du Maurier Theatre Centre, 231 Queens Quay West. 973·4000. . > > 2:00: Calvin Presbyterian Church. Sunday Afternoon Recital: Amber Bishop, soprano & Dexter Roberts, piano. Mozart: concert aria; arias bv Puccini: Brahms . Grand Opening Nov. 4 & 5 "The most exciting works of Symph9nic repertoire " -- Robert De Clara Conductor and Director Tchaikovsky Symphony#4 Rideout Fall Fair Bruch Kol Nidrei Guest artist: Jose Shapero, cello , The OakviUe Symphony Orchestra All performances at The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts lieder. 26 Delisle Ave. 923·9030. Free (donations accepted). > > 2:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra. Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. See Nov. 4. > > 3:00: Baroque Music Beside the VERTIGO Satlte~ine c;f(anoalvian q}Jolhz, q;;,tuoJo Tchalcovsky Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 Royer Partita for VIOlin and Chamber Orchestra (in memory J.S. Bach) Kote;ty Dances of Galanta TORONTO SINFONIETTA MATTHEW JASKIEWICZ, MUSIC DIRECTOR Saturday, November 11 7:30 pm Bloor Street United Church 300 Bloor Street West (at Huron) TICKETS Students Children free Grange. Caledonian Pocket Companion. Sonatas, divisions, ayres & dance music by Reid, Baillie, Dixon, Oswald & others. Alison Melville, flute & recorder; Paul Jenkins, harpsichord; Ben Grossman, percussion & hurdy·gurdy; Kirk Elliott, guitar & harp; Margaret Gay, cello. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 John St. 588·4301. ,. > > 3:00: Fred Gaviller Memorial Fund. Dana Campbe/1, soprano in Recital. Arias & songs by Handel, Brahms, Hahn & Dvorak; spirituals. Peter Tiefenbach, piano. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 205·5555. ,. > > 3:00: Hart House Music Committee. flissa lee, violin. Great Hall, 7 Hart House Circle. 978·5362. Free. > > 3:00: Soundstreams Canada/CBC Radio Two. University Voices 2000. Ryan: Paint the Light (world premiere); T allis: Spem in alium; Schafer: Credo from Apocalypsis. 12 Canadian university choirs from Victoria, Alberta, Regina, Manitoba, Windsor,. Western Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier, Toronto, Ottawa, Me Gill & Memorial universities, directed by Robert Sund. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter. 593-4828. ,~ > > 3:00: Toronto Chamber Choir. Kaffeemusik: Great Haydn Choruses. Excerpts from The Seasons, Creation, Nelson Mass & Mass in Time of War. Christ Church Deer Park, 1590 Yonge St. 968· 1338. ,. > > 3:00: Toronto Children's Chorus. Northern Passages. Rachmaninoff: Six Choruses Op.15; Sallinen: Songs of the Sea; Suits Grammaticale; Stravinsky: Four Russian Peasant Songs; Rautavaara: Suits de Lorca; works by Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev & Wessman. Guest: Edmonton Children's Choir; strings & percussion; Anne Mclntyre & Jean Ashworth Bartle, conductors. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. East. 932·8666 ext.111. to , to (st/sr). • High Park Choirs of Toronto • BachChiloren's Chorus + Guelph Youtf) Sing~rs • Mississauga Children'$ & Youth Choirs • RiverdaleYouth Singer'S +St. Mary's ... · · +Amabile Boys Choir > > 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Roy Thomson Hall. See November 4. > > 7:00: North Toronto Institute of Music.leaside Concert Series: Antonis General, piano. Music by Mozart, Prokofieff, Grieg & Chopin. Leaside Presbyterian Church, 670 Eglinton Ave. East. 488·2588. ,. Monday November 06 > > 8:00: Massey Hall New Music Festival. flmer lseler Singers/Evergreen Club Contemporary Game/an. Luedeke: Disasters of the Sun; Locklair: Tapestries; Grau: Stabat Mater; Weinzweig: Prisoner of Conscience ·In the Arms of Morpheus; Nystedt: 0 Crux. Lydia Adams, conductor. 15 Shuter. 217·0537. ,. O~~~~ CHAMBER ~Studio SERIES James Ehnes, violin and Wendy Chen, piano Monday, November 6, 2000 8:00pm > > 8:00: OnStage at Glenn Gould Studio. James Ehnes, violin & Wendy Chen, piano. 