, Orangeville. www.theatreorangeville.ca/show/one-step-at-atime.Apr 3-6.● Theatre Passe Muraille. Blind Dates. TheatrePasse Muraille, 16 Ryerson Ave. www.passemuraille.ca. Feb 13-Mar 9.● Toronto Operetta Theatre. The Gondoliers.By Gilbert and Sullivan. Artists to beannounced. St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts- Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1–800-708-6754 or www.tolive.com.From . Feb 28(8pm), Mar 1(8pm), 3(3pm).● Toronto Symphony Orchestra. 21st-CenturyBroadway. Hailey Kilgore, vocalist; DerekKlena, vocalist; Javier Muñoz, vocalist; AliStroker, vocalist; Steven Reinke, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375 or www.tso.ca. From . Mar 4(8pm),5(2pm & 8pm).● TYT Theatre. Disney’s the Little Mermaid.Music by Alan Menken. Recommended forages 4 and up. Evan Harkai, director & producer;Quinton Naughton, music director; SydneyLaForme, choreographer. WychwoodTheatre, 76 Wychwood Ave. www.tyttheatre.com/ticketterms. Visit website for ticketinformation. From Feb 15 to Apr 13 with Frishows beginning Mar 14.● VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert. VOICE-BOX Opera Salon: A Night of Fancy - Puccini’sSwallow. Edward Jackman Centre,947 Queen St. E., 2nd Floor. 416-366-7723 or1-800-708-6754 or www.operainconcert.com or www.tolive.com. . Feb 8(4pm).● VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert. La Rondine.Music by Giacomo Puccini. Sung inItalian with English Surtitles. CassandraAmorin as Magda; Opera in Concert Chorus;Robert Cooper, chorus director; NarminaAfandiyeva, music director & pianist. TrinitySt. Paul’s United Church. Jeanne Lamon Hall,427 Bloor St. W. www.operainconcert.com or416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754. From .Mar 20(8pm) & 21(8pm).● Wychwood Clarinet Choir. Musicals!Selections from musicals by Sullivan, Rogers,Campbell, Sondheim and Bernstein.Michele Jacot, guest conductor and clarinetsoloist. St. Michael and All Angels AnglicanChurch, 611 St. Clair Ave. W. www.wychwoodclarinetchoir.ca.; (sr/st) or Pay WhatYou Can. Feb 8(4pm).Prizes and Scholarships, Recitals, Concerts, WorkshopsCareer advancement, Marketing and promotionsUNDATED EVENTS & ETCETERASRik Emmett today: Hold On (1979) by classic Canadian hard rock power trio,Triumph, has been chosen as the 2025 Music Monday anthem with a newarrangement created by Rik Emmett especially for Music Monday. “Thesong Hold On was a tipping point for me as a recording artist: I felt I'd finallycome up with a song that spoke directly to why the band I was in calleditself ‘Triumph’ …” says the Triumph vocalist, guitarist and songwriter.Each year, on the first Monday of May thousands of students, musicians,parents and community members across the country simultaneouslysing and/or play the Music Monday anthem creating the world's largestsingle event dedicated to raising awareness for music education.COMPETITIONS● International Music Festival and Competition.May 1-18. In-person and via videorecordings. Registration deadline: Mar 2,2025. Piano, voice, strings, woodwinds,brass, harp, guitar, percussion, conducting,composition, chamber music, masterclasses.Jurors: professors from the Universityof Toronto, York University, the RoyalConservatory of Music, and the Glenn GouldProfessional School. Awards: prizes andscholarships, recitals, concerts, workshops,career development, marketing, and promotions.For information visit www.intermusic.ca, call 905-604-8854, or email office@intermusic.ca.ONGOING EVENTS● Encore Symphonic Concert Band.Monthly Concert Band Concert. The firstThursday of every month at 11am. 35-piececoncert band performing band concertmusic, pop tunes, jazz standards (2 singers)and the occasional march. Trinity PresbyterianChurch York Mills, 2737 Bayview Ave.www.encoreband.ca. .● Trinity College, University of Toronto.Evensong. Traditional Anglican choral music.Trinity College Chapel Choir; Thomas Bell, directorof music; Peter Bayer, organ scholar.Trinity College Chapel, University of Toronto,6 Hoskin Ave. 416-978-2522 or Trinity College.Free. Evensong is sung every Wednesday at5:15pm in the beautiful Trinity College chapelduring term time.ONLINE EVENTS● Arts@Home. A vibrant hub connectingTorontonians to arts and culture. Designed tostrengthen personal and societal resiliencethrough the arts. www.artsathome.ca.● North Toronto Community Band. Openingsfor clarinet, trumpet, trombone, tubaand auxiliary percussion. Rehearsals held atWillowdale Presbyterian Church 38 EllerslieAve. (just north of Mel Lastman Square).Monday evenings 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Contactntcband@gmail.com.● Recollectiv. For anyone living with cognitivechallenges from Alzheimer’s, dementia,traumatic brain injury, stroke or PTSD.The group meets weekly to rediscover thejoy of making music. Community membersand music students are welcome to this fun,rewarding and inter-generational experience.Sessions take place from 2 to 3pm (withsound checks and socializing at 1:30pm).Please contact recollectiv@gmail.com formore information.REHEARSAL & PERFORMANCEOPPORTUNITIES● A new community Baroque orchestra isbeing launched in Toronto! All instruments(particularly violin and oboe) and all levels ofplaying accommodated. Interested? Pleasecontact me, Jane Ubertino, at lucindabell56@hotmail.com● The Choralairs is a non-audition, adultchoir that welcomes new members in Septemberand January. Rehearsals are on Tuesday6:45-8-45pm at Edithvale C.C. 131 FinchAve. W, Toronto. Please contact Elaine atchoralairs.delighted.720@silomails.com toRSVP. Check out our new website at www.Choralairs.com.