9 years ago

Volume 4 Issue 3 - November 1998

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • November
  • Theatre
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • December
  • Performing
  • Classical
  • Arts
  • Musical


= 11 . HORAL HAPPENINGS AND HIGHLIGIITS A IS FOR ADAMS ~ ' l: . BY LARRY BECKWITH We are fortunate in this city to have -~any first-rate choral conductors who are working tirelessly to bring choral music to Toronto audiences at the highest profe~sional level of perf:ormance possible. One of · the busie~t and most humble of these conductors is Lydia Adams who is very much in the public eye this month. Lydia grew up in Nova Scotia, got initial university education at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick and later went on to study at the Royal College of Music in London, England. Her chief and regular duties have been as the accompanist of the Elmer IseJer Singers (1981 -1995) and conductor of the Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto, a position she has held since 1984. The Amadeus Choir has flourished under Lydia's leadership. Since 1987, they have held a popular annual Christmas Carol and Chanukah Song Writing Competition which garners entries from all ·over the world. The choir is now in its sixth year in residence at the pristine George Weston Recital Hall and are regular prizewinners in the CBC Choral Competition. On November 1, the Amadeus Choir presents a special concert entitled IN REMEMBR4NCE, taking ' place at Metropolitan United Church in downtown Toronto. The programme features a complete pertormance·of the Requiem by Eleanor Daley. The honest, direct and personal nature of this work has made it a favourite with choirs and audiences in recent years. After so many years as .the accompanist of the Elmer Iseler Singers, Lydia Adams developed a deep and lasting musical relationship with the choir. It then came as little surprise, this year, when Lydia · was appointed as the permanent artistic director of the Elmer Iseler Singers. In fact, it made pertect sense. Lydia posesses the pertect mix of knowledge and respect for the tradition that Elmer Iseler had built and maintained, coupled with a quiet determination to keep the choir gro~ing and changing and flourishing. The first concert of the lseler Singers' 1998-99 season takes place at,Massey Hall as part of the Made In Canada Festival of Contemporary Music on November 14·. Accompanied by Ruth Watson Henderson, the choir will ' pertorm woFks by Freedman, Somers, Glick, Rea, Schafer , and Watson Henderson. Lydia Adams has ~ade many other contributions to our choral life. In 1992, she was the conductor 'of the Ontario Youth Choir. She has worked as an accompanist for . the, Scarborough Bach Children's Chorus and has coached and encouraged countless choirs and conductors over the years. She has also played a valuable role in the establishment of a chair in choral conducting at the University of Toronto. She is also a fine composer, arranger and editor of choral music. Music-lovers owe a debt of gratitude to all that Lydia Adams has done and continues to do in the field of choral music. As usual, much more is going on in choral circles, this month, as w~ll. Here.are a few other highlights: •November 4 -Noel Edison The Mendelssohn Choir mounts the ma~mouth Berlioz Requiem. •November 6 -John Tuttle and the Exultate Chamber · Singers join forces with Peter Gzowski to tell the stories of 'our great country in words and mUSIC. • November 27 -The St. Paul's Foundation for the Arts presents an evening dedicated to 'the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams. , November 29 -The_ Toronto Classical Singers take the l~d in the annual Christmas Messiah derby, with many more choirs to follow in December, no doubt Until next month .. . get out and support all the great choirs of Toronto! (Larry Beckwith is the General Manager of the Ontario Choral Federation) Professional musical and stage coaching for children. · Auditions/performances: musical theatre, commercials, movies, 'festivals, talent shows, opera, choirs. Calling. all choirs*. Make WholeNo_te a habit! We will deliver Wholef'Jote, every month in whatever quantities you specify, direct to your rehearsal or performance hall. Phone 416 406-6758 to make arrangements. *SCHOOLS, CONCERT BANDS AND~ ORCHESTRAS TOO TORONTO'S ONLY COMPREHENSIVE MONTHLY CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE

CHORAL QUICKPICKS, Nov 1 -DEc 7 1998 ·Nov 01 3:00 & 7:30: Amadeus Choir Nov 01 3:00: Toronto Chamber Choir Nov 04 7:00: Tafelmusik Chamber Choir Nov 04 8:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir; Toronto Mendelssohn Youth Choir Nov 06 8:00: Exultate Chamber Singers Nov 06 8:00: Chanticleer Vocal Ensemble Nov 06 8:00: Ontario Christian Music Assembly Nov 07 8:00: MacMillan Singers; Elmer lseler S'ingers Nov 07 8:00: VocaiPoint Chamber Choir Nov 08 2:30: Tor Children's Chorus; American Boychoir Nov 08 3:30: Choir Of Christ Church Deer Park Nov 09 8:00: Cantabile Chorale Nov 14 8:00: Elmer lseler Singers Nov 14 8:00: Opera Anonymous Chorale Nov 18 8:00: North Metro Sweet Adeline Chorus; MegaCity Barbershop.Chorus; Young Singers of Ajax Nov 20 8:00: Tactus Vocal Ensemble Nov 22 4:00: York University Chamber Choir Nov 26 1 2:00 noon: La Jeunesse Northumberland Nov 27 7:30: St. Paul's Anglican Church Choir Nov 27 8:00: Choirboys from St. James' Cathedr!ll . & St. Simon's Church . Nov 28 3:00: Hart House Chorus Nov 28 8:00: Bell' Arte Singers Nov 28 8:00: Elmer lseler Singers; Gerald Fagan Singers Nov 28 8:00: Jubilate Singers Nov 28 8:00: Oriana Singers; Norseman Chamber Choir Nov 29 3:00: Voices Nov 30 7:30: York University Choir & Char:nber Choir Nov 30 8:00: Elmer lseler Singers December 0.1 7:30: Vox Fin' lan~iae; Estonia; Volunge December 04 & 05 7:30: Celebration Chorale December 04 & 05 8:00: Etobicoke Centennial Choir December 04 8:00: Exultate Chamber 'Singers December 04 8:00: Gospel choir December 04 8:00: U ofT Concert Choir: Women's Chorus Music at Willowdale · I Vnune Cilpin, ·{)irec/or (!!' Mw;it Joseph and the American Technicolour Dreamcoat AuDITIONS Saturday, November 14, 9-5pm I (416) 221-8783 tp reserve a time and I or for more information (Performances in February 1999) Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9'30 p m Secure reading ab'i lity and commitment are necessities. Please contact Marv tegge at (416) 22.9fo2.'70 for audition, - December 05 2:00 & 7:30; 06 2:00: Canadian Children's Opera Chorus; CCOC Apprentice Choruses . December 05 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir December 05 8:00: All The l

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