250 Front St. West. 205·5555. . > > 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Richard Margison, tenor. Music by Puccini, Verdi & Massenet. Canadian Opera Company orchestra; Richard Bradshaw, conductor. 60 Simcoe St. 872-4255. ·. > > 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society/Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma. Wurlitzer Pops! at Casa loma. Oan Bellomy, organ. 1 Austin Terrace. 870·8000. .50. . Tuesday November 07 > > 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. lunch Hours at St. James:· Kevin Komisaruk, organ. 65 Church St. 364· 7865. Free. > > 8:00: Hannaford Street Silver Band/Esprit. Urban Exchange. Peters: The Seven Gates of Kur (premiere); Kucharzyk: Concerto for Violin & Brass Band (premiere); Daniel: T rope ....for orchestra (premiere). A lain T rude!, trombone; Marie Berard, violin; Alex Pauk, conductor. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter. 598·3375. , (group rates). > > 8:00: Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. Trev John. Music from his debut album Standpoint. Benefit concert for the Alzheimers Society. 130 Navy St. 416 410 4379 Oakville. 905·815·2021. .99. - - > > 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Dracula: h 34 Wholenote OCTOBER 1, 2000 • NOVEMBER 7, 2000 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------~-e_M_u_sk_a_n_d_n_7m_. _19_3_1_fi_lm_c_la_ss_ic_w_it __
Bela Lugosi; original music by Glass; Philip Glass & Kronos Quartet, performers. 60 Simcoe St. 872-4255. to . > > 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Music. What Dreams May Come. Music for voice & string quartet by Wagner, Buhr, Freedman & Satie. Margaret Evans, soprano; Lori Klassen, mezzo soprano; Geoffrey Butler, tenor; members of Talisker Players. Trinity-SI. Paul's Church, 427 Bloor St. West. 466-1800. to . > > 8:30: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Small Jazz Ensembles. Waiter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 978-3744. Free. FURTHER · AFIEi.D . (but within easy travelling distance of the GTAJ: Sunday October 01 > > 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival. Ouartet Concert. Musicians from She loves Me give a classical concert. Festival Theatre lobby, Niagara-on-the-Lake. 1-800-511-7 429. Free. > > 7:30: Beach Arts Centre Georgina. Golden Harvest Festival Arkady Yanivkar, violin; Craig Winters, piano; Mirela Taraj, soprano. Stephen Leacock Theatre, 130 Gwendolyn Blvd., Keswick. 905-4 76-01 93. ,. Thursday October 05 > > 1 0:15am: City of Hamilton/ American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival· Jeremy Thompson, piano. Liszt: Sonetto 123 del Petrarca; Venezia e Napoli: Gondoliera, Canzone, Tarantella. Convocation Hall, McMaster University. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. Olincludes all morning session events). > > 11 :20am: City of Hamilton/ American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival: lieder Recital Liszt: Three Sonetti del Petrarca. Roland Fix, baritone; Mark Payne, piano. Convocation Hall, McMaster University. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. O(includes all morning session events). > > 2:00: Sanderson Centre. Men of the Deeps. All-male choir of coal miners. 88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 1-800-265-0710. ,; (stlsr). > > 3:15: City of Hamilton/American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival· Piano Gala. Music by Bellini/Liszt, Verdi/ Liszt, Donizettilliszt & Rossinilliszt. William Aide, Nadejda Vlaeva, Vladimir Leyetchkiss, Nancy Roldan, Tom Mastroianni & Daniel Glover, piano. Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. O(includes all afternoon session events). > > 8:00: City of Hamilton/American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival· Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. Wagner: Prelude to Die Meistersinger; Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto #3 in d; Dvorak: Symphony #7 in d. Ann Schein, piano; David Lloyd Jones, conductor. Hamilton Place, 1 Summers Lane. 905-526-6556. -, -(stlsr). > > 8:00: Heinar Piller Productions. Wrinkles. Musical revue. Douglas Chamberlain, Corinne Conley, Gary Krawford, Denise Fergusson, Judy Marshak & Brian McKay, performers. Brampton Heritage Theatre, 86 Main St. North, Brampton. 905-874-7.800. For complete run see Music Theatre listings. Friday October 06 > > 1 O:OOam: City of Hamilton/ American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival· Marguerite Wolf{, piano in Recital. Chopin: Ballade in g; Liszt: 2 Etudes; Valse Impromptu; Valse Melancolique; Gounodl Liszt: Waltz from the opera Faust. Convocation Hall, McMaster University. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. (includes all morning session events). > > 2:30: City of Hamilton/American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival: liszt & Bach Piano & Organ Gala. Mayor Robert Morrow & lan Sadler, organ; Joseph Banowetz, Gordon Rumson, Nadejda Vlaeva, Marina Belova, Gila Goldstein & other pianists. Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. O(includes all afternoon session events). > > 8:00: City of Hamilton/American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival· Hiromi Dkada, piano in Recital. Music by Liszt. Convocation Hall, McMaster University. 905-525-9140 ext.2367 4. O(includes all evening session events). Saturday October 07 > > 1 0:30am: City of Hamilton/ American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival: lieder Recital. Songs by Liszt. Janet Obermeyer, soprano; Leslie De'Ath, piano. Centenary United Church, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.2367 4. O(includes all morning session events). > > 11 :30am: City of Hamilton/ American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival· Homage to Hungary. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsodies #s 12 & 15. Valerie Tryon, piano. Centenary United Church, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. O(includes all morning session events). > > 3:00: City of Hamilton/American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival: /an Sad/er, organ, in Recital. Liszt: Variations on Weinen, Klagen, Zorgen, Sagen. Christ's Church Cathedral, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. (includes all afternoon session events). > > 3:30: City of Hamilton/American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival: John laing Singers. Liszt: Via Crucis. Janet Obermeyer, soprano; I an Sadler, organ; John Laing, conductor. Christ's Church Cathedral. Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. (includes all afternoon session events). > > 8:00: Arkell Schoolhouse. Rivka Go/ani, viola. 843 Watson Rd., South Arkell. 519-763-7528. . > > 1:30: City of Hamilton/American Liszt Society. Great Romantics Festival: The Young Romantics. Concert by Artists of Tomorrow. McMaster University Faculty Club, Hamilton. 905-525-9140 ext.23674. Wednesday October 11 > > 2:00 & 8:00: Tivoli Theatre. A Chorus line. Sanderson Centre, 88 Dalhousie Street, Brantford. 1-800-265- 0710. ,,( st/sr). Friday October 13 > > 8:00: Hamilton Theatre Inc. Very Vaudeville! Studio Theatre, 140 MacNab St. North, Hamilton. 905-522-3032. . For complete run see Music Theatre listings. , > > 8:00: Sanderson Centre. The Ennis Sisters. East Coast music. 88 Dalhousie Street, Brantford. 1-800-265-0710. ,,( stlsr). Saturday October 14 > > 7:30: Lydian Wind'Ensemble. Fall Concert. Free Methodist Church, 1 915 Rossland Rd. East, Whitby. 905-666-3169. > > 8:00: Arkell Schoolhouse. fan Tamblyn: musician, songwriter, playwright. 843 Watson Rd., South Arkell. 