● Columbus Concert Band. Rehearsals:Tuesdays 7:30-9:30pm at Villa Colombo,40 Playfair Ave., Toronto. Openings for flute,clarinet, tenor sax, and trumpet; however, allwho are in search of being a part of a greatband are welcome. Our members are warmand welcoming. For more information, contactccbtoronto@gmail.com or visit our websiteat www.columbusconcertband.com.● Etobicoke Community Concert Band. Fullrehearsals every Wednesday night at 7:30pm.309 Horner Ave. Open to all who are lookingfor a great band to join. Text Rob Hunter at416-878-1730.● Harmony Singers of Etobicoke. Thewomen of The Harmony Singers survivedCOVID and are regrouping for 2024! If you’dlike to sing an exciting repertoire of pop, jazz,folk and light classics, the group will give youa warm welcome! Rehearsals start in Januaryon Wednesday nights from 7:15 to 9:3048 | February & March 2025 thewholenote.com
UNDATED EVENTS & ETCETERASp.m. at Richview United Church in Etobicoke.Contact Conductor Harvey Pattersonat: theharmonysingers@ca.com or call416-239-5821.● New Horizons Band of Toronto. All levelsfrom beginners to advanced for brass, woodwind,and percussion instruments. Weeklyclasses led by professional music teachers.Loaner instrument provided to each newregistrant in the beginners’ program. Visitwww.newhorizonsbandtoronto.ca.● North Toronto Community Band. Openingsfor drums, clarinets, trumpets, trombones,French horns. Rehearsals held atWillowdale Presbyterian Church 38 EllerslieAve. (just north of Mel Lastman Square).Monday evenings 7:30-9:30 pm. Contactntcband@gmail.com.● Quinte Regional Youth Chorus. This isa new group based in Belleville, Ontario,for singers aged 6-16. St. Thomas AnglicanChurch, Parish Centre, 201 Church St., Belleville.Call 613-962-3636 for information.● Serenata Singers. Are you free Wednesdaymornings? Do you love the joy of singingand the camaraderie it brings? Join the SerenataSingers who have sparkled in Toronto’sconstellation of choral gems since 1976!Seniors singers, come together with voicesunited in song. Inspire generations to follow!This 55-voice adult SATB communitychoir, ranging in age from 55 to 97, willgather again under accomplished choral directorMichael Morgan who shares his talentsand expertise to perform a “WinterCabaret” on November 30, 2024, with otherperformances during the year at seniors’residences. Our season crescendos with twoannually spring concerts on May 8 & 9, 2025.Our spring concerts entitled “Tuned In” willfeature favourites from the movies, Broadway,and television. Consider joining thiscaring, friendly group of retirees at ScarboroughBluffs United Church, 3739 Kingston Rd,every Wednesday from 10:30am to 12:30pm.Two free trial rehearsals are allowed beforedeciding to join! Check us out at our websiteBUSINESSCLASSIFIEDSEconomical and visible!Promote your services& products to ourmusically engaged readers,in print and on-line.BOOKING DEADLINE: FRIDAY MARCH 14classad@thewholenote.comIf you can read this,thank a music teacher.MosePianoForAll.comat www.serenatasingers.ca or call Charlotteat 416-449-4053! Come join us!● String Orchestra TO is a new stringorchestra in Toronto for amateur intermediateand advanced string players. No auditions. Ourseason runs from Sep 11, 2024 to May 28, 2025.Wed rehearsals: 7:15-9:15 pm at St. BarnabasChurch, 361 Danforth Ave.. Visit www.sites.google.com/view/stringorchestrato/home oremail us at StringOrchestraTO@gmail.com.● Strings Attached Orchestra, NorthYork. All string players (especially viola, cello,bass) are welcome. Mondays 7 to 9 p.m.from Sep to Jun. Email us first at info.stringsattached@gmail.comto receive music andother details or visit our website at www.stringsattachedorchestra.com for moreinformation.● VOCA Chorus of Toronto. Openingsfor experienced tenors and basses. VOCAis an auditioned ensemble, currently preparinga broad range of selections (includingpremieres) for our Dec 14 “SeasonSongs” concert, featuring Michael Occhipinti,guitar and Jamie Drake, percussion. OnMay 10, 2025, we’ll be performing “CarminaBurana”, featuring special guest, AndrewHaji, tenor. Rehearsals are held at Eastminster,310 Danforth Ave. (Chester subway) onMonday evenings. Contact Jenny Crober atcrober.best@gmail.com for more info.TRAINING PROGRAMS● Toronto Summer Music. TSM Academy- Emerging Artists Program. Designed formusicians who are launching their professionalcareers and provides unique educationalopportunities for chamber musiciansand singers from 18 to 35 years old. Stringplayers and pianists are invited to apply forthe Chamber Music Institute Program; vocalistsand pianists are invited to apply for theArt of Song Program. Please visit our websitefor more information on program dates andapplications at tosummermusic.com/theacademy/emerging-artist-program/.Applicationsare open until Jan 23, 2025.15% off your 1st cleanA vacationfor your dog!Barker Avenue Boardingin East Yorkcall or text 416-574-5250Do you love to sing?Interested in buildingyour musical skills?The St. Paul’s Choral Academyoffers free Voice Lessons, Beginner,Intermediate, and Advanced MusicTheory, and Repertoire Workshops insacred music.More details atstpaulsbloor.org/choral-academy227 Bloor St E, Toronto ON(416) 961-8116thewholenote.com February & March 2025 | 49