u•n••1•11•u•n•u r.oNCERT ~NOTES Below: La Nef, Montsegur PHoTo: DENis McCREADY Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 3 Beethoven: Violin Concerto Only .99 (suggested retail price) 8.553232 Iberia Boolo:.rl-4 ~!ur~olRJ, Ct:I.8(NRi•:•• Albeniz: Iberia Books 1-4 Suites espafiolas, Nos. 1 & 2 Spanish Music Collection 8.554311-12 Eh~t~jul!ani R.\lJTAVAARA Cantu~ An::t14V8 ftano Co~rto No. l SympboJiy Nn, 3 l.aun Mi~"""' -~~"::"io~:',-m~~~~~!: ::~~:uk" A word of caution. More than a dozen concerts scheduled for the CBCs Glenn Gould Studio appear in our concert listings this month (see Glenn Gould in our index, -p.38. But it is our understanding that the Gletm Gould Studio is closed until the CBC technicians' strike is over. Until that happy day, concerts scheduled for the Gletm Gould may be cancelled, postponed or moved to another venue. Phone before you go! EARLY TO RISE As much by accident as by design, this month's "Musician in our Midst" (Ben Grossman, p. 1 5) and "Cover Story" Jeanne Lamon, are both musicians deeply involved in and conunitted to the perfonnance of "early" music. But as it tums out , they're only the twin peaks of an early music iceberg this month. It all begins (CBC labour negotiations pennitting) March 4 witi1 the King's Consort perfonning English, Italian and Gennan baroque music, part of the OnStage Series at the Glem1 Gould Studio. March 5 is then one of those good/ bad days that forces a choice between two very interesting early music events. One of ti1ese is Toronto's Duo L'Intemporel, perfonning music for flute and harpsichord by 17til and l&til Century French composers. The oti1er is ti1e Montreal group, La Nef which, under ti1e direction of lute/tileorbo/ oud player, Sylvain Bergeron, will present Montsegur, Ia tragedie cathare, a musical presentation ofti1e destruction in March, 1244 of the Cathar heretical religious sect. Witi1 ti1e Cathars died also tile art of tile Troubadours, so when Bergeron began tile realization of his dream of a musical depiction of the Cathar story, he had scant resources to work with. Dominique Olivier put it this way in her review in Montreal's Voir: "Thanks to his knowledge as a musician working in the area of early music, primarily as a lute and theorbo ' player, ti1e mterpreter . was suddenly tumed into a composer. Putting together the musical world of tile Cathars from very fragmentary source material, he has shown that the past can be not only a source of inspiration, but also someti1ing very contemporary." ·n1e resulting production, according to Olivier, had tile audience at McGill's Redpath Hall on the edge ofti1eir seats from start to finish at its first production in June 1995. ALSO EARLY Oti1er early ~usic highlights are tirree different perfonnances of J.S. Bach's St. John Passion, (March 9 & 28 and April 2), one Concert Notes continues on page 8 ~S..o?•l~liris~~~~htlllrJI t.~'ttolllt~ Bruckner: Symphony No. 4, "Romantic" (1878/80 version, ed. Haas) 8.554128 NAXOS: the world's best selling classical label Available at fine record stores everywhere Specializing in custom reproductions of classic double bass Amati, Busan. Peter CHANDLER Luthier; maker of fine double bass, cello. · viola and violin. lOllS 1van Dr., R.R. 1, Ifderton, ON. NOM 2AO On Hwy. 22, 25 Kilometres N. W. of London
CLASSI U96;~ TIJil)HTO CLASSICAL IOJFL WlUN ONTARIO PROGRAM GUIDE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:30am The Morning Show · 5:30am The Saturday 5:30am Gloria Bill Anderson anc/ Davie/ Franco Morning· Show Richard Gale lOam Morning Concert Bill Anderson and 9am Music for Sunday Kerry Stratton David Franco John van Oriel and ·Noan News Package 12:10 pm Luncheon Date Kerry Stratton 11"'12:15 pm Luncheott Date Arlene Meadow~ 12:10 pm Luncheon Date Arlene IAeac/oWs 1 pm Saturday Supersounds Arlene Meadows fpm Musically Speaking Kerry Stratton and lpm Music for Sunday Catherine 8elyea John van Oriel John van Oriel and 3pm Patpourri 5pm Anything Goes Kerry Stratton · Terry O:unpbe/1 and David Craig Arlene Meadows. 5:05 prtl Sinfonia 7ptn SouiKh Great 7pm Give My Regards Alexa Petrenko Michoef Lyons to Broadway 7:00pm Canadian Showcase Noctume John van Oriel Terry Campbell Arlene~ a'pm Your Saturday 8pm Concert in the Park Night FavourHes OavidCraig Michael Lrof!$ 9pm Sunday Night at the Opera Catherine Belyea 37 of THE BEST CANADIAN . SONGS sung by DAVID MILLS CANADIAN CLASSICAL SONGS ( CD 25970) R.EFLECTIONS . ( CD 19(04) on GEMSTONE RECORDS Available at fine record stores everywhere Distributed by: . DISTRIBUTION ·FUSION Ill TORONTo's ONLY COMPREHENSIVE CLASSICAL & CONTEMPORARY CONCERT LISTING SOURCE