519-763- 7528. . > > 8:00: Opera Ontario. Puccini: Madama Butterfly. Cynthia Lawrence, Odette Beaupre, Miguel Olano, John Avey & other performers; Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra; Daniel Lipton, conductor. Great Hall, Hamilton Place, 1 Summers Lzne, Hamilton. 1-800-575-1381. -79. For complete run see Music Theatre listings. > > 8:00: Renaissance Singers. Millennium. Celebration of Canadian music at the end of the second millennium. Richard Cunningham, conductor. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 54 Queen St. Kitchener. 519-745-0675. Sunday October 15 > > 1:30: McMichael Canadian Art Collection. Tom Dowling, clarinet in Recital. 10365 Islington, Kleinburg. 905- 893-1121. ,(stlsr), (family), children under 5 free. > > 7:30: Centenary United Church, Hamilton. Pipes Spectacular! Bach: Toccata & Fugue in d; Widor: Toccata from Symphony V; Handel: Let the Bright Seraphim; Tartini: Trumpet Concerto; work by Teeuwsen. Christiaan Teeuwsen, organ; Eric Schultz, trumpet; Stephanie Kramer, soprano. 24 Main St. West, Hamilton. 905- 336-0294. , O(advance); , (door). Friday October 20 > > 8:15: Te Deum Orchestra. A Flourish of Trumpets. Biber: Sonata #1 for Two Trumpets & Strings; Vivaldi: Concerto in C for Two Trumpets & Strings; Purcell: Suite from Abdelazar; Handel: Overture to Berenice; Torelli: Sonata for Trumpet & Strings. Heather Tucker & Len Hanna, baroque trumpets; Richard Birney-Smith, harpsichord/conductor. 8:00: Pre-concert chat with Richard Birney- Smith. Christ's Church Cathedral, 252 James St. North, Hamilton. 1- 800-263-0320. ,, (children under 12). Wainberg· Tatz, piano. 843 Watson Rd., South Arkell. 519-763-7528. . > > 8:00: Lindsay Concert Foundation. Andrti laP/ante, piano. In collaboration with Piano Six. Frost Theatre, Sir Sandford Fleming College, lindsay. 705-328·0587. ,. Wednesday October 25 > > 8:00: Theatre Aquarius. Dn Albert Street. Books & lyrics by Maryjane Cruise; music by Glenn Morley & Maryjane Cruise. Play with music (world premiere). 1 90 King William St., Hamilton. 1-800-465· 7529. -. See Music Theatre Listings. . Friday October 27 > > 8:00: Words and Music. ladies Night: The Songs of Great Female Song Writers. Eileen March, Cathy Lyons & Brad Halls, vocalists. Victoria Hall Concert Hall, 55 King St. West, Cobourg. 905-372- 2210. .50. Saturday October 28 > > 8:00: Arkell Schoolhouse. Emperor String Ouartet. 843 Watson Rd., South Arkell. 51 9-763-7528. . > > 8:00: Brampton Symphony Orchestra. A Cruise Down the Rhine. Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto #2 in c; Schumann: Symphony #3 in E flat. Stephanie Shih-yu Cheng, piano; Paolo Bellomia, conductor. Heritage Theatre, 86 Main St. North, Brampton. 905-874-2800. > > 8:00: Words and Music. ladies Night: The Songs of Great Female Song Writers. Victoria Hall Concert Hall. See October 27. Thursday November 02 > > 2:00 & 8:00: MelodyMakers. Hitz of the Blitz. Variety style show featuring '40's songs. Heritage Theatre, 86 Main St. North, Brampton. 905-874-2800. . . Saturday November 04 > > 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. Way Out West. Copland: Billy the Kid & Rodeo (excerpts); Grofe: Grand Canyon Suite; medley of Western themes from television. David Seldon, photographer; Michael Reason, conductor. Great Hall, Hamilton Place, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton. 905-526-6556. -, -(srlst). HoNOURABLE MENTION Artword Theatre. Eugene's Sunday Series. Ongoing Sunday evening improvisational series of new music, media & collaborations, organized by composer/performer Eugene Martynec. 75 Portland St. 408- 2783. . • October 8, 15, 22, 29; November 5: 8:00 Elora Mill Country Inn. Sunday afternoon performances in the Penstock Lounge. 2:00 S~turday October 21 . to 4:00. 519-846-5356. No cover. • October 1: Ashes of Eden > > 8:00: Arkell Schoolhouse. Golda *October 8: Failte: Celtic music OCTOBER 1, 2000 - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 Wholenote 35